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Old 20-03-2009, 05:20 PM
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Re: What's an acceptable "magic number"?

The truth always hurts! If you can't take the truth...DUN ASK! Simple fact!

As an asian man myself...I totally understand what your friend is going through in his mind but I think your friend does not really understand himself in a way. Man always are self-fish! What the man can do, the ladies are not allowed unlike the ang moh (Always 2 sides to the coin). Again this is a matter of culture and how each perceives and conceive to an impression and later becomes their believe. No right and wrong for this topic...I hope! ? Have been Trying for so many agonising years, still haven't get it right.

Rule of the thumb:
1. Know what you want!
2. Find what you want!
3. Get what you want!

After all these years of going in and out of relationships and seeing successful and unsuccessful relationship, somehow found this logic is very logical. Alot of times problems are not looking for us but WE like to look for problems lah. Till now I can only talk this shit well and I am still strugglin to keep myself afloat LOL...Practice makes Perfect!

If you like a Good girl type then dun expect her to read up from some "How-To-Do-It" book off the shelf to become the monster you desire in bed...Sex is something that is always about the Physical Exprience, Personal Touch and lastly Pornography! Lol...Human learn better through mimicking!

Last edited by ilovebigtits; 20-03-2009 at 05:32 PM.
Old 20-03-2009, 10:03 PM
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Re: What's an acceptable "magic number"?

I dun see why he takes it as such a big deal. For me, there is no magic number, as I am always "FOR" pre-martial sex or free enjoyable sex.

First of all, if she can have sex with so many partners, minimum thing is, she is attractive. Next, she enjoys sex, rather than feeling painful all the time like some unfortunate girls.

secondly, who is he to judge?

lastly, I think what is important is that the sex is good between them, they loved and enjoy each other, and each others companionship. Doesn't matter whether she is divorced or make out with a dozen guys in a month.

My 2 cents worth.
Old 20-03-2009, 10:13 PM
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Re: What's an acceptable "magic number"?

Yeah, used to bother so much about numbers. But as I grew older, I come to realise past is past. If we think about the past, it is very difficult to lead a happy relationship.
Old 20-03-2009, 10:29 PM
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Re: What's an acceptable "magic number"?

Be cool bros.. just be cool headed man.. if u sleep around, how can u expect the gal to keep her virginity for so long? and just for you only?

Don't bother abt such matters if u really truly love her.
Old 20-03-2009, 11:31 PM
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Cool Re: What's an acceptable "magic number"?

The most important thing is that none of her ex is yr friend....Or they may mock at u for wearing their old sock.....sorry guys
Or worst, yr gal has some naked pic taken with her ex!!!!!
It will definitely come back to haunt u!!!!
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Old 20-03-2009, 11:56 PM
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Re: What's an acceptable "magic number"?

Maybe she might be lying also . Maybe more than 6
Old 21-03-2009, 12:04 AM
feber feber is offline
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Re: What's an acceptable "magic number"?

Guess the truth always hurt. All guys have this secret fetish of wanting their wives to sample only their dicks in their lifetime. Ignorance is always a bliss. The more you know, the more you perturbed you get... For what?
Old 21-03-2009, 01:42 AM
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Re: What's an acceptable "magic number"?

does it really matter? all your friend wants is sex and no more than that and..

A pussy is still a pussy no matter how many dicks have explored it before..=)
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Old 21-03-2009, 06:09 AM
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Re: What's an acceptable "magic number"?

If your fren can't get over her "magic number", then she would be better off without him! Else, he will always have this at the back of his mind bothering him every now and then.

Speaking of this, how abt those who married ex-wls??? I really admire them as it's a path few dare to thread and carry on. Just imagine the emo part and it's damn heavy already.

But then, it's the past and can ur fren change it? No??? Then, y not work towards the future he has with the girl lah!

Just tell ur fren..... so wat she had those prev partners??? The key word is "was". Your fren is enjoying "now" and all the prev partners is just envy......

1 last thing....... if your fren fucks around, how can he ever expect to find a gal with minimal exp?? If he really can, then good lor.... else just move on lah!
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Old 21-03-2009, 08:44 AM
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Re: What's an acceptable "magic number"?

At least the gal is honest with him. She could had act innocent and said zero or one. Will that make him happy?
What matters most is not how many previous sex partners the gal had. The most important thing is whether she got "tao jiak" when they are an item.
If yes, then ask your friend to continue to fuck her like a FB and look for another "more innocent" gal as a life time partner.
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Old 21-03-2009, 09:31 AM
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Re: What's an acceptable "magic number"?

Does it matters?

You CAN'T change her past BUT you can only change her future ...
Old 21-03-2009, 10:02 AM
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Re: What's an acceptable "magic number"?

Personally I think a smart woman shld just keep her mouth shut. If she has to tell just say 1 or 2 maybe even 3 but 6, I think most guys will feel abit uneasy. Though we are no angels but we still hope, think or feel our babe is not a slut and sleep around.
Old 21-03-2009, 12:27 PM
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Re: What's an acceptable "magic number"?

From guy's point of view, magic no. for gals will be '0' while for guys will be infinity..... Dun ask, ignorance is bliss.... juz tell urself 我是她的最终.
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