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Polls They say the stats never lie! Place your polls here and discover whether your behaviour and opinions are mainstream or on the fringes of extreme perversion.

View Poll Results: Would u visit a PRC prostitute who has serviced an indian/malay
yes, it's a hole anyway 116 65.54%
no, keep her far away! 61 34.46%
Voters: 177. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 11-12-2009, 01:00 PM
billgates billgates is offline
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Re: would u visit a PRC prostitute who has done an indian/malay customer?

How about arabs and blacks? And how in the world would u know who the whore has serviced? She shows you her list of customers?

Anyway if u r paranoid about whose dick has entered the same hole that u r going to place yr dick in, forget abt visiting whores (because they r like public toilets as someone said). And there is no such thing as an exclusive "hole" that only a certain coloured dick can enter. Anyone with money can enter, that's the whole concept of whoring.

Go get a gf or a wife instead.
Old 11-12-2009, 01:37 PM
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Re: would u visit a PRC prostitute who has done an indian/malay customer?


Do you know whom the whore had slept yesterday? or many days before? It is obvious.

Every whore you bed could have bedded many more men from elsewhere, you never heard of.

A whore opens her legs wide to anyone who give money. It is business. Nothing to do with race.

Your thoughts are really unwelcomed here.
I will have headache if I dont see a strange piece of pussy every day

Old 11-12-2009, 01:55 PM
devil81 devil81 is offline
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Re: would u visit a PRC prostitute who has done an indian/malay customer?

who care is a Indians or malay boy fuck PRC also boy ma indians n malay boy also need to fuck ma u mean only chinese boy can fuck PRC ma mean tat i can nt fuck malay gal lo who love to fuck malay gal lo all the indians or malay boy need to fuck 1 ma got hole can fuck liao lo
Old 11-12-2009, 03:16 PM
starcrosser starcrosser is offline
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Re: would u visit a PRC prostitute who has done an indian/malay customer?

I visit based on looks and FR not by who she get as clients.
Old 14-12-2009, 06:30 PM
batugajah batugajah is offline
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Re: would u visit a PRC prostitute who has done an indian/malay customer?

my response will be ...the whore has the right to choose the cock or you have the right to choose the hole also but nobody know the hole was ever beded with what kind of ppl before? They way you ask this kind of questions sure will kena hot soup!! This is between the seller and the buyer where you can`t interfere.
Old 14-12-2009, 11:32 PM
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Re: would u visit a PRC prostitute who has done an indian/malay customer?

Why not?

I would zap u too, if my points are there...
Old 16-12-2009, 12:16 AM
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Re: would u visit a PRC prostitute who has done an indian/malay customer?


prostitute are in this line for the money, doesn't matter where it comes from. yes there are those that pick and choose their clientele, but at the end of the day, u never know who they have been with.

So yes, i would visit a WL that has done with men that are other then chinese.

and frankly, those PRC GL street walkers stable income from foreign workers.
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Old 16-12-2009, 12:40 AM
IdontKnow IdontKnow is offline
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Re: would u visit a PRC prostitute who has done an indian/malay customer?

Bradders support option 2!!!
Old 16-12-2009, 12:45 PM
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Re: would u visit a PRC prostitute who has done an indian/malay customer?

why not? Indians / Malays are guys also. They also paid for the services. If the PRC chooses to service them, its her own choice, just like how we have a choice not to visit her.
1)Do not PM me for numbers of FRs that I have posted if I am not the TS.
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Up my points, and I will reciprocate.

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Old 17-12-2009, 02:46 AM
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Re: would u visit a PRC prostitute who has done an indian/malay customer?

This TS is a fucktard (obviously) trying to stir racial comments. Just wanted to stir clear of this.

What I found even more surprising was the result of the poll..........?
Theres actually people that would not fuck a prostitute who has had sex with an indian/malay customer? Wtf?

All these people knn I hope if you got a wife one day she tells you before she got married she had an indian/malay boyfriend then can go lan lan suck thumb
Old 17-12-2009, 04:04 AM
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Re: would u visit a PRC prostitute who has done an indian/malay customer?

This thread suggest a racist attitude.
Race does not matter. There are clean and dirty persons in every race.
But I will stay away from a gal if I knew she went with someone who has some kind of disease.

B.t.w.: in my veins I have Chinese, North-Indian, Indonesian/Malay blood running!
Old 19-12-2009, 01:05 AM
IdontKnow IdontKnow is offline
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Re: would u visit a PRC prostitute who has done an indian/malay customer?

murali please enlighten our brothers here!!
Old 19-12-2009, 08:43 AM
WahLan WahLan is offline
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Re: would u visit a PRC prostitute who has done an indian/malay customer?

i'm not entirely sure this poll was started just to fan racist attitudes. it does however underscore the bias in those who voted option 2.

even in this day and age, you'll think that people would know better.
Old 19-12-2009, 11:58 AM
joegoody joegoody is offline
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Re: would u visit a PRC prostitute who has done an indian/malay customer?


I think those who voted for option 2 are merely stating their preference and their rights to be bias.
Just like the rest of us, anti-option 2, have the right to label them racist, idiots, etc.

How would the option-2s know that these PRC prostitutes had done an Indian or a Malay? Ask them?
I don't think anyone had done it before but they are welcome to proof me wrong by opening a new thread
It would be amazing if we have someone who actually believe these prostitutes.

In the end, as in most cyber forum, they hide behind their anonymity and dabble with racist remarks; sometimes delighting in the reaction from others.
The sad part is, this is not just any cyber forum.
And we do not need racism to rear its ugly head here.

TS may say this is just a poll and he does not intend to be bias or racist.
This is scary, being a racist and yet ignorant about it at the same time.
Old 19-12-2009, 08:19 PM
IdontKnow IdontKnow is offline
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Re: would u visit a PRC prostitute who has done an indian/malay customer?

I will sprint and run away. as fast as possible!
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