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Old 12-10-2011, 09:26 AM
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Re: How do you control your sexual urge?

TS you have kids yet? If yes then your wife sex drive will drop after gibing birth..

Talk to her, find out what's bothering her.. A marraige is not aleays about sex..

"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy"
Old 12-10-2011, 11:37 AM
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Re: How do you control your sexual urge?

Personally, I believe that there are many possible reasons why couples rarely have sex or stop having it altogether. But honestly, I think that the reason of kids is more of a convenient excuse than a real one.

I strongly believe that the primary reason is the lost of love/interest in the other. I'm of the opinion that priority in a marriage should always be towards one's spouse and not the kids or job, etc. So, when one's spouse start giving the 101 excuses for not having sex, it simply means that his/her priorities are all wrong.

For those who still get sex once a week or even once a month, do note that there are many out there who are worse off. True that it's less than ideal, but at least your spouse still has you in his/her heart and that can be worked on

As for those who rarely have sex, this is a very serious issue not to be taken lightly. I've been there and know 1st hand the consequences
Old 12-10-2011, 12:19 PM
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Re: How do you control your sexual urge?

Originally Posted by LovePotion View Post
Yup, if you face a dead fish, its over.

The only way is to stop watching porn because it will increase your urge.

Worst case, you must think of ways to make your dead fish alive. Maybe you can plan a romantic occassion then have a long sex with her. If she likes it, she will demand more from you.

You can come my shop, i can teach you some tricks to turn her on, or maybe come up with ideas. (Provided you purchase some toy from me ^^)
later buy toys and play on myself
Old 12-10-2011, 12:20 PM
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Re: How do you control your sexual urge?

Originally Posted by bunnyrabbit View Post
TS you have kids yet? If yes then your wife sex drive will drop after gibing birth..

Talk to her, find out what's bothering her.. A marraige is not aleays about sex..


1 kid, 4 years old
Old 12-10-2011, 12:22 PM
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Re: How do you control your sexual urge?

Originally Posted by lyulka View Post
I will say DIY comfirm will lower sexual urge.

Maybe I am trying to gain pity with my story. But I have a feeling that no one's OC can be as bad as mine.

My OC super low sex drive. If I can do once every month, that is considered lucky.

Most of the time, she will say too tired. Or just brush me off. Even I try something, she will just find some excuse and etc.

Other than that, she can piss me off until I have zero mood for sex or Pulse rate reach an unhealthy level.

Few days ago, I tried to initiate something. And Guess what? She actually wear track pants to sleep.

I have reach a stage whereby I am willing to do anything for my wife for BJ and sex. Even If she dead fish, read newspaper while doing or Sleeping I also don't mind. But I am not getting it.

Only relieve I have is DIY, Clothing and lingerie fetish and some beginner photoshop skills. (Photoshop my colluege, sis in law pics and friends for DIY)

Some may ask why not FL? Well First I Kiasi. plus thanks to my wife. Any negative attitude from any FL is enough for me to go Soft.(tried locally and overseas before. Unless any FL can garanteed some professional attitude. I usually will not try.)
this is true, $ spent, do not equal to service received

Any negative attitude from any FL is enough for me to go Soft.(tried locally and overseas before. Unless any FL can garanteed some professional attitude. I usually will not try.)
Old 12-10-2011, 03:18 PM
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Re: How do you control your sexual urge?

Seems like I am not alone...

Wife super turn off on bed... dead fish... not active at all... give me the feeling that she just want to get it over and done with... I think I feel more sextisfied with DIY... so sad...
Old 12-10-2011, 03:36 PM
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Re: How do you control your sexual urge?

after seeing all our senior feedback.. is it true when married till a certain years,wife will turn off easily.
Old 12-10-2011, 04:17 PM
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Re: How do you control your sexual urge?

What do you do when you are hungry? Control?
Old 12-10-2011, 05:11 PM
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Re: How do you control your sexual urge?

I think this is damn stupid but maybe it works. You go buy spanish fly or vigra for your wife to turn her on? Otherwise get her drunk to make her have the feel of having sex. This is the worst case, if not you will not have sex from now on....
Old 12-10-2011, 08:05 PM
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Re: How do you control your sexual urge?

Originally Posted by lyulka View Post
I will say DIY comfirm will lower sexual urge.

Maybe I am trying to gain pity with my story. But I have a feeling that no one's OC can be as bad as mine.

My OC super low sex drive. If I can do once every month, that is considered lucky.

Most of the time, she will say too tired. Or just brush me off. Even I try something, she will just find some excuse and etc.

Other than that, she can piss me off until I have zero mood for sex or Pulse rate reach an unhealthy level.

Few days ago, I tried to initiate something. And Guess what? She actually wear track pants to sleep.

I have reach a stage whereby I am willing to do anything for my wife for BJ and sex. Even If she dead fish, read newspaper while doing or Sleeping I also don't mind. But I am not getting it.

Only relieve I have is DIY, Clothing and lingerie fetish and some beginner photoshop skills. (Photoshop my colluege, sis in law pics and friends for DIY)

Some may ask why not FL? Well First I Kiasi. plus thanks to my wife. Any negative attitude from any FL is enough for me to go Soft.(tried locally and overseas before. Unless any FL can garanteed some professional attitude. I usually will not try.)
your case same as mine man. I have already given up on it though, i will just find sex somewhere else.
Old 12-10-2011, 09:43 PM
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Re: How do you control your sexual urge?

another sad case here too...

sex dwindling down...wifey doesnt initiate anymore...
sometimes when i think of the effort to initiate and zero returns...i might as go for commercial sex or pcc...
Old 12-10-2011, 09:46 PM
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Re: How do you control your sexual urge?

some people get sex toys to help them to enjoy DIY more
Old 12-10-2011, 10:12 PM
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Re: How do you control your sexual urge?

Originally Posted by stone08 View Post
another sad case here too...

sex dwindling down...wifey doesnt initiate anymore...
sometimes when i think of the effort to initiate and zero returns...i might as go for commercial sex or pcc...
So so true......
Old 13-10-2011, 12:31 AM
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Re: How do you control your sexual urge?

i think that porn, sex toys, DIY, or FLs don't quench the urge, justing seemingly relieves oneself temporary but in fact fuels it. I think talking about it, letting it out to someone whom u trust and feel comfortable with solves the problem in the long run, though it may be hard to resist the temptation to opt for the quick relieve methods mentioned.
Old 13-10-2011, 06:49 AM
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Re: How do you control your sexual urge?

My opinion after 13years of marriage.

Me and my wife hit a dull moment after 5 years of marriage and sex was just a routine. Last straw I had was when she uttered, come on just get it over with!!!

We quarreled a lot until we were not in talking term. Then we somehow met a realization that marriage will not work out if there is not communication and understanding, sex was secondary after which we found out that in pursuit of $$$ we forgo the pursuit of affection.

Both of us resign from our high paying job which takes a lot of our time and we did backpacking for about a year, I soon found my long lost wife n my lover.

After that, we started a new career, and make a point of one or twice a week, to know each other better like doing simple things together doing chores or going out for exercise together.

Our sex life was getting better and raunchy.

Then we decided to start a family, we talked about it and was forewarn that sex will ultimately decline as priority will goes to our kids. After my 1st child, my wife loss her libido until I did not have sex with her for 7 months. I DIY and I tried a FL but my satisfaction wasn't met and I felt guilty about it.

I talked to my wife, she reluctantly give in for me but I stopped and told her I wouldn't touch her if she's unwilling. We seek help, wd asked our parents to take care of our kid once or twice a week for us to have some time together which doesn't necessarily lead to sex. It worked!!!

Soon we start to have raunchy sex and quickie at anywhere or anytime were top of our mind when comes to sex. We became closer again and we were blessed with a second child after 3 years. It wasn't planned.

My wife decided not to work anymore. We had to make a lot of adjustment in our lifestyle especially spending wise.

Once after the basic necessity are met, it's mother nature and instincts, sex will come last.

So we get our parents and siblings help to help take care of the kids so that we have time on our own which I emphasize doesn't always end up with sex.
But when a women is ready and relax, I believe they will become a fox again..

My advise bro, talk and communicate, even our dr said when comes to kids, the sex drive will drop especially mothers. N please whenever possible, we men try not to label them (wife) negatively. Once we are negative towards them, it will be the same to us.

Just imagine, u go out hire the most beautiful and horniest and solid body FL with rave review, you pay her, tell her "hurry up fuck me, make me a happy man", do you think you'll get a good service?

Sorry for the long reply, just voicing my opinion.
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