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Old 14-09-2013, 04:46 PM
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Re: Hanky Panky in SCHOOLS

Originally Posted by Benong1975 View Post
wa....u like izzit...
Ahh, school sex lei... Wahlanz, fetish lei! U never fantasize bonking in school before meh?
Old 15-09-2013, 12:53 AM
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Re: Hanky Panky in SCHOOLS

Originally Posted by natsuki View Post
Ahh, school sex lei... Wahlanz, fetish lei! U never fantasize bonking in school before meh?
nat sis~ bring abg to ur sec sch during events, then find a empty classroom to fufil ur dream
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Old 15-09-2013, 03:09 AM
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Re: Hanky Panky in SCHOOLS

handjob and blowjob in poly toilet
Old 15-09-2013, 04:24 AM
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Re: Hanky Panky in SCHOOLS

Originally Posted by zzdiaozz View Post
nat sis~ bring abg to ur sec sch during events, then find a empty classroom to fufil ur dream
LoLx~ Sadly, my school got demolished... The very very old sch compound look too scary to enter as well... LoLx~ U say so loud about my abg, jia liatz... Very hard to sian tar bao liao like that... Shh~

But actually hor, after my postings here, I received a pm from a kid (He claimed he just passed his 16th Bday last month....), he invite m to his school sia... But however, it's boy's school lei... 16.... I scare tio sue lei... Any teachers around? ^^
Old 15-09-2013, 04:45 AM
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Re: Hanky Panky in SCHOOLS

To be frank, I don't have any experience in school but when I was in sec 3/4 I was seated at the front row and I always turn back to look at one of my classmate zaogeng with her variety of panty.

Everyone share more about your experiences! And write in more details like how and where u did it ^^
Old 15-09-2013, 04:53 AM
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Re: Hanky Panky in SCHOOLS

Originally Posted by natsuki View Post
LoLx~ Sadly, my school got demolished... The very very old sch compound look too scary to enter as well... LoLx~ U say so loud about my abg, jia liatz... Very hard to sian tar bao liao like that... Shh~

But actually hor, after my postings here, I received a pm from a kid (He claimed he just passed his 16th Bday last month....), he invite m to his school sia... But however, it's boy's school lei... 16.... I scare tio sue lei... Any teachers around? ^^
just go for it,suck him dry....
lai lai lai,lai west side lim kopi
lim bei ang mo bo ho,so better mai kee hu wu ok
Old 15-09-2013, 06:02 AM
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Re: Hanky Panky in SCHOOLS

Originally Posted by Benong1975 View Post
just go for it,suck him dry....
If want, also must use my pussy or fats to squeeze him dry, not suck him dry... Too wasted to suck finish u know...
Old 15-09-2013, 09:30 AM
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Re: Hanky Panky in SCHOOLS

Nowadays keep got teacher scandal, later do halfway kena caught by teacher he say want join in how? Hahaha
Old 15-09-2013, 10:06 AM
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Re: Hanky Panky in SCHOOLS

want to fulfill your fantasy? I can lend you this.
Old 15-09-2013, 05:38 PM
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Re: Hanky Panky in SCHOOLS

perhaps something like this?
Old 15-09-2013, 10:09 PM
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Re: Hanky Panky in SCHOOLS

Ok rahs , xiao di start the kiu rolling. But I'm not involved la , I already responsible for peeking.

Back when I was in primary school , I once spotted two teachers going at it pretty furiously behind the hall (you know how only prefects and teachers are usually allowed right?). I just finished my holiday supplementary (bobian , failed chinese) and was on the way to the school gate.

Then as I passed by the hall through the sides to get to the staircase right beside it , I saw two shadows behind the curtains of the hall. Thinking it was just a few of the lower primary kids , I paid no attention to it but I soon heard some interesting noises and decided to check it out. I then sneaked towards the staff/prefects only entrance that led straight to the back of the hall.

Heng it was unlocked as I slowly turned the handle downwards and peeked inside. Nope , still didn't saw them as I dropped my bag at the entrance and tip-toed inside. Thats when I saw it as I immediately hid behind the curtain ( you know how the hall curtain is damn fucking big and long right ? )

Once in a while , I would peek at them as it was my english teacher , Mrs Ang , and another new male teacher (relief maybe ? never see him before). His hands would autoroam around hers and melodies would come out. I guess they weren't expecting anyone to actually see them since they were well hidden at the other side of the curtains as well.

But ya , after his hands roamed around for awhile , the voices suddenly stopped as my eyes opened wide in surprise. This time hong gan liao , what if they catch me here ? I wasn't supposed to be here and what would they do if they ever caught me catching them in the action ? Somemore Mrs Ang married leh! (duh)

Bobian , that time still young (primary 4 nia) , scared kena caught bo qiu continue peeking as I sneaked back out. Taking one last peek at them , the new teacher already positioned his marikita-ed flag at her hairy pussy and fucked her dip dip. I then fled the scene. And the next day during English remedials (scumbag Mrs Ang demands everyone to come back -.-) , it was beyond awkward as I could never see her in the same light again.

Every time she spoke and taught us the chim words , I can only hear her moans instead. And yes , when I grew older (secondary school days) and went back to visit for teachers day. I can only regret not watching more sia. She was quite a MILF but when I got into sec 3 , she quit teaching at that school already. Dunno why. (She was about 27++ I think when I saw her)
Old 16-09-2013, 12:37 AM
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Re: Hanky Panky in SCHOOLS

Originally Posted by natsuki View Post
LoLx~ Sadly, my school got demolished... The very very old sch compound look too scary to enter as well... LoLx~ U say so loud about my abg, jia liatz... Very hard to sian tar bao liao like that... Shh~

But actually hor, after my postings here, I received a pm from a kid (He claimed he just passed his 16th Bday last month....), he invite m to his school sia... But however, it's boy's school lei... 16.... I scare tio sue lei... Any teachers around? ^^
sry to spoil ur plans haiyo my school no upcoming event, if not can ask you!:P
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Old 16-09-2013, 01:42 AM
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Talking Re: Hanky Panky in SCHOOLS

Originally Posted by KiaLaiKiaKe View Post
Ok rahs , xiao di start the kiu rolling. But I'm not involved la , I already responsible for peeking.

Back when I was in primary school , I once spotted two teachers going at it pretty furiously behind the hall (you know how only prefects and teachers are usually allowed right?). I just finished my holiday supplementary (bobian , failed chinese) and was on the way to the school gate.

Then as I passed by the hall through the sides to get to the staircase right beside it , I saw two shadows behind the curtains of the hall. Thinking it was just a few of the lower primary kids , I paid no attention to it but I soon heard some interesting noises and decided to check it out. I then sneaked towards the staff/prefects only entrance that led straight to the back of the hall.

Heng it was unlocked as I slowly turned the handle downwards and peeked inside. Nope , still didn't saw them as I dropped my bag at the entrance and tip-toed inside. Thats when I saw it as I immediately hid behind the curtain ( you know how the hall curtain is damn fucking big and long right ? )

Once in a while , I would peek at them as it was my english teacher , Mrs Ang , and another new male teacher (relief maybe ? never see him before). His hands would autoroam around hers and melodies would come out. I guess they weren't expecting anyone to actually see them since they were well hidden at the other side of the curtains as well.

But ya , after his hands roamed around for awhile , the voices suddenly stopped as my eyes opened wide in surprise. This time hong gan liao , what if they catch me here ? I wasn't supposed to be here and what would they do if they ever caught me catching them in the action ? Somemore Mrs Ang married leh! (duh)

Bobian , that time still young (primary 4 nia) , scared kena caught bo qiu continue peeking as I sneaked back out. Taking one last peek at them , the new teacher already positioned his marikita-ed flag at her hairy pussy and fucked her dip dip. I then fled the scene. And the next day during English remedials (scumbag Mrs Ang demands everyone to come back -.-) , it was beyond awkward as I could never see her in the same light again.

Every time she spoke and taught us the chim words , I can only hear her moans instead. And yes , when I grew older (secondary school days) and went back to visit for teachers day. I can only regret not watching more sia. She was quite a MILF but when I got into sec 3 , she quit teaching at that school already. Dunno why. (She was about 27++ I think when I saw her)
Good one! will be better if you could actually provide pictures of your female teacher! will appreciate it alot
Old 16-09-2013, 03:08 PM
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Re: Hanky Panky in SCHOOLS

i like tis 1.. i stil remember the thrills n scare of being caught..
too bad, its already e pass..
Old 16-09-2013, 06:30 PM
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Re: Hanky Panky in SCHOOLS

Originally Posted by UnSextified View Post
Good one! will be better if you could actually provide pictures of your female teacher! will appreciate it alot
Bro cannot la , don't have her facebook leh + suey suey that year class photo never buy if not confirm pcc while thinking of her cheating sia.

Maybe I can try describing her features ?

She's about 1.69m tall (guessing since she's taller than the other female teachers and just a little shorter than the males). Long black straight hair that extends to her middle back and usually dress up classily. About B cup with a fucking slender body even though she already gave birth once. Her nips ah.. Never see properly leh , but the areola not very big la. Quite nice a, little brownish.

Overall got those homely and SYT look. But I guess cannot judge a book by it's cover leh , look so innocent but behind husband back help him wear green hat.
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