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Old 05-08-2005, 09:45 PM
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Re: Romantic Dining Places

Originally Posted by raiders
So, dinner $80 can go where arh? Cosy bay enuff? Cruisine there is western?
Not sure what they serve now, $80 should be able to get something nice there. Remember the lead actor is u and not the food , kekeke.

Do u need choir to help u sing Birthday Song below the tower? kekeke increase ur budget, I will form a group there.

I bet u will she never want to go back Viet again.
Old 05-08-2005, 09:58 PM
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Re: Romantic Dining Places

Originally Posted by LavaLamp
Not sure what they serve now, $80 should be able to get something nice there. Remember the lead actor is u and not the food , kekeke.

Do u need choir to help u sing Birthday Song below the tower? kekeke increase ur budget, I will form a group there.

I bet u will she never want to go back Viet again.

Hehe. No need mah... I have learnt a korean song to sing to her on that night. But really appreciate ur advice. Will up u 1 hour later when my power is back.
Old 05-08-2005, 10:06 PM
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Re: Romantic Dining Places

Originally Posted by raiders
Will up u 1 hour later when my power is back.
Thk bro, pls be gentle when u up me.
Old 05-08-2005, 11:02 PM
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Re: Romantic Dining Places

Originally Posted by raiders

Sorry if my budget is too low. Just started working and therefore cannot spend too much. Hope the brothers here can understand and can give some valuable information. Thanks in advance
No offence,
If your budget is low, then don't ask for atmosphere, want couple massage, want this, want that.

In the real world, there is no such thing such as best of everything and yet price is cheap.

If you just started working, then go to somewhere within your budget, of course you have to compromise with atmosphere. You want atmosphere, then go Les Amis at Botanic Gardens lor. But not within your budget or you can try Flutes at the Fort at Fort Canning Hill.

Your gf also know you just started working, so this year go on something cheaper, nxt year more money go higher class. Every year improve a bit. If one time go so "high end", next time downgrade such chum


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Old 05-08-2005, 11:23 PM
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Re: Romantic Dining Places

Originally Posted by siamcutey
No offence,
If your budget is low, then don't ask for atmosphere, want couple massage, want this, want that.

In the real world, there is no such thing such as best of everything and yet price is cheap.


Heee, yes I know. Thanks for ur advice brother
I will keep that in mind.
Long time never see you. Thanks for dropping by in my thread

- Formerly QingRen (Dunno if u still remembers me)
Old 05-08-2005, 11:28 PM
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Re: Romantic Dining Places

Originally Posted by raiders
I have learnt a korean song to sing to her on that night.
Korean Song? Birthday?
Old 06-08-2005, 12:22 AM
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Re: Romantic Dining Places

An Italian restaurant, call Porta and two door away is a spa call Balik Kampung. It is along the old upper changi road, along the roll of houses opp. the changi prison.

S$100 dinning for 2 at porta can give you very good food and the setting is perfect for romantic dinning.

S$78 for 45minutes in a "ya-ko-chi" bathtug and stream bath for 2
S$50 for 60minutes of message for one.
Old 06-08-2005, 12:23 AM
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Re: Romantic Dining Places

Originally Posted by JinYinJi
Korean Song? Birthday?
Gom semariga han jibe isseo
appa gom eomma gom agi gom
appa gom eun doongdoong hae
eomma gom eun narsshin hae
agi gom en ai gwiyeowo
eusseuk eusseuk jarhanda...

Its a song from the Korean drama FULL HOUSE. Was sung by the female lead Song Hui Qiao in the show. Wanted to learn the OST "OON MYUNG (FATE)" but was too difficult. Now then I realised Korean is so much harder than Japanese language. Plus it din help that the singer WHY (Yes, he is call WHY) seems to be mumbling. Can't catch the whole song except the chorus.
Old 06-08-2005, 12:24 AM
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Re: Romantic Dining Places

Originally Posted by JinYinJi
Korean Song? Birthday?
The 3 Bear Song
Gom semariga han jibe isseo
appa gom eomma gom agi gom
appa gom eun doongdoong hae
eomma gom eun narsshin hae
agi gom en ai gwiyeowo
eusseuk eusseuk jarhanda...

Its a song from the Korean drama FULL HOUSE. Was sung by the female lead Song Hui Qiao in the show. Wanted to learn the OST "OON MYUNG (FATE)" but was too difficult. Now then I realised Korean is so much harder than Japanese language. Plus it din help that the singer WHY (Yes, he is call WHY) seems to be mumbling. Can't catch the whole song except the chorus.
Old 06-08-2005, 12:27 AM
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Re: Romantic Dining Places

Originally Posted by CABLEGUY
An Italian restaurant, call Porta and two door away is a spa call Balik Kampung. It is along the old upper changi road, along the roll of houses opp. the changi prison.

S$100 dinning for 2 at porta can give you very good food and the setting is perfect for romantic dinning.

S$78 for 45minutes in a "ya-ko-chi" bathtug and stream bath for 2
S$50 for 60minutes of message for one.

Woosh, thats the best thing I heard today besides the "I Miss You" baby said to me when she called me just now
Thanks alot brother. Will check it out tml.
Old 06-08-2005, 12:30 AM
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Re: Romantic Dining Places

How about a budget date which won't cost more than $10 and yet is romantic?

Last edited by Doenitz79; 06-08-2005 at 12:40 AM.
Old 06-08-2005, 12:33 AM
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Re: Romantic Dining Places


can try:-

tony romas (sorry don knw hw to spell-bt is the famous ribs). try the branch @ suntec. get the table which faces the koi pond & also near to the kitchen.very quie as far away from the crowd.....

elias park ( if u stay in the east side). dining near the beach is very romantic.there r some seafood restaurant there n also a "Food Court" there.all these r very near to the beach. ther is also a beer garden where they play some sentimental music.

35th storey chinsese restaurant @ mandarin orchard. the decor r very orential.too bad they don allow wedding dinner there f not my wedding dinner woulb be there..hehe.

as for the massage, y don go n do a searh in the web or read up books on some massage skill. after the dinner, u can try some massage for her on the neck or shoulder( at least) after her long & tiring flight in the day.

hope these help.
Old 06-08-2005, 12:36 AM
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Re: Romantic Dining Places

Originally Posted by raiders
Woosh, thats the best thing I heard today besides the "I Miss You" baby said to me when she called me just now
Thanks alot brother. Will check it out tml.

Call them to book for the "ya-ko-chi" bath, they need at least 5 hours to prepare the bath
Old 06-08-2005, 12:39 AM
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Re: Romantic Dining Places

Originally Posted by raiders
Hi all
Oeii ,, u say pay day last Friday jio me lim kopi. KNN now save budget to date GF ahh??
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Old 06-08-2005, 12:40 AM
billy_bonker billy_bonker is offline
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Re: Romantic Dining Places

Au Jardin Les Amis at Botanic Gardens.

It is THE place to go if u want to swoon a girl...... Best if u can somehow get the balcony seat.......7.30pm seating is good 'coz there's still light and twilight starts to set. Service is discreet.

Menu without wine would be from maybe about S$110+++ per person....understand that they run a 3-course set off the ala carte menu for around there. otherwise there's sunday brunch...think it's $68+++ if i'm not wrong.
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