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Old 14-12-2005, 04:30 PM
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Re: Orgies Stories Compilation

"Oh, come on, Karen," said Alya. "Just do something like I did. It was fun. Just pretend you're cheerleading and teasing that special someone..."

"I'll go," said Sandy and jumped up.

"No, no it's my turn," said Karen and blushed. She stood up and moved right in front of me. She was the tallest of the four; 5' 10 was my guess, and statuesque. With her tanned skin she looked like she spent a lot of time outdoors. She too started innocuously with some cutesy poses; then started swaying gently to some imagined music while she lifted her breasts slightly. They were so large and firm that it was almost superfluous to do so, but they had a delightful jiggle.

She closed her eyes and pinched her nipples. They grew long and stiff, standing out like bullets. She loosened the t-shirt and started pulling it up, stopping just under her breasts. Slowly she lifted some more, until the underside of her breasts started to come into view. She moved her upper body and the breasts swayed just a little. She moved her hands down to her waist and over her tummy, heading down to her pussy, blushing again as she did so. She stroked herself softly over her mound, turned around and continued the stroke with her other hand underneath and up the cleft of her ass with a light touch of one finger. I was throbbing by this time. She opened her eyes and looked at my prick, pleased with the reaction.

More clapping and whistling. "Go Karen!" yelled Alya.

Karen smiled bashfully. "Well?" she said.

"Hmmm," I said. I made some notes on my paper and pulled Sandy's name out. She was on her feet in a flash and started some kind of dance routine. No cutesy poses there. Full of youthful energy, her body was in constant motion. At the same time she was fondling herself all over - her breasts, her tummy and pussy and the firm globes of her ass. She pulled her t-shirt tight, then lifted it to just under her breasts, pinched her nipples, - she hadn't missed much of the other two performances. She was getting applause and whistles already. Then she flipped the t-shirt way up and showed her beautiful breasts in al their glory. Her small reddish areolae were tight and her small nipples hard as pebbles and they moved with a delightful rhythm, clearly needing no support whatsoever.

"Foul!" cried Alya. "No fair! This is the evening gown competition, no nudity in the evening gown competition. Yellow card for that foul. One more and you're disqualified!"

"There is no such rule," protested Sandy.

"There is now," said Alya, and Karen and Alex agreed.

to be continue, stay tuned >>>
Old 15-12-2005, 04:26 AM
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Re: Orgies Stories Compilation

nice story, pls carry on show my appreciation , i have just up yr points..

"My wife is a sex object - everytime when i ask for sex, she objects"
Old 15-12-2005, 12:41 PM
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Re: Orgies Stories Compilation

Thanks to mugen_76 for your points, I will carry on the story :

"Oh, OK then," grumbled Sandy, dropped her t-shirt down and continued. My hard-on was continuing to make its presence known, and the girls were looking from Sandy to me, and seemed fascinated by both spectacles. My pre-cum was now flowing, and there was a growing wet spot in my pants. Sandy looked and smiled in triumph.

She loosened her belt and started opening her shorts, but Alya's "Sandy!!!" stopped her in her tracks.

"Spoilsport!" she hissed, but finished her turn with a good view of her sexy ass, wiggling it in my face before sitting down. I made my usual scribbled note and waited for Alex to get up. The others also watched her with great interest. She hadn't seemed all that comfortable, as the show got progressively more blatantly erotic. Would she or wouldn't she...

She got up slowly. I could tell she wasn't quite sure about the whole thing, but she also didn't want to be the only one to chicken out. She went back to the cutesy pose routine, while the girls were egging her on.

"Come on Alex."

"Give him a proper show, Alex."

"Flaunt that body, Alex". The last one from Karen, who seemed to have loosened up a lot after her own performance. Alex slowly raised her arms over her head and started a hula-like motion. Her t-shirt had ridden up over the top of the shorts and her large swaying breasts had been lifted high by the arm movement. They were alive under the shirt, I swear! God, did I want to get my hands and lips on those breasts. She dropped her hands to her breasts and fondled them gently, lifting a little and letting them move gently, - just as I would have done it, had I been doing the lifting. I had to adjust my dick; it was just too painful as it was. It felt more comfortable, but gave it room to grow some more, and now hiding nothing. It was sticking up, and jerking as it continued to seep fluid. I wanted so badly to touch myself, but I just sat there, staring at Alex.

I looked over at the other girls to see how they were taking this performance. Karen looked at Alex fondling her breasts and licked her lips. Her hand had snuck down the front of her pants and she was rubbing her self ever so gently. She glanced at my dick, then at my face, and blushed when she saw I was looking at her, - good blusher, that girl!

She kept rubbing, though, almost defiantly. Alya and Sandy were sitting very close together on the sofa. Alya had her hand on the top of Sandy's thigh, stroking it lightly, close to the pants leg. Sandy had her hand around Alya's back under the t-shirt, stroking Alya's back. I felt positively left out. Alex changed that.

She looked me in the eyes and loosened her belt, but not completely, just enough to let the shorts slide down very low on her hips. She turned around, showing the slope of her ass and the top of her crack, and sliding her hand under her belt and over her naked globes underneath the material. She turned back around to show the slight bulge of her tummy, and a hint of a narrow strip of red pussy hair.

to be continue, stay tuned >>>
Old 15-12-2005, 07:34 PM
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Re: Orgies Stories Compilation

"Alex!" warned Sandy, getting her own back. "That's far enough." Alex didn't answer, but pulled her shorts back up, then turned her back on me and with her straight legs apart, bent down and touched her toes. What a view! Her ass was magnificent, and I was the only one to see that those shorts also gave me an intriguing glimpse of shaven pussy lips, as well as a good view of her breasts as the t-shirt fell away from her front. I was hard pressed not to come in my pants, without any touching, but I managed, and made my notes.

"What's the verdict?" said Alya.

"Yeah, John," said Alex. "Who do you pick?"

"Now I know what 'Hobson's Choice' means," I said. "If I pick one, the rest of you will be unhappy, and if I don't, you will all be mad at me. This isn't easy!"

"No, I can see it is hard," giggled Sandy.

"Hush, Sandy, let me add up these scores, OK. Let me see - I have given separate points for the figure, the face, the movements, the attitude and for sex appeal." I scribbled some more.

"I have some bad news ladies," I finally said. "As far as I can see, this is a dead heat, - a four-way tie. You all win!"

"Wimp!" - "Cheat!" - "Liar!" - "Rigged!" were their reactions. "You won't get away with it that easy!"

"Relax, ladies," I said with a smile. "It was fun, and you are all winners, so let's just have another glass of wine and enjoy the nice fire and each other's company." After some more good-natured grumbling we duly relaxed in front of the fire, and chatted away. After a while I noticed Sandy and Alya have their heads together, giggling and whispering. They looked at each other, at me and at the other girls, and then whispered some more.

"Oh, Oh," I thought to myself. "Something is up." I had to admit I had enjoyed the performance very much and wanted something like that to continue. Maybe we could have a talent competition of cheerleading or something, so I could get another good look at them. The thought of high kicks in those shorts made me excited all over again.

"We've got it!" said Sandy and Alya suddenly and triumphantly. "He said 'as far as I can see', didn't he? Well, he didn't really see that much, did he? We should have the swimsuit round next. The topless swimsuit round! And HE has to be topless, too!" The other two girls must have been affected by the whole performance as well, because their objections were a bit half hearted, even if there were some uncertain looks.

"Just SEE, right?" said Karen.

"Absolutely," I promised. "I'll abide by your rules."

to be continue, stay tuned >>>
Old 16-12-2005, 05:58 AM
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Re: Orgies Stories Compilation

nice story. u have my support
Old 16-12-2005, 06:16 AM
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Re: Orgies Stories Compilation

Thanks to Bro Forumer for your support, I shall continue the story..

The room was suddenly charged with something, The girls must have seen each other naked before, being on the same cheerleading squad, but I guess it was different now, with me there, and with the sexual tension we were starting to build up. They seemed to look at each other differently, sizing up the competition as it were, and reacting to each other's bodies as well as mine.

I collected the slips with names again and drew Karen's name. She got up, and was about to pull off her t-shirt when the others suddenly remembered that I was to be topless too. They came over and in no uncertain terms demanded that I get with it. I complied at once, not even reluctantly. Karen looked reluctant, but her secret little smile gave her away, and we all knew it was an act.

"Take it off!" - "Let's see those tits!" I kept quiet, but joined in the clapping and whistling. Karen took her time pulling off her t-shirt, lifting it higher and higher slowly, slowly. The bottom of her breasts came into view once again, like old friends.

She suddenly turned her back to me, facing the girls and whisked the t-shirt over her head and off, and shimmied her breasts for the girls. They stared, and applauded. "Whhoooooee."

Karen held her hands over her breasts before turning back to me. What a losing battle it was for those hands! In contrast with her narrow waist, her breast seemed huge, particularly since they were stark white against her tanned skin. I guessed she wasn't used to going topless...

Her breasts showed all around her hands. Slowly she lifted her hands and showed me her breasts completely. So soft and yet so firm, never sagging. I was already regretting my promise about only looking, and Karen was only the first one up... She shimmied a bit, she touched her nipples gently and I watched them harden again as she stimulated herself. Then she shook her head and suddenly sat down. She took her shirt to put it back on, but the others objected, so she left it off.

Next was Alex. No coy act there, she was genuinely uncertain about this whole thing, but gamely doing it anyway. Facing me, she pulled her arms in through the t-shirt until it was just hanging from around her neck, then began stroking her breasts and upper body under the shirt. Again there was that sense of her breasts being alive, large, soft, full of gentle weight. She stroked all around them, - enjoying her own touch. She turned to the girls, giving them the same show, and they loved it too. Little by little she worked the t-shirt up over her arms and shoulders, encouraged by the girls. Breasts now bare and swaying, she left the shirt hanging down her back by her neck.

She stopped moving her body, and raised her arms, just like before. This time I had them in full view as they lifted and separated slightly, - nipples standing long and stiff from crinkled, large pale areolae. She returned to gently stroking, and sometimes pinching her breasts, now swaying, eyes closed. The girls clapped some more and she tuned around and faced them. They stared and continued clapping, fascinated and getting aroused. Alex turned back to me again, treating me to another round of stroking and pinching, then pulling her arms together, trapping her breasts between them. The raised breasts overflowed and I fel they could poke my eyes any second. She moved a little closer, - within touching distance. My prick was now to full size, and was beginning to work its way past the beltline. Any second now it would have a peek of it's own at these fabulous breasts.

to be continue, stay tuned >>>
Old 16-12-2005, 11:22 PM
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Re: Orgies Stories Compilation

"That's enough, - time's up," said Alya suddenly, and with a little catch in her voice. "There are two more of us, you know, and I'm next!" I made a hasty adjustment to my cramped muscle while Alex blushed and sat down. She also made a move to put her t-shirt back on, but Alya and Karen pulled it off her before she could object.

Alya's name was indeed drawn next. She wasted no time getting her top off, pulling it off and flinging it away in one swift motion. She stood still with her arms out wide, just letting me feast my eyes on her lovely breasts. They could not compete in size with Karen or Alex, but they had a beautiful, sexy, sassy perkiness and just seemed to smile at me. She went into a series of twirls, jumps and bounces, and those amazing breasts stayed up and pointing at me through every jump and turn, - and at the girls when she gave them the same show. My dick was now in sight above my belt, and Alya noticed it.

"Aha," she said and pointed. "I think I'm ahead on points." She grabbed her nipples, squeezed them and pulled hard before letting go. Her breasts reddened slightly and her areolae puffed up some more. She reached down into her pants with her hand and started stroking herself, before the others stopped her.

"Yellow Card!" shouted Sandy. "Breasts only in the swimsuit round! Besides, it's my turn!"

Alya sat down, breathing faster and I now had 6 beautiful breasts staring at me from the sofa. When Sandy got up, they moved to the side, so I could see them clearly, or was it so they could see me clearly. Sandy had one of my old t-shirts on and she suddenly grabbed the front of it with both hands and ripped! Her left breast popped into sight, large and proud through the torn fabric. She made another rip, and the other breast was visible. Bobbing and swaying, she made them play peekaboo through the fabric. She turned around and gave the girls a show as well. They stared at her breasts as well, with wide-open eyes. The continued to clap and whistle, but they seemed a bit more serious, somehow it wasn't as hilarious as it had seemed to them at the beginning. Sandy was getting to them as well, that was clear.

Turning back to me, Sandy grinned and ripped some more, all the way up this time. The t-shirt slowly slid down her shoulders and arms and fell to the floor. Sandy took hold of her breasts and squeezed them, lifted them, jiggled them and pinched her nipples. She turned to the girls again for some more teasing, then back to me again Her breath was coming quicker now and her cheeks were flushed. She became more gentle in her fondling of her breasts, pinching and pulling her nipples more softly. She started rubbing her thighs together as well, closing her eyes and looked like she had forgotten about everyone else. She went on and on, her breath becoming a bit ragged and her skin getting flushed. Suddenly she let out a small yelp and shook all over.

to be continue, stay tuned >>>
Old 17-12-2005, 03:45 AM
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Re: Orgies Stories Compilation

Thanks to Bro evangelist for your points, appreciate that

"Nice one," I thought to myself, but I kept quiet. The girls also knew what had happened, but strangely, they didn't say anything about it either, just looked at each other and at me, as if to see if I had noticed Sandy cumming right in front of me.

Sandy sat down, and I faced eight breasts and nipples, all of them in a serious state of arousal. Mine was not hard to spot either, with my dick just peeking over the belt line and the pre-cum oozing freely. No one said anything for a long moment.

"So, what's the verdict," Sandy finally said, having recovered some equilibrium. This was getting hard, (right along with my aching dick). To be honest, I would pick Alex, - I always had a soft spot for large heavy breasts like she had, - and for that generous figure, - and her red hair. I was reluctant to say that, though. I didn't want to disappoint the others, and I also didn't want the competition to end. I was enjoying this way too much for it to be over.

"I still can't decide," I finally said. I expected another outcry, but they actually weren't unhappy about it. "Let's just relax again, this isn't the end of the world, you know."

"I think you're cheating," said Karen. "You just want to look at our tits, some more."

"JUST!?!" I said incredulously. "What do you mean 'just'? Do you girls have any idea what you're doing to me with those fantastic, glorious, incredible breasts?"

"I can guess," said Alya saucily, pointing at my peeking dick.

"Well, - you can't blame me for wanting to look," I said. "And you can clearly see I am enjoying it. Humour me, and let's just pretend there's nothing unusual bout this conversation." They actually seemed quite pleased with the idea, but didn't want me to think they were just as interested as I to keep going.

"Any more wine?" asked Sandy, ever practical.

"You open another bottle, I said, I can't get up."

"Since when," giggled Alex, and the girls laughed. We talked some more. But we were all a bit distracted, - our minds weren't really on the conversation.

I guess each of us was thinking about the situation and what we would do next, if anything.

to be continue, stay tuned >>>
Old 17-12-2005, 04:15 AM's Avatar is offline
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Re: Orgies Stories Compilation

More More pls
Old 17-12-2005, 05:36 PM
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Re: Orgies Stories Compilation

To bro, there is confirm more on the way

"This is pretty amazing," said Alya after a while. "Here we are, sitting around topless, as if it is perfectly normal, and talking about anything and everything. Don't you guys feel something?" "I'm OK with it," said Sandy.

"I feel good, actually," said Alex. "I never thought it would feel so good to be topless in front of you guys and certainly in front of a man. But it feels great, - I feel liberated, somehow, - and excited too. Good excited, nothing uncomfortable at all. Isn't it weird?"

Karen joined in. "Yeah, I feel good, too. I feel free and really good, - I guess I trust y'all and I know you wouldn't do anything weird or hold this against me."

"How did that old song go?" I said. "If I said you have a beautiful body would you hold it against me? They laughed.

"I would," giggled Alya, - 'I mean, I wouldn't, I mean..."

"We all know what you mean, Alya," said Karen. More laughing.

The atmosphere changed subtly again. We were all very comfortable, but it seemed to me that our thought had become more sexually explicit. I know mine had, and I showed it.

"So what's next?" asked Karen, and immediately blushed as she mentally answered her own question. God, that girl could blush - all over her chest and breasts, turning them from white to pink. I was way ahead of her, and so were the rest of the girls.

"Remember the rules," said Alya with a wicked smile, "You promised to abide by them."

"That's right!" said Karen and the others also chimed in.

"If we take it off, you do too!" I made a show of reluctance, so they wouldn't get worried, but I was highly delighted with this development. My dick was getting VERY uncomfortable under my belt and needed some freedom.

"I don't think..." I started to say, but a chorus of protests drowned me out:

"Yes you promised! Now get going!"

"Well, all right," - I agreed, "but it's too complicated to do all this scoring, I just want to see you side by side so I can compare." After a quick glance, they all nodded.

"All at once, then," said Sandy. "You too John."

I stood up with them and counted, "One, Two Three."

I loosened my belt and let my pants drop, then peeled my shorts off with a great deal of difficulty, hung up as they were on my straining dick. It jumped up and stood waving in the wind. I looked at the girls. None of them had made amove to take anything off, - they all stood transfixed, staring at my bobbing dick with open mouths.

"It's HUGE"' exclaimed Alex.

"I, I, I've never..." stammered Alya. Sandy giggled nervously and Karen just stared.

"I take that as a vote of confidence, ladies," I said with much more aplomb than I felt; I don't have much experience standing with a huge hard-on in front of four topless nubile ladies. "But you are not following your own rules!"

"It's just..." started Alex. "I've never seen one like that before." Before I could respond, she loosened her belt, let her shorts drop and kicked them away. The other three were quick to follow, not wanting to give anyone an advantage. I dropped down in my seat again with a sudden loss of control.

to be continue, stay tuned >>>
Old 18-12-2005, 04:17 PM
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Re: Orgies Stories Compilation

What a sight I had right there in front of me. They just stood there, still looking at my dick, which showed no sign of deflating. The moved close together, almost hip-to-hip, looking furtively at each other, and more blatantly at me. Their faces were a fascinating mixture of lust, embarrassment and arousal, with high burning cheeks, large eyes and licking suddenly dry lips. They were breathing more rapidly, breasts rising and falling; their hips kept making small movements. They stared at me, as if waiting for my command.

I took a long lustful look at each of them, while my prick signalled my appreciation by waving to them in turn, which made them smile. Their pussies were so different, but ever so sexy all of them. I had glimpses of three of them before, but the full glory was still overpowering. Alya's, black and luxurious, and now with a pink prominence clearly visible. Sandy's, fine strawberry blonde hair curling around a pair of slightly open reddish lips. Karen's, auburn and neatly trimmed, with a wonderful high mound. And Alex's with the red stripe pointing like an arrow to the beautiful, plump shaven lips below. I swallowed, my lips suddenly dry. After a while I made a twirling motion with my finger. They turned around as if on a single string, showing off their bodies with pride and excitement. Their asses were equally glorious, firm and smooth and finely tuned. I twirled again, and they kept turning, round and round.

I stopped them facing me again and spread my legs, showing them my balls, heavy with cum. The sack kept contracting with arousal. As if by remote control, they spread their legs as well, giving me an even better view. Pussy lips opened some more, giving me glimpses of the darker interior. They seemed as in a trance, as if caught up in a communal experience of lust and a feeling of love for one another. Again I made them turn, this time stopping with those gorgeous asses staring me in the face. They looked over their shoulder at me, as if they had no will of their own. I motioned for them to bend over, and after a heart-stopping moment they did, with straight legs, touching their toes, in perfect cheerleader synchronicity. Each ass crack spread open, and their cute little puckers were mine to see finally. Their pussy lips now spread wide open, and I could see parts of their breasts between their legs. I was in heaven! I let them stay like that while I drooled from my throbbing dick.

to be continue, stay tuned >>>
Old 18-12-2005, 09:56 PM
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Re: Orgies Stories Compilation

nice story, keep it going bro.
Old 19-12-2005, 05:19 AM
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Re: Orgies Stories Compilation

To bro S[P]L, this is for u

They showed no sign of strain, but eventually I made them stand up again, facing me, - still with their legs apart. I was looking from one to the other, marvelling at their young, fresh bodies, caught up in the erotic moment. They glanced at each other as well, but in a fascinated sort of way, not at all self-consciously. Mostly they looked my dick, straining in the air. I was getting very aroused, - I just had to touch myself! - After all, they had started that kind of touching a long time ago. I put my hand on my straining disk and gave it a little squeeze. God, it felt good! As if I had pushed a button, they also began to touch themselves, soon masturbating openly and with more and more excitement. Totally absorbed in their own pleasure, they didn't look at each other any more, but they were clearly aware of what they were doing, and looked amazingly comfortable about it. Their eyes were fixed on my dick and my hand sliding slowly up and down, more pre-cum oozing out of the slit.

Their fingers touched pussies, asses, breasts, nipples and back down below again. Breathing fast and shallow, they got closer ands closer to the edge. Their feet stayed in place, but they couldn't be still, their bodies shaking and twitching as the orgasm overtook them. They clamped down on their hands deep between their legs and held their breaths, then moaning, let it out, lost in their own world of joy and pleasure. Slowly they came to a stop, their heads hanging down and the bodies glistening with perspiration.

I smiled tenderly at them and started clapping slowly. With furtive looks at each other they came back to earth.

"That was quite something," gasped Karen.

"Oh, yessss," hissed Alya, - "it was just....."

"Sooo good," Alex completed her sentence for her.

"My God," said Sandy, "I haven't come like that ever." She shook her head in amazement.

"You must think we are a bunch of sluts," said Alex ruefully. "We're not, you know, I've never done anything like this. Not in front of my friends, and certainly not in front of a man."

"No, I don't think that at all," I replied, my sincerity unmistakable in my voice. "I think you are just wonderful, - I have never had an experience like that either. Thank you for being so spontaneous."

"It was you, you know," said Alex, suddenly shy. "Like we're not lesbian, or anything. How did you make us feel so at ease with this? Even now, I can't believe I just made myself come like that in front of everyone, and I'm not even embarrassed, - eh not much anyway."

"I just was there," I said.

"But it didn't seem dirty or anything," said Karen, wonderingly. "It was beautiful and I feel so good now, - about everything."

"It was really sexy," said Alya, with a gleam in her eye. "God, it was sexy! I get goose bumps, just thinking about it!"

"But," said Alex, - suddenly noticing my still rampant disk, "you are still.., I mean, you didn't come."

"That's OK," I said, "It was still a fabulous sexual experience, - and besides, - I promised to just look, not touch."

"But that was touching us, we meant," protested Sandy. "Would you like to, eh -, do something too?"

"Oh would you please!" burst out Alex. "I have never seen a man come".

"Me neither," said Karen.

"Oh Karen, it's awesome," said Sandy. "Pleeeease do it," added Alya, making it unanimous.

to be continue, stay tuned >>>
Old 19-12-2005, 07:15 AM
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Re: Orgies Stories Compilation

nice story, cant wait for the next part..waiting.
Old 19-12-2005, 05:13 PM
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Re: Orgies Stories Compilation

what happened to you pornstar? how come suddenly become -999?
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