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Old 19-10-2006, 08:01 PM
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Re: My Amazing 'Comeback' and 'Re-living' my BKK dream..

Marvellous report . keep it UP
Old 19-10-2006, 10:31 PM
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Talking Re: My Amazing 'Comeback' and 'Re-living' my BKK dream..

Welcome back Bro Ladyassinator aka ahlau! How's your health and your recent spiritual trip to Malaysia. Ha ha ha. ...... Your Destiny is Suree and fate put u both together. Wait no longer......... Cheong ah Bro!
Old 19-10-2006, 11:55 PM
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Re: My Amazing 'Comeback' and 'Re-living' my BKK dream..

Day 5: My Miraculous Encounter with 'Destiny' in MP

Part One

After the short countryside excursion, it was back to BKK, the Mecca of MPs(massage parlours) or arb-nam aka “shower-houses” and this vital stat. preoccupied ahlau’s mind during the past two days, now that he finally got his first chionging on the tally-board (which by the way was gathering dust and cobwebs from lack of use!). This old bugger was certainly raring to go again once he got off the rusty starting blocks!!! Wahaaaaa.

Tots and images of Poseidon MP, Plaza, Utopia, Copa-cabana, Emanuelle, Nataree, Hi-Class and Amsterdam floated about my head the entire day , and the wait became excruciatingly longer as the day wore on and no decision made by bros to visit which MP , whilst poor ahlau is like a deathrow inmate awaiting the slow seconds towards the gallows or electric chair!!! Finally, at about 7pm, bro “horny” made the sweetest announcement that it was time to go “ for shower”!! Destination: UTOPIA!!!. Wahaaaa. Seems this was ‘horny’s regular joint and soon he was calling captain named “Ah Liang” to arrange VIP Room for 5 horny bros (including one very randy 50yr old!!). Upon arrival, we were duly ushered to a private and hugely spacious VIP room, equipped with karaoke, a big spa/Jacuzzi and 5 private rooms with spa/shower tubs attached , whilst captain “AhLaing” switched on the TV set which actually zooms in on the fishtank girls /model and sideliners, looking and sitting pretty to attract potential fishbait errrh I mean customers. Kinda like a horny’s man version of “CANDID CAMERA” whilst 5 pairs of randy eyes glued to the tv monitors to spy which WL has the biggest knockers . KNN, even got remote control which can use to zoom in to view their vital statistics closer nia!! Wahaaaaa.

After the TV-set shenanigans, captain ordered another ‘line-up’ routine in room and this time all 5 of us partaking in the ‘festivities’. Abt 7 or 8 girls paraded, this time cannot so choosy liao as not much choice ,and ahlau quickly chose one which looks ‘ chio-est’ , ‘No .234’, name? (cannot recall), short girl with dark complexion but cuteypie-ish face , well endowed up front (and apprarently at the back too which ahlau noticed later!) with brownish-dyed hair which was short and looking a bit like a thai Wynona Ryder, only more plumb-ish!! Bros were less fussy and chose their respective WLs as if like picking straws outa cup liddat, probably their motto, so long charbo “cheong-able” who cares abt looks!!! A round of drinks followed by idle chatter with WLs and ahlau still chainsmoking on his Kent ciggies whilst some thai MTV song being belted out of the KTV system in the background.

Soon all 10 of us were swimming in the spacious Jacuzzi pool in the centre, everyone buck-naked and being shampooed, sterilized, washed , scrubbed and cleaned until every single body hair and part getting sanitized with their armada of toiletry and soapy products which the WLs have at their disposal. During the hustings, the WLs all chatting away in Thai, probably sniggering at ahlau’s fat belly , poking fun and making funny comparisons and snide remarks at our respective dick sizes. They then proceeded to individually give tits-massage, body massage and even ‘kar-ching’ sandwich (in which they insert yr dickie into the crevices of their fleshy buttocks and engulp it like a sandwich and massage it in an up-down fashion to make u steam, steam la!! wahaaaaa. Scenes of “Caligula” (Roman Orgy blue movie) was re-enacted and another of ahlau’s erotic fantasies being played out, and beamed live from VIP Room atop the 10th floor of Utopia’s MP building . hahaaa.

Jacuzzi antics finally over and everyone proceeded to their respective private rooms for chioning action.. Yours truly last to leave and when about to, minor MISHAP struck outa the blue!! Suddenly felt quesy with head spinning, followed by splitting headache and racing pulse and first tot was that the ciggies-smoking and beers and sexual ‘stimulant’ was too much for me to bear?? Alamak!!! Then it dawned on me that this stupid old goondu had forgotten to take his heart medication. !! Siao liao. So I quickly tell Wynona thai girl me CANNOT make it and pointed to my heart and she understood and went to slowly recuperate and rest at the table. Sianz , no chionging action la, perhaps TOO MUCH excitement for this silly old man. But health concerns comes first so (must be her darned bouncy black tiddys that did the damage!! Hahaa)

Bros were soon trooping out of their rooms after their ah-yah-ya-yah-ya bonking sessions with satisfied grins on their mugs whilst noticing ahlau sitting outside with WL and first response was “Wah, Oldman, so fast ah?”. Of course ahlau gave nothing away, pretend pretend say “yalor” because partly feeling embarrassed and paiseh that cannot cheong bec of mini medical emergency!! Oh well, the pitfalls of being a senior citizen! It happens! (or in this case, shit happens!!)

Part 2 next……to be continued…..
When you have money, you are a honey but when you are broke, you are a joke!!!
Old 20-10-2006, 12:02 AM
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Re: My Amazing 'Comeback' and 'Re-living' my BKK dream..

Day 5 (Part 2 : The Miraculous Encounter!!.)

Ahlau dejectedly left the VIP room with no 234 who, perhaps oso feeling slightly sorry for this sad old foggie , who unexpectedly, was unable to ‘complete the job’ due to unforeseen circumstances. Oh well that’s life and it was no fault of hers that I couldn’t complete the race and had to bow out halfway through!!

All bros were walking excitedly infront whilst poor ahlau was dragging his feet and the last one to omit the lift at the ground floor. Then all of a sudden, an incredibly amazing coincidence , ironic twist of fate, incredible timing or freak of nature etc all took place in the space of a few seconds. As I walked past out of the lift, a familiar looking WL was walking towards it with a eager customer in tow and as we passed, my eyes squinted to see who this incredible looking charbo is who ,hmmmmh , someone looked strangely familiar with her babelicious looks. She too (the WL) eyeballed ahlau as we past like shadows under the twilight and I was still transfixeing my gaze on her face, that somehow looked familiar but then I tot quizzically to myself in those fleeting glances “Could it be her? ‘and replied “Cannot be mah!, she’s already gone to HK for good and lost forever??”. Ms Gorgeous babe also looked at me, our eyes met in mid-air and as if we both seen ghosts from our past! I was too stunned and shell-shocked from this chancy encounter but still in utter and sheer disbelief showing all over my face. As I looked on the name tag, it spelt out those 5 glorious words ……. S-U-R-E-E , then a tiny brain cell suddenly sparked into life and prompted me to ask “Suree??” , “Are you Suree , from Pegasus???”. She smiled lovingly in those short moments (but seems frozen in time) and she replied “Yes , Yes, me Suree, you….you….Singapore??” .

Whilst all this was happening in micro-seconds, the customer whom had obviously booked her started to seem agitated (waiting at lift ) and Suree quickly say “Ok , Ok, me go now, you call later ok”!!! OMG OMG!!! Mother of all coincidences, flukes –shots, ironic twists of fate or sheer audacity of timing!!! As the lift door closed behind her, ahlau still stood there frozen with a befuddled look , disbelief and amazement still encircling the deadened mind of mine! So much so that one of my bros had to come back to look for me as they realized that they had walked on ahead without one of their party significantly missing all of a sudden. Here I am, still transfixed on the spot and asking myself “how can it be?” in a state of disbelief and stupor when suddenly a voice awaken me ….. “Old man, are you ok??”. I slowly walked away but with those questions still pressing on my head “can it really be her??” , “How can it be??”, the Dream-girl or fantasy that I pined on during my 21-month long celibacy and whom I surely had tot that I would not see any in this lifetime (since she had moved on to ‘greener pastures’ and living in HK!).

Obviously ahlau looked the sorriest sight ever to his band of bros who kept interrogating me upon the realization that I looked totally flushed and stoned like I seen a ghost (which is almost true!!). In haltingly slow words , I told them that “I seen HER, I seen HER!!” Duuudd!! Everyone looked puzzled except good bro ‘Horny’ (who knew of my obsession with this dreamfantasy girl) and he replied,….”You mean..SUREE???” to which I just nodded like a 3 year old baby with gaping mouth open.

(Sori bros, I noe the above sounds silly and childish to all u worldly men but imagine my situation, having pined forlornly for somebody whom I tot was lost forever but still had an incredible crush on and suddenly meeting her in such unexpected circumstances and fashion!! How would u hv reacted????)

Okie okie, jokes on this silly old koot. Go ahead and laugh all of you but I’m jus telling u all the way it was FOR ME…a sad fuck and hopeless, overtly sentimental & silly old romantic !!!! Okie Guess it’s oso INTERVAL time, take a break here whilst awaiting all the flammers to have a go or a dig at me. Let u all have yr great laugh and get it outa yr system before yours truly continues story again!!! Anyway doesn’t hurt me one bit as see life pretty OPEN liao esp since having been so close to death before. Oso sometimes good to laugh at oneself so long it dun hurt me pocket it dun matter. Hehehe……. (to be continued!!!)
When you have money, you are a honey but when you are broke, you are a joke!!!
Old 20-10-2006, 09:03 AM
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Re: My Amazing 'Comeback' and 'Re-living' my BKK dream..

Originally Posted by ahlau
[B]...see life pretty OPEN liao esp since having been so close to death before. Oso sometimes good to laugh at oneself so long it dun hurt me pocket it dun matter.
Kudos for your FRs, interesting read. Being able to laugh at 1self is testimony to 1's maturity.

Close shave from your hot water tub. As for Suree, true life's stranger than fiction. Got re-live your sweet memories?
You only live ONCE, pass this way but ONCE..
Old 20-10-2006, 09:26 AM
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Re: My Amazing 'Comeback' and 'Re-living' my BKK dream..

And then.......
Old 20-10-2006, 10:18 AM
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Re: My Amazing 'Comeback' and 'Re-living' my BKK dream..

seriously.... you don't write like a half century old ahlau leh..

Your england damn powder... keep it coming!
Old 20-10-2006, 01:15 PM
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Re: My Amazing 'Comeback' and 'Re-living' my BKK dream..

Waiting for your continuation bro.......

for ahlau to reminescent and for the unfamiliar, the full background story of Suree :
An erection is like the Theory of Relativity - the more you think about it, the harder it gets. ~Author Unknown
Old 20-10-2006, 01:25 PM
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Thumbs up Re: My Amazing 'Comeback' and 'Re-living' my BKK dream..

Clap Clap....

Nice story
Old 20-10-2006, 02:53 PM
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Re: My Amazing 'Comeback' and 'Re-living' my BKK dream..

Originally Posted by sstand
Welcome back Bro Ladyassinator aka ahlau! How's your health and your recent spiritual trip to Malaysia. Ha ha ha. ...... Your Destiny is Suree and fate put u both together. Wait no longer......... Cheong ah Bro!
wahaaa. bro sstand so long no post in forum now u reply in thread is indeed an honour. Fond memories of those days we chiong bkk two years ago

Tks for yr sms. story will continue as i too make an eventual comeback in real life and in SB forum!!
When you have money, you are a honey but when you are broke, you are a joke!!!
Old 20-10-2006, 02:55 PM
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Re: My Amazing 'Comeback' and 'Re-living' my BKK dream..

Day 5 (cont'd)....

The interrogation by bros towards their shell-shocked ahlau continued after our party of five adjourned to a pub along RCA , following the fated Utopia MP outing. My good bro , ‘horny’ , of course had already set things in motion and called up captain “Ah Laing” to urgently contact Suree after her 90min session with customer to call her long-lost and still pining ahlau. “Horny’ ,too, expressed great surprise to find out that ahlau’s old flame has been working at his regular MP joint. He informed me that he has been there the past one year quite regularly (almost weekly) and had not once seen her at all.

Captain “Ah Laing’ later feedback info that Suree was indeed one of their ‘top-grossers’ and ‘ang-pai’ WLs which explains why bro ‘horny’ had never gotten opportunity to even see her!!! Apparently she always has full bookings and is a customers’ favourite (can imagine why). Her rate was 4.5k bht per 90min sessions but always getting extensions from her regulars so hard to book). Anyway, ‘horny’ impressed upon him the urgency of the situation and captain assured that the lovesick ahlau will surely get a call from Suree after her last session.

The seconds tick-tocked away in ahlau’s head as the waiting for her call became unbearably long but at the same time, sweet, in the knowledge that the dream fantasy is surely going to materialize into reality. One of my more level-headed brothers posed this interesting question to me, after hearing my past, my fantasies and pining in this twisted “long-and-found’ story and unexplainable circumstances, when he asked me….” Old man, at this point of time, if u had a choice to having a million bucks or not able to meet or see Suree, which one would u choose??” This poser got me thinking….on the one hand, a million dollars but on the other hand, a second chance to relive yr fantasy tot to be lost forever, a feeling of rapturous joy and genuine happiness, the teenage crush sensation to befall again for someone at my age!!! My answer was an emphatic NO ! bec no amount of money could buy such heavenly sent gifts!. It akin to saying “having one’s prayers answered or a Miracle’. (or perhaps it is just this crazy old fool fragile state of mind then that led him to such exaggeration!!) haha.

There I was playing pool in the pub like a total ZOMBIE bec I was checking my watch every 30 secs! KNN, its already 2 hrs since we left MP so me thinking surely customer extend the booking with Suree. All kinds of expectations, emotions and feelings welling up inside this ahlau’s heart and dazed head. Alamak, potted the black ball accidentally without thinking, who can blame me then whilst all my bros having a good laugh at my lovesick antics!!! Wahaaaaa.

Surely enuf, Suree’s phone call finally came and ahlau heard that sweet familiar voice from ‘heaven’. “yes, yes, Suree remember” “you, you Singapore , playboy “ (yes, she used to tease me playfully in the past and called me playboy bec of my frequent visits to Pegasus), “why u no come Bangkok so long??” , “more 2 years oredi!!!”. My knees buckling over this teenage-crush-puppy-love episode and we talked a bit, answer was “No” she won’t come out tonight (already past midnight now) as she’s been working all day and needed rest. Suree asked me to book her tomorrow, “Of course” I replied , we exchanged phone numbers and immediately after her call, handed phone over to captain “:Ah Laing” and told him to book her at 5pm for tomorrow. Later , bro “horny” spoke to captain, negotiated a price and told him not to let Suree have any more customers after 5pm as we “block-book” her for the whole evening (4 sessions) , alamak cost a bomb but who cares, this once-in-a-lifetime feeling how to put a price on it????? Wahaaaaa.

After phone call, the rumour and story spread amongst the bros and all started sniggering and laughing at ahlau. hahaaaa but who cares , I am in dreamland and paradise on earth and floating on air. Then slowly, bros approach me one by one and kept asking me, “ahlau, tonight u sure cannot sleep hor”!!! wahaaaaaaa. Oh boy, wat a night, wat an Encounter! , wat a Life, only in this dreamy paradise called BANGKOK where such wonderful things happen!!!!!!

Day 6 and fateful meeting cum bonking with Dreamgirl next …..(to be continued…..)
When you have money, you are a honey but when you are broke, you are a joke!!!
Old 20-10-2006, 11:42 PM
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Smile Re: My Amazing 'Comeback' and 'Re-living' my BKK dream..

Originally Posted by ahlau
wahaaa. bro sstand so long no post in forum now u reply in thread is indeed an honour. Fond memories of those days we chiong bkk two years ago

<< U know I have been waiting for u to come out of your mountain these past 21 months and wondering if have really call it Quits after your operations. Waiting for u to re-live the nostalgia days of RAO and of course the future of Tarawadee. Thanks for opening my eyes to Pegasus during my frist landing to LOS. BIG Welcome back Bro!>>>

Tks for yr sms. story will continue as i too make an eventual comeback in real life and in SB forum!!
<<Ha ha I told your Destiny is SUREE and SUREE your Destiny>>
Old 21-10-2006, 11:48 AM
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Re: My Amazing 'Comeback' and 'Re-living' my BKK dream..

Originally Posted by thaivisitor
Hellooooooooo Bro,

Glad that you are able to make a "comeback" and look forward to cheonging with you again.

Tee Vee
Tks bro TeeVee. me certainly be making more frequent trips to BKK again in future and looking forward to another outing in MP or pubbing with u Wah, your "poseidon MP gallery" i see liao steam2 until i realli go POseidon to look for some of them in last trip. haha. of course onli get to see the magazine that mamasan always provides but all '3rd fl' models still looking delicious as ever!!
When you have money, you are a honey but when you are broke, you are a joke!!!
Old 21-10-2006, 01:33 PM
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Re: My Amazing 'Comeback' and 'Re-living' my BKK dream..

eagerly awaiting for the next episode!!! Ah are my idol. Maybe you can sell your story to the Thai TV channels hor
Old 22-10-2006, 02:06 AM
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Re: My Amazing 'Comeback' and 'Re-living' my BKK dream..

Day 6

Ahlau drifted in and out of sleep the previous night as my mind was distracted by the impending encounter that evening with ‘old-flame’ Suree. Didn’t someone said that the anticipation of a major event or activity is actually more ‘pleasurable’ than the actual event.? For eg, when planning a holiday, the days leading to the actual holiday date actually heightens the anticipation and the waiting, conjuring up all kindas mental excitement and the silly minds which our human brain plays on us!!! Damn, if onli I was born with a brain on my dick instead of having a useless one in my head, then would’nt ,y life be easier??? Hahaaaa. (Goondu me, always being ruled by my dick, instead of my brain ! )

Spent the entire afternoon daydreaming and soon it was time to go and meet HER! Ahlau put on his best looking Montagut tees, as if ready to greet the nags racing at Race 8 at Kranji….opps , attire correct but wrong occasion !!! Suree was waiting when I arrived at MP with bro “horny” , with another WL awaiting him prearranged by captain.

Finally, the moment of truth has arrived.! Strangely, however, I was jittery yet calm upon getting re-acquainted with Ms Bombshell after such a long absence. Perhaps because she was a familiar face but only one which I didn’t envision on ever seeing again. Now in seventh heaven as the fantasy has come full circle and she was again within my reach and soon to be in my arms again (and for the rest of the night too!!Yahoooweeeeee!) . Details of the next half hour were hazy as both ahlau senior and little junior was only interested in seeing Suree’s naked sensual body, caressing her and making sensational love to her once again.

After quickfire round of questioning, we caught up abit on the past events in our lives. Yes, she did live in HK and was bgt out of Pegasus by a rich bloke but it did’nt work out. She had been working MP for over a year, didn’t go back Pegasus probably bec she makes more mollah ($$$$ )working MP, already bgt new condo (wah loaded charbo ah, dun play play hor !) and booking schedule always full bec “many customers booking’! Huna !, huna!, ahlau no come bkk 2 years plus, no nore playboy and no au kan or bonking ‘long time’.! (liar) haha. “Ooooohhhhh’ , ‘reaaallyyyy’ she purrs, as Suree teasingly plays with ahlau –junior, whilst stretching those words with dramatic effect in exaggeration. Oh wat a turn-on.! No wonder this WL is so hot with the ‘over-40s’ crowd, using those PR skills she has expertly honed over the years working as WL in Pegasus and now in MP! After the chit-chatting, ahlau was finally in the room with his beloved Suree once again and the fulfillment of a dream was taking place.

As she stripped down , ahlau now with pulsating heart-beat now in full view of the ‘treasure’ in front of him. Lo and behold, I was once again in the presence of greatness…. and with bated breath , my eyes gazed on her fabulous body again. Ohhhh, those incredible pair of ‘ made-in-heaven’ breasts with those still lovely pink nipples. Still the best set of knockers I ever seen, am seeing and will ever see again (i.e past, present and future tense!!) . Her body still looks purringly babelicous, perfection to every detail. It was a wonderful yet familiar sight but I noticed a bit more fleshiness to her buttocks (me like!!) and that same slight scarring birthmark at the top of her right buttcheek. After showering down, we were in the circular shaped lovebed and started embracing like lovers.

Obviously Suree noes wat this oldman likes as she started planting those sensuous lips on me while I greedily tongued her and french-kissed her like truly long lost lovers. Then I lost control and greedily licked her delicious tits like some lap-doggie having a go at a deliciously large bone. Ahlau junior too was having a real boner as he was duly erect like a periscope, eyeing those jewels falling from heaven. Oh wow oh wow, suree proceeded to work on my nipples and slowly work her sensual lips down periscope and after capping it, an incredible bj that make my eyes feel like they gonna pop out of my skull from the sensual excitement and love-making. Oldman buay tahan liao and suree proceeded to mount me and I inserted myself into her fabulous garden of eden and grab her lovely buttcheeks with all my might and almost dying breath!!! All this while, she is still frenching me and feeling her tongue in my mouth and within a jiffy, ahlau junior exploded like a space shuttle rocket lauching off from cape Canaveral as Suree expertly make lovemaking moans to accentuate my climax!! Wow, probably the best sex that ever was, will be and probably the most memorable one for years to come!!!.

After this, I lay back exhausted , feeling like I just completed running a marathon liddat and smoke two ciggies in succession as her loveliness showered. Wat a woman!! After the lovemaking, we stayed awhile in bed and cuddled. She is still the best WL I ever experienced and one that truly gives a really passionate gf feeling. After getting changed, we adjourned outside and I greeted bro ‘horny’ with my widest grin to denote the incredible satisfaction which was written all over my face whilst ‘horny’was laughing his insides out, looking at this silly lovesick old fool!!!

As Suree was mine for the entire night (until 1am she says!!), we all adjourned to the same pub in RCA while she invited a couple of her girlfriends over. It was a pub cum disco of sorts and drank her favourite ‘blue label’ whisky and everyone had a truly wonderful time out. My eyes were still gazing forlornly at this amazing beauty the entire night, esp when she was gyrating during the beat of the disco music, and it brought back such fond memories and images of the first time we were together when I booked her from Pegasus and the two of us were at the neigbouring ‘Narcissus’. I guess I could never again complain abt my life after this night.

After Suree met all of my bros at the pub and found everyone’s company acceptable, she agreed to a “whole day booking” (she take off-day la) with her lovesick ahlau the next day as we planned to go for an overnight trip to Pattaya !!. Wah, can my life get any better??? Not only that , Suree contacted two more of her MP girlfriends who will also accompany us to Pattaya the next day. Wat a sudden bonus!!!! Let the games begin. Wahaaaaaa.

Okie okie ahlau stop here and take break liao. Getting writer’s cramp and writer’s block liao so oldman needs some well-deserved REST from his story-telling.

When you have money, you are a honey but when you are broke, you are a joke!!!
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