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Old 27-02-2017, 06:22 PM
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Re: my buddy kena virus

Those French with BBBJ WL potentially indirect lick other bro's dick which happens to me too
Old 27-02-2017, 06:27 PM
Xmen12345 Xmen12345 is offline
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Re: my buddy kena virus

Every house every room got so big big picture /poster instructions...Even bangla/Tamil/IND/Pinoy/maymer/ also follow....Only can not follow the person don't know..Is it all in English ..
Old 27-02-2017, 07:48 PM
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Re: my buddy kena virus

Now trend all uncle do 69 .. Horrible feed back from wl ..Even lick AS hole ..Than take 4 /5 session.....Even wl got blood after lick... Miserable .....All silently tolerate because want earn $$ ...Chio all every day , as long 25/30 customer.
Non stop..Some wl say ..Even they dead meat ..Still all come and eat us....
Old 27-02-2017, 08:58 PM
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Re: my buddy kena virus

L8 wl feed back ..PRC boy.. suck BB so strong is very painful..If we suck only 1min all water come out ....Most only max 2 min can with stand .. The
Old 27-02-2017, 09:25 PM
Xmen12345 Xmen12345 is offline
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Re: my buddy kena virus

2000 view only 20 post ..Rest all just a selfish kind of mental disorder sick human being.. Don't want share anything like animal can not share anything,
Clever are write all Fake FR..And some clever silently Chong there gem ..Like know body knows them... Selfish part of a world ...Just silently drink coffee under cover。50 buck Fr like 2 hrs....All Superman grandson....CK of steel .. Actually zero ..
Old 27-02-2017, 10:01 PM
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Re: my buddy kena virus

Originally Posted by korean View Post
u get into her innest most nerves. that y she becomes a mad dog. why she instead of he? I believe most man with wife or gf experienced how their partner repeat herself and argue without sense when she lost her mind
Here comes the dumbo #1 joining dumbo #2 (baotohk) ... my prediction never goes wrong. Let's see if the 3rd dumbo will surface. Lol! As mentioned many times, they admitted they are dumbos even with the slightest provocation.
There's a dark side to male sexuality that operates on an intrinsically primitive level. Unleash it and you can't help but see evidence of raw, uncontrollable emotion ...

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Old 27-02-2017, 10:06 PM
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Re: my buddy kena virus

Exposed what?? Based on your post below as well as your post in HML thread, looks like u are not only a dumbo but also too straight forward. U failed to learn time and again ... anyway just like your other dumbo buddy, korean you are too old to learn. Even that BG fella does not recognize u as his buddy even though u tried to regard him as one the last time. He might changed his mind now seeing such an old pathetic fogey like u .... Hahaha!

Let me give u a chance to redeem your credibility since U said all my FRs are fake, just pick 1-2 of my FRs and indicate specifically what is/are fake. If my FR are really fake, I don't think it would be very difficult for u to identify.

Btw the one who truthly provides fake FR on whores and wrong intel is none other than your dumbo mate, korean. Simply because all that he knows about whores and me are nothing but hearsay!

I believe the real puppies are Comm, rawall, korean and you who loved to check on my profile page for umpteem times like a dogs following their owners until I exposed u clowns publicly. Hahaha!

Originally Posted by baotohk View Post
Poor dog. Has to follow me to bark. Don't get too sore after being exposed.
Just stop writing fake FR and ask favor from OKT and WLs and you will be ok.

Since you are so pathetic, why not start a crowdfunding and we'll give you some money to relieve yourself. Keep fapping will cause issue in the long run.
There's a dark side to male sexuality that operates on an intrinsically primitive level. Unleash it and you can't help but see evidence of raw, uncontrollable emotion ...

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Last edited by max_priest; 28-02-2017 at 12:19 AM.
Old 27-02-2017, 10:15 PM
korean korean is offline
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Re: my buddy kena virus

Originally Posted by max_priest View Post
Here comes the dumbo #1 joining dumbo #2 (baotohk) ... my prediction never goes wrong. Let's see if the 3rd dumbo will surface. Lol! As mentioned many times, they admitted they are dumbos even with the slightest provocation.
脑残杂种 admiited herself as a female mad dog. finally she know she belongs to what kidn of species there is no proper upbringing as she is the 杂种, poor 沉肥
Old 27-02-2017, 10:39 PM
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Re: my buddy kena virus

Originally Posted by max_priest View Post
Exposed what?? Based on your post below, looks like u are not only a dumbo but also too straight forward. U failed to learn time and again ... anyway just like your other dumbo buddy, korean you are too old to learn. Even that BG fella does not recognize u as his buddy even though u tried to regard him as one the last time. He might changed his mind now seeing such an old pathetic fogey like u .... Hahaha!

Let me give u a chance to redeem your credibility, just pick 1-2 of my FRs and indicate specifically what is/are fake.

Btw the one who truthly provides fake FR on whores and wrong intel is none other than your dumbo mate, korean. Simply because all that he knows about whores and me are nothing but hearsay!

I believe the real puppies are Comm, rawall, korean and you who loved to checked on my profile page for umpteem like a dogs following their owners until I exposed u clowns publicly. Hahaha!
A man with no credibility talking about credibility . No one will waste anymore time reading your nonsense.

So desperate for attention and had to create own thread. And when nobody reads it , has to resort to disturbing other threads.

After losing out in your banter with Comm and get yourself banned. Why are you so desperate in getting back? Aren't you leaving for good? Since there are so many who has seen and could recognise you, i guess it is pointless for you to use clone account anymore. At least let your Alejandro88 surfaced once in a while to get a breather
***Speak the truth and only the truth can set you free.***
Old 27-02-2017, 10:48 PM
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Re: my buddy kena virus

Originally Posted by baotohk View Post
A man with no credibility talking about credibility . No one will waste anymore time reading your nonsense.

So desperate for attention and had to create own thread. And when nobody reads it , has to resort to disturbing other threads.

After losing out in your banter with Comm and get yourself banned. Why are you so desperate in getting back? Aren't you leaving for good? Since there are so many who has seen and could recognise you, i guess it is pointless for you to use clone account anymore. At least let your Alejandro88 surfaced once in a while to get a breather
bro, i'm amazed u still think she is a man never admit her own mistake, quarrel without any sense n kept repeating herslef everywhere just doesnt sound manly
Old 27-02-2017, 11:15 PM
Xmen12345 Xmen12345 is offline
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Re: my buddy kena virus

Check any Thai house all wl will tell the same story ..All uncle no teeth still want have sxx ..Take medicine and come for SX also cig smell wake wake ..PRC like monkey smell never clean teeth
Old 28-02-2017, 12:13 AM
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Re: my buddy kena virus

Haha! When cornered, u do not have solid ground to counter me. Simply because my FR ain't fake! if no one believes in my FRs, I really wonder why so many samsters PM me for info on WL/ML on a daily basis.

You are too dumbo and weak to continue this fight. I do not know how to help you as you're too old to learn anything new.

You clowns have too much dirty linen for me to expose and hence, I don't need to put in lots of effort to fix clowns like u buggers. The most prominent one is that sinister bastard korean who tried in vain to attack Saabking from behind whilst pretending to be his buddy just because of one GL raw pussy. Tsk .... tsk!

Originally Posted by baotohk View Post
A man with no credibility talking about credibility . No one will waste anymore time reading your nonsense.

So desperate for attention and had to create own thread. And when nobody reads it , has to resort to disturbing other threads.

After losing out in your banter with Comm and get yourself banned. Why are you so desperate in getting back? Aren't you leaving for good? Since there are so many who has seen and could recognise you, i guess it is pointless for you to use clone account anymore. At least let your Alejandro88 surfaced once in a while to get a breather
There's a dark side to male sexuality that operates on an intrinsically primitive level. Unleash it and you can't help but see evidence of raw, uncontrollable emotion ...

My Personal FR Thread:
Old 28-02-2017, 12:25 AM
korean korean is offline
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Re: my buddy kena virus

Originally Posted by max_priest View Post
Haha! When cornered, u do not have solid ground to counter me. Simply because my FR ain't fake! if no one believes in my FRs, I really wonder why so many samsters PM me for info on WL/ML on a daily basis.

You are too dumbo and weak to continue this fight. I do not know how to help you as you're too old to learn anything new.

You clowns have too much dirty linen for me to expose and hence, I don't need to put in lots of effort to fix clowns like u buggers. The most prominent one is that sinister bastard korean who tried in vain to attack Saabking from behind whilst pretending to be his buddy just because of one GL raw pussy. Tsk .... tsk! must be the joke of the years as ur FR is nothing but fake, and what u'd menttioned is also fake. Thsi is the common understanding among this circle. who will still believe u, ur efort of covering urself here tryign to lure the new samster n wl is in vain

oh seems u still quite treasure ur reputation esp ur FR. sorry to burst ur reputation due to exposing ur fake FR. lol

glad to hear i was being highly mentioned by u. it really give me a big smile from bottom of my heart as it shows I've triggered ur innemost nerves. pls do more, and dont forget u still fail to get my identity. not feelign good to have an upper hand against u as i knwo who u r and u dunno who am i, mr 沉肥 aka 杂种脑残粉 rolfmao!

Last edited by korean; 28-02-2017 at 12:40 AM.
Old 28-02-2017, 06:01 AM
Xmen12345 Xmen12345 is offline
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Re: my buddy kena virus

Originally Posted by tonchs View Post
All this practices unsafe might as well stop fucking. 100% safe
Some FR
Like super man
99.99℅ people are silent bonkers
Even 11am Q up
Wl still not wake up
Ppl stand by .For F
Think morning get the fresh cake..In fact the
Cake already destroy yesterday night
Ha ha he he ho ho
Old 28-02-2017, 08:51 AM
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Re: my buddy kena virus

LOL, can share which FR like super man, bro?

Originally Posted by Xmen12345 View Post
Some FR
Like super man
99.99℅ people are silent bonkers
Even 11am Q up
Wl still not wake up
Ppl stand by .For F
Think morning get the fresh cake..In fact the
Cake already destroy yesterday night
Ha ha he he ho ho
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