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Old 22-04-2017, 12:02 AM
JimmyCase JimmyCase is offline
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Re: My life story (including all the girls and women in my life)

Originally Posted by Shioking View Post
wow... the paragraphing looks horrible... it looks ok when I was typing here leh.. weird..
Nice paragraphing, easy to read!
Old 22-04-2017, 12:56 AM
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Re: My life story (including all the girls and women in my life)

Thank you to everyone for the support. Have been reading many good stories especially bro Ilock's stories whom has accompanied me for the past few years hence thought to commemorate my 10th year in SBF as a member (and prior to that 5 years of lurking around lol) I would start to write something myself. It is tough to live up to that kind of standard
Old 22-04-2017, 12:59 AM
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Re: My life story (including all the girls and women in my life)

  Before I can react, she has walked off. I scratched my head, but still can't recall and I just gave up and didn't bother anymore. After reporting attendance, I was given the booklist and surprisingly I was given a hostel to
stay in too. I wasn't informed beforehand and I thought hostel is only for international students. My CT told me that was the school's instruction so that I don't need to travel to and fro every day from home and that's it. After collecting the lecture notes from the photocopy shop and the books from the bookshop, I didn't bother to go back to the hostel and just went to a
corner to start reading up. I didn't bother joining in the orientation activities too as I just don't feel like I am part of this place.

  Only after the day is over, and the lights is going to be turned off by the OM, then I packed my stuffs and went back to my hostel. It's a shared hostel room. 4 person to one room. As I was the last one to come into the room, the remaining bed by default is mine. The other 3 roommates are already on
their lap top playing dota.

I wasn't into gaming so I just went to wash up and then continue mugging on my bed until I dozed off. The next day, when I woke up, my roommates are all still asleep. I decided to go to the Lecture Theatre early to sit in front and chope a good seat and also to leave a good impression on the lecturer.

  When the bell rang, the lecturer walked in with her transparencies. When
I saw her, my eyes almost popped out. I almost can't believe my eyes. She
has an oval face and she was wearing a white blouse that is tightly tucked into her pencil skirt, showing off her perfect curves.

Isn't this the teacher that I knocked into yesterday? Teacher can wear so sexy one meh? If this was still secondary school, this would be impossible. Only in an "angmo" JC like this maybe the limits are broader.

  Many male students can be seen gazing at her long legs and a mini ruckus was made with some at the back row even wolf whistling. However, she behaves like an ice queen, totally ignoring all the commotion and just
calmly said, "你们以后的AO水准华文,将由我来指导,叫我黄老师或Ms Pauline都可以。” (I will be your AO level chinese lecturer, you can address me as Ms Huang or as Ms Pauline)

  Pauline? Isn't that Pauline Jie Jie's name? Although I was only in Primary
school back then, but I will never forget this name.

  I stared at her intently. No wonder yesterday I find her familiar. Now after taking a double look, she indeed resembles the Pauline Jie Jie I had. Is
she really my Pauline Jie Jie?

  The 50min lecture was like a torture, finally 50min passed and she walked out of the LT. I ran out after her once she stepped out of the LT. I need to confirm whether she is my Pauline Jie Jie.

  Once out of the LT and turned into the corridor, I grabbed her hand from
behind and asked her to wait. She turned around and frowned "I remember
yuou. You were the one who knocked into me yesterday. What's the matter?"

"Pauline Jie Jie, is it you?"

I just want to confirm her identity so I didn't beat round the bush and directly went for the kill. I clenched my fists in anxiety and just looked straight at her, waiting for her response.
Old 22-04-2017, 11:43 AM
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Re: My life story (including all the girls and women in my life)

Good story please continue TS
Old 22-04-2017, 01:52 PM
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Re: My life story (including all the girls and women in my life)

Thanks for the update TS
Old 23-04-2017, 01:44 AM
Shioking Shioking is online now
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Re: My life story (including all the girls and women in my life)

Ms Pauline's previous nonchalant attitude immediately turned into a blur look once she heard my "Pauline Jie Jie" call. She didn't answer my question but instead said softly, "See me in my office after school."
She walked off after saying that without even waiting for my response. I can't help smiling goofily after that. I bet she must be Pauline Jie Jie. Since she asked me to see her after school, I'm sure that is her silent admittance.

The thought of finding my Pauline Jie Jie brings me up into clouds nine. Ever since she moved house, I have never heard from her or any news about her. Time moves painstakingly slow and finally I finished all my lectures and tutorial lessons. With great anticipation, I went to her office.

She has her own office and not a shared cubicle hence there is no need to worry about other people. I looked through the gap in her door and I can see a silhouette seated at the desk.

"You are here?" She turned around and said that as I opened the door and walked in. She told me to close the door after that. I don't know what that meant but I just followed instructions and closed the door properly.
She sat there and looked at me. Her pair of never-ending legs are stretched out and my line of sight followed from the legs all the way to her stunning bosoms. Even though they are covered by her blouse, there is no hiding her voluptuous figure.

Memories rushed back instantly. That dark night, when she was asleep, the unbuttoning of her pyjamas, first time seeing her naked body, first time touching boobies, it is also that one time that led to Pauline Jie Jie never ever sleeping beside me again.

"What are you looking at? Thinking that Jie Jie is very pretty?"


I nodded my head and sub-consciously averted her gaze. I still can't forget that I had done such a despicable thing in the past. Even though I was young and innocent back then, but the key thing is that I still remember it and I have always felt that I have done something that is not supposed to be done.

"Young time not honest, grow up already still the same. Lets go, I treat you to dinner."

Ms Pauline glanced at me, switched off her desktop then brought me to a restaurant outside school. As we walked along North Buona Vista Road, many pairs of eyes looked on with envy. Such a beauty walking beside me, obviously that will attract attention, what more with her locking her arms with my elbow.
Pauline Jie Jie didn't change one bit. She still dotes on me so much. She ordered alot of food for me and even after dinner, she bought some fruits and asked me to bring back to hostel to eat. I felt a sense of warmth as well as joy. Just for getting back Pauline Jie Jie's love.

Once I reached hostel, I placed the fruits on the table and went to wash up. Just as I was about to get into bed, there was a ruckus outside the corridor. I am not a nosey person, and since I am still in a happy mood for reacquainting with Pauline Jie Jie on the first day of school, I can't be bothered with what is happening outside.

Old 23-04-2017, 03:36 PM
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Re: My life story (including all the girls and women in my life)

Thank you to those who upped me. I'm trying my best to maintain a constant update.
Old 23-04-2017, 05:08 PM
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Re: My life story (including all the girls and women in my life)

great story gamsia
Old 23-04-2017, 05:52 PM
UselessWood UselessWood is offline
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Re: My life story (including all the girls and women in my life)

Nice updates TS
Old 23-04-2017, 05:56 PM
MiamiVice MiamiVice is offline
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Re: My life story (including all the girls and women in my life)

Nice story, support
Old 26-04-2017, 12:18 AM
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Re: My life story (including all the girls and women in my life)

At this moment, my hostel door, which was not secured at all, was kicked open. Four guys rushed in and surrounded me right away. Are these guys here to look for trouble with me? I don't remember offending anyone since I came into this school.

"Are you Shioking?"

The guy nearest to me, the most buff one, asked after looking at me from head to toe. I also don't know what is going on so I just nodded and replied yes I am. Seeing my response, he raised his foot and kicked me onto the floor.

"Whack him!"

I just landed on the grounded, the others started whacking me left right centre. I didn't even have the time to react. Moreover, I'm flat on the ground. I don't even have the slightest chance of picking myself up. All I can do is roll myself up and used my hands to shield my head.

After what seems like eternity, I don't even have the strength to speak and can only lie on the floor breathing hard. That buff guy squatted down, tap me on my cheek and said flatly, "This is just a small lesson for you."

"Why... did you... beat me..."

"Why the hell must there be a reason? I wanna whack you then I whack you!"

This guy's temper is bad. He stood up and rammed my face with his foot and then stepped on my head. Then he fiercely said, "I'm Jerry from J2 S21, you better remember my name!"

After saying that, he left with his guys. From start to end, my roommates didn't extend a helping hand. I picked myself up with difficulty and saw the looks on my roomies' face. To my astonishment, their looks are a look of disgust. What the hell did I do wrong man?
Old 27-04-2017, 05:49 PM
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Re: My life story (including all the girls and women in my life)

Waiting for next instalment .
Old 27-04-2017, 06:27 PM
robogao robogao is offline
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Re: My life story (including all the girls and women in my life)

Nice story TS, awaiting your updates!!
Old 27-04-2017, 07:14 PM
HeyHottie HeyHottie is offline
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Re: My life story (including all the girls and women in my life)

Please continue bro
Old 27-04-2017, 09:54 PM
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Re: My life story (including all the girls and women in my life)

Pitching tent ....
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