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Old 31-07-2007, 03:56 PM
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Re: If you are not the father of her child survey

Originally Posted by agent View Post
Here is a survey aimed to find out what do you feel and think that you will do if the newborn is not your child.
your scenarios are all broken family "hum kar leng" scenarios.
Old 31-07-2007, 04:46 PM
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Re: If you are not the father of her child survey

depend also lah, if i'm inpotent , then will consider lor .. but the wife and child must no more contact with the guy and child follow my surname.

boh pian .. like children mah ..
Old 31-07-2007, 05:07 PM
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Re: If you are not the father of her child survey

thanks for the answers, keep them coming =) need abit more sample

here is part 2 of the survey.

You and your wife had a newborn underway. Due to reservist, you would be away from home for weeks now and then each year. Your wife is the horny type but you have no idea what she is capable of if she is more horny than usual. Will you ever suspect the baby is not of your bloodline or will you trust that your wife will not be unfaithful to you in whatever situation possible?
Old 31-07-2007, 05:31 PM
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Re: If you are not the father of her child survey

bro, ur survery machiam like chong yao xiao shuo?
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Old 31-07-2007, 07:08 PM
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Re: If you are not the father of her child survey

Your survey is too wild.....Both partner needs trust in order to be together as a long lasting husband and wife.

If you cannot trust your partner at all then it's better to simply divorce and cut short any future pain.... Just my 2 cents worth to your survey.
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Old 31-07-2007, 11:07 PM
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Re: If you are not the father of her child survey

wow piang dude .....can ask someting more "happy" ornot is HARD enuff , lets by jolly cunt jolly .....
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Old 31-07-2007, 11:25 PM
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Re: If you are not the father of her child survey

simi survey leh... only got one answer leh!!! all scenario sio siang one!! no matter what scenario it all voice down to the same thing: if your wife is unfaithful and got a child what will you do?? si bey jia lat!!
Old 31-07-2007, 11:30 PM
WillamSexsphere WillamSexsphere is offline
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Re: If you are not the father of her child survey

Whatever the scenerios, First and foremost - a baby is born.

The baby is innocent. He/she will only address you as father throughout life. He/she only knows you and like all kids, will give their unconditional love - that's a kind of love no money can buy. No one can take that away, it will always be something you own for eternity.

Does it matter if he/she is not yours?
Can bloodline be worth it's myth? Afterall, some PRC WL that you bonk last night may have bloodlines traced back to the Qing Emperor himself, so what?

The kid is innocent. As for me, i would take care and love him/her as my own. Nothing about nobility - its the only decent and civilise thing to do. I would call it a blessing, an honour, a priviledge, to hold his/her hands and watch a new life grow - good or bad, my responsibility.

But as for the mom, its a different matter altogether. I would allow her a choice - me or the other guy, but she can only choose one and stick to one.
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Old 01-08-2007, 12:08 AM
dohcdohc dohcdohc is offline
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Re: If you are not the father of her child survey

Originally Posted by WillamSexsphere View Post
Whatever the scenerios, First and foremost - a baby is born.

The baby is innocent. He/she will only address you as father throughout life. He/she only knows you and like all kids, will give their unconditional love - that's a kind of love no money can buy. No one can take that away, it will always be something you own for eternity.

Does it matter if he/she is not yours?
Can bloodline be worth it's myth? Afterall, some PRC WL that you bonk last night may have bloodlines traced back to the Qing Emperor himself, so what?

The kid is innocent. As for me, i would take care and love him/her as my own. Nothing about nobility - its the only decent and civilise thing to do. I would call it a blessing, an honour, a priviledge, to hold his/her hands and watch a new life grow - good or bad, my responsibility.

But as for the mom, its a different matter altogether. I would allow her a choice - me or the other guy, but she can only choose one and stick to one.
Hell! life is short, forgive and forget, there is only so much sunsets one can see in one lifetime.

You are right in certain sense. However, should your wife give birth to your biological kid of yours in future, I think you will focus more on your own kid won't you?

Just a thought.
Old 01-08-2007, 12:18 AM
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Re: If you are not the father of her child survey

Originally Posted by dohcdohc View Post
However, should your wife give birth to your biological kid of yours in future, I think you will focus more on your own kid won't you?

Just a thought.
Not just because i am annonymous will i admit a no, but in reality, i will say the same as well, truthfully and honestly, i will not just focus on my own kid. They are ALL my kids. My responsibility is to treat them equally.

In the event of my passing, my estate will still be divided equally among them all, even if the eldest is my own child and being the eldest with a bigger responsibility, would usually be given more traditionally.

I think one has to be a father, with the experience of being a father to answer the question posed by the threadstarter, to give a more balanced and perhaps realistic answer.

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Old 01-08-2007, 12:27 AM
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Re: If you are not the father of her child survey

Originally Posted by agent View Post
thanks for the answers, keep them coming =) need abit more sample

here is part 2 of the survey.

You and your wife had a newborn underway. Due to reservist, you would be away from home for weeks now and then each year. Your wife is the horny type but you have no idea what she is capable of if she is more horny than usual. Will you ever suspect the baby is not of your bloodline or will you trust that your wife will not be unfaithful to you in whatever situation possible?
Bro, u never heard of SEX TOYS meh???
Old 01-08-2007, 01:05 AM
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Re: If you are not the father of her child survey

I think talk is cheap. Bringing up a child is no walk in the park esp in an environment in Singapore. It will cost you financially , emotionally and physically. No matter what, the child will inherit some traits from the father; the child behavior may be rebellious and difficult to raise considering the mother is such a promiscous person.

Personally I do not want my hard earned $$ to raise someone else's kid and pay for someone's mistake and irresponsible behaviour. The guy who fucked should pay for the fruits of his labour.

Most men on discovery of this fact will divorce the wife. Most would choose to do this queitly , this would not be public information.
Old 01-08-2007, 01:48 AM
ginvera30 ginvera30 is offline
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Re: If you are not the father of her child survey

suddenly i feel like listening to Billie Jean....OW!!
Old 01-08-2007, 02:00 AM
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Re: If you are not the father of her child survey

In all 3 scenarios you r F*CKED!!! and she knows it cos our womens' charter is always on her side.
Adultery may be grounds for divorce but the courts will not take it into consideration when deciding how much of your assets to give to her.
You're screwed both ways!
Old 01-08-2007, 12:38 PM
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Re: If you are not the father of her child survey

Originally Posted by Soul_Reaper View Post
In all 3 scenarios you r F*CKED!!! and she knows it cos our womens' charter is always on her side.
Adultery may be grounds for divorce but the courts will not take it into consideration when deciding how much of your assets to give to her.
You're screwed both ways!
The women's charter is definitely not relevant for the new generation - in a nutshell, the law is not obselete but it does serve its purpose in protecting the rights of those uneducated women who r in their 50s-60s, just in case their husbands decide to dump them for a syt.....The official viewpoint is the law will be up for revision soon but it still serve its purpose for a small segment of the population...Meanwhile, the charter allows wide latitude for interpretation by the judges n the AG office probably feels that this will give them opportunity to screen out the rouge cases....

PS: Anecdotes from my army fren who happens to intern under a MP
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