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Old 01-02-2020, 04:14 PM
choku choku is offline
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

Do continue TS!
Old 01-02-2020, 04:42 PM
Mervon Mervon is offline
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

Thanks for sharing excellent story bro ilock, please update soon
Old 02-02-2020, 08:14 AM
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

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Old 02-02-2020, 10:44 PM
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

Some special assignment for Jackson, camping here for more please.
Old 02-02-2020, 10:52 PM
Smash Smash is offline
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

Such a legend bro ilock. Looking forward to more
Old 03-02-2020, 09:25 AM
ilikeoldchangke ilikeoldchangke is offline
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

When I got back to the estate, I realised I don’t have Candy’s phone number so I dialled the number which connects me to Yiling. She did not answer my call.

I thought about bothering Hong and the rest but I reckon they are probably busy with their own stuff. I should be able to work independently on this. No reason for Yiling to just send me on a delivery run if I can’t value add.

I tried Yiling a couple more times that evening but still no word or a return call from her so I stopped trying. No point telling her one home at a time. Might as well just get it over and done with and give her the full report.

The 3rd home on Thursday turned out to be empty.

It doesn’t make sense.

I drove all the way to Hougang only to see an abandoned building. The 4 storey high structure has been cleared of all residents. The security guard stopped me at the gate and told me to turn back.

Jackson : Bro… I got delivery…

Guard : wrong address… wrong address…. Here… no more residents….

I turned the truck away and tried to think of what to do with all the food I was carrying. I can’t possibly bring it back to the distributors. I’ll just bring it back to the cookhouse and hand it over to whoever is on duty that day.

I’m not satisfied with just leaving after being turned away.

If this is the 1st home, I might have write it off as a wrong address and start calling for help but this being the 3rd home and having seen the weird shit going on in the others, my curiosity got the better of me.

I exited the cluster of nursing homes and parked the truck at a nearby housing estate.

I walked over to Hougang green mall across the road and bought a new set of clothes and a cap. After I changed in the toilet, I got some fruits from the supermarket and took a slow stroll back up the road towards the cluster of nursing home.

I stayed on the opposite side of the road and tried to blend in with the line of people walking towards the mental health hospital. I looked just like any other visitors heading in.

When I found a good vantage view diagonally across from the home I was supposed to deliver to, I stopped and pretended to talk on my phone for a while asking for directions to wherever I wanted to go from a imaginary friend.

Looking across towards the building, I could clearly see activity inside. Most of the lights were off but those at the top floor remained on.

I could see the fans turning as well. The windows are opened, the top floor is clearly not air conditioned. I could catch glimpses of movements and shadows from where I stood.

Every couple of minute, I could see the figure of a man walking briskly by the opened windows.

There’s a hive of activity up that.

I saw a figure appear at the roof top and I quickly turned away and continued walking. Pretending I needed to cross the road, I turned and looked up without tilting my head too much.

The guy is smoking on the roof. Another 2 just joined him.

I finished crossing the road, and started to make my way back down towards where I parked my truck, this time round walking directly by the gate of the supposedly empty home.

The guard is watching a foreign language film on his phone, I could hear him blasting the speakers. The gate itself needs a new coat of paint, the hinges are rusty but the chain around it and the padlock is brand new.

Beyond the gate, I could see several wheelchairs and trolley beds neatly arranged by the side of the loading and unloading bay. The bin centre right beside the guard house is full of junk as well.

Styrofoam pads and boxes of new laptops filled the trash bins. Lying along side the cardboard boxes of expensive laptops are a stack of about 8 pizza boxes. At least a carton of empty cola bottles laid strewn all over the bin as well.

I saw the security guard standing up and I quickly continued walking down the path.

The moment I got back to the mall, I went to grab another top and a straw hat. The kind that farmer wears. I grabbed some dirt from the turfing and rubbed some of it on the white print top I just bought.

I changed in the truck and I transferred some fruits and vegetables into the same box and retrieved a few cardboard boxes. I quickly flattened them and tucked them under my armpit.

I made my way up the path again, slowing down the moment I reach the bin centre.

The guard is still in his chair enjoying his film. Ignoring the stares of the people across the road, I started to dig through the trash bin to see if I could find anything interesting.

Someone just disposed off the packaging of a shitload of expensive gadgets. At least 8 laptops, routers and modems, backup hardisks, 3 large 23 inch monitors packaging laid at the bottom of the bin.

I could see the packaging for extension & network cables, even a projector.
I happily dug through the junk and collected the cardboard when the guard shouted at me from his stand.


I could see him getting ready to come after me so I quickly gave a apologetic sign before scurrying off with my own cardboards.

I did not look back and I quickly got back to the truck and changed out.

Looking at myself in the rear mirror, I chuckled and laughed.

I don’t fucking believe what I just did.

I drove the truck all the way back to the cookhouse.

Deuce was the one on duty that day.

I told him I have a truck full of food that needs to be unloaded and if he can help settle it.

He gave me a thumbs up before gesturing for me to back it up and he will handle the rest.

40 minutes later, it’s done.

I checked my phone, there are no messages or missed calls.

I decided to finish the last delivery before giving Yiling a detailed summary of what I observed. I can’t believe I was actually enjoying this. I feel like I’m Tom cruise doing some mission impossible shit.

Hong came by that night and asked if I could host dinner the next day.

Hong : Oei…. Jackson …. Tomorrow Friday…. Steamboat party ai mai…. Hahah

Jackson : ok sure…

Hong : ok swee ! I tell the rest…

Out of 4 homes I as tasked to check out, 3 are fishy. If the 4th one turns out to be this suspicious, I wonder what Yiling will do.

22th May 2015



I made my way to the warehouse again and this time round, I did my shopping right there and then. I have a box which I asked the guys loading where can I get some vegetables for my own use. The man in charge of loading, Ah Cai, pointed me to their retail stall.

Ah Cai : that one… that one….

Jackson : Thanks…

I filled the box with a variety of vegetables and mushrooms. I wonder if Yiling would be interested to join us and if I should ask her out of courtesy. Better not, maybe I can ask Candy, but what if Candy decides to bring Cindy and Xiaoyu.

Fuck. I’ll just keep to the usual group.

When I asked how much it cost, the worker just waved me away and directed me to Ah Cai.

Jackson : Ah Cai… how much do I owe you…. ?

He looked at the box of stuff I took before saying it’s ok.

Ah Cai : on the house…. Take… take … take… Ah Orh won’t take your money…

Jackson : Wow… ok… thank you….

After the truck is loaded, I drove to Tampines where the other home is located.

I could tell instantly that this last one is normal.

Normal in the sense there are so much more activities going on.

2 Volunteers are trying to hang a banner up, a security guard asked me to sign in as a visitor.

An operations executive by the name of Loon attended to my delivery. The elderly are a lot more mobile in this home. Windows are all open and the place is airy.

It has a relaxed and casual vibe to it. A couple of social workers with lanyards around their necks came to talk to Loon as I waited for the unloading to finish. I helped out a little because I felt bad the men doing the unloading looks like they should probably be residents instead of staff.

A small bus turned into the compound and I smiled when I see a group of school kids taking turns to alight.

Loon : they’re here to perform a skit for the residents….

Jackson : really ? so cute….

Loon asked me to thank Yiling on his behalf for her continued support all these while.

Loon : we really appreciate what Yiling has done for us….. it’s been so long since she last drop by….. please help us thank her….

Jackson : No problem at all….

Loon even handed me a bag of handmade cookies by the residents to be given to Yiling.

At least the last one’s good.

I returned to Bukit Timah around 5pm in the evening and began setting up the steamboat.
Fridge is stocked, plenty of vegetables including those I harvested from the plot I grew.

No calls from Candy and Yiling, I wonder if I should get in touch with them or wait.

I decided to drop Yiling a text.

“ Hey Yiling… it’s me, Jackson ….. done with the deliveries…. Need to talk when you are free… “

I worked in the garden for a couple of hours until about 7.30pm before Hong arrived with a carton of beer. Kamal and Seven came together before Declan arrived.

We started the steamboat at 8pm and everyone ate as if we had starved for the whole day.

No one talked about work. I realised I didn’t know what they were up to the whole week. Kamal probably knew a little since he was the one who sent me off on the first day but the rest are probably in the dark.

I scooped myself a bowl of soup and listened to Hong bitch about Yiling scolding him about him mimicking her. Now he gets jibed by Yiling whenever he say something.

Hong : KNN ( curse ) Jackson…. I got wack by her you know…. because of you….

Jackson : hahah… sorry sorry… I didn’t know who she was…. If I knew…. I would have kept my mouth shut….

Everyone laughed as we put more food into the boiling broth. Declan asked how was my first week and I told him so far so good.

He did not press me further on what I did. It seems as if everyone has their work cut out for them, or there is some sort of compartmentalisation in place.

No one seemed curious about what I did that past week too.
Old 03-02-2020, 09:27 AM
ilikeoldchangke ilikeoldchangke is offline
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

After we are done with dinner, the guys started to talk excitedly about the coming ghost month in August.

The lunar 7th month, is a month where supposedly the gates of hell open. Sprits are allowed to wander the earth for a month. It’s also known as the hungry ghost festival. The Taoist celebrates it with much fanfare.
You could see offerings being made, people burning incense and all. There are many dos and don’ts to observe as well.

Now Hong is excited because this year, it is Yiling’s turn to host the annual dinner.

Jackson : host for who ?? …

Hong gave me a sly smile before looking to the rest of the guys. It’s as if he was seeking their permission to let me in on it.

Declan : You tell him now… he also won’t understand….

Jackson : It’s ok… just tell me… I’ll try….to put a picture together.

Hong gestured for more beer and grabbed a handful of peanuts before throwing them onto the table like a fortune teller about to divine the future.

Arranging 6 cans of beer around the nuts, Hong started to explain the background of the dinner.

Hong : It’s like those typical 7th month dinner…. Banquet… lots of people…. Member of parliament of the district will come… shake hand…. Smile… then of course… there is the bidding of auspicious items…

Now the special part about this dinner though, is that it will be done before the lunar 7th month. A whole month before in fact.

Jackson : Why ? …. What is the significance of holding a 7th month dinner if it’s not held during the lunar 7th month ??

Hong : I never said it was specifically a 7th month dinner…. I said it’s similar to the 7th month dinner….hahha

Jackson : What the hell…. Ok ok… go on…. I have attended some 7th month dinner before many years ago….the community centre always got tickets to attend at cheap rate…. Like 15 bucks for a bucket of groceries and a 8 course dinner….

Hong looked at me with that judgmental look with no smile before commenting ;

Hong : there… there… the auntie in you just came out again…

Jackson : hello… I don’t live in a castle…. I live in a 3 room flat with my grandfather and money has always been tight…. Good deals like this…. I need it….

Hong : ok… ok…. Whatever…

Hong explained that the dinner would usually be hosted in a hotel ballroom as compared to the ones done outdoors at markets and temples. Not all guest are Taoists, not all of them celebrates the hungry ghost festival so the annual dinner slowly gets shifted out from the lunar 7th month.

Aside from the date, hardly anything has changed over the years for this once a year gala event. To make things even more interesting, every year, a politician would be invited. A member of parliament.

Jackson : Why ?

Hong : There will be a charity bidding session…. Of which the amount raised will be donated to a charity…. Politicians dig things like these… so they usually turn up….

Before I could ask another question, Hong directed everyone’s attention to the beer on the table.
Running his finger around the external circumference formed by the booze. I could see droplets of condensation rolling down onto the table as he told me the dinner itself, is not special.

Hong : It’s the people attending the dinner….

Jackson : Who are they…. ?

Singapore is no stranger to the underworld. Triads still exists but very low profile. Gone are the days of open street fights and trashing of competitors’ businesses.

Now, it’s all about money and profit.

However, there is a reason why some gangs manage to stay together compare to the others.

It’s not money, it’s not loyalty and the oaths, it’s for a very practical reason.



Unique skill sets and experience handed down over the years by pioneers of the secret societies, many of which today operate openly as clans and associations.

Anyone can pick a fight, shout some gang cheer, extort money or start a illegal gambling den. There is literally no barrier for competition to enter, needless to say, these usually don’t last as authorities would clamp down on them pretty quick.

Skills however, is impossible to acquire overnight.

These are hone over years and decades of practise.

Passed down from father to son.

Hong pushed the 1st can out.

Hong : Boss and her company…. La Bella Vita…. we are the host this year….

Pushing another can up immediately, Hong added;

Hong : The Malu Malu…..

Jackson : the what ??

Hong : The Malu Malu…. They are located along Jalan Malu Malu… in Sembawang….

I burst out laughing uncontrollably.

Jackson : hahhaa… what the hell….. hahahhaa….this is a joke right….??

My laughter slowly died of when I realised no one else is laughing along.

Jackson : ok… sorry…. I’m sorry…. Please go on….

Hong : Malu Malu is helmed by 3 brothers…. They are cleaners for hire ….

Jackson : cleaners ??

Hong : They clean shit up….if you know what I mean….

I gave a raised eyebrow and waited for Hong to go on.

Hong : crime scene, blood, shit….. you name it….they operate a legitimate cleaning company, a pest company…. And a renovation company….

Jackson : No shit…

Hong : you want to rid a place of evidence….. you call them….

Jackson : you are joking right… ?

Hong : do you see me laughing ?

He’s right, the mood around the table is pretty solemn and intense.

Hong : The Malu Malu are not only good at cleaning up physical sites… they clean offices and accounts too…. If you catch the drift…. They have lawyers, accountants, even pathologist and retired crime scene technicians under their payroll…..

Kamal interrupted at that moment and added.

Kamal : don’t need to go into so much details…. Too much to digest… but know that they don’t go out and accept anyone who sends in their resume….most if not all of their men are gang members to start out with….

Jackson : That is so fucking cool…. Go on go on….

Another can of beer joined the 2 in the centre.

Hong : Then there are the thieves….

Jackson : what are they called ?

Hong : no special names… just the thieves…..

According to Hong, they are the best there is in the trade.
At the right price, they can steal anything.

Jackson : are you serious ??

Hong : everyone can steal…. The hard part is not getting caught…. And these guys…. Have a unbroken streak….

These people pulled off some of the biggest heist in the country, many of which goes unreported. From antiques to jewelleries, as long as the price is right, it can be done.

Hong : It’s a family business in a way….. all members are cousins, siblings, or extended family…. Very close knit…. They are all under a investment holding company now…. Doing everything from central kitchen for catering to operating franchises of coffee chains…. They’re everywhere…

Jackson : I see…. Go on… go on…

This is interesting. I never knew something like this exists in Singapore.

The 4th can joined the group and Hong paused, taking a sip of his opened beer before going on.

Hong : The monks….

Jackson : hahaha… what ??!! Monks…

Hong handed the explanation over to Declan with an extended palm.

Declan : The monks… they are a small group…. Not real monks of course….it’s just the way they call themselves.

Jackson : what do they do… ?

Declan : they are cheats… swindlers….

Jackson : oh you mean… magic rock… cheat those aunties and stuff….

Declan : No no…. those are petty crimes… you can’t make money off them….

The monks go for high stakes scams, targeting businessmen or investors. They don’t strike all the time but when they do hit, they hit hard.

Declan: their most recent hit, a director of a company that sells scam investments….. some Ponzi pyramid scheme…. They wiped 150 million off the company and that’s when everything started collapsing…. Things start to unravel….

Jackson : oh…. So they are they good guys….

Declan : how so ?

Jackson : they swindler the scammer’s money…. That’s a good thing no ??

Declan : errrr…. Never mind…. The Monks are vegetarians…. The own a chain of vegetarian eateries and are in the midst of opening the 1st vegetarian hotel in Singapore….

Jackson :Wow…. Ok….

Sensing a slowdown in the sharing of information, I took a 5th can of beer and put it into the circle.

Jackson : who else… ?

Kamal decided to chip in this round.

Kamal : The white snakes….

Jackson :Woah… that sounds damm badass man….

Kamal : Nah… they are a bunch of loose sand right now…. A lot of internal fighting…..they can’t get along with each other…. they too own a variety of businesses from rice distribution to property investment…..they seldom show up for the dinner, and even if they did, it would be one of the older guys with a few men just for show….. they are not interested in the power play going on in the country….

Jackson :I see…. What a pity…. White snakes is a kickass name…. best I’ve heard so far.

Seven helped to push the last can in and I sat up eagerly, looking around the table to see who would be the one that is going to explain the last group.

La Bella Vita
Malu Malu
The thieves
The monks
White snakes.

I could sense the apprehension around the table.

After a while, Hong decided to take up the challenge.

Hong : Rajahs , or also known as kings.

Jackson : woah…. Sounds damm princely and elitist man… hahha…

Hong : The Rajahs….. they are a big organisation…. Very violent…..and I’m not talking about kids fighting in the void deck or doing one on one in lifts mind you…. These people…. If they are out to hurt you…. You can be assured that you will feel pain….
Old 03-02-2020, 09:28 AM
ilikeoldchangke ilikeoldchangke is offline
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

The Rajahs are not thugs for hire but they are like thugs in business. Disputes if any are usually resolved by violence. They have been known to torch competitors offices and warehouses.

Not only are they violent, they are not afraid of the law or going to jail because they get paid to do so.

You need to take one for the team ? Sure. Full pay including CPF and AWS included. Your family gets taken care off.

Hong : Rumour is that as long as you are part of Rajah for more than 10 years…. Accommodation, car, your kids’s education….. they take care of it… rumour that is….

Kamal : Rumours only la… you live a life like theirs, how many can make it to 10 years… hahaha

Everyone laughed and Hong continued.

The Rajahs own a shipping and logistics company. They handle all manners of stuff as long as the price is right. From drugs to contraband items, even banned foodstuff like ‘Balut’ , a developing duck embryo, they can get it in for you.

The Rajahs are also involved in money lending, both legal and illegal, vehicle leasing, mostly industrial vehicles and construction cranes. They also own a couple of hotels located in the red light districts.

Kamal gestured to Seven as he shook his leg and brought a beer to his lips.

Kamal : Seven used to be from the Rajahs….

All eyes turned to Seven and he nodded.

Jackson : they… they poured acid… down your throat… ?

Seven gestured something which I don’t really understand and Declan added;

Declan : He followed the wrong leader…….got played out……when the Rajahs clean house…. They really meant it…. Thankfully Boss got to Seven in time….

Jackson : I see…. I see…

Hong : Rajahs…. They are the 2nd largest criminal organisation in the country.

I nodded as I sipped my drink, trying to digest the wealth of information I just heard from the group.

This is amazing. It’s like if you peel away the top layer of the bustling metropolis the country is, you discover there is a lot more going on underneath it all.

I looked up suddenly at Hong when I was reminded of something he said.

Jackson :wait… wait…. You said the Rajahs…. Are what… ? the 2nd largest criminal organisation….??

I looked at the guys around the table before it suddenly dawned on me who I was really working for.

Jackson : so …. the …. Biggest…. …. ?

Declan : oh…. Do you even need to ask ? hahhaha….

The guys laughed and Hong drained the can of beer he was holding onto before asking.

Hong : which reminds me…. Jackson…. You were pretty resistant to working for Boss initially….. what made you change your mind… ?

I was immediately on alert in case I say something I shouldn’t be saying. I can’t possibly lie outright either so I decided to give a calibrated answer instead.

Jackson : well…. I ermm…Yiling…. She…let’s just say I’ve seen her done something pretty amazing…. With a phone call… and… I’ve decided to jump in and see how far the rabbit hole goes…. For the record…. She didn’t force me one bit….

Kamal nodded with a chuckle.

Kamal : hahah… Boss…. Has never forced us to do anything we are not willing to….

Hong : agreed…. Hahaha…

It was at this time Declan took out a cigar holder from his pocket. He popped one out and proceeded to cut of the ends of it with a smile.

Declan : well…. Boss has many phones…. I’ve seen some pretty amazing stuff too…. Hahah…. But trust me…. you have seen nothing…..

Jackson : what do you mean… ?

Declan chuckled and stood up, indicating to the guys it’s time to head out for a smoke.

Declan : you ain’t see nothing…. Until you see Boss take out her old Nokia phone…..

Jackson : what does that do… ? break a brick haha ?? is it one of those indestructible phones ??

Declan : Nope…. A Nokia 8855 model…. She has 3 of them….i’ve seen only 1 being used before…..

I followed the group outside and Declan fired up the wind proof lighter to light up his cigar.

Declan shook his lit cigar at me and a sweet yet unfamiliar aroma filled my nose.

Declan : That phone call… put 23 Rajahs on the ground….amazing no one died or seriously injured…..

Jackson : what the fuck….!....

Declan : How else do you think we got Seven out ? hahah….
As the area outside the farmhouse filled with tobacco smoke, I asked.

Jackson : The Rajahs must be fucking pissed at Yiling isn’t it…. ??

Hong : oh…. You bet they are… hahah… .. but that’s what make the annual dinner all the more interesting isn’t it… hahahah…

Jackson : Who is leading the Rajahs…. ?

Hong gave me a sly smile.

Hong : A hot 25 year old slut with a come fuck me look and a penchant for wearing come-fuck-me boots with skirts so short, it’s impossible to miss a flash of her panty…..

Jackson : You’re shitting me…. so young…. ? she’s younger than Yiling…… makes you wonder right…. Why are organisations like these being led by girls

Kamal : That is a really sexist comment coming from you Jackson …. Gentle reminder…. The one giving you your pay cheque at the end of the month is a girl as well…

Jackson : well… it’s different in a way… least Yiling has decent dress sense…. She has that elegance of a matured woman….confidence…. and style…. The swag… she oozes charm….. sha has class….. and… and…

I barely finished my statement when I saw someone approaching us from a distance away. It’s Yiling and she’s not alone. Cindy towered behind her and Aaron was walking towards us from another direction.

I could not believe what I was seeing.
Yiling looked like she just came from a fancy dress party.
She was wearing a ridiculous pink top that barely concealed the neon yellow bra she was wearing underneath. On her head is a over the top straw hat as if she is going to the beach and she wore a skirt so short that every step she took, she risked flashing her panty to all of us.

She stumbled forward a little but Cindy managed to stop her from falling, Yiling laughed, obviously high from the drinks before trying to adjust her short skirt lower to cover her modesty. Her usually impeccable hair is a little frizzled and messed up.

Concentrating a little too hard on the ground in front of herself, Yiling was determined to make her way towards us unassisted.

The pair of black boots she wore reached up to her kneecaps and she was swinging a Hermes clutch bag wildly in her left hand while holding onto a bottle of wine in her right.

She sneezed and I saw her wipe her nose with the back of her hand before wiping it on the side of her short skirt. Noticing a leaf on the side of her neon coloured bra, Yiling picked it off and adjusted her boobs as if she was wearing a bra not suited for her breast size.

Yiling : yozz…!!! Boys !!!

Yiling called out from about 15 metres away and it was a jaw drop moment for everyone when she stumbled again, this time round falling flat onto the grass.

Yiling : fuck !... fuck !! arghh…

The fall flipped up her short skirt and her butt cheek with bits of her pink thong was immediately exposed to the entire world for a second before Cindy quickly bent down and covered it up.

Yiling rolled onto her back and Cindy had to cover Yiling’s modesty with her massive body as the lot of us turned and look the other way.

Yiling : why is everyone upside down ?? !!

No one answered her since she is obviously not her usual self.

Yiling : I’m ok…..relax… I’m ok….

As Cindy helped Yiling brush off the grass and dirt from her stained top, Hong had to rub it in.

Hong : you were saying…. ? hahaha….

Jackson : She’s good man….. she’s good….

Hong : hahah.. how so….

Jackson : She managed to convince me I’m working for a fucking cool kick ass boss with a single phone call….. and now… she destroyed my entire image of her in 5 seconds….

Declan laughed and chirped in

Declan : It’s a stressful job……There is still a lot more you don’t know about her Jackson … hahaha…

Old 03-02-2020, 09:44 AM
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

this yiling why so cute one
Old 03-02-2020, 11:31 AM
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

Very kick ass story. Really makes my mind wonder off in life of Jackson for the mere few minutes via reading. :S13:

TS, pls pls dun stop!!
Pls dun up me cos I won't return ups too. Simply no time.
Old 03-02-2020, 02:58 PM
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

Bro ilikeoldchangke, who in your mind is boss yiling?

Can share w u which celebrity she is like? For me.. it’s jade rasif! Lol
Old 03-02-2020, 03:53 PM
healthcub healthcub is offline
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

Excellent update TS, more please!
Old 03-02-2020, 04:18 PM
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

Please continue James, I just can't stop reading this wonderful dramas...
Old 03-02-2020, 05:02 PM
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

Did i read "white snake"??

Related to another story?
Old 03-02-2020, 06:39 PM
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

😂 v good shit
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