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Old 27-05-2010, 08:33 AM
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Re: I'm cheated by Guo Guo of money but more cruelly of my true feelings for her!!

Originally Posted by King.Cobra View Post
Bro, in my opinion if you have not received the HIV result, you should not have fucked AMy lah. U should stay at home until the doc give u the clean bill of health. LIdat u may endanger other bros and Amy's life as well.
as I mentioned earlier, I only talked to her in the room n I did not do anything else!! Don't believe u can cross check with her!!
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Old 27-05-2010, 08:53 AM
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Re: I'm cheated by Guo Guo of money but more cruelly of my true feelings for her!!

Originally Posted by avgalslover View Post
as I mentioned earlier, I only talked to her in the room n I did not do anything else!! Don't believe u can cross check with her!!
She is a kind hearted gal n I hope bros here will treat well with respect too!!!

Don't be rough to her.
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Old 28-05-2010, 05:19 AM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs list

Bro avgalslover,u r nt the first guy kanna all this K.C trap or the last guy.One straight forward method is dat all this WL will allow u to do RAW to win yr trust,motive is alaways abt money.Maybe there r cases of true love but dat is very very unlikely to happen....All this WL willing to sell their bodies for less than 150 per work after split with OKT,how much feeling they will throw in for $?? per work rite .U may get more GFE if u dont mind some gifts to them,but to be realistic,if u can have a better bond n feel gd,think dat is gd enough.Move on bro. times will cool everything,money is devil but sadly dat is the truth...........I personally know a guy now still in touch with the USED to be famous "Yuan Yuan",n he bought shop house in her hometown for her n regulary send allowances to her.How many bros out there let her served before know how she work,n how she alaways request gifts n extra money from her regular customers,when she want to buy one thing eg. camera. she will ask different customers to give her cash to buy the same item.......This poor guy still think he is the only SPECIAL man dat Yuan Yuan treat him.....A willing but nt realistic guy dat only can throw in money to communicate with Yuan Yuan,who knows. maybe he will be the next guy to write in this forum soon .......My advise,if a lady really likes u,u just have to meet her basic needs n u can be together,if nt unless u have so much spare cash to buy her time until she cant live without yr provision,but,really have to go until dat extend???We r here to enjoy a good bond dat all,take care.
Old 28-05-2010, 09:24 AM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs list

Originally Posted by nakamitchi View Post
All this WL willing to sell their bodies for less than 150 per work after split with OKT,how much feeling they will throw in for $?? per work rite .U may get more GFE if u dont mind some gifts to them,but to be realistic,if u can have a better bond n feel gd,think dat is gd enough.
There is also one question we need to ask ourselves: what's there in me that warrants a WL's love, besides $$$? Is it good looks, or well-toned physique, or similar age and aspiration, or charming personality, etc? If none of the above, then better be realistic...

WLs are not that much different from "normal" ladies on the street, just that they are often prettier and more well-endowed. If one doesn't get real love that easily from "normal" ladies, it'll probably be the same with WLs.
Old 28-05-2010, 03:03 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs list

Bros, for all your advices n comments (no matter good or scoldings), I thank you all as u have my well being at heart!! Thank you n I hear u all !!!

I guess I really need time to move on but I will! Not easy to do so when u really love someone.... But I will try. She is the only one that makes me unable to think clearly, n will be the last person.

I really thank all for your concerns n advice!! Thank you!!

Originally Posted by nakamitchi View Post
Bro avgalslover,u r nt the first guy kanna all this K.C trap or the last guy.One straight forward method is dat all this WL will allow u to do RAW to win yr trust,motive is alaways abt money.Maybe there r cases of true love but dat is very very unlikely to happen....All this WL willing to sell their bodies for less than 150 per work after split with OKT,how much feeling they will throw in for $?? per work rite .U may get more GFE if u dont mind some gifts to them,but to be realistic,if u can have a better bond n feel gd,think dat is gd enough.Move on bro. times will cool everything,money is devil but sadly dat is the truth...........I personally know a guy now still in touch with the USED to be famous "Yuan Yuan",n he bought shop house in her hometown for her n regulary send allowances to her.How many bros out there let her served before know how she work,n how she alaways request gifts n extra money from her regular customers,when she want to buy one thing eg. camera. she will ask different customers to give her cash to buy the same item.......This poor guy still think he is the only SPECIAL man dat Yuan Yuan treat him.....A willing but nt realistic guy dat only can throw in money to communicate with Yuan Yuan,who knows. maybe he will be the next guy to write in this forum soon .......My advise,if a lady really likes u,u just have to meet her basic needs n u can be together,if nt unless u have so much spare cash to buy her time until she cant live without yr provision,but,really have to go until dat extend???We r here to enjoy a good bond dat all,take care.
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Old 29-05-2010, 10:13 AM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs list

Originally Posted by hubber88 View Post
av bro,

GuoGuo may already be a mom before she come here(usually claimed by WL that it's an abortion)

i tried her before

-loose fats around tummy with wrinkled traces

loose breast - a clear sign of breast feeding

big hip bones
i did asked before whether she married or not... but she said no. Well, no point saying about her anymore... The more I know about her, the more it hurts! Juz wanna move on in life.
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Old 31-05-2010, 12:29 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs list

This guo guo is so deceitful n scheming that she even spread bad things about her former 姐妹....even after she's gone. She even have the cheek to say she bought the $7k omega watch (which i bought) herself for $2k ++.

I'm really 死心on her liao... It's a heart-breaking lesson for me.
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Old 31-05-2010, 01:23 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs list

Bro AV you dun seems to be a newbie at cheonging yet you allow yourself to fall for the ultimate no no as a cheongster. You can't blame her, in fact thank her for giving you a expensive lesson in life and wise up. Monster too has been the victim of scams, I lost hell lots of money before not to PRC, I won't be that stupid (well maybe not yet) but to real pro conman who got me to pump in thousand and thousands of dollars into fake investments. End of the day, of course I gave them a "Pei Fu" character. Cos they have wise me up and managed to pull a fast one on me without even betting a eyelid. But always remember the lesson and once beaten twice shy.

Anyway sorry for hijacking this thread, let us return it to what it is original meant for and that is more juicy FRs.
Old 31-05-2010, 02:52 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs list

Yup, this thread shld be for more juicy frs.

Saw a new gal, lulu, at 1654a the other day. Seems not bad. Any bros here try her yet??

Btw, QiQi was dammed good at bj... Almost can't hold on till the main part last sat!! She, Amy, lanxing etc will be my rtf from now.... Maybe the new Lulu too.
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Old 31-05-2010, 09:30 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs list

Just a piece of advise, when a girl (whether she is whore or not, and whether did she gave raw or not), asking for expensive gift, stay away quickly, don't waste money and time. A girl truly love a guy will not request for expensive gift or money (Wife is an exception, though she will squeeze your money, but for the family's seek).
Old 01-06-2010, 12:48 AM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs list

Name: Xing Xing

Once again, i fov place, with the all time good service with catbath... wonderful...

Age: 23
Height: 1.56m my type of height
Weight: 45kg
Face: 8/10 looks pretty
Boobs: B+cup one hand full
Body: 8/10 smooth skin
Pussy: 8/10 normal, no smell, and take note... its wet... no KY use...
damage: 150/1/1

xing xing is new there, but her service is good, shower with bbbj, first on bed lay down with back up, back licking sky high, from right sholder to back knee and all the way one U-turn back to my left sholder, after this, with the funny guy's doggy style position, ass licking section.

next with belly up, wow... should try her if you like balls licking, feels wonderful, should just try her, IMHO, one of the best there, but so far, my exp there, always had a smile while walking out the main door...

Overall: 8.5/10

RTF for sure, but trying other gals, or maybe try out tian tian again...
Old 01-06-2010, 02:05 PM
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Largeville has got little hope of coming out of this alive!
Re: GL 150cats FRs list

Originally Posted by oraltest View Post
Name: Xing Xing

Once again, i fov place, with the all time good service with catbath... wonderful...

Age: 23
Height: 1.56m my type of height
Weight: 45kg
Face: 8/10 looks pretty
Boobs: B+cup one hand full
Body: 8/10 smooth skin
Pussy: 8/10 normal, no smell, and take note... its wet... no KY use...
damage: 150/1/1

xing xing is new there, but her service is good, shower with bbbj, first on bed lay down with back up, back licking sky high, from right sholder to back knee and all the way one U-turn back to my left sholder, after this, with the funny guy's doggy style position, ass licking section.

next with belly up, wow... should try her if you like balls licking, feels wonderful, should just try her, IMHO, one of the best there, but so far, my exp there, always had a smile while walking out the main door...

Overall: 8.5/10

RTF for sure, but trying other gals, or maybe try out tian tian again...

Bro, I agree with you... xing xing is solid... and wet easily. Tian tian service damn solid too... esp her bbbj... But i feel that xing xing has a nicer body, although Tian Tian can dress really sexy and sway when she walks... try tian tian... once you see her naked you will know what i mean.
Old 01-06-2010, 09:47 PM
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Qi Qi (1612) short and sweet FR by kwh79

Wanted to get Xiu Xiu today but she was working. I couldn't wait so decided to go for Qiqi. Indeed her service is good and she's very naughty as well. Once in the room, start to rabba rabba and we stripped each other. Glad to say I managed to strip her faster than she stripped me. She was in her birthday suit while I still had my trousers on. Off to shower, SOP and then onto the bed. Do a little foreplay, discovered her super sensitive spot are her ears!
Then the crazy ride begins. Went through so many positions led by her, first cowgirl, reverse cowgirl, spooning, doggie, standing doggie, missionary, piak piak piak, she went ah ah ah throughout the whole episode, I rose her legs higher, went deeper and piaked both of us to heaven. What a horny gal...
We the BROTHERS of GL SAF, swear to have FUN by finding the BEST CUNTS!

"King's Latest Party Gals" thread will have the details of the GL 150 gals I had since July 2001

Go to "GL Newest Party Joint" thread for the latest GL updates with the help of all the brothers who PM or sms me or post in the thread.

Will be fading away from GL soon but as I said "No one retires from GL" .... who knows?
Old 01-06-2010, 10:48 PM
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Re: Qi Qi (1612) short and sweet FR by kwh79

are those advertisements ?

its always 1612 or 1805

I don't trust lies .
Old 02-06-2010, 06:03 PM
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Re: Qi Qi (1612) short and sweet FR by kwh79

Originally Posted by speedcat7 View Post
are those advertisements ?

its always 1612 or 1805

I don't trust lies .
Why ah? Why ah? Why does people have to go round and round the world then still go home? Because home is always the best and where we feel most comfortable.

Check the post ....Bro dez (join SBF in Dec 2001) went round the whole of GL and finally went HQ 1612 and call Tian Tian .... Bro doomas (join SBF in Mar 2002) went round lor 20 and also landed in at HQ 1612 and call Xiu Xiu

Not to be outdone, I finished my roast chicken rice at lor 18 kopi tiam and started walking down the street, as I walked near the 1st Cat 150 shop, a man started waving to me to come in and he reminds me of the "Fortune Cat" with waving paw .... skip .... next shop is empty, not a single soul in sight .... next one with the "infamous" OKT P**** was full of gals that looked bored and one was plucking her arm pit hair and the OKT was busy at the counter staring at his laptop .... then to one of the nicest deco shop and the OKT was friendly and smiled as I walked in, he had about 7 gals but half of them just woked up and withour make up .... it is 6pm!!!

Make a turn and walk along lor 16 .... on the right 1st house with 2 units, the a few gals are standing outside but dont look appealing to me ..... then the next house the OKT looks fierce..... pass by Hotel 81, the first house is HQ 1612 .... how did I ended here?

Anyway Uncle Tommy saw me and walk to open door for me, smilingly he said "got someone miss you and waiting for you", who can it be ... saw Xiu Xiu having her lunch at 630pm, her first break since starting work ... Da Da is clicking away at her laptop "stealing vegetable" while her customer is enjoying his green tea waiting for her ... Ying Ying is so hot and in the room with customer .... I hear Tian Tian laughing away in the room with her lover (according to Tommy, 2nd session) and Qi Qi is outside working at lor 20.

So I sat at my fav red arm chair and enjoy kopi and watch tv ..... soon the sweet cum womanly Qi Qi came back and straight away came to hug me and say miss me so much ... oh so it was her ..... FR to be up soon (just a short note, she is the best combination for GFE and service)

Many of the SBF senior bros (registered in 2001-2003) go to HQ 1612 as we find it comfortable there, Tommy is nice and dont mind us siting around and he loves our comapny .... most importantly is that maybe we are all "old birds" and will go for service gals and Tommy hardly fail us with his gals or his recommendations .... Truth or lie or advertisement, lets the readers decided!
We the BROTHERS of GL SAF, swear to have FUN by finding the BEST CUNTS!

"King's Latest Party Gals" thread will have the details of the GL 150 gals I had since July 2001

Go to "GL Newest Party Joint" thread for the latest GL updates with the help of all the brothers who PM or sms me or post in the thread.

Will be fading away from GL soon but as I said "No one retires from GL" .... who knows?

Last edited by cuntking; 02-06-2010 at 06:28 PM.
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