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Old 03-05-2002, 01:34 AM
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Hey thanks for the reply man i sure will msg him and see how things goesoh yeah by the way what is the average price to pay for a ON coz there are lots of prices in the other messages.
Old 03-05-2002, 10:58 AM
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Yo bruther moonface...

so what is your plan tonight.. wan to paint the town red or not??
sms me to my sin hp number k... if you get the other kakis then the more the merrier...
LiFes a BiTcH...

So..SCreW WhiLe YoU CaN...
Old 03-05-2002, 03:21 PM
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Originally posted by Crashout
Hey thanks for the reply man i sure will msg him and see how things goesoh yeah by the way what is the average price to pay for a ON coz there are lots of prices in the other messages.
I think u are staying in IBIS Hotel and there are 5 of them here.

Slipi, Kemayoran, Tamarin, Mangga Dua and Cikarang depending on where your your office is. It is a three star hotel and the first 4 is very near the happening place. Tamarin is behind HRC.

So no fear...

Prices to pay for ST is around Rup 180k and overnight depend on where u get them. from FOC to Rup 1 millilon....

Hope the infor helps and welCUM aboard...

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Old 03-05-2002, 03:26 PM
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Originally posted by wonsim

Its definitely suck to pay for a deadfish (think DIT better) but seem like thats that way its goes for all newbies at Jkt. Will be going to Jkt end of this month again and still wonder whether I should go cheong alone at night since this time round, my tip-mate is those damm decent kind, only place for him after work is gym.

Nonetheless, get to know a 21 yr old indo malay gal (quite pretty, good body) onboard SQ to Jkt during my last trip (she seated beside mi) and we now communicating thru email. Hopefully, will get to bed her rather than spending on deadfish.

End of the month sound like a good time as Kiev is also expected here. Sure u have time for beer with FT here.... PM us when your date is fixed.

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Old 03-05-2002, 03:30 PM
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Originally posted by MoonFace

People make the first move and you play hard to get.
You should call her asap..before she lose interest.

No lah, not get to get. I am a shy person and do not believe in ONS or free fuck... I always remember the show : Fatal Attraction"... So better be safe then to be sorry. Pay for what u have and u will be a happier man.
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Old 03-05-2002, 03:36 PM
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Any1 interested to go Batam?

Originally posted by Kiev

Moonface lost my HP and I've just PM him, think it's bloody too late!

JKT??? Hmmm...I missed the nightlife there but I won't be there until probably end May. Also, I'm trying to avoid an ICQ chick I've screwed there.

U want the contact? Sure, but make sure you are gamed enuff! Seeya soon!
Hmmmmm... So what's up... Cumming end of May... Maybe can arrange for beer together with Woosim...

Cheers and waiting for your ICQ chick... My server is protected by a firewall and even my computer man couldn't run the ICQ program for me... Shit.. No chance for me...
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Old 03-05-2002, 04:26 PM
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Friends of JKT Thread

Till today.. Noted that the following came and wish compile the list here hoping that one day we will meet..

Nick...................................First Visted..........................Remarks
===...................................========.... .....................======
Odd_master.....................04/Dec............................Start the thread
Ah_john............................06/Jan.................................Work here
Newcomerjkt.....................08/Feb...........................Met/ Work here
Moonface..........................11/Mar............................met/work here
Gentle Beast.....................13/Mar

Above is just to keep note as some ppl PM me but I forgot where I saw his name.

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Last edited by Rainman; 06-05-2002 at 10:07 AM.
Old 05-05-2002, 02:19 AM
pterchew pterchew is offline
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pterchew is one of the Best!pterchew is one of the Best!pterchew is one of the Best!pterchew is one of the Best!
Smile glad 2 meet kakis in jkt

i hv been followed this thread closely since
i'm also a frequent jkt visitor. however, due
2 my business and lack of knowledge in jkt,
i do not hv much interesting FR nor place of
interest 2 share.

well, i will be going 2 jkt on 5/5/02 by the
morning flight. i hv 2 other chiongsters fren
going along wif me. all including me r totally
sotong in jkt. therefore, i hereby hope tat
we could tab along wif u guys anytimes
b4 11/5 4 a chiong session.

pls sms my sg number 9051 XXXX or
email me yr jkt contact number incase
i can't receive yr sms in jkt cos it is my
new HP no. my email is...
[email protected]

thanks and hope 2 meet u guys soon.

Last edited by pterchew; 06-05-2002 at 02:02 PM.
Old 05-05-2002, 11:11 PM
odd_master odd_master is offline
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meet in Jakarta

I will be in Jakarta on Monday 6/5/02.
Wish to meet you there, rainman.
Old 06-05-2002, 02:00 AM
RonDezVuE RonDezVuE is offline
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Hi Rainman,

I was in Jkt on 28 to 30 April.. sorry that I could not catch up with ya.. very bz with office assignment and projects..

Anyway, for field report, stayed in Atlet Century and had an OKT who called me up out of the blue asking whether I wanted lady for the night..

Said okay, so he brought 2 girls up.. picked a cute Bandung girl.. fair skinned, petite who is working in a boutique at Kelapa Gading... paid Rp400 for her..

FJ was SOP, nothing much to it... had 2 rounds... guess it was good enough.. but not fantastic..

Old 06-05-2002, 09:48 AM
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Re: meet in Jakarta

Originally posted by odd_master
I will be in Jakarta on Monday 6/5/02.
Wish to meet you there, rainman.
Odd_master as same as the thread starter??? How Come your date joined is March 2002.

Glad to know u would be here today... Let's see. Monday.... Should be quiet here, However. PM me your Sin H/P and I will contact u guys about 4-5 PM.

I would be leaving for Sin on 8th ... Thus ... time available is not too much... Let's meet...

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Old 06-05-2002, 09:53 AM
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Re: glad 2 meet kakis in jkt

Hi... Well noted but suggest guess u should have PM me your number instead of putting them here,,, Do edit them..

I will SMS u shortly when I decide what to do tonite... 06th May Mon...


Originally posted by pterchew
i hv been followed this thread closely since
i'm also a frequent jkt visitor. however, due
2 my business and lack of knowledge in jkt,
i do not hv much interesting FR nor place of
interest 2 share.

well, i will be going 2 jkt on 5/5/02 by the
morning flight. i hv 2 other chiongsters fren
going along wif me. all including me r totally
sotong in jkt. therefore, i hereby hope tat
we could tab along wif u guys anytimes
b4 11/5 4 a chiong session.

pls sms my sg number 90****** or
email me yr jkt contact number incase
i can't receive yr sms in jkt cos it is my
new HP no. my email is...
[email protected]

thanks and hope 2 meet u guys soon.
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Old 06-05-2002, 09:57 AM
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Glad u managed to get what u want... Hope to see u next time...

Originally posted by RonDezVuE
Hi Rainman,

I was in Jkt on 28 to 30 April.. sorry that I could not catch up with ya.. very bz with office assignment and projects..

Anyway, for field report, stayed in Atlet Century and had an OKT who called me up out of the blue asking whether I wanted lady for the night..

Said okay, so he brought 2 girls up.. picked a cute Bandung girl.. fair skinned, petite who is working in a boutique at Kelapa Gading... paid Rp400 for her..

FJ was SOP, nothing much to it... had 2 rounds... guess it was good enough.. but not fantastic..

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Old 06-05-2002, 01:30 PM
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Yo Rainman
This sucks man.When i reached Jakarta Airport on the 4th, the guys from my office said that everything has been cancelled on the last minute and guess what the guys from the Jakarta side was laready waiting for me with a ticket on the next flight back to Sin.Damn could only smell a bit of the Indonesian air.Well anyway there will be cahnces for me to go back there again but until then i'll be watching this forum .Hope to see you guys next time.

Old 06-05-2002, 01:46 PM
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Originally posted by Crashout
Yo Rainman
This sucks man.When i reached Jakarta Airport on the 4th, the guys from my office said that everything has been cancelled on the last minute and guess what the guys from the Jakarta side was laready waiting for me with a ticket on the next flight back to Sin.Damn could only smell a bit of the Indonesian air.Well anyway there will be cahnces for me to go back there again but until then i'll be watching this forum .Hope to see you guys next time.

As u correcyly mentioned ... there were always be another time.... Coincidence that Kepoh whom was supposed to be here on Fri.. 3rd also cancelled his trip on the last min basis. U two are the same guy??
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