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Old 03-02-2020, 11:37 PM
SuperbMaster SuperbMaster is offline
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

OMG damn good story here, camping for next updates!
Old 04-02-2020, 01:25 AM
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Originally Posted by husky1shepherd4 View Post
Did i read "white snake"??

Related to another story?
Old 04-02-2020, 03:56 AM
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

Fantastic write up, cheers!
Old 04-02-2020, 04:48 AM
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

Originally Posted by diputs1269 View Post
Fantastic write up, cheers!
Yes very well written
Old 04-02-2020, 11:39 AM
ilikeoldchangke ilikeoldchangke is offline
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

Declan : Anyway…… she’s drunk… time to go…

Jackson : What… why ??

I turned to see the guys casually trying to make their respective way away from the approaching queen.

Yiling could hardly walk straight and Cindy had to hold onto her a couple of times before getting shoved away.

Yiling : I’m ok Cindy…. I’m ok….. don’t worry…. Burzpppp….

As Yiling got closer, I realised the group of smoking men behind me have already started making their way out in a radial pattern.

Yiling : Where is everyone going !!! ?? hey !! Hong !!!

Hong pretended he didn’t hear her and quickened his pace towards the castle.

Yiling : Declan … Declan !!! hey… over here….

Declan went from a fast walk to a slow jog while Seven went into an all out sprint.

Yiling : what is wrong with you all !!! arghhh !!!

Yiling turned her attention to me as I watched her finished the quarter bottle of wine she has left before dropping the bottle on the floor for Cindy to pick up.

Aaron by then had caught up with us, it was then I realised he had another bottle of whisky in his hands.

Yiling : Aaron…. Aaron !!!! where is it… !! why so long !!!

Aaron quickly handed the bottle to Yiling before mouthing; ‘good luck’ to me. He too scurried away. For someone that always wanted to be near Yiling, him running away spoke volumes.
It became apparent enough that no one wanted to be near Yiling when she is drunk.

Yiling handed the bottle to Cindy who removed the seal and pulled out the cock with hardly any effort before handing it over to Yiling who stopped in front of me as she stabbed the soft grass with the heel of her boots.

Jackson : ermmm… yes ??

Yiling took a deep breath, had a swig of the bottle before adding.

Yiling : yeah… we need to talk…. Here I am….

I looked at Cindy and asked;

Jackson : What the hell is wrong with her…. ??

Cindy : There is nothing wrong with her….too much to drink…. But she’s ok…

Jackson :She’s not ok…

Yiling : I am fucking ok !!... come….don’t waste time…. here.. have some….

She thrust the bottle into my hands and before I could grab it properly, she took it back for another swig, leaving a sliver of her drool and marks from her lipstick on the neck of the bottle.

Yiling : Try it… try it…. It’s nice…. Taiwanese Whisky….

I held the bottle and looked at the state of the opening and declined.

Jackson : It’s ok… you go ahead…

Yiling : drink it !!!! it’s nice !!! Cindy !!! make him drink it !!!

I looked at Cindy who maintained her usual blank expression on her face without saying a word. Cindy’s biceps looked like they grew bigger or perhaps it was the tight fitting top she was wearing.
It suddenly dawned on me that Cindy would fit right in with one of those huge bounders at a club. The kind that can throw you out the door with one hand as if he was flicking dirt off his coat.

Cindy : drink it…

Jackson : ok… ok… fine…

Yiling laughed as she tapped me on my shoulder while I took a swig from the bottle.

Yiling : come… let’s talk….inside… burpzz….blergh…

Yiling did not remove her boots and walked right in. I could hear another loud burp and what sounded like her holding back her puke.

Jackson : Are you ok ??

Yiling : yeah…. I am…. I am…. Just a bit disorientated…. But I’m sober….

I remained standing and waited, unsure of what to do. My eyes went to the dirt and grass that she just brought in with her boots. Fine, it’s her property, I’m just a worker, I can always clean it up later.

Yiling : go on… go on…. Yeah… I’m listening…. Shoot…

I looked at Cindy who was standing 2 steps behind Yiling like a block of wood for clues whether I should give Yiling the report when she is in that state but her expression remained blank.

Fuck this. I’ll just tell her what I saw.

Jackson : ok… I visited the other 3 homes after the 1st one……

Yiling kept nodding and taking small swigs of alcohol from the bottle.

I was seriously in doubt she’s taking anything in at all but she reassured me that she is every now and then with a ‘ good….good observation ‘ , or a ‘ that’s very creative of you ‘.

I spent 15 minutes giving Yiling the low down on the things I’ve seen the past week.

Jackson : That’s about it…. So… what do you want to do about it….

By then the bottle of Whisky is already 1/3 gone and Yiling leaning heavily on her left hand while looking at me with that dazed look on her face.

Yiling took a deep breath and tried to stand up only to stagger and fall backwards, thankfully Cindy was there to catch her, making sure she sits back onto the chair.

Yiling : I’m ok… I’m ok …. Ok… where were we Jackson …

Jackson : I’m done…. I’m asking you what you want to do about it ?

Yiling : Oh… you’re done… ok good…. Thank you…burpzzz….oh god….ermmm thank you…

Jackson : You’re welcome… so what do you want me to do…. ?

Yiling gestured me closer with 2 fingers.

Yiling : drink with me…

Jackson : err… no I’ll pass….

Yiling’s lips covered the opening of the whisky and took a large gulp before realising it was too much. Her eyes narrowed and she frown before I saw her spit some back into the bottle.

As if that was not bad enough, her lips actually left the rim of the bottle as she spit more of the whisky back into the bottle, drenching the outsides at the same time.

Yiling : hssssssss…. Ahhhhhhhhhhh….. why… you…..scare of saliva ?? is it ?? you don’t share drinks with your buddies back in the army…. You…. You call yourself a man ah…. Don’t dare to share drinks…

I looked at Cindy, hoping she would say something but she did not. Again, I was met with that blank expression.

Jackson : I’m quite full…

Yiling : Full….. has nothing to do with drinking…

Jackson : maybe it’s more to do with personal hygiene…

She orientated her body to face me and with her legs apart, my eyes widened as I saw Yiling flash her pink thong that she was wearing at me. She literally spread her legs wide as she adopted at ‘ I’m the boss ‘ look while holding to the bottle and resting the other hand on her lap.

My jaws dropped as she maintained that position until Cindy walked in front of her and warned me to stop looking.

Cindy : Stop looking at her underwear….

Jackson : She flashed it at me… !

Cindy : You can choose not to see….

Yiling shove Cindy aside and crossed her legs before pushing the bottle over to me.

Yiling : Tell me Jackson …. What do you think we should do… ??

Jackson : Something is obviously going on… I think …

Yiling stopped me mid sentence, waving her finger in front of my face.

Yiling : ar… ar….ar….ar…….drink….. then you talk….

I exhaled and took another swig from the bottle but I did not drink any.

Jackson : you should report this to the police or something…. I’m thinking illegal employment of foreign workers…that’s why… they don’t want visitors… or when anyone visits…. They want them gone…. Most of them will be hiding I guess…

Yiling just kept nodding without a word, she rubbed her left eye and her fake eye lashes came out. She took it and pasted it on my table, giving it a few jab as if she was killing an insect.

Yiling : the….the one…. That’s closed….shifted….

Jackson : ahh.. yes…. I think that’s a headquarter for some worker smuggling ring…. It’s just my theory of course…. They bring them in, and house them somewhere…. And slowly deploy these illegal workers to construction sites….. dorms… or wherever… maybe even for crimes and stuff….

Yiling nodded and drank more from the bottle.

Seeing her breath deeply and trying to control her burping, I could see she was on the verge of puking.

Jackson : you know what… you looked tired… why not we continue this discussion tomorrow…

Yiling : No… no… I’m ok…I just need a moment….burppzzz….

I immediately offered the bathroom if she needed to go but Yiling declined.

Instead, she staggered over to my bed before collapsing face down with her legs still dangling over the side of the bed.

Cindy immediately went over to adjust Yiling’s posture properly but what happened next was like a good hearted cleaner not knowing when they switch on the fountain for the merlion.

The moment Cindy turned Yiling to face her, she erupted.
Yiling retched twice and managed to hold it in her mouth.

Jackson : toilet… toilet… !!!

Cindy managed to help Yiling up only to have Yiling puke all over her body.

Yiling : blerggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!

Jackson : oh fuck….

The puke streaked down Cindy’s top and pants and yet she remained 100% professional as she dragged Yiling towards the bathroom. Not only that, Cindy managed to hold back Yiling’s hair to make sure that while leaving a trail of puke on the floor, she did not dirty herself.

I could not bear to look and I turned away to grab something to wipe the floor.
About a minute and plenty of puke later, I heard Cindy call out to me.

Cindy : Jackson …. Come here…

Jackson : what….

Cindy : I can’t carry Boss without dirtying her clothes… you do it…

Jackson :Carry her where…

Cindy : put her on your bed first….
Old 04-02-2020, 11:41 AM
ilikeoldchangke ilikeoldchangke is offline
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

I went over to Yiling who was partially slumped over by the wall and lifted her up under her arms. Dragging her like a corpse over to the bed, I carried her up boots and all before putting her down gently on my bed.

She’s a mess.

I took a wet tissue and wiped her mouth, before brushing the hair away from her face.

Cindy : what are you doing …

Jackson : what? … nothing… I’m wiping her…

Despite cleaning away the solid bits of the puke from her top, Cindy’s top and bottom were badly stained.

Jackson :why don’t you go back and change or something… leave her here with me…

Cindy : No…. I know the kind of person you are Jackson …. It’s not safe leaving her here with you…

Jackson : what the fuck…. what kind of person am i… ?

Cindy : They kind I don’t trust to leave Boss with….

I don’t want to argue over something like this and I said fine. I will go back home.

Cindy : No you can’t…. Boss isn’t done talking… the issue about the homes is urgent…..

Jackson : then she shouldn’t have gotten drunk …

Cindy : No you cannot leave… you have to be here when she wakes up…

I don’t fucking believe this.

Jackson : ok fine… whatever…

I walked to my wardrobe and took a spare towel and some of my spare clothes before throwing them over to Cindy.

Jackson : wash up… take a shower while we wait….

Cindy took a couple of seconds to consider my offer before accepting it but with conditions of her own.

Cindy : thank you… but I cannot close the door and let Boss out of my sight…

Jackson : what !!!

Cindy : I will shower with the door open….

Jackson : Jesus… please… no ….

It was not a request. It was a statement.

I looked on in horror as Cindy removed her tight fitting top like a body builder removing his after a gym workout.

I immediately turned away but it was too late. I saw her body. I saw Cindy’s body and I think I won’t be able to have an erection for the next 2 weeks.

Her chiselled torso and her well defined muscles on her hands etched itself into my head.

Jackson :what are you doing !! close the door for fuck sake….

Cindy : If I close the door, I won’t know what you would do to Boss…. She’s vulnerable now….

Jackson : I’m the one that is fucking vulnerable now….

In her same monotonous tone, Cindy asked.

Cindy : You mean you have never seen a naked woman’s body before… ?

I covered my ears and started walking towards the door. I’m getting out of there. I never expected Cindy to run out shove me aside and shut the door again.

Jackson : wah chee bye ! ( curse ) fuck….

It’s been a while since I cursed in dialect but it just came out.

Cindy was totally naked and her thighs looked like they could crush my skull and I saw her vagina. It was fucking right in front of me.
It’s just normal reflexes, trying to look away from her privates down south, I looked up north only to see her topless.

My god, Cindy’s well built chest literally made her breast disappear. I don’t even know what to call that organ anymore.

The shock factor is too much for me to handle.

It was enough to make me stagger backwards before falling to the floor.

Jackson : arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!... my eyes…. !!! my eyes…..!!

With Cindy towering over me, I pushed myself backwards on the ground before quickly turning away.

Cindy : I said…. Stay here…. Until boss wakes up…. It should be soon…. Don’t make me grab you…

Jackson : please don’t grab me….don’t touch me…..i’ll do anything….

I kept my eyes closed until I heard the shower come on. Cindy really meant it when she said she’s going to shower with the door open.

Moments later, I could smell the same fragrance from the soap I used.

There was a thud and I realised Yiling had one foot off the bed. The boots she was wearing is pretty heavy.

I went over to Yiling, well aware that Cindy is soaping herself and watching me from the corner of my eye.

I don’t know what I was thinking, instead of lifting her leg back up, I knelt down and I went for the zip on the side of her boot.

I pulled the zip down, loosening the velvet like material and revealing a glimpse of Yiling’s beautiful legs.

Cindy was looking at me intently but I was not doing anything wrong. Not that I intent to do any.

How the fuck do you sleep with these on anyway, besides, she’s sleeping on my bedsheets and covers.

I gently shook the boot and removed Yiling’s foot from it before putting it on the bed.

Setting the boot down, I went over to the other and removed it for her as well.

Her toes are manicured, and I could see the marks made on her calves by the tightness of the boots she was wearing the whole night.

Her skirt rode so high up, all I needed to do was to change my position a little and I could see her privates.

I couldn’t cover her with my blanket because she was lying on them.

Instead, I went to my wardrobe and took out another piece of spare towel. Giving it a couple of folds, I laid them over the bottom of her body.

I continued cleaning up the mess on the floor and put the trash by the door. By then Cindy is done with her shower, the shadow of her towelling dry is cast against the floor of the farmhouse.

The light of the bathroom and Cindy’s large movements projected a shadow dance that seemed to drag on forever. I was left drumming my fingers on the table while staring at the exit.

I was contemplating whether I should make a run for it. Cindy will not leave Yiling unattended, but then again, I hate to think of the consequences if she ever gets her hands on me.

Cindy : your shirt is too tight for me…

I turned and looked at a sight right out of a horror movie.

The largest top I had is badly stretched and it looked like it’s cutting off oxygen for Cindy when she wore it but thankfully it covered her body.

I could even see her nipples through my top and I massaged my head a couple of times. Why must things like this happen to me.

Why isn’t it Candy who is here with Yiling ?

I wouldn’t have mind one bit if it was Candy showering with the door open.

Cindy : Your pants are too small for me…. no way I can fit in them…

I looked down and exhaled when I realised Cindy had my towel wrapped around her waist like a sarong.

She threw my pants back at me as she went over and stand beside Yiling.

I sat on a chair while Cindy remained standing beside Yiling.

Where the hell did Yiling find someone like her ? Why can’t she find girls of Candy’s calibre.

Sweet, smiling, a little shy, instead of a robot like Cindy.

I kept avoiding her looks but she just stared at me as if I’m a persistent threat to her boss.

Jackson : can you…. Don’t ….. stare at me….. it’s making me uncomfortable…

Cindy : why ?? why are you uncomfortable…??

Jackson : never mind..

Cindy : are you uncomfortable because I’m here and you cannot peep at boss’s upskirt….? Or are you uncomfortable because I am not wearing any pants…. ?

Jackson : are you even listening to the words coming out of your mouth…. ?

Cindy : Is it because I’m not pretty and sexy as boss…. That’s why you are uncomfortable …. ?

Jackson : No…!! please stop… let’s not talk to each other anymore…

Cindy : why….? why are you refusing to talk to me… ?

Yiling suddenly retched again, she vomited but only a little. I quickly took a small towel and wet it. Cindy’s hand was stretched and waiting for me and I handed it to her.

I watched Cindy wiped Yiling down starting from her mouth, then to her neck. Then her chest. Then I saw her hand disappear underneath her top and she was wiping her breast area where the puke had leaked to.

It was a truly sick and erotic sight that I guess no one will believe even if I told them.

A half naked girl with a towel around her waist wiping another drunk girl on my bed.

After Cindy’s down with the first round, she handed the towel to me and I rinsed it before giving it back to her.

Cindy : it’s on her back…help me turn her…

Jackson : just let her sleep it off come on…. Don’t need to be so…

Even before I could finish, I was given one of her usual cold stare.

Cindy turned Yiling to face me as she started wiping down her back. Barely 5 seconds later, what I dreaded most happened.

Yiling vomited onto me. It’s not a lot, but enough to stain my top and my hands.

Jackson : ewwww….

Cindy : It’s just puke… it won’t kill you….

Jackson : thank you for the information….

Cindy’s phone rang and she answered it with a cold hello.

She made eye contact with me and I knew it must be something urgent.
She needed to leave.

The look on her face says it all.

She needed to go somewhere and she don’t trust me alone with Yiling.

Cindy hung up the call and started texting. She’s probably asking someone else to come over and look after Yiling while she’s gone.

Jackson : you know what…why don’t I leave …. Yiling can stay here alone… and you go do your own stuff…

Cindy : it’s ok…. Don’t need….

Jackson : This is a waste of time… there’s no way of telling how long she will be out…

Cindy : She’s going to wake up soon….

Jackson : I doubt it…

Cindy : Boss has never taken more than 2 hours to recharge before…. She should be waking up anytime soon…

Cindy’s phone started ringing.

Mine started ringing too, it was Kamal.

Jackson : hello…

Before I could say anything, the door to the farmhouse burst open.
Old 04-02-2020, 11:42 AM
ilikeoldchangke ilikeoldchangke is offline
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

There are 2 men at the door and they are armed with a dagger each. They were wearing masks, and even the exposed bits of their faces were smudge black with camouflage cream.

There is zero talk, no threats, nothing.

They knew what they came here to do.

Without a word, they came right at us.

Cindy was immediately up charging towards the entrance and she effortlessly disarmed and threw one of the men against the wall so hard that I could feel the structure of the farmhouse vibrate.

Cindy : arGHHHHHHHH!!!

I kicked 2 chairs in front of the other guy that came at me in an attempt to go past me and towards Yiling. He avoided both of them and I lunged at him, barely avoiding his dagger before grabbing onto his armed hand with both of mine.

With 2 well placed kicks, he knocked the air out of me and send me crashing face first towards the table.

Cindy leapt over me and somehow sent him towards my box of gardening tools at the corner of the room.
I could feel my nose bleeding and I quickly crawl over to Yiling, putting myself in between her and the rest of the room.

Cindy is now tangled with the man crawling up from the mess of toppled gardening tools, grunting and landing blows on each other like a MMA match with no rules.
The 1st man recovered from the initial blow and tried to come at Yiling again

I threw a clumsy punch which he blocked effortlessly before kicking me so hard on the ribs with his knees that I could feel all the air inside my lungs being sucked out.

Enraged by the pain, I took 2 more blows from him before I landed one on his cheek, he blocked my subsequently punches and eventually grabbed my wrist but I did a kamikaze headbutt against his nose.

Inside the movies it was always the harder forehead hitting the bad guy’s nose, but in real life with no experience in shit like this, I nose fucked myself against his nose, sending obscene amount of pain into my own face.

Both of us grunted in pain.

I tried to trip him but the man threw me against the floor instead.

Jackson : fuck !...

I landed hand but I immediately bounced up, grabbed onto his waist and shouted like an enraged beast as I lifted him off the ground, and swung him against the open bathroom.

We crashed into the narrow space and his head hit the water closet with a loud thud.

I could taste blood inside my mouth my then as I got up and kicked that fucker in the face before groaning in pain as I clutched my toes.

Jackson : ahhh fuck !!...
I never knew kicking someone with my toes hurt that much.

Turning towards the door I saw Cindy up on her feet, bleeding on her head before she smashed the man she was tussling with against the wall several times.

Her massive hands grabbed onto his hair and started testing the structural integrity of the farmhouse with his skull.

I was about to try and wake Yiling up when I saw another masked men appear at the door. He was about to stab Cindy but I grabbed a fallen chair and charged straight at him, driving him man, chair and all out the farmhouse.

Out in the open I saw another masked man running towards us as I fell.

I was about to head back into the farmhouse when I saw Seven sprinting towards me.

The guy I just shove out was already on his knees and he contemplated coming for me but he saw Seven already reaching striking range.

He tried to swing a kick at Seven but was dodged effortlessly.

The 2nd masked men came straight at me and I retreated back into the farmhouse, leaving Seven to deal with the other guy.

Cindy’s towel had fallen off her by then and she was standing beside Yiling in a half crouch wrestling stance, the blood on her face, her messed up hair and her pumped up muscles is a scary sight to behold.

The 1st 2 men in the farmhouse are no longer moving.

The newly arrived masked men entered the room but he barely got in 2 steps when I saw Xiaoyu literally flew in, latched onto him by the waist with her legs as she jumped off the floor, using a combination of the swing of her body and counterweight, pulled him down to the ground.

Another masked man appeared out of nowhere, kicking Xiaoyu off his friend before she could do any damage.

I ran over instinctively, stomping the man on the ground with as much weight as I could muster before charging shoulder first into the man that kicked XIaoyu.

I felt a blow to the side of my face and my entire body just went limp for a second before I was kicked so hard I flew a metre or so as I landed on the grass turfing.

I felt as if my body was on fire and my muscles are all tensed up. I tried to force myself to get up but everything just went dark for a while.

I snapped out of my blackout heaving and gasping for air like I just woke from a nightmare.

Pushing myself off the ground, I panted for air as I took in the sight in front of me.

I don’t know how much I missed but it couldn’t have been a lot. I must be out for less than a minute.

I saw Seven jumped and delivered a kick with such velocity that his kick put a man already on his knees crumbling face first into the dirt that the impact made a small dent on the soft ground.

A sickening crunch reached my ears before the screams of pain as I watched Xiaoyu bent a man’s hand in an angle humanly impossible using her hands and knees before shutting his screams up with a 12-6 elbow blow on his head as she leapt up to deliver that blow.

Hong’s shouts of hokkien vulgarities reached my ears as he delivered a series of explosive packed punches directly into the man’s gut before shoulder ramming him into the floor.

I pulled myself back up on my feet and I saw Cindy charging out of the farmhouse with her hands around the neck of a struggling masked man.

The man head butted Cindy before kicking himself free from her grasp momentarily. Cindy took 2 more blows to her chest from the man’s punches before she managed to grabbed him by his shirt. With her fist clenched and her muscles pumped up, her swinging hand might as well be a club wielded by an angry orc.

The flesh numbing punch to the side of the man’s face must have hurt a lot more than it sounded because he literally blessed Cindy’s face and top with a mix of saliva and blood as he fell.

The manner in which he collapses gave a hint to how hard that fall was, as he fell to his right, both his arms went limp and swung like a pendulum to his left as he fell right into the embrace of earth’s gravity.

Half limping for reasons I cannot explain, I went back in and Yiling was still out cold.

I could see the man I put in the bathroom stirring and slowly getting up on his feet.

Running and jumping over the bed and Yiling like an athletic clearing a hurdle, I crashed into the masked men who had just picked up his dagger. I felt a sharp pain in my forearm as we got tangled together and realised I had been slashed.

It’s nothing major but it’s bleeding.

I punched as hard as I could, as many times as I could but my blows were being blocked. We were raining blows at each other and he had his legs wrapped around my back.

I heard Declan asking me to duck left and I did, seconds before my well used hotpot crashed spectacularly into the masked man’s face. Determined to follow through with the blow, I picked up the base of the hot pot and dismantled it into 3 sections with the man’s skull.

Panting and gasping for air, I took the hand Declan offered and pulled myself off the floor.

Declan : Get him out of there….

Declan and I pulled the unconscious assailant out from the bathroom and out into the open.

I shut the door behind me and took in the sight in front of me.

It’s over.

No less than 2 dozen of Yiling’s men were now on the open field spread in a radial pattern with Seven, Xiaoyu, Cindy and Hong forming a smaller semi circle in front of the farmhouse.

No one moved.

The entire estate is eerily quiet. Only the groans of pain of the men we put on the floor were audible.

Declan’s phone vibrated and he answered it. It was Kamal.

Declan : are you guys ok ?? …

A few moments later, I could see Declan relax visibly before hanging up.

Kamal, Aaron and Candy were holding off at the castle and thankfully they are ok too. There’s only 2 of them in the castle.

Wiping the blood off my face with the back of my right hand, I asked.

Jackson : is….. is this is a typical day…..? for you guys…..

I spit a mouthful of spit with blood in them onto the ground and waited for Declan to answer me.

Declan : Unfortunately no………. no one fucks with us like this….. not like this….

Old 04-02-2020, 11:45 AM
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

Originally Posted by godsfury View Post
Bro ilikeoldchangke, who in your mind is boss yiling?

Can share w u which celebrity she is like? For me.. it’s jade rasif! Lol

haha. i do have someone in mind that i'm modelling her after but i would prefer not to share for now. Everyone has their ideal ' Yiling ' inside their mind, and i believe it's all very different.

So you don;t mind working for Jade Rasif in similar capacity ? hahah
Old 04-02-2020, 11:47 AM
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

Originally Posted by hubber28 View Post
Very kick ass story. Really makes my mind wonder off in life of Jackson for the mere few minutes via reading. :S13:

TS, pls pls dun stop!!
My mind also wanders off when i'm writing it ! haha.

I'm glad you enjoyed the read.


Old 04-02-2020, 12:23 PM
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

Originally Posted by ilikeoldchangke View Post
My mind also wanders off when i'm writing it ! haha.

I'm glad you enjoyed the read.


Thank you James! Speechless in ur writing.
Pls dun up me cos I won't return ups too. Simply no time.
Old 04-02-2020, 12:32 PM
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

Another masterpiece what can I say?
Up my pts and i will up yours as well(Power 5 and above pls)

Target: 18000 point hit... will be part time now only in point exchange... Thank you for the points

Please pm me for second or third round first before u up my points cos worried not able to return cheers
Old 04-02-2020, 02:12 PM
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

Originally Posted by ilikeoldchangke View Post
haha. i do have someone in mind that i'm modelling her after but i would prefer not to share for now. Everyone has their ideal ' Yiling ' inside their mind, and i believe it's all very different.

So you don;t mind working for Jade Rasif in similar capacity ? hahah
Haha! Of course not! Damn hotty!!
Old 04-02-2020, 04:37 PM
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

Wow! the way you write like I was at the theater viewing a war drama..
well written James...
Old 04-02-2020, 05:05 PM
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

Originally Posted by ilikeoldchangke View Post
My mind also wanders off when i'm writing it ! haha.

I'm glad you enjoyed the read.


Thank you very much for the update bro ilock
As I gets older, my waist gets wider.. Life of a 40 plus uncle..
Old 04-02-2020, 09:32 PM
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

Interesting to start letting the pieces fall apart. But given Jackson's attitude, I have a feeling he is not going to stop now that he is in the game...
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