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Old 10-04-2013, 01:13 PM
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Re: Amy(1803)

Originally Posted by Stabil0 View Post
Between Amy 1803 and Angie 1612, whose breast is more solid ?
Sorry no idea bro as i hv not tried Angie as yet...

Originally Posted by omnia View Post
PS...i gather fm a bud of mine that a gl okt fm a rather large house has been going ard telling his customers that this newbie Amy's boobs are fakes...not true, he is telling lies..."they are real and they are spectacular"!!...
btw think i may hv been wrong to say that the okt was "telling lies"...perhaps he was just me Amy's boobs both looked n felt real...

Oh yes just realised the abv vid may not hv actually contained the really hilarious "they're real and they're spectacular" bit fm "The Implant" episode of Seinfeld between Terri Hatcher's character Sidra n Jerry...the actual bit below...classic Seinfeld!
Old 10-04-2013, 11:14 PM
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Re: Amy(1803)

Originally Posted by omnia View Post
Amy(1803)..23-24yr?old mm fm Sichuan...quite chio cute syt wif a small face little make up(if any), small playful eyes...v petite n small abt 149cm, like a cute sized china doll...slim wif a small waist, smooth skin...has a small tattoo on her left hand...natural big creamy soft yet perky boobs, 34C(she told me) wif brownish 50cent areola tits, lovely boobs which look even bigger n more fabulous like a D cup becuz of her petite slim doll like frame, a truly delightful sight once the bra cums off...small ass, pussy well trimmed tasty looking oyster no smell...wears a red string jade waist chain which looked sexy, i like!...has previous skin trade experience in Fosan...

Overall sex svc is vgd for a newbie n gfe sweet nottie mm...passion n fun increased as the session progressed...tonguefight frenching by the end!...

Full pkge svc both in shower n began when we helped each other remove our clothes, rabba n when i removed her black bra I had to exclaim "O My lordie!!" as it revealed a titilating sight of her lovely fab huge creamy boobs, awesome sight on her tiny petite slim frame made more exciting wif her cheeky grin n playful kisses n further enhanced as i squeezed n moulded her humongous boobs wif mirror effect, phoaar!!....

Shower...soapy boob fuck n her playing of me cock n arse damn shiok wif gd horny eyecontact...wet bbbj nice half deepthroat...

Bed action...body n boobs massage damn shiok n soothing as her small bod wif huge fab boobs slowly covered me whole bod wif nice pussy feel...boobs looked n felt like huge vgd slurpy lick...boobs fuck again damn bloody shiok!...bbbj again nice slurpy half deepthroat wif gd suction...she moved her bod ard giving access to her lovely boobs n pussy...playful nottie eyecontact...had to stand up on the bed n enjoy her bbbj while she kneeled, shiok side mirror views of her boobs n small slim bod n she played along looking sideways...ended wif yet another glorious boobs fuck woof!!...

My turn to take over...naturally had to spend a great deal of time moulding, fondling, squeezing n sucking on her lovely boobs!...even put me face in the middle of her cleavage n squeezed her two boobs on me face, felt like soft pillows...then went south to do me tonguefu, v shiok as she opened her lovely oyster wif her small dainty fingers n moaned!!

FJ vgd as she is energetic responsive wif natural feel n passionate frenching...made more enjoyable becuz she is light n enjoyed: flip which looked more erotic wif her boobs jiggling about!; me standing carrying her wif her boobs squeezed on me chest while i held n grabbed her ass wif her legs wrapped ard me waist, accentuated by the mirror effects damn bloody shiok feel n sight!!; doggie of course becuz of enjoyable cupping feel n sight of her boobs; asian cowgal n cowgal was a sight to behold wif her huge boobs jiggling abt, her squeezing them at times, me squeezing them at times, then both of us squeezing them together holding each others hands n finally finished wif me gripping her ass fm below pulling her close frenching passionately!...

Overall had an enjoyable bonk wif this newbie Amy...aims to pls wif natural erotic feel...definite gem potential...many tks to Duckbeaks for the heads up...

PS...i gather fm a bud of mine that a gl okt fm a rather large house has been going ard telling his customers that this newbie Amy's boobs are fakes...not true, he is telling lies..."they are real and they are spectacular"!!...

#Standard caveat applies.... Think it is impt for pple reading FRs/recommendations to always try n bear in mind tat based on human nature variables factor the experience each punter gets fm the mm shall prolly/possibly not be the same...heck even the same punter may not get a similar experience on rtf...the mm is human afterall, wif feelings, emotions, mood swings, prejudice/bias, health issues etc - this is the collective human nature variables factor tat i am talking abt, a fundamental std caveat whenever one reads an FR./recommendation
bro, amy new or veteran?
Old 11-04-2013, 02:22 PM
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Baby (L28H31A)

Was at Willie's for a break and he recommended I try Baby (from Sichuan) as he knows my type (big boobs great service). Had read conflicting FRs on her but decided to give her a try instead of waiting for Meibao (one of my faves).

Looks - 7/10
At first glance, I would say not really my type. She is fair and slim which I know some bros like a lot but I would say looks nothing special.

Body - 8/10
Baby is about 1.66m and has some curves and meat on her body. She is definitely on the slim side and her one drawback is she has a flat ass although overall quite nice.

Boobs – 8.5/10
When she first came up to me with her clothes on, I thought she was just slightly bigger than normal. When we got to the room and she started taking her clothes off, I still thought she was too slim for my tastes. But when she removed her bra, I really started paying attention. Baby was definitely bustier than she appeared with a very nice set of Cs which are soft soft soft and so nice. Starts big at base and stays big so while not as firm as some may like was perfect for me. Nipples are light brown.

Warm up and Shower – 7.5/10
Baby is definitely the playful type and started teasing me as soon as the door was closed. She really reminds me of Ella (still my all time favorite) in her attitude and service. We were hugging and squeezing all the way to the shower. And while the shower was SOP, she did rub those soft breasts all over me during the soapy. Disappointed not to get BBJ in shower though.

Romp - 8/10
All the SOP changed once we got into the bed. When I compare her to Ella, I am not fooling. She was all over me and used her wet tongue to great effect. While I lay on my back, she attacked every part of me and I just enjoyed it a lot.

AR - didn't want so we skipped that.

BBBJ - 8.5/10
Yes, this was very good. Suction as hard as Xiao Feng and licked everywhere. Was great when she put my balls into her mouth and sucked on them. Then she twisted around so I could paint her juicy small pink oyster. Very tasty and could have eaten seconds like a good buffet.

FJ - 9.5/10
Definitely the best ride I have had since Jenny and Ella left Geylang. She rode me so hard that I almost popped (all the time she held my hands to her soft breasts) and had to push her down onto her back and switch to missionary so I could pump her as hard as she rode me. Didn't take that long to finish and we both lay there for a few minutes trying to catch our breaths. WOW!

Attitude – 9/10
She cuddled up to me after the dirty deed and we lay there just talking nonsense to each other. Gentlemen be careful not to fall.

Overall - 9/10 - the FJ was great.

RTF - Definitely! She has moved to the top of my list with a wonderful session. If you want a SYT, she is not for you but if you want to be invaded by a commando, you may like her as much as I did.
Old 11-04-2013, 05:27 PM
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Thumbs up Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs FRs

Baby did provide BBBJ during shower for me...
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Old 11-04-2013, 06:07 PM
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Smile Re: Amy(1803)

Originally Posted by liverpooltv View Post
bro, amy new or veteran?
Amy 1803, she's new gal.
Upped : Xiao La Jiao 1803 9.5,Lady 1803 9.5 ,JiaXin 1617 9.5,Sweet 1606 9.5 ,DongJing 1856 9.4,NaNa 1803 9.2, Candy 1803 9.0,YeZi 2041 9.0,Apple 1606 8.8, Amanda FLD3 8.5, YangYang 16W12 8.4,KaiXin 1654A 8.2, LuLu 1654A, QiQi 2041 8.0, ShunZi 1651 7.0, Eva 1612 5.0
Old 11-04-2013, 08:03 PM
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Re: Baby (L28H31A)

Originally Posted by miwantit View Post
Was at Willie's for a break and he recommended I try Baby (from Sichuan) as he knows my type (big boobs great service). Had read conflicting FRs on her but decided to give her a try instead of waiting for Meibao (one of my faves).

Looks - 7/10
At first glance, I would say not really my type. She is fair and slim which I know some bros like a lot but I would say looks nothing special.

Body - 8/10
Baby is about 1.66m and has some curves and meat on her body. She is definitely on the slim side and her one drawback is she has a flat ass although overall quite nice.

Boobs – 8.5/10
When she first came up to me with her clothes on, I thought she was just slightly bigger than normal. When we got to the room and she started taking her clothes off, I still thought she was too slim for my tastes. But when she removed her bra, I really started paying attention. Baby was definitely bustier than she appeared with a very nice set of Cs which are soft soft soft and so nice. Starts big at base and stays big so while not as firm as some may like was perfect for me. Nipples are light brown.

Warm up and Shower – 7.5/10
Baby is definitely the playful type and started teasing me as soon as the door was closed. She really reminds me of Ella (still my all time favorite) in her attitude and service. We were hugging and squeezing all the way to the shower. And while the shower was SOP, she did rub those soft breasts all over me during the soapy. Disappointed not to get BBJ in shower though.

Romp - 8/10
All the SOP changed once we got into the bed. When I compare her to Ella, I am not fooling. She was all over me and used her wet tongue to great effect. While I lay on my back, she attacked every part of me and I just enjoyed it a lot.

AR - didn't want so we skipped that.

BBBJ - 8.5/10
Yes, this was very good. Suction as hard as Xiao Feng and licked everywhere. Was great when she put my balls into her mouth and sucked on them. Then she twisted around so I could paint her juicy small pink oyster. Very tasty and could have eaten seconds like a good buffet.

FJ - 9.5/10
Definitely the best ride I have had since Jenny and Ella left Geylang. She rode me so hard that I almost popped (all the time she held my hands to her soft breasts) and had to push her down onto her back and switch to missionary so I could pump her as hard as she rode me. Didn't take that long to finish and we both lay there for a few minutes trying to catch our breaths. WOW!

Attitude – 9/10
She cuddled up to me after the dirty deed and we lay there just talking nonsense to each other. Gentlemen be careful not to fall.

Overall - 9/10 - the FJ was great.

RTF - Definitely! She has moved to the top of my list with a wonderful session. If you want a SYT, she is not for you but if you want to be invaded by a commando, you may like her as much as I did.

Nice Fr on Baby. She is so fun and sextifying. i will rtf her anytime too.
Old 12-04-2013, 12:32 AM
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Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs FRs

Amy boobs is yummylicious!!! Great attitute girl.
Bros who up me please leave your nick. i'll reciprocate with +19 points.
Old 13-04-2013, 01:24 AM
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Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs FRs

Feeling horny.

Went to Tommy house because I wanted to bonk Angie but niabay Angie on code red. Tommy pointed to me to show me Angie. Saw her face without make-up so face very ordinary to me. Her boobs is well covered up so cannot see the size. If anything, it doesn't look big bulge. But of cos, like durian must open up and see then only know

Next ask for Amy 1803 but siew kang liao ....

So decide to go for Kelly and this is my FR:

Name: Kelly
House: 16W06
Face: 6.5 (not my type of face leh because she looks a bit "retard" me. More on this later)
Body: 6.5 normal lah
Boobs:7 Looks best in doggie position when it hangs down !
Cup size: B+ to C Cup. Confirm natural.
Tummy: slight
FJ: 7
BBBJ: 6 can feel the teeth
Damage: 150

Note: She said she doesn't have many frens in Spore. Her only fren is Baby, her fren in 16W06. But she behave very childish ask you to kiss her, then she pull away and say: "yay yay, you cannot reach to kiss me ... ". Also when she tried to act pretty she ends up look like a retard (sorry, I am struggling to find the correct word, may not be correct word used).

RTF: Probally not
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Old 13-04-2013, 11:41 AM
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Smile Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs FRs

Originally Posted by Stabil0 View Post
Feeling horny.

Went to Tommy house because I wanted to bonk Angie but niabay Angie on code red. Tommy pointed to me to show me Angie. Saw her face without make-up so face very ordinary to me. Her boobs is well covered up so cannot see the size. If anything, it doesn't look big bulge. But of cos, like durian must open up and see then only know

Name: Kelly

Note: She said she doesn't have many frens in Spore. Her only fren is Baby, her fren in 16W06. But she behave very childish ask you to kiss her, then she pull away and say: "yay yay, you cannot reach to kiss me ... ". Also when she tried to act pretty she ends up look like a retard (sorry, I am struggling to find the correct word, may not be correct word used).

RTF: Probally not
kekeke, last time I saw Xiao La Jiao at 1803, she was wearing pyjamas,also looks like A cup only, but when I saw her last month,her boobs were like popping out of her dress when I saw her coming back from outing with NaNa.

so Kelly unwilling kisser ?
Upped : Xiao La Jiao 1803 9.5,Lady 1803 9.5 ,JiaXin 1617 9.5,Sweet 1606 9.5 ,DongJing 1856 9.4,NaNa 1803 9.2, Candy 1803 9.0,YeZi 2041 9.0,Apple 1606 8.8, Amanda FLD3 8.5, YangYang 16W12 8.4,KaiXin 1654A 8.2, LuLu 1654A, QiQi 2041 8.0, ShunZi 1651 7.0, Eva 1612 5.0
Old 14-04-2013, 12:14 AM
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Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs FRs

Originally Posted by MP5F View Post
kekeke, last time I saw Xiao La Jiao at 1803, she was wearing pyjamas,also looks like A cup only, but when I saw her last month,her boobs were like popping out of her dress when I saw her coming back from outing with NaNa.
U mean XLJ 1803 has gone for op ?

so Kelly unwilling kisser ?
I think need to clarify.

What I meant was that Kelly like to tease & don't let you kiss. But in the end she will let you lah ... But what I was trying to say was that the way she teased was very childish and I find her a bit "retard" ... blur blur like that ...
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Old 14-04-2013, 12:54 AM
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Talking Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs FRs

Originally Posted by Stabil0 View Post

I think need to clarify.

What I meant was that Kelly like to tease & don't let you kiss. But in the end she will let you lah ... But what I was trying to say was that the way she teased was very childish and I find her a bit "retard" ... blur blur like that ...
Kelly just act blur...she is damn smart girl...
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Old 14-04-2013, 04:14 AM
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Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs FRs

Originally Posted by MP5F View Post
kekeke, last time I saw Xiao La Jiao at 1803, she was wearing pyjamas,also looks like A cup only, but when I saw her last month,her boobs were like popping out of her dress when I saw her coming back from outing with NaNa.

so Kelly unwilling kisser ?
Originally Posted by Stabil0 View Post
U mean XLJ 1803 has gone for op ?
XLJ has natural B-B+ boobies.. Wearing loose fitting/baggy pyjamas doesn't do justice to her awesome shape.
Old 14-04-2013, 11:59 AM
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Smile Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs FRs

Originally Posted by Stabil0 View Post
U mean XLJ 1803 has gone for op ?

I think need to clarify.

What I meant was that Kelly like to tease & don't let you kiss. But in the end she will let you lah ... But what I was trying to say was that the way she teased was very childish and I find her a bit "retard" ... blur blur like that ...
No lah, XLJ boobs are natural B+, soft and bouncy.

kekeke, just play along with Kelly loh.

Originally Posted by geylangfc View Post
XLJ has natural B-B+ boobies.. Wearing loose fitting/baggy pyjamas doesn't do justice to her awesome shape.
ya, but I think XLJ likes to wear pyjamas when she's not working.
Upped : Xiao La Jiao 1803 9.5,Lady 1803 9.5 ,JiaXin 1617 9.5,Sweet 1606 9.5 ,DongJing 1856 9.4,NaNa 1803 9.2, Candy 1803 9.0,YeZi 2041 9.0,Apple 1606 8.8, Amanda FLD3 8.5, YangYang 16W12 8.4,KaiXin 1654A 8.2, LuLu 1654A, QiQi 2041 8.0, ShunZi 1651 7.0, Eva 1612 5.0
Old 14-04-2013, 05:51 PM
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Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs FRs

Yang Yang (L16 W12 Yi Tiao Long)

Age: 23yo
Experience in GL: About 2 Weeks

Face: 7.25/10
(Yang yang has a typical PRC girl face with high forehead. She tied up her hair in pony tail which exposed her high forehead. If she changes her hairstyle with fringes covering her forehead i reckon she will look better. She has big round pair of eyes, high & sharp nose, kissable lips and fair good skin complexion. I find her look feminine with strong nu ren wei. Overall I like what i saw.)

Body: 7.3/10
(Yang yang is about 1.6+m tall. Nice height. She has slight tummy fats. She is neither very slim nor bah bah. She is somewhere in between slim & bah bah. Hope she don’t put on weight. I can still see some curves on her body frame. She possesses fair, smooth, silky, creamy body skin. I noticed she has a scorpion tattoo on her hand.)

Boobs: 7.4/10
(Natural B plus to C cup boobs with brown nipples. I like her boobs, looks good on her body frame. Simply loves to play with & lick & suck her boobs. Yummy. She knows how to use her boobs to rabba my sensitive parts.)

Bath: 8/10
(Yang yang scored high points in Yi tiao long styled bath on water bed. We spent quite some time in the bath. On the water bed, she first cleaned & soaped my body. Then she used her boobs, body & pussy to rabba my body. Shiok because her body & boobs are very smooth. After that she washed off the soap foam on my body. Then she proceeded with her strong suction cat bath on my body. I felt her teeth brushed against my flesh with pop pop sound. After the cat bath, she asked me to be on my fours. To my surprise she gave me a commando styled AR. Her tongue was poking into my ka chng hole in out in out. The feeling is so shiok til i scare i may shit lol. I prefer gentle styled AR thou. To end the bath, she gave me a hot water BBBJ. Shiok. Overall a great yi tiao long bath experience.)

Cat bath: 7.3/10
(On the bed, the cat bath is not as intense/long as compared on the water bed. On the bed, yang yang licked my sensitive areas such as neck, nipples etc. Then after that she performed erotic sexy dance moves in front of me. This aroused me greatly. She is good in dancing. I even joked with her next time i RTF perform strip tease dance for me or used me as a pole in pole dancing lol. She also used her boobs with rabba my body & used her fingers to caress my body shiok.)

Frenching: 6.8/10
(Initially, we only kissed on the lips, no tongue contact. I felt her teeth are tightly closed/gripped. My tongue has difficulty to penetrate past her teeth to reach her tongue. Perhaps she is new to GL trade or not used to frenching with tongue action. However, as the session becomes intense esp during the FJ, i sensed her teeth gradually opened up & i managed to have some tongue contact with her. Shiok. She seem to hint me in my RTF the frenching will get more intense & better. Can’t wait to French her more in RTF.)

AR: 7.7/10
(During the bath, she gave me commando styled AR. She used her tongue to poke my ka chng hole fast & furious. The action is so fast til i scare i will shit lol cos the feeling is very shiok. However, i prefer gentle slow sensual AR.)

BBBJ: 7.5/10
(Yang yang gave me fire & ice BBBJ using warm water & ice. Strong suction & deep throated. The feeling is shiok esp when my penis felt hot & cold intermittently.)

Painting of pussy: Nil
(Probably she is new to GL trade & don’t know the usual practices in GL. Hope she allows pussy painting when i RTF.)

FJ: 7.4/10
(We bonked in missionary & cow girl positions. She is quite tight. In missionary position, i keep pumping her til she is high & opened up her mouth & teeth. Then i seized the opportunity to French her tongueful. Managed to have some tongue contact with her tongue. In cow girl position, i simply love to see her boobs bounced up down up down. She is quite good at riding. Nice sensual moaning too. I eventually cummed in cow girl position cannot tahan her riding.)

GFE: 7/10
(Initially she is quiet. We had some chit chat about her hometown, sg places of interests, food etc. She slowly opened up & becomes more engaging in the chat. At the end of the session she even joked & said she will do strip tease for me if I RTF.)

RTF: Yes
Beckham07, cassano10, bonkning: Trolls cum L6H66 promoters
Old 15-04-2013, 08:20 PM
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Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs FRs

Originally Posted by unfit View Post
Kelly just act blur...she is damn smart girl...
Her acting must be very good liao bcos she was behaving really like a "retard". Hahaha

But I think her pussy is quite small & nice. Dont have those overgrown black flaps skins ... yucks
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