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Old 27-03-2004, 12:18 AM
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Re: Re: Re: Re: peace?

Originally posted by tirak69
glad to meet fellows bro who follow the BKK-PEK route... personally i prefer the morning flight cos it gives me more time to chiong in bkk.
dun you juz love the one day stopovers... keeps me refreshed and my balls lighter when i arrive in SG.
hi hi bro! hahaha..... another beijing-bkk-s'pore TG man!
for me i normally take the 1750hrs flight (now 1800 hrs due to summer time) to bkk, becos got some personal commitment lah, tell u next time k? hahaha.... reach bkk 10 pm, still got some time to chiong lah, not bad, hahaha....
if got more time & money, then will stay 1 or 2 days, if not go back next morning, then afternoon go straight to work loh, quite tiring tho', but as what u said, everything is lighter, so it's worth it! hahaha....


ps: sunday nite supper ao mai? pai nai kin?
Old 27-03-2004, 12:37 AM
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Re: Re: Re: Re: peace?

Originally posted by Sinoview
Glad to meet another TG bros. Me too will defintely stay in Rachada Area for my transist stay.

I normally stay in Emerald or Merchant court where I get quite good price, B1200 and 1700 respectively. But getting rooms is a problem on weekends as I alway decided on the stay the very last minute. Thus Rachada City hotel become handy. Cheap and good location...but the room and toilet quite run down. For a night stay i still can accept....

>>i like to stay in emerald too, but i dun like the small fuss that WL's id to be kept at the recepts, & also the 500 bahts surcharge, i know keeping the ids' are for our own gd, but still dun like to be stop & everyone lookin at u... hahaha...
>>Ratchada city hotel ok lah, true tat the toilet a bit run-down, but still bearable lah, haha...

If you to be in BKK this weekend.....keep yr finger cross for availability of rooms. Of Rachada City or Beverly Hill sure no problem....if u don't mind.

>>keepin my toes crossed, cos my fingers frozen liao...

For such short stay, MP is my main target. Nataree and Mirage are my favourites......

>>i dun mind nataree or subway, cos sometimes they got real "young" gals. especially the sideliners, which i always like to look at, go check it out...
>>as for mp, always too late to get anything gd after 10pm at mirage, but sometimes can pick up gd stuffs in emmanule or poseidon. for me, normally i will call the hp of those gals i tried previously from these MPs, hahaha.....

I won a BKK-SH-BKK ticket last June during the TG promotion just after SARS. I will make use of it end next month. Will have to a short stay in BKK on my way back in early May. But I think it's kind of difficult for us to meet in BKK as we are all "short-stayer" ithere.

>>waa! so lucky u! me travelled so often during the SARs time also never kanna the lucky draw! btw, try not to go china during the May 1st - 7th k? it's their public hols & everywhere is pple, very inconvenient to travel. dun really like shanghai tho', the traffic shucks there!

I will Pm my hp to you. Call me at yr convenience when you back to sland. Enjoy your short stay in BKK....

>>got ur hp, pm-ed mine to u liao, will call u next wk when back! thankS!

Old 28-03-2004, 10:21 PM
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Hi Bros ..

Those who prefer to chiong at Mirage .. why not put up at Palazzo ... its just next door ... the price is about 1100 B but dun quote me for it coz that was about few months back .... very TG friendly ...
Old 29-03-2004, 01:34 AM
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Originally posted by cyrus
Hi Bros ..

Those who prefer to chiong at Mirage .. why not put up at Palazzo ... its just next door ... the price is about 1100 B but dun quote me for it coz that was about few months back .... very TG friendly ...
if stay palazzo no need to go mirage also can... the 2nd level KTV and cafe also got action. kekekeke...
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Old 29-03-2004, 11:13 AM
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: peace?

Originally posted by somebody99
>>got ur hp, pm-ed mine to u liao, will call u next wk when back! thankS!

Sorry didn't go online during the weekend. It's Family day ...hee... hee..

Wow...BJ still so cold's way into "spring" right now. But it was really cold and windy when I was there end Feb to ealry Mar.

Now in Sland. going to Indo- Jkt for a short business trip tomorrow for a night or two.

I knew about the China "golden week" - May 1 to 7th. But I got
plan to go Shanghai for the Cebit-Asia show which is end next april. I working out to go a week or so ealry other business and II will get out of China immdiately after ths show.

This trip I planl to spend may three to four days in BKK . Have some golf and RnR. Will you be around BKK then ????

Old 29-03-2004, 11:16 AM
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Originally posted by tirak69
if stay palazzo no need to go mirage also can... the 2nd level KTV and cafe also got action. kekekeke...
That sound interesting ..... what kind of action ?? Please share leh.

How you normally book Palazzo ??? Seen it but never stay there before. Understand, it belong the same group as Emerald. But it's gal friendly........

Many thanks....
Old 29-03-2004, 10:15 PM
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Guys, I need some help. I have been going thru this forum and seriously i am growing crazy trying to remember everything. I will be done in bkk on may 6th. About 8 kakis. Wat we intend to do is to twin share for 2 nites and have 1 solo nite(of course its to go wild). Pls recommend somewhere good where its convienient to get to places in which i have heard here like possiedon. I am open to the idea of taking cab since it doesnt seem to ex.In terms of budget, the hotel should preferable be around SGD$50-60. Currently, alot of the travel agencies are recommending eastin hotel or hotel lima. Basically, these 2 i can get for about SGD45-50. No idea, if its gal friendly though. I can also get merchant court hotel at SGD70.

Anyway it would also be good, if u guys could recommend me like 2-3 places in which to party(chicks galore) and also some MPs.

I know u guys have mentioned like tons of places. However, i really cant seem to get a concensus around here. Yomun, i just took down your HP and will defintely get in contact with u, when i go down on May 6th. The trip is confirmed already. Just checking to see which hotel to go to and the places in which to go. This is the first time the 8 of us are going down so we really have no idea so help would be highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance bros.
Old 29-03-2004, 10:19 PM
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By the way, the solo night, we dun mind spending a tad more so hoping to go for the models as u guys have mentioned. Pls let me know where i can go to get them as well.

Old 29-03-2004, 10:32 PM
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Originally posted by Sinoview
That sound interesting ..... what kind of action ?? Please share leh.

How you normally book Palazzo ??? Seen it but never stay there before. Understand, it belong the same group as Emerald. But it's gal friendly........

Many thanks....
there's 2 type of action. one is normal ktv where they sit and drink and sing. u can try to ta bao upstairs to your room later... the other is where the cafe is during the day... at nite it transform into a lounge... ladies would go on stage and sing... if you like her or her singing then buy her a garland of 100bahts flowers. she would then sit with after performance and have a conversation. helps if you do speak phasaa thai.

in both situations do check with the cheerguest which lady can bring up and price...

for booking you can try a few thai discount hotel sites. the cheapest i found is abt 1100THB per nite.
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Old 29-03-2004, 10:34 PM
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Originally posted by jezter
By the way, the solo night, we dun mind spending a tad more so hoping to go for the models as u guys have mentioned. Pls let me know where i can go to get them as well.

better i give you some frenly advice before some bros get cheesed off at your posting. kindly check all bkk related threads lah... all info can be found easily... u got plenty of time so spend some time researching the threads. i am sure you will find the answer to all your queries...
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Old 30-03-2004, 01:15 AM
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Hey bros ... got so many free tips ... still not enough ... be adventureous lah ... "To boldly go where you have never gone before"! Every trip is always a lesson learn ... then you be like other pii chai ... khow jai mai ...

Chok Dee ...
Old 30-03-2004, 09:34 PM
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few hotels that i have the price,maybe the price will change when you go and book...thats your luck...

Taipan Hotel-25 Sukhumvit Soi 23,Sukhumvit Road
near Nana Station.

The Ambassador Bangkok-171 Sukhumvit Road
Main wing- Bht 900
Tower Wing-Bht 1,200

i think these 2 is gal friendly since is a sukhumvit area...

One more Merchant Court Hotel at Racthada can get at Bht 1,400..
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Old 30-03-2004, 09:59 PM
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hi bro kanasai, see you're back in action.
Old 30-03-2004, 10:28 PM
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haha..cant chat here..later kena shoot..hahaha
open one chit chat thread lor..
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Old 30-03-2004, 10:43 PM
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Anyone have any ideas about eastin hotel? Currently, theres a free and easy package which comes with eastin hotel tats pretty cheap. Is it gal frenly?
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