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Old 24-07-2009, 11:10 PM
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Re: Happily Married with an ex WL(VN)

For me, I don't want my girlfriend to stay in Sin if we ever marry.
Think it will help me or her to forget her past.........
Anyway, i rather like her own country.
And walking in the street freely, not afraid to meet her old client.......
Old 26-07-2009, 02:13 PM
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Re: Happily Married with an ex WL(VN)

For me, I don't want my girlfriend to stay in Sin if we ever marry.
Think it will help me or her to forget her past.........
Anyway, i rather like her own country.
And walking in the street freely, not afraid to meet her old client.......
Well, what are you gonna do in Vn then? You think that with the lower cost of living you are gonna do fine but what are you gonna do there in the first place?

The world is a very realistic place. The best tht you can give your wife is to provide for her and give her a good life. This in itself will make her forget her past or even give her belief that however bad the times were, she has left whatever that is bad behind....

You should never be bothered by what others say and be affected by it. Much less, move to a new country because you wanna protect her. without income or the lack of it, you will only give her a life that she had been living before meeting you. So what's the difference by being with you?

However, if you already hav a businees idea or have a job offer that you are considering then, its a different story la....

Whatever it is, make decisions that are of interests to both ofu in the long term. Not because you are afraid of how others look at you or say about u..

Gd Luck!!
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Vietnamese songs/lyrics for your heart

~Vi wa yeu a nen e chap nhan la nguoi thu 3.Nhung co ai hieu duoc noi kho va noi dau cua nguoi thu 3 vi nguoi ta chi nghi nguoi thu 3 la nguoi co toi.minh bun vi minh la nguoi da roi vao hoan canh nay,suy nghi rat nhieu,moi dem k the ngu!~
Old 26-07-2009, 08:07 PM
Spinx Spinx is offline
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Re: Happily Married with an ex WL(VN)

For a start, she is working a normal job now.
Although her salary is low and may not enough, i will and able to sponsor abit of money monthly till she become independent from me. I strongly believe she will be able to do it with my support. And she know with WL job, her expire date is coming soon 2 or 3 yrs from now.
Importantly, At least she is willing to try.

Anyway, I am those very jealous kind of person. I don't think i will be able to take it if one of the old client flirt with her on the street in Sin.

BTW, i have plan to have a small business there when i have save enough.
Hopefully, i can implement it in 3 or 4 yrs from now.

Thanks for your concern.
Old 26-07-2009, 10:01 PM
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Re: Happily Married with an ex WL(VN)

Originally Posted by Spinx View Post
For a start, she is working a normal job now.
Although her salary is low and may not enough, i will and able to sponsor abit of money monthly till she become independent from me. I strongly believe she will be able to do it with my support. And she know with WL job, her expire date is coming soon 2 or 3 yrs from now.
Importantly, At least she is willing to try.

Anyway, I am those very jealous kind of person. I don't think i will be able to take it if one of the old client flirt with her on the street in Sin.

BTW, i have plan to have a small business there when i have save enough.
Hopefully, i can implement it in 3 or 4 yrs from now.

Thanks for your concern.
the question is why even deal with this scenario in the first place. the money, the mental anguish, fear of deception, the past life as a WL of FL which is sugar coating the world for whore. why deal with this problem when there are tons of women in SG where you don't have to deal with this.
Old 26-07-2009, 10:45 PM
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Re: Happily Married with an ex WL(VN)

Good question bro........
In fact, i ask myself the same question many many times.....
Maybe because LOVE got no boundary......

Maybe bro Casannova03 got answer.
Old 26-07-2009, 11:52 PM
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Re: Happily Married with an ex WL(VN)

Originally Posted by NewandLost View Post
the question is why even deal with this scenario in the first place. the money, the mental anguish, fear of deception, the past life as a WL of FL which is sugar coating the world for whore. why deal with this problem when there are tons of women in SG where you don't have to deal with this.
Simple answer is that quite a number of men don't socialize so much at the more decent places. If u gonna hang around such places like Geylang and Joo Chiat or shady niteclubs, u gonna socialize more with WLs lor.......hence the fatal attraction
Old 27-07-2009, 12:18 AM
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Re: Happily Married with an ex WL(VN)

Originally Posted by CuteBuns View Post
Simple answer is that quite a number of men don't socialize so much at the more decent places. If u gonna hang around such places like Geylang and Joo Chiat or shady niteclubs, u gonna socialize more with WLs lor.......hence the fatal attraction
Agree 1000%. u CANT find good, clean and decent wifes at shady places. find wives at churches and temples and charity/voluteers places instead
You can lose money chasing women, but you'll never lose women chasing money
Old 27-07-2009, 01:17 AM
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Re: Happily Married with an ex WL(VN)

Originally Posted by CuteBuns View Post
Simple answer is that quite a number of men don't socialize so much at the more decent places. If u gonna hang around such places like Geylang and Joo Chiat or shady niteclubs, u gonna socialize more with WLs lor.......hence the fatal attraction
braddah if you are shy or you think your social skills are weak hanging at geylang is only going to make them worse. the worse training ground as far as mixing with women. false sense of accomplishment. seriously dealing with these girls is not worth the dark path.
Old 27-07-2009, 10:20 AM
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Re: Happily Married with an ex WL(VN)

i'm using his nick but with my own password. we'r separated now... n i might going back to the previous working line as he is making thing more n more difficult for me to survive. it pain thinking i have to go back to that road again but i guess it just my fate n i cant runaway from it

Originally Posted by ekemono View Post
You shouldn't have let your hubby know your nick and password

naughty boy...
Old 28-07-2009, 02:16 PM
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Re: Happily Married with an ex WL(VN)

Originally Posted by NewandLost View Post
the question is why even deal with this scenario in the first place. the money, the mental anguish, fear of deception, the past life as a WL of FL which is sugar coating the world for whore. why deal with this problem when there are tons of women in SG where you don't have to deal with this.
And my question to you is why answer a question or help request with another question?

If you do not have what it takes to offer any positive help, then you shld keep quiet. No body is asking your opinion on whether he should choose a WL or a SG gal here.

Get your bearings right k!

This is not the first time you are going to VN related threads to disturb and contribute your anti-viet WL ideas! Why dun you go surf some great pron contributions, wank off and go sleep instead of disturbing others?

Get a life!
<My Threads>

Vietnamese songs/lyrics for your heart

~Vi wa yeu a nen e chap nhan la nguoi thu 3.Nhung co ai hieu duoc noi kho va noi dau cua nguoi thu 3 vi nguoi ta chi nghi nguoi thu 3 la nguoi co toi.minh bun vi minh la nguoi da roi vao hoan canh nay,suy nghi rat nhieu,moi dem k the ngu!~
Old 28-07-2009, 02:20 PM
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Re: Happily Married with an ex WL(VN)

Originally Posted by yjmteen View Post
i'm using his nick but with my own password. we'r separated now... n i might going back to the previous working line as he is making thing more n more difficult for me to survive. it pain thinking i have to go back to that road again but i guess it just my fate n i cant runaway from it
You create your own path to take in life. Do not for a second contemplate about going back where you came from. The only way is forward my dear friend.

If the lure of money is too tempting, get some of the negative points of returning into your head k. You control your mind. not your mind ctrl you.

Best Wishes!
<My Threads>

Vietnamese songs/lyrics for your heart

~Vi wa yeu a nen e chap nhan la nguoi thu 3.Nhung co ai hieu duoc noi kho va noi dau cua nguoi thu 3 vi nguoi ta chi nghi nguoi thu 3 la nguoi co toi.minh bun vi minh la nguoi da roi vao hoan canh nay,suy nghi rat nhieu,moi dem k the ngu!~
Old 28-07-2009, 05:33 PM
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Re: Happily Married with an ex WL(VN)

This morning out of the blue.
My girlfriend sms me thanking me for given her a new life......

Think my pain and the mental anguish i suffered is all worth it.
Old 28-07-2009, 07:18 PM
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Re: Happily Married with an ex WL(VN)

Originally Posted by Spinx View Post
This morning out of the blue.
My girlfriend sms me thanking me for given her a new life......

Think my pain and the mental anguish i suffered is all worth it.
Good to hear that...the road will be long and rough...hope you can persevere through out...
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Old 28-07-2009, 11:08 PM
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Re: Happily Married with an ex WL(VN)

Thanks bro.........
Yes. When i got myself into this situation, I know the road will be long and tedious.
Few of my close friends know about her past too.
Even one of them was her customer before.

Bro Casannova, sorry to borrow your thread.
Old 30-07-2009, 06:24 AM
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Re: Happily Married with an ex WL(VN)

Originally Posted by Spinx View Post
Thanks bro.........
Yes. When i got myself into this situation, I know the road will be long and tedious.
Few of my close friends know about her past too.
Even one of them was her customer before.

Bro Casannova, sorry to borrow your thread.
bro spinx, have u considered meeting new ppl and getting to know a new prospect? Is ur decision to get together with her abit hasty? Many men love to think themselves as heroes who can save the poor WLs from their miserable lives only to have divorces in the end.......

I'm saying all these from a neutral stand.
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