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Old 05-10-2005, 10:11 PM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by Cyberspace Nerd
My "tirak's" visa going to expire. she intend to go malaysia to chop passport. does she need to show a forward ticket to thailand when she re enter singapore?

so u meaning ur girl currently in spore now??how many days visa was she given when she came in>??by what means too??If going msia by coach and come back,probably be given 3days onli.Or perhaps denied entry if she had overstays stamp or whatever.If she going by airplane,and she needs a return ticket to thailand.Probably gives her 14days.Why u do not go ICA at lavender,i think level 2,go take a form and apply for extension of visa ,u be her guarantor.But she must not be caught for any offences,if not u kana.Probably u get 8days or so.I got 10 days back then.U need to smile and b polite to the ICA officer,tell him u extend cos u wanted to bring her to attend something or wat.Cos the ICA officer has the rite to refuse extending.
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Old 13-10-2005, 03:46 AM
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Originally Posted by Jun|ch| on 21-03-2005, 12:04 PM
yah i m very deeply into this relationship but it does not blurred my mind being a piichai and loser...

Originally Posted by thaivisitor 21-03-2005, 03:12 PM
Like dat I can tell you to forget it lah bro...

You don't deserve her hor... not she don't deserve you.

Originally Posted by thaivisitor 21-03-2005, 10:20 PM
The problem is not with the girl. The problem is with him. KNN the girl has to earn a living leh... She has to pay for him when he goes there, and yet if he finds out what is he going to do? Fuck the girl upside down and leave her? This kind of guy got no standard mah....
Originally Posted by siamcutey 21-03-2005, 10:24 PM
My only advise to him is to tell him to go stay with the girl. Be pii chai.

Because he cannot leave the girl. And he not much money also. So unless he can be practical in his thinking, or else better live in fantasy land for a while and wait for reality to knock in to his head.
For once someone really heed.

Originally Posted by MachoDevilX 22-03-2005, 12:10 AM
To me, it's like you are just trying to find excuses to break up with her. You just need assurance from others that you have did the right thing if you are to break up with her...

Why would I say so??? It's because from all the postings that all the bros have advised, it seems that you just want to find fault on her...
Even if you know that she is not lying to you this time round, sooner or later, you will still try to find other excuses for yourself.. Sad to say, but this is really selfish... If you do not love her deep enough and wanting to take care of her for the rest of your life, please do not find excuses for yourself... Do not be selfish in just thinking for yourself.. Think for her as well.... Think of how she will feel if she ever find out that you, in Singapore, is trying to find means to break up with her so that you will feel better for yourself.. And she will be totally heart-broken by your actions...

Originally Posted by TD0620G 22-03-2005, 02:59 AM
What a long thread, after reading everything I feel sorry for the girl, not the threadstarter. It seems that the girl has genuine feelings and good intentions eventhough she has lied about going out with customers mainly to what it seems, to protect the guy's feelings.

Well best of luck and I do hope that you go easy on her when you decide to break up. She deserves better.

Originally Posted by thaivisitor 22-03-2005, 12:38 PM
Who the fuck you think you are that she betrayed you? How much you give to her every month so that she doesn't have to "sell her body" to support herself, and in the fucking future, support you also?

The way you put it, as if you are God's gift to woman, and they have to sacrifice every fucking thing, including forcing themselves to live in poverty for you since they cannot "sell themselves".

So you think she should take up 3 jobs to earn enough for your every leisure trip up to BKK to be with her? Or resort to crime to earn more money to support you miserable pay?

Lucky you didn't give me her contact. Or else I tell her about your fucking thinking and tell her to find a better guy worth her while.

As I said before, you have NO STANDARD to deserve her lah.. KNN, somemore act like you are the fucking innocent victim in this game of love. Go look into the mirror first lah..

Originally Posted by thaivisitor 22-03-2005, 12:59 PM
First of all, I don't understand what the fuck the kind brudders here is advising you AS IF you are the victim.

You? Being made a fool? Your love was put to test? My 2 balls to you hor..

Check back all my posts in this thread. I have already state the fucking facts, KNN with calculations somemore, that she has to be booked in her work in the agogo bar. I even put out a bet because I'm 100% sure of what I know in the agogo scenes. I've been there nearly everynight for nearly a year.

And I said it then as I say it now, you got no fucking standard to be her BF.

Here is a girl who sacrifices herself so much for a fucking moron who cannot even support the ger he so-called love and yet want to demand that she has to keep herself "pure" for him, cannot do this, cannot do that. KNN, you think heaven will throw down money from above for you ah?

Those People who try to haolian how rich, how good they are in Sammyboy forum, in real life, we can call them Cannon Fairies.

Men will only be troubled by 2 issues.
1 is Money, 2 is Women.
When these 2 issues combined together, it becomes the biggest problem encountered for Men...

Old 13-10-2005, 10:45 PM
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Re: Refresh

Geesh,really thanks for replying in my thread...i was hoping for someone to reply here,but that time asked Singrakthai to continue "our arguments" here instead of littering at other threads,guessed he never read my post to redirect here.

Aiyoh,that time tot everyone here went thru what it takes to be a piichai liao mah.I considered meh??Being the fact she only covers my food,lodging and transport??The lists goes on to be a true piichai mah...dun need me to quote the posts from other threads rite??

Wahh i actually heeded SC's words to go over and stayed with her.As whether i am piichai or not,let others to judge lah.Since the criteria has been set by the laujiaos in the other since i heeded SC advise to go over,u should not be against my staying in thailand mah??Are u CONTRADICTING UR POSTS EARLIER then??hehee...

When all those bros posted all that regarding as though they know the full story,has it occurred to them that they knew nothing of the entire relationship and passed their judgements??They do not even know me and want to say i do not deserved her.What a joke.

As from bro TV's posts,he is always that harsh in his posts to newbies leh.Anyway he also duno the entire story how to pass such judgments??

SC asked me go over be piichai,TV says i do not deserve her...then who am i going to please in this forum then??The one with higher posts or rep points?hahaa...well None...since i do as i deem fit.

P.S. Many bros previously posted incorrect info regarding stuff here too.Just that i do not have the time and lazy to quote them out.
whoever got guts to use my nick should have guts to PM me back ..if not u are just a wimp who uses one's nick to put others into trouble...
Old 14-10-2005, 02:03 AM
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Re: Refresh

Originally Posted by Jun|ch|
Geesh,really thanks for replying in my thread...i was hoping for someone to reply here,but that time asked Singrakthai to continue "our arguments" here instead of littering at other threads,guessed he never read my post to redirect here.

Aiyoh,that time tot everyone here went thru what it takes to be a piichai liao mah.I considered meh??Being the fact she only covers my food,lodging and transport??The lists goes on to be a true piichai mah...dun need me to quote the posts from other threads rite??

Wahh i actually heeded SC's words to go over and stayed with her.As whether i am piichai or not,let others to judge lah.Since the criteria has been set by the laujiaos in the other since i heeded SC advise to go over,u should not be against my staying in thailand mah??Are u CONTRADICTING UR POSTS EARLIER then??hehee...

When all those bros posted all that regarding as though they know the full story,has it occurred to them that they knew nothing of the entire relationship and passed their judgements??They do not even know me and want to say i do not deserved her.What a joke.

As from bro TV's posts,he is always that harsh in his posts to newbies leh.Anyway he also duno the entire story how to pass such judgments??

SC asked me go over be piichai,TV says i do not deserve her...then who am i going to please in this forum then??The one with higher posts or rep points?hahaa...well None...since i do as i deem fit.

P.S. Many bros previously posted incorrect info regarding stuff here too.Just that i do not have the time and lazy to quote them out.
I wonder who started this thread and stated the thread name as "ADVISE PLEASE"
So all the advice have fallen on deaf ears and in gratitude this is what he is saying right now to you all.

From day 1 the postings and replies have changed liao.
Jun|ch|'s attitude has changed 180degrees. I wonder whether staying in Thailand for 6 months can change a person like this.


Those People who try to haolian how rich, how good they are in Sammyboy forum, in real life, we can call them Cannon Fairies.

Men will only be troubled by 2 issues.
1 is Money, 2 is Women.
When these 2 issues combined together, it becomes the biggest problem encountered for Men...

Old 14-10-2005, 02:11 AM
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Re: Refresh

Originally Posted by siamcutey
I wonder who started this thread and stated the thread name as "ADVISE PLEASE"
So all the advice have fallen on deaf ears and in gratitude this is what he is saying right now to you all.

From day 1 the postings and replies have changed liao.
Jun|ch|'s attitude has changed 180degrees. I wonder whether staying in Thailand for 6 months can change a person like this.

I am asking for advice mah...but those were not advice.Those were remarks cast upon me.Bro SC, please rethink b4 u post something like that k??Remarks and Advice on the previous matter is very different hor...I am not "correcting" ur english or ur apprehension of my posts but please argue correctly.

The advice has not fallen on deaf ears.I took heed to most bros here,saying if u loved her,u do not mind her job and stuff.I was only referring to some of the posts that claimed she needs to go with customers in order to work in bars.And the posts that claimed she will leave me once she knows i have no money and nothing left.And also the claims that involves transaction of money for me staying with her previously.

My attitude to the rest is still the same i guess.As someone actually prefers to pm me and ask me for my advice regarding his relationship with his tirak in GL,then to post here,knowing that he will get nothing but BLast from the bros here.I gave him the same firm advice as deem fit,not to fall into it too deep,let time prove if she's worth it.But i never blast him with all that remarks.Speaking of attitude then...Ohh bangkok was hot back then 5months back,heaty so my postings also then to be quite abrupt...hehee
whoever got guts to use my nick should have guts to PM me back ..if not u are just a wimp who uses one's nick to put others into trouble...
Old 14-10-2005, 02:14 AM
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Re: Refresh

Originally Posted by siamcutey
I wonder who started this thread and stated the thread name as "ADVISE PLEASE"
So all the advice have fallen on deaf ears and in gratitude this is what he is saying right now to you all.

Advice is something more like what i should have done back then,facing all that issues.Perhaps try to work things things thru or perhaps to drop the matter altogether.And Advice is definitely not casting all that remarks right??please lah,dun put words or shit into my mouth leh,want to make all bros here hate me huh??
whoever got guts to use my nick should have guts to PM me back ..if not u are just a wimp who uses one's nick to put others into trouble...
Old 14-10-2005, 03:10 AM
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Re: Refresh

Originally Posted by Jun|ch|
Advice is something more like what i should have done back then,facing all that issues.Perhaps try to work things things thru or perhaps to drop the matter altogether.And Advice is definitely not casting all that remarks right??please lah,dun put words or shit into my mouth leh,want to make all bros here hate me huh??
Is it? Then what did you last say then? Cannot remember liao is it? And what you doing now?

I don't put words, or shit into people's mouth. Only you do. Or you want me to dig out what words or shit you put into me. Anyway I don't put words or shit into people's mouth. Any one time I can quote what you post.

If they are your brothers, why will they hate you?


Those People who try to haolian how rich, how good they are in Sammyboy forum, in real life, we can call them Cannon Fairies.

Men will only be troubled by 2 issues.
1 is Money, 2 is Women.
When these 2 issues combined together, it becomes the biggest problem encountered for Men...

Old 14-10-2005, 03:31 AM
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Re: Refresh

Originally Posted by siamcutey
Is it? Then what did you last say then? Cannot remember liao is it? And what you doing now?

I don't put words, or shit into people's mouth. Only you do. Or you want me to dig out what words or shit you put into me. Anyway I don't put words or shit into people's mouth. Any one time I can quote what you post.

If they are your brothers, why will they hate you?

U referring to my last decision in my thread back then??Many things had happen since then.I was back there a couple of times after that decision.That was when i met up with Bkk master i think.I do not usually forget stuff,but if i do so,kindly do quote for me like the way u did for ST1099 for what i am doing now,i am just following my heart[or someone's suggestion to come over and be piichai].Just joking hor.Or u referring to myself now in internet cafe at Hwai Khwang?I just went for supper and had a fulfilling eye's treat to the babes in HK.

Did i put shit or words in others' mouth??hmm perhaps i abit rusty...u can quote let me see??then perhaps i was wrong...

Please lah,the TERM "bro" is commonly used by all samsters here.It was more of a way of greeting someone.U really thought u lived in this forum with ur bros huh??Jialat loh...u spent too much time until u are unable to differentiate real life and cyberspace.

P.S. I do not need to post FRs or comments favourable to anyone here.U do not like it can no need to reply my posts.U like to come moderate people's posts mah.As long as I do not swear vulgarities,call people names or anything,I abide the rules of the forum...though sometimes I TCSS too much lately...hehee..but many samsters does it too.
whoever got guts to use my nick should have guts to PM me back ..if not u are just a wimp who uses one's nick to put others into trouble...
Old 14-10-2005, 03:36 AM
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Re: Refresh

Originally Posted by siamcutey
Or you want me to dig out what words or shit you put into me.

Pii SC,jai yen yen na!!today got no bola huh??or finished already then result did not rule to ur favour??Still do not want to catch some sleep b4 work tomorrow huh?? so free come here and entertain me...i just registered for some other forum,will multi task and answer any queries of urs...
whoever got guts to use my nick should have guts to PM me back ..if not u are just a wimp who uses one's nick to put others into trouble...
Old 14-10-2005, 09:39 AM
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bollocksman bollocksman bollocksman
Re: Advise please

My advise : Get a life please , anyway i try not to pass any judgement, But here is my truthful analysis ( Just my 2 cents/satang/pence worth)

One party is like always trying to solicit support and get the majority to validate his actions .it seems that the party wants to gain peer approval or popularity , thus ensuring emotional support ,that party may be lacking in the real world.

the other party, having seen and experienced the pain/heartbreak/tirakship/whatever ,therefore is very blunt and sometimes paint a very negative picture.

But one need not be too defensive, if there has been some scruntinizing of past actions and words, One need not be afraid of this if there is nothing to hide /defend. After all these are just posts in the cyberworld. In the end you still log off and go back to your BKK/SG/ life.

Let's Make Love NOt FLAME Wars..hehehe

Last edited by bollocksman; 14-10-2005 at 09:41 AM. Reason: spelling
Old 15-10-2005, 03:37 PM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by bollocksman
One party is like always trying to solicit support and get the majority to validate his actions .it seems that the party wants to gain peer approval or popularity , thus ensuring emotional support ,that party may be lacking in the real world.

But one need not be too defensive, if there has been some scruntinizing of past actions and words, One need not be afraid of this if there is nothing to hide /defend. After all these are just posts in the cyberworld. In the end you still log off and go back to your BKK/SG/ life.

Let's Make Love NOt FLAME Wars..hehehe
I do not need to validate my actions lah.Being popular here or getting people's support will not benefit me emotionally.I am already emotional whenever i have conversations with my girl.That is why i always post,say this is only the end its the real life we need to face.This is only a place to TCSS...hehee...Just that he likes to comment on my posts with my past and his own judgement.overall,I am just enjoying this forum.

So any SYTs to make love to in bkk then??Can intro...then i will perhaps forfeit the daily routine to come check mails and reply in this forum...
whoever got guts to use my nick should have guts to PM me back ..if not u are just a wimp who uses one's nick to put others into trouble...
Old 17-10-2005, 12:57 PM
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Re: Advise please

After reading the entire post, one got to admit Jun|ch| look foolish but he got
the courage. His character remind me of "Dong Xie of SHE DIAO YING XIONG ZHUAN", very radical in his thinking. But life still has to go on even if our mind is constantly in fantasy land. One still need to face up to the reality and practicality of life daily.

One question I want to ask you, what are your long-term plans? I am sure your situation can't go on forever.
Old 17-10-2005, 09:16 PM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by Sornporn
After reading the entire post, one got to admit Jun|ch| look foolish but he got
the courage. His character remind me of "Dong Xie of SHE DIAO YING XIONG ZHUAN", very radical in his thinking. But life still has to go on even if our mind is constantly in fantasy land. One still need to face up to the reality and practicality of life daily.

One question I want to ask you, what are your long-term plans? I am sure your situation can't go on forever.

I look nerdy in person too,in case u do not know...hehee..wahh why everyone into She DIAO YING XIONG ZHUAN??i was quoted there previously too.Yepx..One need to face up with reality indeed.

My short term plan is to go back spore,bring her over and work as well in spore with me.After 3 or 4 years,if we are still together,since nothing is for sure,after the change of environment,who knows maybe she falls for another spore man,i always tell her spore got many yandao kias ard as well as rich people.Long term plan is I will go back bkk and start a business and buy a house since housing is cheap there as well as car.By 3 or 4 yrs later,my investments plans and stuff would have matured and also being the only son,i will try to arrange in between for my parents and myself.After that,I will sell my house in spore and I can settle down in bkk too.
whoever got guts to use my nick should have guts to PM me back ..if not u are just a wimp who uses one's nick to put others into trouble...
Old 18-10-2005, 12:31 PM
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bollocksman bollocksman bollocksman
Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by Jun|ch|
I look nerdy in person too,in case u do not know...hehee..wahh why everyone into She DIAO YING XIONG ZHUAN??i was quoted there previously too.Yepx..One need to face up with reality indeed.

My short term plan is to go back spore,bring her over and work as well in spore with me.After 3 or 4 years,if we are still together,since nothing is for sure,after the change of environment,who knows maybe she falls for another spore man,i always tell her spore got many yandao kias ard as well as rich people.Long term plan is I will go back bkk and start a business and buy a house since housing is cheap there as well as car.By 3 or 4 yrs later,my investments plans and stuff would have matured and also being the only son,i will try to arrange in between for my parents and myself.After that,I will sell my house in spore and I can settle down in bkk too.

nice plans indeed, well check back with us in 3 to 4 years time , OK?? to let us know every thing is allrite.

I do hope you know the legal steps and procedure in thailand and singapore , that will facilitate realisation of your objectives.

Old 18-10-2005, 02:29 PM
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Re: Advise please

...interesting plan.......hope it goes well for you.....
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