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Old 13-08-2012, 12:44 AM
Scorpioking87 Scorpioking87 is offline
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Re: PRC in (Pasar Road) (Pudu K.L)

Originally Posted by sengseng View Post
As life twists us into knots; so I came out from hibernation to unwind a little.
Last night met a few past tenses that came back to FL. Present tense not so enticing nowadays.Hope the future tense will be having better choices.
Mr Brown,

Thousand bout past perfect tense? Need to improve my English in order to understand u better..
Old 13-08-2012, 02:28 PM
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Re: PRC in (Pasar Road) (Pudu K.L)

Originally Posted by Scorpioking87 View Post
Mr Brown,

Thousand bout past perfect tense? Need to improve my English in order to understand u better..
Due to no perfect one is found in the past tense so no past perfect tense lor. KEKEKE
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Old 13-08-2012, 04:30 PM
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Re: PRC in (Pasar Road) (Pudu K.L)

Are you against same sex marriage?
What have the men done or not done enuf? %AE/
Sharing is a name , cheonging is the game.

Last edited by sengseng; 13-08-2012 at 04:41 PM.
Old 13-08-2012, 09:40 PM
shylook shylook is offline
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Re: PRC in (Pasar Road) (Pudu K.L)

Originally Posted by sengseng View Post
Are you against same sex marriage?
What have the men done or not done enuf? %AE/
kind of wasted, nothing better to do.
Beware!!! VietWolf in town.
Old 14-08-2012, 12:34 AM
Scorpioking87 Scorpioking87 is offline
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Re: PRC in (Pasar Road) (Pudu K.L)

Originally Posted by sengseng View Post
Due to no perfect one is found in the past tense so no past perfect tense lor. KEKEKE
Jolly good professori..
Old 14-08-2012, 02:39 AM
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Re: PRC in (Pasar Road) (Pudu K.L)

Originally Posted by Scorpioking87 View Post
Jolly good professori..
It all depends on one owns perspective.
A female lecturer is telling a group of students how to teach
maths to small children.
“It’s always a good idea for them to visualise the question.
For instance, if I said there were three cats on a wall and one
was shot dead – how many were left? – the children would
answer 2. They would be able to see the cats in their mind’s
At that point she was interrupted by one of the students.
“Excuse me, but I would have answered none to that
The lecturer looked puzzled, repeated the problem but
again the student shook his head.
“My answer would be none,” he said. “If one of the cats had
been shot then the other two would have been out of there
in a flash.”
She replied, “Well, in theory that wouldn’t be correct,
however I like the way you think.”
The student continued, “May I ask you a question now? If
there were three women walking down the street, one
licking an ice lolly, one biting an ice lolly and one sucking an
ice lolly – which one would you think was married?”
The teacher blushed profusely and stuttered a reply.
“Well … er … the one sucking the ice lolly.”
“No,” replied the student, smiling, “it would be the one
wearing a wedding ring … still, I like the way you think!”
Sharing is a name , cheonging is the game.
Old 14-08-2012, 05:01 AM
shylook shylook is offline
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Re: PRC in (Pasar Road) (Pudu K.L)

Originally Posted by sengseng View Post
It all depends on one owns perspective.
A female lecturer is telling a group of students how to teach
maths to small children.
“It’s always a good idea for them to visualise the question.
For instance, if I said there were three cats on a wall and one
was shot dead – how many were left? – the children would
answer 2. They would be able to see the cats in their mind’s
At that point she was interrupted by one of the students.
“Excuse me, but I would have answered none to that
The lecturer looked puzzled, repeated the problem but
again the student shook his head.
“My answer would be none,” he said. “If one of the cats had
been shot then the other two would have been out of there
in a flash.”
She replied, “Well, in theory that wouldn’t be correct,
however I like the way you think.”
The student continued, “May I ask you a question now? If
there were three women walking down the street, one
licking an ice lolly, one biting an ice lolly and one sucking an
ice lolly – which one would you think was married?”
The teacher blushed profusely and stuttered a reply.
“Well … er … the one sucking the ice lolly.”
“No,” replied the student, smiling, “it would be the one
wearing a wedding ring … still, I like the way you think!”
master sengseng lecture us again. wink~
Beware!!! VietWolf in town.
Old 14-08-2012, 10:21 AM
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Re: PRC in (Pasar Road) (Pudu K.L)

Originally Posted by sengseng View Post
It all depends on one owns perspective.
A female lecturer is telling a group of students how to teach
maths to small children.
“It’s always a good idea for them to visualise the question.
For instance, if I said there were three cats on a wall and one
was shot dead – how many were left? – the children would
answer 2. They would be able to see the cats in their mind’s
At that point she was interrupted by one of the students.
“Excuse me, but I would have answered none to that
The lecturer looked puzzled, repeated the problem but
again the student shook his head.
“My answer would be none,” he said. “If one of the cats had
been shot then the other two would have been out of there
in a flash.”
She replied, “Well, in theory that wouldn’t be correct,
however I like the way you think.”
The student continued, “May I ask you a question now? If
there were three women walking down the street, one
licking an ice lolly, one biting an ice lolly and one sucking an
ice lolly – which one would you think was married?”
The teacher blushed profusely and stuttered a reply.
“Well … er … the one sucking the ice lolly.”
“No,” replied the student, smiling, “it would be the one
wearing a wedding ring … still, I like the way you think!”

Wah, Mr Brown now teaching sex education!
Old 14-08-2012, 10:26 AM
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Re: PRC in (Pasar Road) (Pudu K.L)

Originally Posted by sengseng View Post
It all depends on one owns perspective.
A female lecturer is telling a group of students how to teach
maths to small children.
“It’s always a good idea for them to visualise the question.
For instance, if I said there were three cats on a wall and one
was shot dead – how many were left? – the children would
answer 2. They would be able to see the cats in their mind’s
At that point she was interrupted by one of the students.
“Excuse me, but I would have answered none to that
The lecturer looked puzzled, repeated the problem but
again the student shook his head.
“My answer would be none,” he said. “If one of the cats had
been shot then the other two would have been out of there
in a flash.”
She replied, “Well, in theory that wouldn’t be correct,
however I like the way you think.”
The student continued, “May I ask you a question now? If
there were three women walking down the street, one
licking an ice lolly, one biting an ice lolly and one sucking an
ice lolly – which one would you think was married?”
The teacher blushed profusely and stuttered a reply.
“Well … er … the one sucking the ice lolly.”
“No,” replied the student, smiling, “it would be the one
wearing a wedding ring … still, I like the way you think!”
Again I fell off my chair...Master Sengseng u should write a dirty joke book
3/4 Retired
Old 14-08-2012, 03:46 PM
xiaomax xiaomax is offline
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Re: PRC in (Pasar Road) (Pudu K.L)

Hi bro and wolf , yesterday i visit to ACE and spot 2 young prc appear , both of them look like student , i found one gal call " xiao chun chun "and her service really good than other old salt fish prc may be due to still new to this industry
Old 14-08-2012, 04:14 PM
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Re: PRC in (Pasar Road) (Pudu K.L)

Originally Posted by Scorpioking87 View Post
Where do we rendezvous? NPW/ACE? If u r coming down from north, my bus persiaran will stop by sungai buluh fly over for sate kajang first
《女人王国》 The only Kingdom that practice walking marriages.
I think you should take your tour group to Big Green’s Kingdom of Women and also known as the Kingdom of Daughters.
Mosuo Tribe have been in existence for the past two thousand years in the Lugu Lake region of Southern China.In the Mosuo tribe, women rule. To such an extent that their language doesn’t even have a word for ‘father’.
High above the mountains in South Western China, where Yunnan and Sichuan (of panda fame) border each other, lies the seldom-visited Lugu Lake. Along its banks, you will find the Mosuo people who have continuously practiced the matriarchal systems for centuries. Whether out of volition, or of necessity, the Mosuo women have taken on leader ship in their society for the past two thousand years.
If I save enuf $$$ and health permits; I have plans to go there to 6C6c next year march.

Sharing is a name , cheonging is the game.

Last edited by sengseng; 14-08-2012 at 04:37 PM.
Old 14-08-2012, 06:13 PM
Scorpioking87 Scorpioking87 is offline
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Re: PRC in (Pasar Road) (Pudu K.L)

Originally Posted by sengseng View Post
《女人王国》 The only Kingdom that practice walking marriages.
I think you should take your tour group to Big Green’s Kingdom of Women and also known as the Kingdom of Daughters.
Mosuo Tribe have been in existence for the past two thousand years in the Lugu Lake region of Southern China.In the Mosuo tribe, women rule. To such an extent that their language doesn’t even have a word for ‘father’.
High above the mountains in South Western China, where Yunnan and Sichuan (of panda fame) border each other, lies the seldom-visited Lugu Lake. Along its banks, you will find the Mosuo people who have continuously practiced the matriarchal systems for centuries. Whether out of volition, or of necessity, the Mosuo women have taken on leader ship in their society for the past two thousand years.
If I save enuf $$$ and health permits; I have plans to go there to 6C6c next year march.


Pls remember to wear your chastity belt there..dun want our Master get screwed by horny old ladies..
Old 16-08-2012, 07:05 PM
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Re: PRC in (Pasar Road) (Pudu K.L)

Saw a PRC with 4 eyes with a sexy outfit walking towards my table. She gave me a courtesy gesture and ask me whether I would like to have fun. I just smile back. She then ask me why am I not saying anything. I then told her I am a Banana that speak a little bit of Putong Hua only . She then sat down and spoke slowly and told me she used to be a teacher back home. I then try to speak to her in broken Putong Hua with my best ability and ask her. Since you are a teacher 'Will you be my Putong Hua teacher. I like to learn PRC lingo so that I can communicate better cos I currently have a crush on another PRC. She looked at me with her pair of soul catching eyes and said “Why not ? Dell you what , follow me to my classroom upstair and I can then start teaching you. Classroom upstairs???
How much do you charge May I ask? Not to worry , we talk heart not talk gold one she answered me.
Hearing an answer like that makes my heartbeats starts beating faster and things starts to cloud my mind.
1.) Does she have a tuition centre upstairs?
2. Will I be taken for a ride?
3.) Is this for real?
4.) What will happen next?
Being an artless person , I still cannot decide should I be a Follow Me man.
OMG. Now what should I do?
Wonder should I continue or To be contnue.
Sharing is a name , cheonging is the game.
Old 17-08-2012, 01:37 AM
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Re: PRC in (Pasar Road) (Pudu K.L)

Originally Posted by sengseng View Post
Saw a PRC with 4 eyes with a sexy outfit walking towards my table. She gave me a courtesy gesture and ask me whether I would like to have fun. I just smile back. She then ask me why am I not saying anything. I then told her I am a Banana that speak a little bit of Putong Hua only . She then sat down and spoke slowly and told me she used to be a teacher back home. I then try to speak to her in broken Putong Hua with my best ability and ask her. Since you are a teacher 'Will you be my Putong Hua teacher. I like to learn PRC lingo so that I can communicate better cos I currently have a crush on another PRC. She looked at me with her pair of soul catching eyes and said “Why not ? Dell you what , follow me to my classroom upstair and I can then start teaching you. Classroom upstairs???
How much do you charge May I ask? Not to worry , we talk heart not talk gold one she answered me.
Hearing an answer like that makes my heartbeats starts beating faster and things starts to cloud my mind.
1.) Does she have a tuition centre upstairs?
2. Will I be taken for a ride?
3.) Is this for real?
4.) What will happen next?
Being an artless person , I still cannot decide should I be a Follow Me man.
OMG. Now what should I do?
Wonder should I continue or To be contnue.


B4 u enter to the tuition centre, pls check first what courses r offered apart from putong hua language course..maybe got banggali or Tamil language courses or inter-course which is very popular nowadays.

Also, pls check the tuition rates first cos nowadays tuition teachers r hard to come by..
Old 17-08-2012, 09:57 PM
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Re: PRC in (Pasar Road) (Pudu K.L)

Originally Posted by Scorpioking87 View Post

B4 u enter to the tuition centre, pls check first what courses r offered apart from putong hua language course..maybe got banggali or Tamil language courses or inter-course which is very popular nowadays.

Also, pls check the tuition rates first cos nowadays tuition teachers r hard to come by..
I like your mentioning about the Inter-(National )Course.KEKEKE
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