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Old 13-02-2016, 10:32 PM
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Re: SG Actress fucked on Hollywood Set

Welcome back TS
Old 14-02-2016, 12:38 AM
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Re: SG Actress fucked on Hollywood Set

so who is J really? TS please let us know.
Ups my points if you like posts...

wanna trade points? minimum 3 points, pm me...
Old 14-02-2016, 01:44 AM
itsabt6x itsabt6x is offline
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Re: SG Actress fucked on Hollywood Set

Sure be nice to see Fiona.X playing the role of J in this movie.....hehe..
Old 15-02-2016, 07:36 AM
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Re: SG Actress fucked on Hollywood Set

as usual, kuasimi's hypocritical duty is to constantly attacked, purposely find the slightest fault, intentionally made false accusations against our govt and his ulterior motive is to brain wash Singaporean and destroy our peaceful stable country !

low class scum opposition parties like them, the foreign media and those private social blogs are out in full force lurking at all internet forum(S) to discredit our govt !

fellow Singaporean, pls beware !!!
Old 16-02-2016, 03:57 AM
Infiniti23 Infiniti23 is offline
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Re: SG Actress fucked on Hollywood Set

Wow! Super addictive Bro! Keep it cummingggg~~
Old 17-02-2016, 08:26 PM
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Re: SG Actress fucked on Hollywood Set

some 4 pointer laojiao just zapped me "deh. old closed thread lah" but TS just posted again on 13th Feb yah..
Restart back to Zero.. Kena caught by OC
Old 28-02-2016, 02:54 PM
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Re: SG Actress fucked on Hollywood Set

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" screamed J. "FUCCCCCKKKKKK!!!!!" she yelled as woke up to a searing pain in her loins. She groggily came to. The room was grey and lit poorly. "There there baby!" smiled O looking down at her. She looked down and saw that she was spreadeagled on a chair. Her arms and legs were strapped down to the chair and she was, as it seems like always, completely naked. She looked down at exposed vagina and felt two fingers in her pussy while two more were holding a clit up.

Shockingly, what was happening was that a gruff looking tattooed up Thai man - he looked about late 40s with tan skinned and whispy beard - was piercing her clit! The pain was unbearable. "It hurts!!!!" she screamed as tears rolled down her eyes. As she looked down at her poor pussy, she saw the main pierce the clit. Blood flowed a little from the hot metal of the ring he was placing on her womanhood. But then as painful as it was, he was done in seconds. He rubbed her clit with an alcohol swab and she was done. "All done honey!" O smiled.

J looked down at her pink loins. Everything was red and engorged from the pain and the blood rushing downstairs. And then she realized that the Thai man still had two fingers in her, slowly rubbing in a circular motion. He smiled at her with a toothless smile. And continued to finger fuck her. She couldn't believe that her body was giving in and she was getting wet. How did she get here?

All she remembered was getting into the car with O. He then offered her some water. "FUCK!" she thought. "Asshole drugged me!" she slowly realized. She suddenly felt a wet mouth on pussy. She looked down and saw the dirty old thai man sucking her cunt. "Ugghhhh..." she moaned as her hips curled up. "Damn girl, you just don't stop!" heard O. She hated that this man's mouth was giving her pleasure.

She felt his two fingers and thick tongue lick and twist her womanhood. His tongue felt amazing on her pussy. He pulled her new clit ring with his teeth which made her yelp again. But the pain and pleasure was one now. His tongue was soothing on her newly pierced pussy. It felt good and J couldn't do anything but give in. Her body was his.

(to be continued)
Old 15-05-2016, 01:55 PM
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Re: SG Actress fucked on Hollywood Set

The old man got up but kept two fingers in J's pussy slopping around her wet cunt. He bent over and sucked her lift tit. His salvia dripping down her breast and nipples. He was wet and sloppy and a big rough sucking on her tender nipples. J looked away in disgust but moaned as his sausage fingers rubbed her deeply. She tried to shake her hands and legs free from the contraption but couldn't. All of a sudden the curtain beside her was ripped open. "What??!!!" she screamed looking shocked.

The old man looked up but keep his mouth on her tit. An old lady said "Hurry! Now! Hurry!" gesturing towards J and the old man speaking in broken english. heavily accented in Thai. He groaned disappointedly and his lips left J's tit. He gave her nipple one last suck and smiled at her. J looked beyond the woman and could see people moving around. As her groggy eyes adjusted to the poorly lit room she saw that she was in a seedy tattoo parlor. There were a couple thai men seated patiently in the back smoking and a couple women who were scantily clad. One was getting a tattoo done while the other looked at her drunkedly.

J should have been embarrassed that she was completely naked and exposed to these people but she was almost used to it. But what the fuck was going on she thought? Where was O? Where was she? The old man slowly removed the fastens on her arms and legs. The lady came up to her and pulled her off the contraption. Her legs ached and so did her arms. J's hand immediately went to her pussy to her newly pierced pussy. Fuck it hurt! She though. It was tender and hot but it sent sparks of sexual energy u her groin. She brushed her hands in between her thighs and felt her wetness - sticky and slick. Fuck her body - she thought.

The lady pulled J by the arm "Come come!" and J followed. She was naked and barefoot but the thai men didn't pass her a second look. It must be normal to have naked women come through here. The two thai girls stared her down as she walked past - they seemed disgusted by her. The lady ushered J to a side door which she opened. "No! I can't go out!" said J shocked that this lady was throwing her out into public. It was dark out and she heard a car outside. "Go!" the lady commanded.

And barefoot and naked, J stepped out as tears began forming in her eyes. But other than the car, no one else was around except for the driver. It was O. J opened the car door and got in. "What the fuck is happening?" J asked him crying. "Oh baby! It's opening night! You've got a long night ahead!" he laughed. J didn't know what that meant but felt a pit in her stomach. What was he going to do? O laughed as he fastened her seat belt. "Safety first!" he sniggered. He pulled at her clit ring "That looks great!" he said as she yelped again in pain. "Time to go!" he said as he drove off. J looked out of the window as they entered a busy Bangkok street. She was terrified.

(to be continued)
Old 17-05-2016, 11:42 PM
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Re: SG Actress fucked on Hollywood Set

welcome back TS!
Old 18-05-2016, 04:18 AM
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Re: SG Actress fucked on Hollywood Set

Originally Posted by starlight View Post
welcome back TS!
Yes very nice to see he's back
Old 28-11-2016, 04:48 AM
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Re: SG Actress fucked on Hollywood Set

Continue TS...what happened in BANG..KOK!
Old 30-11-2016, 02:31 PM
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Re: SG Actress fucked on Hollywood Set

More to banging of cocks.
Second Upz by :
Queue : PeaceKris, waikeekee, S.B.Y.1, owl888, Apollo, SureScore, ceeko, lonebonker, sailsingapore, sgGEM.

My 1000 upz not finished yet. If I missed out anyone, please message me, I will try my best.

Small dick never mind, small mind have no dick.
Old 18-12-2016, 08:08 PM
confessions4443 confessions4443 is offline
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Re: SG Actress fucked on Hollywood Set

bump for another good story
Old 20-06-2017, 05:13 PM
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Re: SG Actress fucked on Hollywood Set

J looked outside the window of the car with tears running down her face. She was in shock. Here she was completely naked in a car – luckily it was an SUV so she was raised and no one could really see her. O was signing softly to some pop song on the radio. Was it Taylor Swift? Fuck me….it was Taylor Swift, thought J to herself quietly. “Ahhh!” she suddenly gasped. Her pierced cunt as burning from the clit ring.

“It’s red as fuck! Looks hot though!” O exclaimed. J closed her legs and covered her tits with her hands as shame set in. It seemed stupid after everything this brute had done to her. How the hell did she end up here? Once again she fought back tears. O slowly turned the car towards a main street. She looked outside and realized that they were in the Sukhumvit area. “Put this on before we get arrested cunt!” he snapped while reaching into the backseat and picking up a black satin robe and throwing it at her. He also a grabbed off slippers that he dropped in her lap.

J slowly put on the robe and covered up feeling the comfort of the cloth around her body. She slipped her feet into the slippers grateful for the minimal comfort of feeling somewhat human again. She looked on as O drove the car down Sukhumvit Road. All of a sudden he turned on Soi 23 to her shock, she realized that he was heading to Soi Cowboy – the infamous redlight of Bangkok filled with strip bars. What was happening?

He stopped right before the Soi Cowboy alley in front of a club. She couldn’t make out what it was called but she noticed a few girls standing outside drinking and eating. And suddenly her brain clicked. They were all wearing the same black robes she was. Did O expect her to….”Yeah you guessed it honey! You wanted to be in show business. Put on a show…well you’re going to put a real show honey. Get the fuck out!” O yelled at her.

J looked at him worriedly “What do you mean? What’s happening?” she stammered. Suddenly the door opened. O released her seat belt as two firm hands dragged J out of the car. Her robe flimsily opened up as she was whisked onto the street. She fought to cover up as turned to face who pulled her out. A large tattooed thai man with a bald head stared at her fiercely. “You work! Now!” he said. J tried to protest but knew it was to no avail. “See you later honey!” O laughed as he shut the door and drove off. While he was her tormentor, J also felt suddenly all alone.

J slowly turned to face the Thai man. “Come!” he commanded. She looked at the thai girls in their robes looking at her. They were whispering and talking about her – judging her, laughing at her. J’s stomach was in the pits. What was going to happen? There were two bouncers seated at the entrance looking at her seedily. A curtain separated the outside from pulsing techno beats. The Thai man grasped her by the hand and led her in. J looked up into the darkness with bewilderment. Her eyes adjusted and the view in front of her was shocking!

Old 20-06-2017, 06:55 PM
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Re: SG Actress fucked on Hollywood Set

I tot this story is dead, welcome back TS
I will have headache if I dont see a strange piece of pussy every day

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