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Old 13-02-2020, 07:01 PM
pastamania pastamania is offline
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

Originally Posted by sexcision View Post
14th Feb. Tomorrow!
Great! Looking forward hehe
Old 13-02-2020, 07:57 PM
reflexk reflexk is offline
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Wondering who is the lady who made a grand entrance..


*unlikely since the lady is very young..

Haha, so many characters in these linked stories, need a map/graph to find out the connections .

Can't wait for the next installment...
Old 14-02-2020, 10:28 AM
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

Refreshing the page every 30 mins.. Update come soon plzzzz
Old 14-02-2020, 11:53 AM
Happyendingz Happyendingz is offline
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

Originally Posted by reflexk View Post
Wondering who is the lady who made a grand entrance..


*unlikely since the lady is very young..

Haha, so many characters in these linked stories, need a map/graph to find out the connections .

Can't wait for the next installment...
Kate and Lucy is in the same gang as Ben and King?

Jane went hiding at the end of her story?

Ruhui last was working with James?
Old 14-02-2020, 12:01 PM
ilikeoldchangke ilikeoldchangke is offline
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

Ben muttered softly under his breath.

Ben : Watch out for Rachel …… she an absolute….

Before Ben could finish, Rachel was already at the edge of the round table.

So her name is Rachel. The head of the Rajahs.

She does have that vixen look. Rachel is like that hot babe you see at the club you want to bring home for a nice of fun but she’s out of bounds because of the number of men around her.
Her slender arms are toned and fair, she works out definitely.
Her posture, the way she walks, the look in her eyes, gives off the vibe that this is not someone you want to trifle with.

Sure, you can fuck her, she might fuck you too, the question is whether can you keep your cock after the deed.

Rachel : What are you whispering about Ben… ? do share …

Despite a couple of decades younger than Ben, the manner which she speaks is as if she considered him to be her junior or in the best case, similar, in terms of mileage in organisations like this.

Ben : I sharing with my new friend here !!!.... where to get the best…. Chicken…… …. wing…. Right or not… ?? Jackson … !!

Jackson : Yes .. yes…. Chicken wings….

An older man I estimate to be in his early fifties stood out prominently for the Rajahs. He’s really tanned but I could tell he is of Chinese Descent. His hands are heavily scarred, his face looks scary enough on it’s own and he didn’t need the tattoo running down the side of his neck at all.

I could see a similarity in features especially the nose between him and Rachel.

Another younger chap is definitely a body builder. He’s ripped and he has several piercings on his lip and eyebrow. His fingers looked a little deformed, I don’t know, something seemed wrong with them. They kept opening and clenching like a claw as if he’s suffering from some illness.

Turning her attention away from Ben, Rachel gave me a half second glance, obviously I’m not worth more of her time.
She turned instead to Yiling.

Rachel : Hi Yiling….

Yiling : Hi Rachel ….

Rachel picked her seat, choosing one that puts her directly opposite YIling.

Maybe she intents to eye fuck Yiling for the rest of the dinner because that’s the vibe that she gives. Yiling’s expression is one of ‘ I’m not interested to entertain a little girl like you ‘ written all over.

Turning to Yiling, I decided to spend the available time before the arrival of the VIP to brush up a bit on the setting of the dinner.

Jackson : What happens now ??

Yiling unfolded her arms and angled her body towards me.

There are 12 seats at the table. 2 seats for every family. Either the head or representative, together with the one that will be conducting the auction.

The head need not necessary be sitting at this main table but most of them usually do.
I noticed that Rachel took the seat on her own and I was surprised that the 2 men that were following her walked away. Ok, they don’t looked like the type who are good at selling anyway. Killing maybe, not selling.

Rachel asked for a glass of red wine and she was talking to Elmo who just came to the table.

Yiling mumbled to me as a reminder, not to call any of the others by the stupid nicknames Ben gave them.

Yiling : he’s just joking in case you thought it was real….

Jackson : ok… I know… don’t worry… but Art Lee…. ?

Yiling : Alright… that one is his real name but cut out any other shit that Ben added….

Jackson : ok got it…

Yiling told me that the head of the Malu Malu is a man call Russell.

Yiling : He’s very low profile and prefers to remain behind the scene… the puppet master pulling the strings…… Everything is done by his 3 adopted son. The one with the red hair, Edwin…the one that Ben calls Ernie is called Eng….. and the one that walks with a wide swagger….. is Brad…

Jackson : ok… ok… Russell…… Edwin… Eng and Brad…

I casually glanced at the spot where Edwin was sitting, and beside him Brad sat down and started a staring contest with Ben.

Ben : Kuar wah yandao si bo…. ( look at me because I’m good looking ? )

Brad : bluregghhh… bluawrare….wareee….

Brad did a really disgusting vomiting and retching sound before spitting on the floor of the ballroom while eyeballing Ben. The atmosphere is exactly like that in a coffeeshop where drunk uncles stare at each other in a manner meant to start a fight.

I quickly looked away. There goes my appetite.

The seats around the table started to fill and a guy I reckon to be about the same age as me came and took the seat beside Rachel. He must the he one doing the auction for the Rajahs. Rachel turned and said something to him and he nodded a few times.

Neither Rachel nor Yiling have said anything about bringing the same item for the auction so far.
That’s going to be a potential flash point for all.

Yiling : The other table is reserved for the VIP and all his grassroots volunteer who helped to organise this entire dinner….

Jackson : ok…

2 of the monks came over and Yiling stood up to greet the laughing buddha. The only member of the other organisations that she seemed to take a liking to.

Yiling : Uncle Fong….

Yiling gave Fong a hug with a wide smile.

Fong : heyyy… Yiling… hahahha… hahahhaha…Guai guai…( good good… )

The more I look at Fong and his smiling face with the adorable double chin, the more the image of laughing buddha etched itself into my head.
He looks really approachable and funny.

I mean come on, laughing buddha.

Even his double chin looked good when he chuckles.

Fong : ahhh.. hahahha.. hahahha… eh BEN !!!.. Ho seh bo ?? !! ( how are you )

Ben : good… good….. you KNN… switch to brown rice ah… healthier …so fat… you car can fit you or not….

Fong : aahhhhh… hahahaha…. Hahahaha…. Cannot fit….i drive lorry la…. hahaha….

Fong was not offended at all by Ben’s jibe and instead, he tapped his tummy a couple of times before replying.

Fong : I eat the amount I eat….every month …. Feed your whole company ahhh.. !!! ahahha…

Ben laughed and grabbed his beer before standing up and propose a toast to Fong.

Ben : yes la… yes la… boss…. Please keep your orders coming …

Fong : hahahah.. hahaha…

Turning to me, Fong asked Yiling a loaded question.

Fong : wah…. Yandao ah… your boyfriend ah YIling… ?? hahaha

Yiling smiled and looked at me, a que for me to step up and answer the question on my own.

Jackson : Hi Uncle Fong… my name is Jackson…. I work for Yiling….

Fong : wahahah… hahaha… ok… ok…

Art Lee took the seat beside Yiling and I could not help but notice him checking out her body as she took a seat.

His eyes are big, like that of a praying mantis. He sipped his tea, alternating between the only 2 pair of tits on the table. Rachel and Yiling.

Probably devising a way to steal their bra. I looked away and tried to hold back a chuckle when I heard an announcement being made.

Emcee : Dear guest…. Please be seated…. The dinner will commence shortly…

Yiling : The emcee, who himself is a grassroot member will be bringing the VIP over to our table… to introduce us to the politician….

At that point, only the 6 heads or reps will remain behind while the lot of us conducting the auction will head straight to the stage to get ready. No need for grunts like us to shake the future prime minister’s hand.

Yiling : Dinner will commence once the VIP takes his seat and so will the auction….There are no time limit for the 6 items, the challenge is to get a figure you feel is high enough, and not make a fool of yourself by repeat appeals to the floor to increase the bid.

Jackson : Ok… sweet… I’m clear….

Yiling : I can’t bid for our own items… so don’t count on me helping you….

Yiling told me from past auction, some don’t really bother with jacking up the price out of pride. The hassle is too much for some, so a simple understanding from a common friend is all it takes.

You bring your item out, your friend calls out a decent bid for charity. You accept. Everyone is happy, you get to go off stage and enjoy your food.

I looked at Uncle Ben whispering to King and wondered if he would be kind enough to place a bid if I’m not getting any. Fuck it, I’ll just play by ear and see how things go.

I heard several taps on the microphone echo across the hall and a gentlemen in black coat asked for everyone to take a seat.

Emcee : good evening every…. My name is Tong…. And I am your emcee for the evening….. we are very honoured to be able to have Minister Welly Chin join us tonight at this event…. Please…. Put your hands together and give him a warm welcome….

Even before Tong is done with his announcement, thunderous claps filled the ballroom, wild whistles and cheers rang out with a few men shouting Welly’s name.

Jackson : I didn’t know he’s so well liked….

Yiling : he’s a straight talker and not afraid to get his hands dirty….former military man…..good ties with the unions…. And he maintained a 80% majority in his electoral ward for his 1st 3 election, and other parties stopped challenging him thereafter….

Jackson : sounds formidable….

Yiling : somewhat of a gangster himself if you ask me….

Welly stepped out into the ballroom and he waved to the welcoming crowd.

Ben clapped and remarked loud enough for the table to hear.

Ben : future Singapore 揸fit 人 ( the one in charge )…. Hahaha …. Eh… come go leh…. Ehhh… all the cocksuckers around the table… go and suck cock leh…. Want to get rich and prosper…. Don’t need to spit one…. Go suck cock la…

Ben looked at Brad, an obvious hint that the jibe is directed at him.

Brad : You want to suck is it…. Suck my one la !!! CCB…

Brad did a show of trying to remove his pants to show his cock at Ben while Ben opened his mouth and stick out his tongue daring him to whip his cock out while the minister is around.

Ben : airrr… airrrrr….. lai… lai… ( come…come… ) hahahaha..

Rachel : can you guys fucking grow up … Brad…. Don’t make a fool of yourself…

I was surprised when I saw Brad stab his middle finger through the air at Ben before settling down. He was all too ready to start something then.
Old 14-02-2020, 12:02 PM
ilikeoldchangke ilikeoldchangke is offline
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

Yiling was watching intently at the exchange, taking everything in.
She couldn’t have missed that.

One word from Rachel, someone much more junior than Brad and that was all it took to shut him up.

Ben saw that as well and a knowing smirk appeared on his face right about the time Rachel directed her gaze at him, by then Ben had settled back into his seat with 2 palms up at Rachel, a sign that there was no need for Rachel to say anything to him.

I looked away towards the approaching VIP.

Welly is surrounded by a wall of men who has perfected the art of giving him space to interact while keeping him safe.

The Emcee directed him over to Yiling first, the organiser of this year’s dinner.

That was the que for me to go and I followed King, a veteran of the yearly affair as he headed to the stage

Turning to see what is happening, I could see Welly shaking Yiling’s hand warmly while they exchanged a few words.

Behind the stage, i saw a table with some bottle water and chairs around it. Hong was there too. He gestured at me urgently.

I went over to him and he dragged me to the side.

Jackson : what… what ??

Hong : ok…a friend of mine in the Monks…. He told me someone leaked that we will be bringing the 3 stars statue to all the families….

Jackson : what ??

Hong : so in a way…. They all know what we the organisers will be bringing…

Jackson : Then the Rajahs… ??

Hong : They did it on purpose….

Jackson : why am I not surprise….

Hong : here’s the thing…. The Rajahs have spread the word…. No one is to bid for our item…. And in return…. The Rajahs will bid for all of theirs….our statues will not sell…

Jackson : what ??

Hong : Anyone buys the statues…. It’s as good as going against the Rajahs….

Jackson : can they do things like this… ??? it’s not fair…

Hong : Rajahs never play fair….don’t worry…. I’m going to go talk to some of my friends in the other families… I’ll try to convince some of them to help…. Don’t worry ok…. Don’t worry….
As Hong got off the stage, the emcee checked his prompt cards before inviting King to start off the auction.

Emcee : As per tradition…. The companies have donated some items….. for bidding….. all proceeds will go to a charity of the Minister’s choice…. So everyone……please enjoy your dinner and get your chequebook ready….hahah…. we shall commence with the 1st item….

Peering out from behind the stage, I could see Welly in the prime seat with a clear view of the stage.

King took the microphone and introduce the gold plated dragon as if he was delivering a monologue.

King : This is a gold plated dragon…. Sitting on a…. wooden stand ….it is…. Heavy….

Sporadic laughter came from the ballroom and King started the auction at 1800.

King : 1800 starting price… anyone….?

Someone shouted $2388 and King pointed at him while keeping his face expressionless.

It’s someone from the Rajahs.

King : $2388…. Anyone higher… ?

King did not look interested in this at all, he looked at his feet for a couple of seconds like a student who did something wrong and was asked to be on stage.

The emcee helped to prompt him along.

Emcee : alright…. $2388 going once… ???

King snapped out of his daze and continued from there.

King : $2388 twice…. Ok…. No more…. Sold to…. Sold to….

He can’t even remember who he sold it to.

Emcee : over there… that gentlemen in blue top… please make your way over here.. thank you… hahaha… good start good start…. Next up… the 2nd item…. A longevity peach…. Wow…. Nice….hahah

Edwin waved to the crowd and a small section of it cheered as they ate.

Edwin : I have the biggest longevity peach….ever made…. In this country… hahahah….. I wish…. Err…. I wish… errr…..hahah… I wish Singapore….wan sui wan sui wan wan sui ( long live Singapore ) …. Haha

It was so cringe worthy that I could not bear to watch.

Someone shouted from the audience.

“ Wah…. Si bei sar kar ( what a bootlicker ) “

Edwin ignored the jibe and carried on.

Edwin : I wish err… err… whoever wins this… err…. Long life ahh… good fortune ahhh… err… and everything smooth smooth….hahah… like baby backside smooth ah…. Good or not ?? hhaha… good or not ???

No one seemed to be paying him any attention and I could see Welly trying to stifle a smile by turning away.

Edwin : I start ah…. I start ah….err…. $2388…hahaha… so big… look… so big the peach…. Come come… support … support a bit….

Someone shouted $3388 and Edwin was quick to catch it.

Edwin : good !! good !!! $3388 ahh…. Such a good number…. Huat ah !!! going once…. Twice ??? ….. last call … last call….. ok !!! swee !! $3388 to Ah Liu over there… ahahha….

I looked at the section and true enough, it was one of the Rajahs’ men.

Looking around the table at the back stage, I saw a man that was talking to Art Lee earlier step up.

Taking their item out, he started the auction at $2188 and concluded it at $3388. A similar figure to that of the Malu Malu.

My heart started to beat a little faster as the men around the table gets lesser.

Turning to the guy talking to Rachel earlier, I saw that he was staring at me.

Jackson : Hi… I’m Jackson ….

Nate : I’m Nate….

The representation of the Monks did not even bother to speak with us and he just up and went on the stage to start on his item.

Nate : first time…. ?

Jackson : yeah….. plenty of first for me this year….

Nate : nervous…. ?

Jackson : a little… how about you ?? …

Nate : I’m fine….

Extending his hand, Nate shook mine in a professional manner before introducing himself properly.

Nate : I’m head of corporate communications and Chief information officer in Rajah holdings….

Jackson : Wow…

Nate : Nothing much…. Just handling the usual corporate stuff….. I believe good communication and transparency is critical for every organisation….. and you ??

Jackson : I’m the chief botany officer and head of natural environment for La Bella vista….

Nate looked at me and I could see him trying to process what I just said. If I could see imaginary question marks, there must be a dozen over his head by then.

Nate : wow… so… what do you do… ?

Jackson : Nothing much…. My boss believes a holistic balance between the built and natural environment is something that many organisations aspire for but could never achieve…. So it’s my job to mould the environment in a way….

Nate : eerrr….. ok…….

The monks concluded their auction at $3688 and I stole a glimpse at the winner.

Another Rajah.

Well, they can be many things, but you can’t say they are not generous to charity.

Nate : alright then….errmmm… good luck…..

Jackson : Thank you….

As Nate left the table, I replayed the auction I saw earlier and found a glaring similarity. Something I could exploit.

Nate was by far the most eloquent speaker.

With a clear introduction of the Rajah Holdings, he captured the attention of Minister Welly. Diving into some of the usual corporate social responsibility programs they did together with adopted charities, his intro drew nods of approvals from the table of VIPs.

Maybe that is something I should touch on also.

I only know about the old folks home. Whipping out my phone, I dialled YIling’s number.

Yiling : what ?

Jackson : do I need to touch on the company’s good deeds and all in the intro… ? I mean you know… corporate social responsibility… the old folks home and all….what else ??

Yiling : we adopted 2 Orang Utans from the Singapore zoo…

There was a 2 second pause on my end and I decided to forget about the introduction.
Old 14-02-2020, 12:03 PM
ilikeoldchangke ilikeoldchangke is offline
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

Jackson : err… ok… never mind….

Yiling : just sell it and make sure it’s not lower than the Rajahs…

Yiling hung up and I checked on how Nate is doing.

He’s smooth, talks well like a corporate presenter and with the Rajahs pulling the strings behind the scene, a bidding war ensured between the thieves and the monks.

Nate started the bid at $2888

“ $3388”

“ $4388”


The price kept climbing until it hit $10888

Nate : alright… the 1st 5 figure bid of the evening… thank you so much for your generosity….

I looked over and it was someone from the Malu Malu. The smile on Rachel’s face is so wide and one would have to be blind not see the challenge she mounted on Yiling by the look on her face alone.

If Yiling was irritated, she did not let it show.

Nate left the stage and the emcee made the announcement for me to step in.

Emcee : and for the last auction of the evening….by the La Bella Vita….

I thanked the emcee and took over the microphone that Nate just handed back. It’s still warm to the touch.

I was about to speak when Brad shouted from the bottom of the stage.

Brad : ONE……………DOLL ………….. LER…………. Hahahahahah….

Laughs broke out among the ballroom and the snigger on Rachel’s face is too obvious to ignore.

I was about to speak again when Brad shouted again.

Brad : OKOK…. TWO…… DOLL ….. LER……. HAhahahaha….

Ben rolled his eyes while shaking his leg and jabbing another middle finger in the air towards Brad as if he’s a retard.

With so many pairs of eyes on me, it’s natural to feel nervous but that’s not all I was feeling.

The pressure, the stress, and the arousal.

I was getting excited and I could feel a hard on building in my pants. The rapidly deteriorating situation is turning me on. It’s as if something inside me is craving for this urge, or rather desire.

The desire to see something burn.

Pointing to Brad, I said something that made the ballroom went silent.

Jackson : Sold !...... $2….. to that gentlemen over there….

Walking back to the 3 stars statue, I picked up the piece of cloth I had used earlier to dust the statue and offered it to Brad with a outstretched hand while keeping a smile on my face.

The 2 second pause was ruptured by Ben’s hoots and laughs before Hong led the rest of YIling’s men into a thunderous applause while teasing Brad on his purchase.

Jackson : Very generous of that gentlemen over there….$2 for a rag….thank you very much…..

Brad looked like he was prepared to stab me but the laugher and jeers from the others on the ground was enough to sit him back down.

Pointing to the 3 star statue we brought along, I told the audience right away.

Jackson : I’m not auctioning the statues….. instead…. I want to offer everyone…. A chance to own a piece of history….

Raising my left hand, I gestured to the ballroom like a conman trying to sell a get rich quick course.

Jackson : Fu Lu Shou building…. At Rochor…. Anyone has never been there before ??? No… ?

The ballroom grew quiet as I paced the stage before going on.

Jackson : on the façade… of the Fu Lu Shou building… you will see a artwork… of the 3 stars…. Now…. Can someone tell me what is wrong with them… ?

I waited for a few seconds but no one said a thing.

Jackson : Look at it…. Google it if you wish….. look at the expressions… the features… the details….something is wrong somewhere…. Everyone I have shared this with…. Agrees… something is off…. But no one can say why….

I paused again and I could see quite a few people googling for the image on their phone. One of Minister Welly’s aide just handed him a phone which I presume is an image of what I’m describing,

Not wanting to bait the audience any longer, I went on and revealed that the sculpture is not done by Chinese.

Jackson : The artwork… is commissioned and done by foreigners…. People who are not familiar with the culture, the stories and the history behind the 3 stars…… I’ll give you another example….Macau…. have you been to Macau ??

I directed everyone’s attention to the gambling heaven in the east.

Jackson : The giant Mazu statue…..facing the sea….again… what is wrong with it…. ?

More people scrambled for their phones now and are actively googling the relevant images. Even Rachel with a sulking face was looking at a phone Nate is showing her.

Jackson : That statue… the expressions…. The details of the face…. I kid you not… it’s looks closer to Virgin Mary than Mazu.. the goddess of the sea…..

Laughter broke out on the ballroom and I’m quick to silence it.

Jackson : Now…. This is not about religion or beliefs…. What I want you to focus on right now is the artist……. And his work….. There is nothing wrong with engaging anyone you like, to produce any sculptures or figurines of deities and gods you want…. Nothing wrong…. But getting someone not incalculated with the culture since young to do an artwork for that particular culture…….??? That is just wrong…. Not illegal……just wrong…

Having brought everyone far enough, I immediately directed all their attention back to the 3 stars statue Hong procured.

Jackson : These 3 statues…. They’re not made…. They are sculptured….

I deliberately paused in between my explanation to allow the audience to digest each sentence I said.

Jackson : The colours are not painted…. They are fired in the Kiln. …. A 350 year old dragon Kiln located in YiXin, China….

Jackson : The features and expressions of the 3 stars behind me are not produced from moulds, they are unique…every line a piece of the artist’s memory…

I walked closer to the 3 stars statue Hong got and just from a quick visual look, I could tell the ones the Rajahs brought is of a better quality. Ours had some imperfections that are easily spotted.

Jackson : That is not to say…. The statues are perfect…. They are not…. there are imperfections…. and….

Lowering my voice a notch, I delivered my next statement slowly to make sure it sinks in.

Jackson : and within these imperfections…. embeds the seed for the next piece…. The slight flaws and imperfection are valuable, objective and non-judgemental guide….to do better….. and this artist…. Has been planting the same seed for 43 years….. He is 82 this year….

I could see Hong and Seven staring at me with their jaws apart while holding onto their drink suspended in mid air.

Jackson : these 3 sculptures just arrived 2 nights ago via plane…..

Looking over at Minister Welly and his table of aides and volunteers, I lightened up the intense mood a little.

Jackson : Minister Welly Sir… I assure you….. all paper work are in order…… GST paid too…

Sporadic laughter reached the stage and Welly smiled while sipping his wine.

Jackson : The value and history before a piece like this….. could be worth….$2 to some….

I looked at Brad and everyone laughed, even Rachel.

Jackson : Or it can be priceless to others…. So…. I’m going to auction… the history of the statues…..and not the statues themselves…. And you….. my honoured guest….. will have to decide how much this piece of history and art is worth….

I waited for the laughter to die down and I was ready to exploit the flaw of the auction base on what I observed.

You see, there are no price guides.

The auctioneer, which in this case is me, sets the price.

Jackson : I shall open the bidding at ten thousand….. eight hundred….. and eighty….. seven….

Following a 2 seconds silence , the ballroom erupted in cheers and applause and I could see Rachel smiling at me while Brad got up and left the table.

Yiling was smiling too as she gave me a squinty eye look.

Ben was ecstatic and he exclaimed loudly.

Ben : I support you la Jackson . … hahaha….. hahahah

I could hear him remarked loudly to King by his side.

Ben : I buy and bid history ok…. I never bid for statue ok ?? different ok ?? hahahahah… hahaha… understand bo ?? hahahaha

Ben shot up his hand and made the offer of $10887 while laughing and raising his glass at me.

I have a good view of the ballroom and everyone except the Rajahs were excited to see how this is going to turn out.

Jackson : $10887…. By Uncle Ben over there….. and…..and…. where is that $2 gentlemen…. ??

The laughs grew louder and I saw Yiling gave me a amused frown before shaking her head, telling me it’s enough.

Well, that’s a return to Brad for trying to humiliate me at the beginning. Now we’re even.

Jackson : any more bids…. ?

Suddenly I saw movements from the VIP table right in front of me.

Welly was looking right at me.

Our eyes locked and I could see him mouth clearly his bid while displaying a 2 and a zero sign. He kept his gesture close to his chest and he did it quick, with most of the eyes around the table on me, I was pretty sure I’m the only one that saw it.

My heart started beating faster and Welly gave me a nod after, indicating he is serious about his bid.

I looked at Yiling with her arms folded waiting for this to end.

I glanced at Rachel who was whispering something to Nate while giving me a look that I can only classify as a vixen eyeing her next prey.

I looked at the Rajahs who looked like they are out for blood. Several of the Malu Malu have left their table.

And I looked at Hong and the rest of Yiling’s men, half of them already on their feet.

Pointing to Welly, I announced.

Jackson : We have a new bid….$10888……….by Minister Chin….
Old 14-02-2020, 12:04 PM
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

Our eyes locked and as applause and cheers filled the ballroom, I could see a smile slowly breaking on the Minister’s face as he nodded at me.

Heaving a secret sigh of relief, I addressed the whole ballroom.

Jackson : Unless…….. someone out here… wants to outbid Singapore’s future 揸fit 人 ( the one in charge )….. ??.... no ??

Hong : WHHHHoooooooooooooooooo!!!!! JACKSON !!! ahhahahaha…

The laughter grew louder and several of the grassroot volunteers were already congratulating the Minister on his win.

Jackson : Sold ! ….. to Minister Welly Chin….

I shut the microphone off and exhaled before giving a bow and quickly going to the backstage. Curtains were drawn on the stage and I could see Hong panting and laughing as he came in through the back as I sipped my water.

Hong : hahahaha.. Jackson … hahahaha… what the fuck man… ahahha.. ahhaha…. Steady la….hahahahah

I was starving and I wanted to go down to eat but he nudged me over to the 3 star statue I just sold to Welly.

Jackson : What are you doing… ?

Hong : hahaha.. haha… help me lift it….hahaha… hahah

I lifted the 1st statue and Hong promptly removed a sticker in white with the prominent black text ‘ Made in China ‘

Hong : whahahaha… hahahahah… hahaha…… bloody hell… ahahahha… hahahah…

Jackson : well… guess….I’m not wrong….…… hahahah…

Not wrong at all.

Old 14-02-2020, 12:07 PM
krutz krutz is offline
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

Awesome story bro, thanks!!
Old 14-02-2020, 12:36 PM
thewan thewan is offline
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

Agree with Hong.
"bloody hell"

Well done sir. I've been refreshing this thread since I woke up at 6.30am.
Thank you.
Old 14-02-2020, 01:19 PM
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

Originally Posted by krutz View Post
Awesome story bro, thanks!!
You took my breathe away with this amazing story...
Up my pts and i will up yours as well(Power 5 and above pls)

Target: 18000 point hit... will be part time now only in point exchange... Thank you for the points

Please pm me for second or third round first before u up my points cos worried not able to return cheers
Old 14-02-2020, 01:31 PM
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

Damn good....
Old 14-02-2020, 03:53 PM
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

This would be one hell of a night to remember for the rest of Jackson's life. Even dear Welly bought his "cow dung" (Must be civilised and well mannered here with the future 揸fit人 around).

I am sure he has made a name within all the families and left a lasting impression on the future 揸fit人, just like how 'James' impressed the many other families and organisations he has dealt with in the other stories...

Similarly, I am sure ILOCK Bro has just placed a new award winner under his belt among the many others he has written to provide the brethren here who appreciates a read above the rest.

Keep up the great work, ILOCK Bro.
Old 14-02-2020, 03:57 PM
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

Can't wait for more....
Old 14-02-2020, 04:36 PM
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

wow! you nearly give me a heart attack...Good one James. I salute you..
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