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Old 04-06-2012, 10:56 AM
rukthai rukthai is offline
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Girls working in a a gogo bar DO gets a cut from their BarFines they accumulated every month.

They get a monthly fixed salary every month which requires them to hit a specific number of BFs monthly ( i.e 10-13 ). They will not get a cut from that.

But after the required number of BFs, they are given a cut of 300baht for each subsequent BFs.

Therefore you will see the top girls requesting you to BF them despite you saw them that they just been BFined and came back from ST.

Some girls get BF 3-4 times a day. Additional money for them.
Old 04-06-2012, 12:05 PM
no0bzkiller no0bzkiller is offline
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Good Day to all Bros here,

Finally completed reading everything from this thread ( took me 2 days )

July will be my first trip going over to bkk and hope to get some advise from

experienced bros here.

My friends recommended getting Escorts from the internet for 24hrs service...

Is this idea good or bad? Please advise. Thanks a lot.

Cos after reading the posts here, you guys sure seems to be enjoying at the

Old 04-06-2012, 01:30 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by rukthai View Post
Girls working in a a gogo bar DO gets a cut from their BarFines they accumulated every month.

They get a monthly fixed salary every month which requires them to hit a specific number of BFs monthly ( i.e 10-13 ). They will not get a cut from that.

But after the required number of BFs, they are given a cut of 300baht for each subsequent BFs.

Therefore you will see the top girls requesting you to BF them despite you saw them that they just been BFined and came back from ST.

Some girls get BF 3-4 times a day. Additional money for them.

Apparently I was zapped for posting some insight on how the BFs works in agogo bars.

To the bro who zapped me , I guess you cant accept what I posted.Maybe you should grow some balls and put your name beside your silly remarks ( tiam tiam ). Or soak yourself in the scene longer than i do to better understand how the system works.

U could simply put me on ignore list from now.
Old 04-06-2012, 01:37 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by ahtecklim View Post
I've not been to Nana for a loooong time! Is that Airport theme agogo next to Spanky still open? Same boss right?

Next trip most probably Sept........ but I still prefer Pattaya.
The bar next to Spanky's is Angel Witch. Yes same boss as with Angel Witch, Pattaya.
Old 04-06-2012, 01:45 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by rukthai View Post
Apparently I was zapped for posting some insight on how the BFs works in agogo bars.

To the bro who zapped me , I guess you cant accept what I posted.Maybe you should grow some balls and put your name beside your silly remarks ( tiam tiam ). Or soak yourself in the scene longer than i do to better understand how the system works.

U could simply put me on ignore list from now.
Oui, Kena zapped for posting useful insight on how the BFs works in agogo bars.

Which bar allows BFs to be kept by the puyings ???. But only when they hit their BF target and above ???.

Since some fellow zipped you to 18 points, i will still up your low points by 6.

BTW, who ever that zapped rukthai, please, zap and zipping is a child's play.
It would not even get you a Chang or Singha beer let alone a bonk.
Old 04-06-2012, 06:18 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by no0bzkiller View Post
My friends recommended getting Escorts from the internet for 24hrs service...Is this idea good or bad? Please advise. .
Most escorts service are front for ST/LT, with seductive pics (but may not be what you see and get). Don't think they come cheap, with big okt cuts. Tried 1 on my virgin bkk trip eons ago, hmmm so so experience then. Just hit the aggs for your fix, or rub down joints for better value You'll be better for experience outdoors than fingers do the walking
You only live ONCE, pass this way but ONCE..
Old 04-06-2012, 06:46 PM
ahtecklim ahtecklim is offline
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by Yokosi View Post
The bar next to Spanky's is Angel Witch. Yes same boss as with Angel Witch, Pattaya.
I checked with some people and apprently it is closed. Not angelwitch but the other side used to be another smaller agogo run by same guys from Spanky. Went once when it just opeded and it was really smaller. Only slightly bigger than Submarine in LK Metro.

I think the Spanky people closed it down and invested it in Spanky Pattaya.
Old 04-06-2012, 06:54 PM
no0bzkiller no0bzkiller is offline
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by yinyang View Post
Most escorts service are front for ST/LT, with seductive pics (but may not be what you see and get). Don't think they come cheap, with big okt cuts. Tried 1 on my virgin bkk trip eons ago, hmmm so so experience then. Just hit the aggs for your fix, or rub down joints for better value You'll be better for experience outdoors than fingers do the walking
The cost is about 12,000 tb for 24 hours. Inclusive of bringing us around etc.

Thanks for the info, virgin trip to bkk so preparing info from here then

practical roaming when we arrive. Noted on Bacarra and Akane as 2 must see

spots for first timer like us. Will be there on 12th July to 15th July any bros

wanna meet up do let me know will post updates on our virgin tour

thanks again bro YY
Old 04-06-2012, 07:45 PM
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Talking Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by Jackboy View Post's too expensive to chiong in Bangkok.
Please stay away from here.
Good idea. Discourage people to go so less people go so that prices will not go up. LOL.

Originally Posted by Soopafly View Post
I guess I will skip Baccara for now
Don't get it why Baccara so popular. Always packed with little seating, quality of gers are like box of chocolates. Been there at least half dozen times and never BF any gal. Maybe have to really hang there and be fly on wall to spot gems. Only time pick up Baccara girls was when met bunch of them at Thermae some time ago.

Originally Posted by yinyang View Post
Agree the lesser known bars may surprise you with good picks, and you feel more comfortable too. But then caveat is stocks may vary with turnover in this trade.
Agree. New bar I like is Billboard on 3rd floor. Spacious nice decor and lots of seating. There are some hot show dancers on left side and right side has naked young things in bathtubs. The bathtub girls are average looking while the show dancers have better physique and looks.

Originally Posted by Yokosi View Post
But Yinyang's pal, Bro B , on Tuesday night came again and sat alone in Spanky's was lucky as i spotted him. He changed his seating and sat with me and Bro D. Bro B came because he wanna bar fine Dada again but he as a noob got no balls to find Dada and this was the second time that i had to search for his lady.

Yinyang, your friend is totally useless in Bangkok's agogos !!!. Again, me got to search for Dada in the bar ( liked on Monday and on Tuesday nites ) and found her in street wear in the ladies cubicle near the shower. Some one else barfined her ?. So, i waited near the cubicle. Then, luck was with me as she took off her clothes and put on the bikini. She went for ST in the hotel upstairs but i never said this to your friend who was eager to barfine her for LT. Yelled out her name causing all the ladies inside the very small cubicle to look at me, made some " come to me " gestures and said that Bro B just arrived and wanna you to sit with him near the entrance of the bar. And she said, okay. Me, very tired about helping noobs in agogos. But since Bro B is a good friend of you, i will give my assistance to help him.
Wow, Bro Yokosi, you are really top notch friend. Provide personalised concierge service to collect gal for him some more. I usually ask waitress or mamasan to find them though that may be less reliable than going to find yourself. Heng, you all see him or else he will sit there all nite waiting for the gal and don't dare to call.

Originally Posted by ahtecklim View Post
I checked with some people and apprently it is closed. Not angelwitch but the other side used to be another smaller agogo run by same guys from Spanky. Went once when it just opeded and it was really smaller. Only slightly bigger than Submarine in LK Metro.
I think you are referring to DC10 as in DC10 plane
Old 04-06-2012, 08:15 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by cheonglah

I think you are referring to DC10 as in DC10 plane
oooo yeah!!!!!!! thats the name! Thanks
Old 04-06-2012, 10:02 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by rukthai View Post
Apparently I was zapped for posting some insight on how the BFs works in agogo bars.

To the bro who zapped me , I guess you cant accept what I posted.Maybe you should grow some balls and put your name beside your silly remarks ( tiam tiam ). Or soak yourself in the scene longer than i do to better understand how the system works.

U could simply put me on ignore list from now.
up you 10 help recover some rep
Old 04-06-2012, 10:28 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by acmilan View Post

Don't think gals get cut from BF. Many top gals will be loaded if they get a cut
Im quite sure they do. Book too many of such girls to NOT know about it. In the beginning, I offered them even more as I hated this barfine policy, but 1 of the girls told me that she will NEVER go out with a customer without paying BF. SO lan lan..I paid. But i keep wondering why. In the end, was told that they do get a cut.

Originally Posted by Yokosi View Post
Do you know Bro D ?.

Oui, agogo ladies get a cut from the barfine. Is it ???.

Give mobile to Bro D......yes......after the barfine......and not before the barfine.

Ni, i duno who Bro D is. But if he read this thread, then he would have a clearer pic of how the Agogo system works. Yes, definately AFTER the BF. After BF paid, ur TIRAK status, hp number sure no problem. lol.

Originally Posted by rukthai View Post
Girls working in a a gogo bar DO gets a cut from their BarFines they accumulated every month.

They get a monthly fixed salary every month which requires them to hit a specific number of BFs monthly ( i.e 10-13 ). They will not get a cut from that.

But after the required number of BFs, they are given a cut of 300baht for each subsequent BFs.

Therefore you will see the top girls requesting you to BF them despite you saw them that they just been BFined and came back from ST.

Some girls get BF 3-4 times a day. Additional money for them.
Thks for clearing the air on this topic. Will up u wen i regain my power. Maybe the cock that zap u was sure that girls dun get a cut from BF?
Old 04-06-2012, 10:36 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by acmilan View Post
Don't think gals get cut from BF. Many top gals will be loaded if they get a cut
they do get a cut from BF. i was told by the girls that if everyday for a month they get BF, they will get 15000baht that month
Old 05-06-2012, 08:14 AM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by fei_fei45 View Post
they do get a cut from BF. i was told by the girls that if everyday for a month they get BF, they will get 15000baht that month
I be going gogo bar too ,feel free pm your number ,will call your ..
Old 05-06-2012, 09:29 AM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by fei_fei45 View Post
they do get a cut from BF. i was told by the girls that if everyday for a month they get BF, they will get 15000baht that month
Remember - the only time a agogo girl is not lying is either when she is eating or when her mouth is shut!
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