Well, from my experience, usually the PRCs are more street smart than the rest, so it's harder to catch them. Once they become PR, they are not worry anymore
Many tried to marry sg men to get PR and are successful. But if you know them, you know they also have husband in china! By right, they cannot get married again in sg but because they use fake passport, they become "single"
So, I don't think ICA can really catch them. Even for the new ruling that if you own HDB in singapore, you cannot have private properties overseas. I think it's impossible for HDB to catch as well.
PRCs are smarter than any our guys in ICA and HDB, so you can never have the chance of less smart catch the smarter ones !
Originally Posted by teebs_darklord
If both ID cards and passports are fake, then it is difficult for ICA to check and catch them.
Anyway, I knew a couple of Thai gals some years back who were banned from entering Singapore after they were caught in the raids at JC area. They came back using fake passports and were caught in another raid and sent to jail for prostitution and using fake passports.