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Old 25-04-2005, 09:17 PM
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Re: Disgraceful S'porean

Originally Posted by coolc
I really do not understand the mentality of passengers who cannot wait five minutes until the plane has come to a complete stop or until they are inside the terminal...

I have had times scolded these people by asking thewm if they are illiterate and cannot understand the instructions or whether they are just plain stupid and refuse to listen to instructions.
you should just report to the air steward or most countries, using mobile phone on board a plane is a criminal offense....can be charged in court.....
Old 25-04-2005, 09:19 PM
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Re: Disgraceful S'porean

Originally Posted by iwata
After I read this topic, i begin to wonder what have Singaporean become? Alway trying to act that as if they are more superior than other and complain almost about everything..
this is probably to reflect what PM Lee said, the ELITE group
Old 25-04-2005, 10:08 PM
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Re: Disgraceful S'porean

Just whack them lah, I dun care whether they SGrean, or ang mo, or black or hokkien.

I had a similar experience one on the plane from SG to England, stupid fucker a couple of rows in front of me talking on the phone when the plane was getting ready to take off. Ignored the air stewardess, so i gave him 2 mins before i went up to him and took his phone off him, the stupid fucker just sat there and didn't dare say anything. If he had tried anything, I would've thrown him out the door. CCB.

Anyway, he complained so I gave the phone to this air steward which they gave it back after the plane had taken off. Gave me fucking dirty looks throughout the 14hr flight, damn stupid, I hate these guys, want to fight dun have the guts, only know how to sit there and stare...

It was quite cool though, everyone around me was damn quiet throughout the flight...
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Old 25-04-2005, 11:12 PM
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Re: Disgraceful S'porean

Hai ~ after reading all these stories , i feel that .... We have to respect others first if we want pple to respect us
Old 25-04-2005, 11:22 PM
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Re: Disgraceful S'porean

Originally Posted by iwata
After I read this topic, i begin to wonder what have Singaporean become? Alway trying to act that as if they are more superior than other and complain almost about everything..


And bro naemlo. Just wonder how old are they? Youngster or....
Late 20s...
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Old 25-04-2005, 11:35 PM
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Re: Disgraceful S'porean

Originally Posted by admirer09
Hai ~ after reading all these stories , i feel that .... We have to respect others first if we want pple to respect us
Totally agreed with u. Too bad, not many ppl, especially the younger generation, practise it nowadays, Haizzzzz
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Old 25-04-2005, 11:42 PM
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Re: Disgraceful S'porean

Same reasons doctors don't carry cellphones, only beepers are allowed in hospitals, especially near the ICU, etc...

BTW, I travelled a lot and sometimes some SGPs I met are quite loud & arrogant... Wonder if there's someting wrong with our education system...

Originally Posted by TheSting

from vodafone:

Aircraft contain a vast array of complex electronic equipment and communications systems. Using a cellular phone in an aircraft could cause interference to these systems because they were not designed to tolerate such interference. Similar comments apply to the use of personal computers, portable stereos and other personal electronic equipment in aircraft. It should be noted that the credit-card mobile phones now provided on some aircraft do not interfere with aircraft systems because they are wired to a special type of base station that has been designed to safely receive and transmit radio signals to and from the aircraft.
Old 26-04-2005, 01:09 AM
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Re: Disgraceful S'porean

I guess the way we were brought up and the society we are in NOW - make these ppl so ignorant and arrogant... We were told to be the BEST in everything and MERITORCY and what not - that caused many to become self-centred , selfish and develop superiority complex.

I am a Singaporean and it is shameful and embrassing to see fellow Singaporean behave they are superior and rich especially in JKT, BKK , Manila, KL and other ASEAN cities . I travelled regionally almost every week. My foreign business associates dislike Sinagporean as they feel Sinagporean is "cocky" and insensitive .

We must learn to be humble and sensitive to other country culture and customs. We cannot impose our foreign counterparts on the way we work in Singapore . We must learn to be gracious and bring the good name of Singapore .....
Old 26-04-2005, 08:26 AM
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Re: Disgraceful S'porean

Originally Posted by Riona
Same reasons doctors don't carry cellphones, only beepers are allowed in hospitals, especially near the ICU, etc...

THis is gonna be history. Towards the end of yr 2005, hospitals will allow doctors to carry / use cellphones in certain areas of the hospitals during their shift. The reason being, doctors claimed they could not find a phone to return call in emergency situations. Some doctors even said the some of the hospital phones are faulty.

Fact : When I was in NUH visiting someone, I already see nurses / doctors, sms-ing / calling their BFs and GFs using their mobilephones during workin hrs (in the ICU somemore) despite the ruling of using mobilephones in hospitals not implemented yet...this goes to show most S'poreans are not only disgraceful, they are irresponsible as well.
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Old 26-04-2005, 09:06 AM
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Re: Disgraceful S'porean


I agree that there are many singaporeans that behave in a very disgusting manner... but if i can see so many brothers here in this forum criticising this fact.. then there is still hope for us right??
Old 26-04-2005, 10:48 AM
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Re: Disgraceful S'porean

Originally Posted by l3atu
THis is gonna be history. Towards the end of yr 2005, hospitals will allow doctors to carry / use cellphones in certain areas of the hospitals during their shift. The reason being, doctors claimed they could not find a phone to return call in emergency situations. Some doctors even said the some of the hospital phones are faulty.

Fact : When I was in NUH visiting someone, I already see nurses / doctors, sms-ing / calling their BFs and GFs using their mobilephones during workin hrs (in the ICU somemore) despite the ruling of using mobilephones in hospitals not implemented yet...this goes to show most S'poreans are not only disgraceful, they are irresponsible as well.

If I were you, I will also take out my HP and go rite infront of whoever using his or her HP and pretend to make calls, then see what they will say...
Happy Bataming
Old 26-04-2005, 11:20 AM
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Re: Disgraceful S'porean

sorry double post, so deleted this one

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Old 26-04-2005, 11:21 AM
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Re: Disgraceful S'porean

Originally Posted by GiddlyGook
IHowever, the HP being on doesn't compromise air safety at all. It's just some stupid rule (it's a good stupid rule though - I hate it when poeple talk in enclosed spaces like restaurants). If it was truly safety related, mobiles would be banned from airplane cabins outright.

Bro I learnt that HP transmission signals can interfere with the radio frequency of the cockpit when taking off /landing this in turn may cause the messages to go blank and may misinterpreted by pilots and cause air crash..

eg. Control Tower: "SQ112..Please wait for clarance to take off" may be heard as " Sq112.. Please hiss..hisss take off"

This one I learnt from National Geographic Channel Seconds to Disaster & Air crash Investigations program

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Old 26-04-2005, 11:32 AM
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Re: Disgraceful S'porean

Originally Posted by Batam Man
If I were you, I will also take out my HP and go rite infront of whoever using his or her HP and pretend to make calls, then see what they will say...
Another couple sitting besides me did approach the doctor and ask him why he using his HP in the ICU. His reply ? Got to take this call coz it's from another doctor who needs him to guide him thru the procedures of setting up a life support system for a patient in another ward...I overheard him says :" call u later darling."
And the couple believed him....KAOZ ! As if can use HP when you are near a life support machinery.
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Old 26-04-2005, 11:53 AM
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Re: Disgraceful S'porean

Nothing happen, no one complain, something happen, finger start pointing.
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