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Old 20-01-2022, 07:41 PM
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Re: Is it ok to stay single my whole life?

Been that and done that! In the end, being single is the best! Fuss free lifestyle..
Old 22-01-2022, 09:56 AM
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Re: Is it ok to stay single my whole life?

Originally Posted by HCKing View Post
now not only super pretty gals but alot of the younger generation girls have lousy character or can call it the princess mentality. bo bian thats the result of being pampered by guys, society and family from all aspects of life. how often can you see a younger generation girl able to cook, do housework, care for others, humble or not being unrealistically demanding? nowadays even if bio an ugly girl for more than 1 second she will think you like her, want to up her and give you a disgusted look.
Local guys for some reason, like to place pretty girls on a pedestal .

the moment u place them on a pedestal, you already lost the game.
Old 22-01-2022, 10:21 AM
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Re: Is it ok to stay single my whole life?

Originally Posted by Greenfrog View Post
Local guys for some reason, like to place pretty girls on a pedestal .

the moment u place them on a pedestal, you already lost the game.
I agree with you but it's only natural to admire beauty. We learnt from young and truly there are many things to admire in this world.

However the mistake we make is to assume love at 1st sight, and is such mentality that make us fall into women's love trap. Don't blame women, they have short shelf life. Once old-above 27yrs old - her options and games to snare a partner becomes shorter than men. She too needs to survive or else will end up in poverty at old age.

Admiring beauty is ok, but beyond that comes Responsibilities if we are to keep the beauty by our side, akin to bringing home flowers pluck from the roadside-to water it daily, to let it have sunshine, etc.

Thus each male must assess one's position & expectations before assuming such responsibilities, & as Singaporeans-to always plan ahead & study risks management or else...may face disappointments later as no human-male or female, thinks alike...
Old 22-01-2022, 04:45 PM
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Re: Is it ok to stay single my whole life?

Originally Posted by cuntjigger View Post
Been that and done that! In the end, being single is the best! Fuss free lifestyle..
I enjoy the freedom but too much time alone also no good. I contemplate lowering my standards to just get a 5/10 or 6/10 to manage the loneliness but fear I will regret in future.
Old 22-01-2022, 04:47 PM
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Re: Is it ok to stay single my whole life?

Originally Posted by Greenfrog View Post
Local guys for some reason, like to place pretty girls on a pedestal .

the moment u place them on a pedestal, you already lost the game.
I can relate to it. Pretty gals bring out the gentleman in us
Old 27-01-2022, 02:48 PM
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Re: Is it ok to stay single my whole life?

Originally Posted by peanodood1337 View Post
I was in my early 30s, was perfectly happy being single. Never thought I was the settling down type. Content to go on casual dates etc. I was in the exact same position as you. But eventually I gave in to FOMO, started to be more serious in looking around, and met someone who I thought was the love of my life. Got swept up in a whirlwind romance, and married after a year of dating.

It didn't work out. She walked out after 4 years. While nobody really did anybody an injustice, it was still a pretty fucked up experience to be walked out on for absolutely nothing other than the fact that she changed her mind. The fortunate thing is that there were no kids, and she isn't a money grubber, so I am not owned by Women's Charter. I was lucky. So many other dudes out there who got burnt.

TS, you mentioned how you would like to find someone good looking so that you can "face her for life". But how about the person's character? She needs to be compatible in terms of personality and life goals as well, as that is truly what you need to deal with for the rest of your life. To be honest, my ex is easily S-tier in terms of looks. But we were arguing about stupid things almost every other day. On hindsight, it was a pretty miserable union and we were better off apart. Don't be like me. Looks aren't everything.

To any bros out there in a similar situation - please don't give in to FOMO or peer pressure. This is not a race. There is no competition. Ask yourself:

1. Are you happy now? Do you think you need to be with someone else to be happy?
2. Are you able to commit?
3. Are you going to be a responsible parent?

At the end of the day, never say never, you never know what life is going to bring you. If you meet someone nice, go for it. If you don't, you can still be a happy single too. Just don't get caught up in the heat of the moment - choose wisely. The best thing for you to do now, is to keep an open mind, and continue to improve yourself.

Take care and good luck.
solid post. damn straight bro.
Old 04-02-2022, 10:33 PM
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Originally Posted by Greenfrog View Post
Local guys for some reason, like to place pretty girls on a pedestal .

the moment u place them on a pedestal, you already lost the game.
Blue pill and red pill and many white knights in reddit Singapore until I buay tahan.

What's your hobbies?

I want to buy transformers but plastics doesn't excite me after a session.

Vice and skin doesn't as well. I wish I can make money easily from forex and health recover and do cold approach in my 40s and bag 30s gf.

Old 05-02-2022, 07:36 PM
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Re: Is it ok to stay single my whole life?

is it ok to stay single?

short answer is yes, long answer is it depends on what you want in your life...

some people have a strong desire to have kids and family, then dont stay single

some people have strong desire to play around, have lots of freedom to do whatever they want, then stay single and engage in short term relationships

there are trade-offs with either option, i think ultimately you should ask yourself, can you be happy alone?

for me personally I value my freedom a lot, I can be happy alone. I feel the romantic passion for partner dies after a few years, and I start to feel the urge look elsewhere, so best case scenario is just keep dating, and if you need to release sexually, try ONS or pay for it, nothing wrong.
Old 06-02-2022, 02:59 AM
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Re: Is it ok to stay single my whole life?

Originally Posted by sammybk View Post
is it ok to stay single?

short answer is yes, long answer is it depends on what you want in your life...

some people have a strong desire to have kids and family, then dont stay single

some people have strong desire to play around, have lots of freedom to do whatever they want, then stay single and engage in short term relationships

there are trade-offs with either option, i think ultimately you should ask yourself, can you be happy alone?

for me personally I value my freedom a lot, I can be happy alone. I feel the romantic passion for partner dies after a few years, and I start to feel the urge look elsewhere, so best case scenario is just keep dating, and if you need to release sexually, try ONS or pay for it, nothing wrong.
What do you do alone that makes you happy?
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Old 06-02-2022, 10:25 PM
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Re: Is it ok to stay single my whole life?

Originally Posted by Peacekeeping View Post
What do you do alone that makes you happy?
i have friends, so im not totally alone... when im not hanging out with friends i have my own hobbies, projects, and learn new things to keep myself engaged

life doesnt have to be about having a partner and kids... you can enjoy life alone too

i have a gf, but i sometimes miss my single life
Old 07-02-2022, 02:50 AM
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Originally Posted by sammybk View Post
i have friends, so im not totally alone... when im not hanging out with friends i have my own hobbies, projects, and learn new things to keep myself engaged

life doesnt have to be about having a partner and kids... you can enjoy life alone too

i have a gf, but i sometimes miss my single life
Bro when you have a gf you are coming from a totally different perspective. Why would you want to be alone if you already have a gf? You won’t leave her to find programs by herself on a fri nite right? Try being single for at least 3yrs you will know what I meant.
Old 07-02-2022, 06:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Peacekeeping View Post
Bro when you have a gf you are coming from a totally different perspective. Why would you want to be alone if you already have a gf? You won’t leave her to find programs by herself on a fri nite right? Try being single for at least 3yrs you will know what I meant.
the longest I was single is 5 yrs... So I know what you mean... Different lifestyle suits different ppl la, there's no 1 best way... Single got so much freedom, can play around, xian many girls, but you don't have the close connection with 1 special someone... Pros and cons, the moment the cons outweight the pros, then it's time to consider being single again
Old 07-02-2022, 10:36 PM
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Re: Is it ok to stay single my whole life?

Originally Posted by sammybk View Post
the longest I was single is 5 yrs... So I know what you mean... Different lifestyle suits different ppl la, there's no 1 best way... Single got so much freedom, can play around, xian many girls, but you don't have the close connection with 1 special someone... Pros and cons, the moment the cons outweight the pros, then it's time to consider being single again
Lol 3 or 5 years being single is nothing compare to many people here 30 plus years old liao still havent got a girlfriend before. Those meetups and casual dates, siambu viet bu gong tao fl tinder cmb bumble casual dates not counted.
Old 08-02-2022, 12:20 AM
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Re: Is it ok to stay single my whole life?

Originally Posted by pearlnjewel View Post
Lol 3 or 5 years being single is nothing compare to many people here 30 plus years old liao still havent got a girlfriend before. Those meetups and casual dates, siambu viet bu gong tao fl tinder cmb bumble casual dates not counted.
I agree. Those are different from finding the special one with real connection. That’s why I don’t understand some people splurge so much money on casual dates, masseuse or even fl. You can’t buy connection. Maybe after spending lots of money you can unlock special privileges like bj or fj but really, who is the fisherman and who is the fish?
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Old 08-02-2022, 04:24 PM
sbwow sbwow is offline
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Re: Is it ok to stay single my whole life?

Originally Posted by Willamshakspear View Post
I agree with you but it's only natural to admire beauty. We learnt from young and truly there are many things to admire in this world.

However the mistake we make is to assume love at 1st sight, and is such mentality that make us fall into women's love trap. Don't blame women, they have short shelf life. Once old-above 27yrs old - her options and games to snare a partner becomes shorter than men. She too needs to survive or else will end up in poverty at old age.

Admiring beauty is ok, but beyond that comes Responsibilities if we are to keep the beauty by our side, akin to bringing home flowers pluck from the roadside-to water it daily, to let it have sunshine, etc.

Thus each male must assess one's position & expectations before assuming such responsibilities, & as Singaporeans-to always plan ahead & study risks management or else...may face disappointments later as no human-male or female, thinks alike...
Just FYI regarding bolded text, only applies to older generation women whom doesn't have a job and is a full time housewife, and also younger generation girls who is not so educated and is unable to find a good paying job.

Most modern ladies have a good paying job and can already support themselves in Singapore with that amount but wants more. Reason below.

To ladies, marriage certificate is like a free insurance except that they don't need to pay premiums each month. Anytime they want to cancel it, there is a huge payout/alimony subjected to conditions. The Ultimate reason why pragmatic ladies want to settle down with a wealthy guy.

If they are truly in love with you, tell them to be with you but you will not have a marriage certificate with them. See if they want. hahahah.

Last edited by sbwow; 08-02-2022 at 05:30 PM.
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