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Old 04-01-2010, 08:49 PM
Glock Glock is offline
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Re: Happily Married with an ex WL(VN)

agree with bro cashier

also with small baby you dont need such a big house so soon also ( and who know maybe after grow up you will want to go vietnam and not stay here so no point buy too big )

if loan payment too much you cannot live relax relax , will be source of frustration and unhappiness for you , will affect your family life

Originally Posted by cashier View Post
my personal advice for prudent choice to not to buy more than $250k of flat. settle for a 3 room flat rather than a 4 room till you can comfortably upgrade to a 4 room or 5rm or condo. do not let the house loan killed you. try to clear your hdb rental within 10 years. a house is a place to relieve ur soul and not to burden n cause more sleepless nites.

please refer to

Tan Kin Lian's Blog: Live within your means and many good posts.
Old 04-01-2010, 08:52 PM
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Re: Happily Married with an ex WL(VN)

Originally Posted by oshkosh View Post
yea, there is always this stigma or taboo about marrying a foriegner.

all this kind of problem all coming from singapore bitches

the only foreigner worth marrying is an angmoh so if you marry vietnamese or PRC or any such like woman they will look down on them , that is the "stigma"

i tell you now no singapore man ( unless stuck in shitty marriage to singapore bitch and want to react by convincing self he made the right choice ) will look down on you
Old 05-01-2010, 03:42 PM
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Re: Happily Married with an ex WL(VN)

Originally Posted by Xavie View Post
Dear Cassannova bro

However your words of wisdom has given me strong encouragement and belief to forge ahead for our future.

Wish you and your wife have a blissful and everlasting marriage.

PS : I just made this account today so I can reply this thread, cos i'm terribly touched by wat Cassanova bro encountered.
Well, thks for the compliments.

But still, what i went thru may not be what you will be going I hope that you will read my experience as a guide and not take it wholesale and think that everything is going to work out fine....Just be cautious and if my story do give u encouragement then I am glad..

But then again, fate only play a little part in life...many a times, its about what we want and how we go about getting it (legally, and morally correct).

At the end of the day, no matter what you do, as long as you can answer to yourself, your love ones and the GOD up there without guilt, then it does not matter what others think and say cos frankly speaking they do not pay you if you listen to them and when they are found to be wrong in the end, they will not compensate you either....So why the hell do i need them to tell me what to do in my life??

Gd luck bro!
<My Threads>

Vietnamese songs/lyrics for your heart

~Vi wa yeu a nen e chap nhan la nguoi thu 3.Nhung co ai hieu duoc noi kho va noi dau cua nguoi thu 3 vi nguoi ta chi nghi nguoi thu 3 la nguoi co toi.minh bun vi minh la nguoi da roi vao hoan canh nay,suy nghi rat nhieu,moi dem k the ngu!~
Old 05-01-2010, 03:46 PM
AhKel AhKel is offline
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Re: Happily Married with an ex WL(VN)

Originally Posted by casannova03 View Post
Well, thks for the compliments.

But still, what i went thru may not be what you will be going I hope that you will read my experience as a guide and not take it wholesale and think that everything is going to work out fine....Just be cautious and if my story do give u encouragement then I am glad..

But then again, fate only play a little part in life...many a times, its about what we want and how we go about getting it (legally, and morally correct).

At the end of the day, no matter what you do, as long as you can answer to yourself, your love ones and the GOD up there without guilt, then it does not matter what others think and say cos frankly speaking they do not pay you if you listen to them and when they are found to be wrong in the end, they will not compensate you either....So why the hell do i need them to tell me what to do in my life??

Gd luck bro!
congrats bro.....frankly speaking ur the only case tat i've ever seen with a happy ending....but sometimes...suay is suay la....u never let any1 down....but still kena big time....maybe it's bad karma from previous life...
Old 05-01-2010, 04:02 PM
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Re: Happily Married with an ex WL(VN)

Originally Posted by AhKel View Post
congrats bro.....frankly speaking ur the only case tat i've ever seen with a happy ending....but sometimes...suay is suay la....u never let any1 down....but still kena big time....maybe it's bad karma from previous life...
Is it? Then you shld expand your social circles....

Well, like I have said many times before, dun put too much blame on luck when things go wrong...that's like blaming something which we do not even know exists....however, for things to come to a head, there are always major and contributing factors....these are the things you should look at and start resolving....
<My Threads>

Vietnamese songs/lyrics for your heart

~Vi wa yeu a nen e chap nhan la nguoi thu 3.Nhung co ai hieu duoc noi kho va noi dau cua nguoi thu 3 vi nguoi ta chi nghi nguoi thu 3 la nguoi co toi.minh bun vi minh la nguoi da roi vao hoan canh nay,suy nghi rat nhieu,moi dem k the ngu!~
Old 05-01-2010, 11:35 PM
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Re: Happily Married with an ex WL(VN)

Originally Posted by casannova03 View Post
Well, thks for the compliments.

But still, what i went thru may not be what you will be going I hope that you will read my experience as a guide and not take it wholesale and think that everything is going to work out fine....Just be cautious and if my story do give u encouragement then I am glad..

But then again, fate only play a little part in life...many a times, its about what we want and how we go about getting it (legally, and morally correct).

At the end of the day, no matter what you do, as long as you can answer to yourself, your love ones and the GOD up there without guilt, then it does not matter what others think and say cos frankly speaking they do not pay you if you listen to them and when they are found to be wrong in the end, they will not compensate you either....So why the hell do i need them to tell me what to do in my life??

Gd luck bro!
Thanks Cassanova Bro for your words of wisdom again. /salute
Old 07-01-2010, 02:25 AM
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Re: Happily Married with an ex WL(VN)

very nice post cassanova. salute!
Old 08-01-2010, 04:23 PM
DynamiteZerg DynamiteZerg is offline
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Re: Happily Married with an ex WL(VN)

Wow I've read through all 30 pages! Took me a few nights but hey, its well worth it! 2 thumbs and 2 big toes up for you bro casannova03!

Ur wife's sister still looking for a bf? Hehe...
Old 09-01-2010, 02:47 AM
RufusC RufusC is offline
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Re: Happily Married with an ex WL(VN)

Spent some time reading thru' the whole thread.

Firstly, I would like to say I for one would most likely never take a WL as a wife. Maybe I am too cynical, but if I find a WL, it's strictly a business transaction: I pay her, she spends her time with me to make me happy. End of story.... Its way less complicated when love/feelings is out of the equation....

That said, there is another reason why I treat it strictly as a commercial transaction...

I'm embarassed to say that I realized that TS has something that I do not have enough off: COURAGE. Courage to take the leap of accepting a WL as a life partner even if I ever wanted to, courage to take a WL as a wife and still stay here knowing the social stigma they have to endure.

Having worked in various places like NY, London, India, China, I can only say that unfortunately, SG is a 1st world country with 3rd world openess. No one in NY will give a shit if you declare that your wife was an ex-stripper/porn star. Whereas in India certain rural areas, the WL would probably get knocked off by their relatives if they ever found out.

Not saying that in SG it is that extreme, but all the flak TS got for being open and even candid about his relationship goes to show the graciousness(not) of our society and the society thereshold to tolerate deviation from social norms.

Rather, I believe that we should accept or even applaud TS and the rest who have the guts, and to view it for what it simply is: true love no matter the odds.

To all those ppl that have the courage to go against the socially acceptable norm in SG I respect and applaud you.

For me, I'll probably just bang another WL, then re-locate to NY rather than try to change the way people think over here.
Old 11-01-2010, 11:47 PM
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Re: Happily Married with an ex WL(VN)

Wow, took me 2 days, but I just read through all 30 pages, I dont post much in here, frankly, most of my posts have been the usual "can share her contact bro?" kinda posts...

But bro Casa's experiences have been nothing short of eyeopening, I am generally a nice person, I believe in treating people with the respect that they are due, WL's are human just like anyone of us here.

The 1st ever FL I went to visit was a Thai, and for some reason, I dont know what. maybe its cos I treated her well or that was something about the way she spoke and treated me, we just got along, if we had met anywhere else, I would dare say that she and me would have been very close buds.

Since that visit, I have gone to visit her at least 6-7 times, we have become very good friends, she shares her problems with me but never once expecting me to give her any money, she is well aware that I cant even though I want to, she is not my gf and I am not her bf, but we both just enjoy sitting down and talking and dreaming, Its a strange relationship...

But it is with this relationship that I got see the doting daughter and sister who is working in a job to earn some money so she can pay for the house and her brothers education, she was a teacher and she misses doing that very much, I just pray, that all goes well for her and that she can go back to her dream soon.

Anyways, I apologize bro casa, for cutting in on your thread like this, what I really wanted to say is that I have the utmost respect for you and your family, what I guess the previous poster said it best, most of us lack the courage to do what you did and endure what you did, bravo bro! I truly wish you and your family all the best!

I am looking forward to your future posts, and once again, I am sorry for hijacking your thread like this, if I had the ability to up you bro, I would, its the least I could do to express the deep respect you have earned from me.
Old 12-01-2010, 01:33 AM
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Re: Happily Married with an ex WL(VN)

just curious, what do you bros think of going into a relationship with Vietnamese who are non WL or FL.
you guys think its workable?
Because sometime back i used to know this Vietnamese girl who studied and got a decent job in Singapore, unfortunately i have lost contact with her already.
Old 12-01-2010, 10:23 AM
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Re: Happily Married with an ex WL(VN)

Originally Posted by Glock View Post
all this kind of problem all coming from singapore bitches

the only foreigner worth marrying is an angmoh so if you marry vietnamese or PRC or any such like woman they will look down on them , that is the "stigma"

i tell you now no singapore man ( unless stuck in shitty marriage to singapore bitch and want to react by convincing self he made the right choice ) will look down on you
Forget the SG bitch, and go for those worth your feeling and working
Old 12-01-2010, 10:25 AM
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Re: Happily Married with an ex WL(VN)

Originally Posted by ruud27 View Post
just curious, what do you bros think of going into a relationship with Vietnamese who are non WL or FL.
you guys think its workable?
Because sometime back i used to know this Vietnamese girl who studied and got a decent job in Singapore, unfortunately i have lost contact with her already.
Chio and romantic feeling, and it is workable, but be a bit more sensitive
Old 12-01-2010, 12:31 PM
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Re: Happily Married with an ex WL(VN)

Originally Posted by RufusC View Post
To all those ppl that have the courage to go against the socially acceptable norm in SG I respect and applaud you.

For me, I'll probably just bang another WL, then re-locate to NY rather than try to change the way people think over here.
Agree, does not worth using your best time go against the norm, take the easy way out and move to another place
Old 12-01-2010, 12:35 PM
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Re: Happily Married with an ex WL(VN)

Originally Posted by casannova03 View Post
Well, thks for the compliments.

At the end of the day, no matter what you do, as long as you can answer to yourself, your love ones and the GOD up there without guilt, then it does not matter what others think and say cos frankly speaking they do not pay you if you listen to them and when they are found to be wrong in the end, they will not compensate you either....So why the hell do i need them to tell me what to do in my life??

Gd luck bro!
Thanks bro casannova, I salute you ! well said

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