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Old 20-02-2020, 09:06 AM
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

Will Owen be back and who will he work with.
Old 21-02-2020, 08:09 PM
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

Bump and wait some more
Old 21-02-2020, 08:59 PM
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

Getting more exciting...
Old 24-02-2020, 09:48 PM
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

Bro Ilock, please dun hide in Bukit Timah. We are waiting for you 😆
Old 25-02-2020, 12:07 AM
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

the next scheduled update is on the 2nd of march. At least that is what is stated on his site.
Old 25-02-2020, 09:54 AM
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

Thanks bro for the info. Not sure if I have missed it, but is the website address published anywhere here before?
Old 25-02-2020, 11:21 AM
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

Means 1 more week to i can no need come in every few hours to check alr lol...hahahahahaha....
Old 25-02-2020, 12:07 PM
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

Originally Posted by Bery View Post
Thanks bro for the info. Not sure if I have missed it, but is the website address published anywhere here before?
Bro Bery, u can go to to read ts ILOCK blog. Enjoy!!!
Old 26-02-2020, 08:53 AM
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

Originally Posted by cramlover View Post
Bro Bery, u can go to to read ts ILOCK blog. Enjoy!!!
Will definitely do so! Thanks bro!!!
Old 26-02-2020, 09:06 AM
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

another week to wait for the next chapter should ok..but please ILock don't let us wait too long...
Old 27-02-2020, 08:46 AM
ilikeoldchangke ilikeoldchangke is offline
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

Before the fruits hit the floor the man in front of me charged at me with his fist raised and I instinctively blocked it with my raised left arm while driving my palm towards his face.

He managed to turn his face to the side and I struck the bottom of his jaw while he rammed at me with his entire body sending me crashing against the back of the lift.

Hong and Seven went for the offensive given their aggressive nature, while I went on the defence.

Viewed on a top down perspective, it would have looked like a block of Tetris realigning itself. Both Seven and Hong rained blows and kicks on their respective targets, sending them against the door and lift control panel while mine kept me pinned against the back of the lift.

Hammering twice at his arm which was holding me at length with my elbow, I closed the distance between us and struck him several times on his face, ripping his surgical mask cleanly off.

He looked surprised, clearly he wasn’t expecting this level of resistance.

His knee connected with the side of my ribcage the same time Seven struck my attacker on the side of his knees, causing him to buckle momentarily. The split second Seven used to help me enable the guy he kicked down to get up and he was on him immediately.

I drove my body forward with the intention of striking the man in front of me but he avoided my hit and shoved me into Seven with the side of his body.

I felt Seven press down on my shoulder as he leapt up while using the side of the lift as leverage. Without considering that his kick would hit Hong, Seven dived for the man that was struggling with Hong while bleeding profusely from the side of his head, probably from a good hit by the knuckle duster.

I batter-rammed my body against the 2 guys in front of me, sending their bodies against the creaking metal panels. Hardly any damaged caused but enough to get them back on their end of the loading lift.

Everything happened so fast and there was no time to pause.

The old metal panels of the lift were pockmarked with dents and scratches within seconds from the fight in the lift.

The man I was initially fighting against did a rugby tackle with his shoulder just as Seven landed another knee into the face of the man Hong was hitting , it sent me crashing into the back of the lift again hard enough for me to feel and hear the metal panel buckle with a metallic groan.

I grabbed a fistful of his hair with my left hand, tightened my fingers into a fist and slammed it back home against his left ear several times until he let go of me. As he sank lower, I stomped on the back of his head, sending his face to the floor of the loading lift.
Before I could catch my breath, the man Seven was fighting on his first strike came at me.

Stepping on the man whose eardrums I just burst, I blocked the new charge but failed to land a hit on him.

Hong shoved me aside and I fell, landing and splitting a peach I dropped earlier as he slammed his arm against the assailant. While trying to get up from the floor, I was shoved aside violently as I crushed a pear into mush, I’m not sure who shoved me but I looked up to see the bleeding face of a fake nurse trying to stem the bleeding from his nose.
It was utter chaos.

There were more pushing and mindless punching than anything else as a shouting match ensured.

I scrambled to get back up on my feet to see Seven fronting the fight like a mad man.

Seven’s rapid kicks and punches are hard and effective, his target could only block and cower behind his raised arms as he tried to protect his head.

A punch came from nowhere and it grazed the side of my forehead hard enough for my head to turn, snapping back, I saw Hong smash the knuckle duster into the puncher’s face with a sickening crunch.

That was it, that guy is a goner as he collapsed onto his friend who was still trying to block Seven’s punches.

Hong jumped on the man who was trying to block his fists but it was not effective at all. Hong grunted and shout as he rained blows aimed at the guy’s head.

With both Hong and Seven working on the same guy, I knew it’s over.

I was about to help Seven when I saw him rear back with a short sprint before snapping forward like a tightly wound spring releasing it’s energy with his knee going straight into the man who still could not tell the fight is over.

The man’s head slammed against the control panel, cracking the old plastic buttons before drooping forward like a marionette doll that had it’s string cut.

I was panting heavily but then and so were my friends.

The lift door rumbled angrily to open at level 5.

When it did, I could see another 2 more of those men in medical scrubs in front of the activity area.

The home residents were all groaning and crying while crammed into the kitchen. There’s only a handful of them left, they looked confused and helpless. They were being herded like cattle into a confined space.

Seven walked out and loosened his muscles a little more, finally having the space to stretch his legs properly. Hong cursed and rotated his arms a couple of times, bitching about having pulled a muscle early in the morning.

There was no time to think, I dashed out and turned to my right.

Yiling is alone downstairs.

I shove the door to the staircase so hard that the old closer gave way, allowing the back of the door handle to slam against the wall, chipping off a chunk of paint.

Taking 3 steps at a time, I jumped and landed on the landing leading down to the ground floor.

My sweaty palms found no friction as I tried to grab onto the railings of the staircase before making another jump of 5 steps.

I lost my balance, my knees buckled and I tumbled onto the wall of the landing but I quickly pulled myself up and continued flying down the staircase as fast as my legs could carry.

Hearing some commotion below, I looked down the centre of the railings and I could see another man ahead of me.

Each breath of air I take felt like someone was searing my lungs with a blowtorch.

I finally landed on the ground floor and I kicked the door open in front of me.

My eyes immediately caught sight of the guy heading towards the direction of the adjacent temple.

I ran after him and almost immediately I saw Yiling standing by the wall which was removed, allowing direct access to the temple from the old folks home.

Her phone was out, she was holding it horizontally as if she was just done taking pictures.

I literally tore up the ground as I sprinted and caught up with the man in scrubs who had just brandished a knife from under his top.

Jackson : Yiling !!!.. run !!

Yiling’s eyes widened in surprised as I closed the gap, dove low and grabbed the man around the waist with my arms. Using the momentum of my movements, I tried to lift him up and away from Yiling but I failed.

His fist connected with the side of my cheeks and I backed off instinctively while trying to see where his knife was.
I broke away barely in time to hear the whoosh of the knife slicing a little too close diagonally up in front of me.
He’s smaller and lighter than me but the has a weapon.

Grabbing a trash bin within reach, I barely lifted it off the ground before the sound of metal hitting metal rang out as the cutting side of the knife sliced and left it’s mark on the trash bin.

Trying to remember what Xiaoyu had taught me, I took a couple of steps back while trying to time the man’s next move. I know and remembered a lot from from my lesson but it’s all theory.

It’s nothing without practice. I just never expected practise to be delivered in such a situation.

Yiling ran through the temple via the entrance in the boundary wall and when the guy turned to check on her, it was a mistake I used to my advantage.

I feigned a hit and his hands raised up to block me but I ran right passed him and towards the boundary wall. The makeshift construction area has something I need.

A fucking metal spade.

I pulled it out of the small pile of sand and I saw the guy running towards the me, he was about to use his puny knife on me when he saw I had something bigger.
He backed off as I swung the spade at him, casting grains of sand into the air as I did so.

His stagger backwards as he tried to regain his balance was all I needed to close the distance.

Jackson : arghhh !! fuck you !!

I swung the spade low, slicing into his left knee from the side, knocking his small frame onto the ground as he cried out in pain.

His knife wielding knife was swinging wildly and I connected it with the ends of my spade as well, knocking his weapon into a nearby gutter.
My instinct told me to wack him on his head, but I’m held back by fear.

The weight of the spade, the density of the metal end. If I swing it at him with everything I have, I might kill him.

Instead I swung it at his flailing arms several times as he pleaded with me to stop in a smattering of English, Malay and Thai. Finally rolling onto his stomach and cowering into a ball, I gave his bleeding body another hit before running in the direction of the temple.
He groaned and cursed as he bled while trashing about like a drunk.

I leapt through the wall opening and stepped into the temple ground.

My eyes immediately scanned the area and I saw Yiling being pinned down by a Chinese man.

He’s fat, at least 120kg by my estimate. With that weight resting on a 1.6m frame, I wonder how his knees take the pressure. He’s severely overweight and I could hardly see his neck. His head had fused with his shoulders.

His heavy breathing came out like snorts and the top he was wearing that bore the temple’s name looked like it was meant for someone 2 sizes smaller.

I could see Yiling hitting him but his layers of fats and blubber is cushioning the hits. Her legs wrapped around the man’s fat arms but Yiling failed to hold onto his greasy wrist.

Yiling : aerghhhhh !!!!

This time round, I did not hesitate but the humane side of me still shouted as I raised the spade at his face. It’s as if a small part of me still do not wish to kill a man with a direct strike on the head.

The man raised his hands barely seconds before my strike knocked him off Yiling. There was no blood from the first hit but it was enough to bruise his hands and face, turning it an angry shade of red.

I was expecting that to put him down but I was wrong. He’s tougher than he looks.
Old 27-02-2020, 08:47 AM
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

Rolling onto the side and getting up with enough dexterity that would have made Sammo Hung nod his head in acknowledgement, the fat man came at me.

Jackson : oh fuck…

I swung the spade and he took the hit willingly in order to grab it. He’s strong too, yanking the spade out of my hand hard enough for me to feel the abrasion of the wooden handle.

He wielded the spade above his head while trying to get me with his legs.

I avoided kicks from his stubby legs and a clumsy swing of the spade.

Fatman : aRGHHH!!!

The fatman swung the spade again which I ducked easily before throwing it at me in frustration.

It went over a stack of boxes before lodging itself between a small heap of half burnt candles.

He’s fast too, defying the laws of physics, he closed the distance between us as he grabbed me by my shirt, lift me off the floor as if my weight is insignificant.

Jackson : arg HH!!!!!

Fatman : ARNGHHH!!!!

He was literally running with me but it felt more like he was losing balance as he ran forward.

I felt myself cruising through the air for a second before he smashed me onto a table meant for offerings to deities, sending fruits, meat and even longevity buns onto the floor. The slam knocked the air out of me, and I saw stars for a brief moment.

Before I could recover, my ankle was yanked and I fell from the table onto the floor, my flailing hands while struggling for balance yanked an embroidered table cloth off another altar on the 2nd tier, sending piles of ashes and incenses all over the floor.

Yiling came to save the day with a bunch of lit incense in her hand.

Fatman : aRGHHHH!!!!! arGHH!H!!!!

She jabbed the burning ends into the side of the fatman’s face several times like a stun baton, sending him staggering and waving his flabby arms around as his flesh dealt with the pain.

Unfortunately for Yiling, one of his flailing arms found Yiling’s top. He pulled her and threw Yiling against the offering table I just fell out from, ripping enough fabric off to expose half her shoulder.

I barely got up on my feet when I saw him about to do a body crush on Yiling, I ran and shoved Yiling to the ground and immediately felt the crushing weight of his body compact mine against the solid wood of the table.

Jackson : fuck !!.a.r ghhhhhhhh!!!

Movie scenes of actors smashing tables into pieces flashed into my head and I was cursing at the fucking table that I just fucked with my ribcage.

Solid hardwood timber don’t disintegrate just because you knock into it.

Fatman : arghhhhh.. arhghhhh!!! Haiiirrrrrr…!!

The fat fuck was trying to strangle me with his stubby fingers but I gripped hold of them. He kept pushing me against the table and I lost balance, falling back first on the low table. His beer belly missionary fucked my balls as we jostled for control.

Yiling grabbed whatever she could find off the ground, it happened to be a pineapple and I saw her smash it, leaves and all onto the fatman’s face.

Fatman : aRGHHH !!!!

She kicked him on the side of his thigh and would have gone for his kidney as well if the man had not grabbed onto her leg.

Yiling : arghhhh fuck !

Fatman : BITCHH!!!!! aRHGHH !!!

Holding onto Yiling’s right ankle under his armpit but squatting down a little, he grabbed Yiling’s waistband and spun her against a carved pillar.

Yiling : arnghhhh !!! arh..

Still holding onto Yiling, he yanked her off balance, toppling her onto the cold concrete floor and I could hear a loud thud as her head landed.

The pain in my ribs was unbearable and I don’t know if I had broken anything as I struggled to right myself up.

Using the table as support, I yanked myself up on my feet to see the fatman straddling Yiling.


There was a ripping sound and Yiling’s top might as well have been made of paper. I could see Yiling’s bra as she exercised her core muscles and lifted her legs out and clamped it around the man’s neck but the weight difference was too much for her to handle.

If only he was half the weight, Yiling would not have trouble putting him into submission but you can hardly see his neck. Yiling’s legs might as well have clamped onto his cheeks.

With her legs up, Yiling’s exposed on many fronts.

The man grabbed Yiling on her privates and she screamed in pain, the leg hold giving way immediately.

Sucking in a deep breath, I mentally blocked out the pain and jumped onto the fatman’s back. My arms immediately slithered in for a chokehold and I got a lock, yanking backwards, I pulled him up and away from Yiling.

Jackson : arNGHH !!! Yiling…. Go !!!

Standing up and flailing his arms in an attempt to dislodge me, I was surprised at how he could still stand with me on him. I’m a lot taller but he was demonstrating strength beyond comprehension.

Fatman : fuck you !!! arGHHH!!!

I jumped and wrapped my legs around his body, clinging on hard. I just needed enough time for Yiling to get out of the area. Every second I buy is valuable.

With me on him, fatman spun around like a top that had gone out of control and I held on despite him reversing me against a 2m high dragon incense. The intricate details smashed onto the floor just and immediately I felt the sting of candle wax on my arms as the fatman swung me against an altar with several large red candles.

I tightened my grip and held on.

He reversed me against a timber decorative panel, desecrating the delicate carvings but I still held on. It hurt, but not as bad.

We went sideways against another candle stand and red hot wax splattered onto the both of us.

Fatman : arghhh !!

Jackson : arhgfhhh !!!

Flailing wildly, he stepped into the main hall of the temple where I could see a red chair used by the temple medium for rites. A red menacing chair with blades arranged horizontally in threes for the seats and nails for the back rest. Even the armrest were made of blades.

The fatman lost his balance and fell backwards, cushioning his fall against the donation box with my body. The impact knocked the large wooden box off it’s stand, toppling it over with a few coins jingling and rolling out of the slot on top.

The donation bell rang in the temple as if a devotee just made an offering and topped up the incense oil when in actual fact it was just me who yanked the whole setup off the ceiling onto the ground.

The copper bell spun dramatically, and the deep echo reverberated within the large temple hall.

I was fucking pissed by then, reaching a point where I’m sure I have never been before. Everyone has lost their temper before, but I’m at the brink of losing my mind as well.

The fatman grunted like a pig struggling for air as he got on his feet.

Yiling : argnhhh !! arghhh!!!

Yiling flew in and kicked the man hard enough that he started to stagger backwards.
I grabbed the scary looking chair and shove it into position, hitting fatman’s thighs from behind.
Fatman : agghhhhh !!

I thought he would fall onto it but he didn’t.

He managed to stop and regained his balance right at the edge of the seat but Yiling followed up with another kick hard enough that it caused her to lose her balance herself and she toppled onto the floor.

Fatman : ahhhhhhhh!!!! Arghhhhhhh…a rhghhhh!!!

120kg of body mass smashed into the chair and I could see his facial expression change almost immediately. He was convulsing and wheezing as he tried to get back up.

I ran over and held onto the fatman’s head from behind, pulling his body against the chair. I relaxed my legs, using my entire bodyweight to hold him against the chair as Yiling delivered another knee to his chest, driving the layers of protective fats against the bed of nails.

Fatman : crrrrrrrooocccccccszzzz !!

Collapsing onto my knees, I panted for air as I struggled to get up and over to Yiling.

The fatman’s face grunted and his fingers convulsed as if he was having a spasm before Yiling backed off 2 steps, sprung back forward and spun around before kicking him hard enough that I saw his entire body relax for a brief moment before he stopped moving.

I could smell a mixture of pee and the pungent smell of blood as bodily fluids from that man started dripping onto the hall of the temple. I almost gagged from the telling smell of excrements that is starting to stain it’s way out of the fatman’s pants.

Yiling and I were panting for air as we looked at the man on the chair before looking at each other. Her top has been ripped to shreds and she had removed it to stem a cut on her right forearm.

She sank down to the floor and I could see her entire body peppered with perspiration as if she just ran a marathon.

Jackson : we need to go…. Now….

Yiling : let’s go…

She walked on ahead as I removed my top, I stopped her and put it over her head. She did not reject my top that by then was already soaked with perspiration and stains of blood, not to mention a large patch of dried candle wax.

Her hands just searched for the openings of the arm holes and put on my top without a word.

Jackson : go …. ! get to the car….

Heading to a side gate, Yiling slammed his fist against the release button, disengaging the latch of the gate. I could see a camera pointing at the gate and I jumped and grabbed it, yanking it off forcibly.
Old 27-02-2020, 08:49 AM
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

As I dismantled the device into bits of wires and chips, Yiling shouted at me to hurry up.

Yiling : JACKSON!!! HURRY !!!... argnhhh !!!

Yiling was kicked in the back and she fell onto me back into the compound of the temple.

Jackson : argnhhh !!!

Another fake temple attendant has arrived. I shove Yiling away in time as he cursed in a language I don’t understand while throwing the untied bags of coffee at me.

The hot liquid seared my topless body and I shouted in pain as I pushed myself backwards on the floor.

Another kick and I fell backwards before I could stand up properly.

Yiling struck him twice in his side and this time round, with a lower difference in weight and size, the hit was hard enough to back him off from me.

Yiling landed another punch on the guy that is a complete opposite of the fat man. He’s skinny and his skin looked like he has some eczema condition. They are red and peeling at several spots.

He grabbed Yiling on her neck and he squeezed her breast in an attempt to force her off him as I dove forward for a well-placed strike on his kidney.

Skinny : arghhhhh!!! Fuck !!!

His body arched awkwardly to the side like the paper clip in old versions of Microsoft word trying to give you a tutorial in a weird contorted way. I punched him on the jaw, shove him back, punch him again, before kicking him away from Yiling and me.

I was pretty sure those hurt but he seemed unaffected.

He grabbed an incense urn and flung it through the air. I barely hugged onto Yiling when I felt it crash onto my left shoulder blade before splattering ashes all over. My shoulder absorbed most of the impact but it hit Yiling on the back of her head as well.

She groaned as she fell onto the floor.

Skinny started throwing everything he could get his hands on from the floor as I pushed Yiling aside as I started walking towards Skinny to direct the objects away from Yiling.

The flying objects stopped and Skinny started climbing the table where the offerings once sat. The same one I fucked my ribs on earlier.

My eyes immediately saw what he was going for.

The table had 3 tiers and the one at the top held a sabre.

I ran forward and I managed to grab his ankle.

Jackson : aRGHHH!!!

I pulled with both hands, knocking him off balance as he slammed both arms onto the 2nd tier table which has been stripped of the embroidered table cloth earlier.

I climbed onto the table as well to go for the ceremonial sabre.

Skinny : arGHHH !!!

Skinny held onto my pants and pulled me back. My hands reached for anything within grasp, it happened to be coils of cone shaped incense hanging above our heads.

Jackson : arghhhh !!!

I yanked and smashed those into Skinny. It hardly did anything other that enrage him further.

Skinny grabbed a burning end and stabbed it against my thigh, barely centimetres away from my testicles.

Jackson : arghhh !!!

I grabbed his hair and sent his head to the side of the 2nd tier table. He bounced back up with a thud and I could tell Skinny is disorientated by the blow.

Grabbing his shirt, I lifted him up and shove him backwards before kicking him so hard that I fell off my end of the table. Skinny soared backwards, swimming through the air like a kite without a string. His arms caught onto a row of intricate robes made of paper meant for deities, ripping an entire wardrobe of offereings cleanly off 2 pillars as he fell to the floor.

Skinny : arghhhhhhhhhhh… ernghhhhhhhhhhh!!

I groaned and gasped for air as Yiling came over to me. It was over in less than a minute but it felt like the longest minute ever.

Yiling was holding onto the back of her head, she looks disoriented but she’t not bleeding.

Skinny’s eyes were barely opened and I just jabbed towards the exit with my finger, too exhausted to speak.

I half crawled and scrambled after Yiling.

Walking out topless and covered with spots of blood, I attracted a few stares from 2 aunties across the street. I ignored them and escorted Yiling to the car while checking my surroundings for any other surprises.

Yiling ran to the car and after making sure she is safely inside, I told her I’m going back for Hong and Seven.

Jackson : Drive…. I’ll see you back at the estate….

Yiling : no Jackson !!! wait…

Jackson : Hong and Seven are still in there….

Yiling : Jackson !!!

Yiling was already dialling on her phone as I started to climb the gate a 2nd time.

I ran towards the staircase I came out off earlier and checked it cautiously.

The enclosed stairwell of the old building amplified all the noise and sound. I could hear the fight several floors up. Hong’s grunts and curses in Hokkien impossible to miss.

Taking 2 steps at a time, I flew up the steps until I saw the number 3 appear by the side of the wall. Level 3, it’s where we saw the most men earlier.

I barely had time to flatten my body against the side of the wall when I saw Hong threw a man down a whole flight of stairs while cursing loudly.

Hong : NAH BEH CHEE BYE !!! ( motherfucker ) aRGHHH!!!

I was about to continue my journey up when Hong got another scrawny looking man by the jaw and sent him down to meet his friend. The unfortunate man face palmed onto the rusty metal railing before falling backwards.

Hong was bleeding on his head and he suddenly fell forward; he would have collapsed face down a flight of stairs if I was not there to hold him. His weight and impact were hard enough to drive me backwards and my right foot slipped 2 steps splitting my legs apart as if I was trying to do a gymnastic stunt across 4 risers.

Without waiting for Hong to right his balance properly, I removed myself from the support and I saw it was Seven who was shoved against Hong. Seven jumped as if his body was weightless, his madmen like kicks and shoves keeping the men at bay.

Seven : argHHH!! Arghhh!!!... arghhh!!!

Seven’s violent kicks kept the men at bay and they kept trying to break through.

One of the men broke through and grabbed Seven by his waist, but before any real damage could be done, I sent a hardened fist into the side of his temple.
Seven broke free and flew forward, kicking another man in his gut.

Hong was back up and his knuckle duster found it’s target, the poor guy painted the wall with a spray of red like an artist creating art with thick viscous paint.

That was a hard hit and the guy collapsed and stopped moving with his face dragging down the wall as he landed. The trail of blood and mucus doesn’t look like it will be easy to clean off.

Hong’s stretched hand and knuckles put an invisible line in between us and our pursuers. I don’t know how many they were dealing with on their way down but 3 of them remained.

They looked wary and with several visible bruises on their faces, you could tell they are not as aggressive as their friends. Especially not when most of them were already groaning on the floor.

With Hong covering our retreat, we backed down the stairwell and eventually got to the ground floor.

The smaller man I put down earlier before heading to the temple was sitting up on the floor looking dazed and disorientated. Looking out towards the gate, I could see Yiling gesturing to us.

Hong : Where is boss ???

Jackson : in the car… there… …

Yiling : HEY!!!

Yiling was on the phone and she was gesturing towards the direction of the temple. 3 of us trying to climb the gate would be a disaster if the pursuers came for us.

Jackson : let’s go !.... we can go out from there….

The lot of us ran towards the temple through the boundary wall.

Turning around, I could see the men in scrubs gathering by the staircase but they were not in pursuit. We stopped running to catch our breath.

Hong grunted and pointed a middle finger at them before taunting them further.

Hong : LAI !!!! CCB…. ( Come at me… fuckers ) LAI AH!!! ( Come on ! )

They stopped and I know why.

Their attires are stained in blood and they are dressed as if they are dealing with a biohazard outbreak. Leaving the safety of the staircase stack would mean being exposed to anyone who happens to be walking by or driving by.

Or maybe they realised there’s nothing more they could do, not with the number of men left.
Or perhaps they are going back up for more help, perhaps to get weapons, either way, we’re not going to be waiting around to find out.

They retreated into the staircase and I could feel Seven pulling me by my arm to start moving.

Hong : FUCK!!...

We turned to see what Hong was cursing about and the sight of it made me sick in the stomach.

We were right by a 2-storey high burner shaped like a pagoda. It was meant for devotees to burn their offerings and incense paper, but instead, I saw a half burnt torso of a human being inside.

I didn’t notice it earlier when I ran in.
Old 27-02-2020, 08:50 AM
ilikeoldchangke ilikeoldchangke is offline
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

The pagoda has been refitted with a large extractor fan to filter the smoke and draw more oxygen in.

Hong : what the fuck….

Jackson : what the fuck is going on here…. ? ….

Hong : They’re fucking burning the bodies….

Looking inside the opening, I could see the half-burnt carcass of what I assumed were the former residents of the home.

Hong : Let’s get the fuck out of here…

We stepped over the mess of altars, candles and incenses Yiling and I toppled over earlier towards the side gate.

Turning my head into the hall to check on the fatman, I could see he had gotten himself off the chair but is now lying face down in a pool of his piss and blood. He was convulsing a little as spit and mucus bubbled by the side of his face.

Skinny is nowhere to be found.

A couple of cars slowed down in the small road as the 3 of us ran along the small road and towards the car Yiling was in.

Yiling shifted away from the driver seat when she saw us arriving.

Jackson : you need to call the police…. They are fucking murdering people inside there !!

Yiling : we need to go… we cannot be here…. I’ll handle it…

Jackson : call the police… !!

Turning to Yiling, I saw that she was holding one of her nokia phone.

Her fabled nokia 8855.

She was talking into it.

I’m not sure to who but whoever it is, they are going to be handling this mess.

Yiling : i can’t…. your guys have to do it…. Now… !!

That’s was all we heard as she slid the old phone cover close by hitting it against the arm rest.

Stepping onto the accelerator, we were lucky to hit 3 junctions where the lights were all in our favour before finally stopping on the 4th.

Yiling turned to the back and asked if Seven and Hong are ok.

Hong : we’re ok….

Seven grunted in agreement.

Yiling : Jackson ….. you ok ??

Jackson : yeah… yeah I think so…. Have you called the police….??? Those people must be fucking terrorist or something….

Yiling : don’t worry… it’s being handled… just get us back to the estate…

When I got back to Bukit Timah, I was directed to the 1st house where the private ambulance was parked.

We got out and I could see everyone was there waiting for us.

Kamal, Aaron, Declan, the girls, everyone was there.

Declan saw the state we were in and he was at a lost for words.

Aaron : what the fuck did you all do…. ?

Everyone went their separate ways and I was led to level 2 of the makeshift medical facility.

Looking at my bruised ribs, the guy attending to me insisted I take an xray to make sure nothing is broken.

Jackson : xray ?? you have an xray machine in here???

I entered a room and there it was. A fucking xray machine.

I took the dose of radiation and was attended to by another lady who cleaned my wounds with a permanent frown on her face. I’m ok I think, plenty of bruises, some abrasions and cuts, but other than that, I’m still walking.

I was gulping down a bottle of water when the man told me my xray came out ok.
Nothing fractured, nothing broken. Just plenty of bruising.

The exact words he used; ‘ looks bad… but won’t die ‘

I needed a change of clothes and I hitched a ride on one of the buggy back to my farmhouse.

After a shower and a fresh change of clothes, I collapsed onto my bed, groaning in pain with every move or change in position.

I stared at the ceiling of the farmhouse, wondering what the fuck is going on.

This is not me.

I don’t go around beating people up and kicking them against a chair of nails.

I don’t go around smashing people’s head in with a spade.

Every time something like this happens, I felt as if a part of me is being slowly eaten away.

The door to the farmhouse opened and it was Aaron.

He better not be here to shit talk me, I’m not in the mood.

Aaron : Jesus…. What the hell….. what happened ? …. Did you all go fuck with the Rajahs ?? ….

He asked as he handed my phone back to me. I don’t know if that was a question or it came out as a statement.

I was too exhausted to answer him.

Aaron : go home Jackson….. Boss ordered everyone to leave…. Go back… grab some rest….. cool the fuck off……. she will be in touch if she needs you…. We’re all leaving the estate…..Declan will be staying…

Jackson : ok.. thanks… How’s Hong and Seven…. ?

Aaron : Seven dislocated 2 toes… but he’s ok…Hong is fine too… just need a few stiches….

Jackson : what about Yiling ??

Aaron : she’s ok…. Fucking pissed…messed up both her mani and pedicure… . But ok…light bruising…pulled some muscles…

I nodded as I shut my eyes. The adrenaline is gone and I’m left feeling this emotional and mental low I can’t describe.

Aaron : take care dude… …

Aaron left the farmhouse and I realised for the first time, that was the most normal conversation I’ve had with him after all this while.

I must have fell asleep after a while and when I woke up, it’s already dinner time and my stomach is rumbling.

Jackson : argnhhhhh!!! Fuck…. Ahhhhh… fuck….

Every spot in my body hurts and the bruises are starting to show along the length of my arms. My ribs are a grotesque mix of purple and dark red as I checked myself out in the mirror.

I was limping too, not because my leg was hurt but somehow, I figured out a way to walk with a limp that would cause minimum pain. Trudging towards the cookhouse, I could smell the fragrance of curry that evening.

Deuce was on duty that day and he gestured to me, asking if I crashed my car or something.

Jackson : long story…. What’s for dinner …. ?

Deuce helped me bring a serving of basmati rice, butter chicken and curry fishhead and vegetables over to my table. I munched on some naan, dipping and eating with one hand as I zoned out.

One of the cooks turned up the volume of the news of the TV playing in the dining area and I dropped the naan in my hand.

A fire has broken out at the home we were at earlier that day.

Footage of fire fighters and fire engines on the scene were being played. Media crowded the scene and from the reports, it appears as if a fire has broken out due to faulty kitchen equipment.

Jackson : what the hell….

According to the report, they managed to rescue almost a dozen elderly folks who are all ok but badly shaken. There are conflicting reports of casualties, the reporter said that there are accounts of rescuer seeing charred bodies on site but the people in charge says those accounts have not been verified.
A spokesperson shared that they are still investigating and will update the public later when more details emerged.

The camera panned to the side of home which showed that the temple too has been engulfed by the fire.

Deuce shook his head at the news and went back to his work.

That’s not what happened.

They’re covering it all up.

I don’t understand why.

I didn’t have much appetite but I ate anyway.

I grabbed some fruits from the fridge and started to hobble my way back to the farmhouse.

When I got there, I was surprised to see Yiling at the garden. She was facing the bamboo garden with her back towards me.

There isn’t a breeze, it’s a typical humid evening in the country.

The skies are a crimson shade of red and there are flashes of lighting in the horizon. It looked like it’s going to rain anytime now.

I kept quiet and just looked at her.

She didn’t move, she just stared at the landscaping in the garden.

I took the opportunity to admire the curves of Yiling’s body. She was wearing a pair of ¾ lounge pants. It’s loose and comfortable fitting around the calves but her bottom is firm and tight.

She’s definitely not wearing undies.
Old 27-02-2020, 08:51 AM
ilikeoldchangke ilikeoldchangke is offline
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

I shook my head and looked away, unable to believe what my head was thinking after what happened that day.

Not wanting to disturb her thoughts , I was about to hobble away back to the cookhouse when it started to rain.
The splatter of rain drops on the garden pathway snapped Yiling out of her daze and she turned to see me with a bunch of fruits in my arms.

The rain got bigger and i half hobbled and ran towards the farmhouse, so did Yiling.

Yiling : what are you doing here… ? I asked everyone to go home…

Jackson : what about you…..? why didn’t you go home….

Yiling : This….. is my home….

The rain got heavier and the accompanying wind send sprays of moisture onto our bodies as we retreated a step back under the eaves of the overhanging roof.

Jackson : This is where you work…. It’s not your home…

Yiling folded her arms and gave me a sideway glare as if I said something that irritated her.

Yiling : tsk …!

Jackson : come in… you’re going to get wet ….

Yiling : I’m not going in there….

Jackson : relax… I won’t ask you for sex….

The smack came and my knees buckled, and I knelt onto the floor while holding onto the handle of the door.

Jackson : argHHHHHHHH!!!..

On normal days, it would be nothing more than a playful smack, but not that day.

Yiling : oh my god…. I’m sorry…. I’m so sorry….

Yiling angled her head sideways and looked at me before carefully lifting the side of my top to reveal the bruising.

Yiling : oh…. Ermm…ok…. Jackson … I just want to say… we have very comprehensive medical and insurance coverage……so ermm…don’t worry…

Jackson : arnghhh …!!... just get in….

Yiling got in and I shut the door, groaning like a old man with aching bones he can’t fix.

Yiling hesitated for a couple of seconds before removing her sneakers.

Jackson : drink ?

Yiling : I don’t suppose….. you have steamboat ingredients…. ?

Jackson : what….

Yiling : I haven ate anything the whole day….

Jackson : Sit…. I’ll whip up whatever I could find… I have some instant noodles….

Yiling : ok… I want a soup base noodle…. Some vegetables…. Seasoning just put half…. Preferably something spicy….. and put in some of those pacific clams over on the shelves over there…..

I exhaled and looked at Yiling who had crossed her legs, rest her cheek on her palm while waiting for me to prepare her food.

Yiling : what… ? I pay your salary….

I started to cook the noodle in the new hotpot which I just removed from the packaging. While doing so I had to endure Yiling’s nagging and comments about the farmhouse.

What should be improved.

What additional stuff I needed.

She asked why there isn’t a wine cabinet.

She commented that the place is too small.

That I should probably open another window out back, maybe consider doing an extension. The new table comfortably fits 6 now but Yiling doesn’t like it round.

Yiling : rectangle would be better…. So I can sit at the head of the table…. Sort of the middle…. You know what I’m saying ??

I carefully brought the bubbling pot of noodles complete with vegetables, fishballs, sausages and pacific clams over to the table.

Jackson : wherever you decide to sit…. That will be the middle…. Happy ?

Yiling smiled and nodded in an appreciative manner as if acknowledging my bootlicking skill.

Yiling : you are a good talker Jackson…. That’s a special skill ….you deserve a raise….hahah….

Jackson : thank you….

Yiling : do you believe I also have a special skill…. ?

Jackson : what is it…

Yiling : It’s a skill…. That I spent many years of my life…. honing and perfecting….

I raised an eyebrow and waited for her to go on.

Yiling : I can dip my fingers into this boiling pot of noodles without flinching…. Do you believe me ??

I laughed.

Jackson : hahahah… I don’t believe you…. No way…

Yiling did not smile, instead she snapped at me.

Yiling : then get me the fucking utensils…..!!! how do you expect me to eat !!

Jackson : oh….

I handed Yiling the utensils as she rolled her eyes at me before laughing, so did i.

I took out 2 cans of beer from the fridge and opened one for her.

The unsettling feeling in me grew the longer I sat opposite Yiling.

She’s beautiful, attractive, confident and she oozes sexual appeal no matter how I look at her.

She ate quietly, chewed her noodles slowly as I looked at her without a word.

This is not normal.

You don’t go through what you did in the morning and sit down calmly in the evening for noodles like nothing happened.

I have questions, Yiling knew I have questions.

I sipped my beer quietly and I just watched Yiling eat.

She picked up a clam and popped it into her mouth before looking up at me.

Yiling : you doing anything tomorrow Jackson … ?

Jackson : no…

Yiling : can you drive…. ?

I nodded.

Jackson : I can…. Where are we going… ?

Yiling : little india….

I watched Yiling pull up another stalk of vegetable before turning her head sideways to eat it so she doesn’t stain her cheeks before asking.

Jackson : What’s in little india… ?

Yiling : Hopefully…….some.. answers…

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