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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 07-09-2010, 09:21 PM
nokia611o nokia611o is offline
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Re: People's Park Lau chio

Originally Posted by sharessay View Post
bro can share Wendy ctc ? I stay east.. thanks
she do house call at east, $50 per hr massage.
ctc pm to u.
Old 10-09-2010, 01:38 PM
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Re: People's Park Lau chio

Dear Bros,

Please pm Wendy's contact to me. Thanks a million
Old 10-09-2010, 02:15 PM
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Re: People's Park Lau chio


Can share her contact ? Please pm me.. Thanks
Old 10-09-2010, 02:18 PM
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Re: People's Park Lau chio

Bros, Please pm her contact to me. Thanks
Old 10-09-2010, 07:14 PM
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Re: People's Park Lau chio

had sent out to 2 bros.
nice day ...

check it out at:
Old 10-09-2010, 11:46 PM
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Re: People's Park Lau chio

Bro Nokia, can pm me contact? thanks!
Old 10-09-2010, 11:48 PM
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Re: People's Park Lau chio

Bro Nokia, can pm me contact? Thanks!
Old 10-09-2010, 11:49 PM
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Re: People's Park Lau chio

Bro Nokia, Can pm me wendy's contact? Thanks!
Old 11-09-2010, 11:29 AM
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Re: People's Park Lau chio

phone not through, think hari raya she went holiday.
Old 13-09-2010, 01:30 PM
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Re: People's Park Lau chio

Thanks nokia611o for Wendy's mobile no. I phoned Wendy for an appointment. I asked her if she is a Wendy I know. The Wendy I know used to work in People Park Cent. as a massage woman and fits her description. Wendy sounded like a M'sian Chi. Her English is not good and she does not sound educated but those are not important. She asked what race I am and my age. There was a misunderstanding. Wendy told me she will call me back in half an hour. I guess she phoned nokia611o?

After half an hour we contacted each other. She told me dat she does young guys only. She sounded like she did not feel comfortable with me. So nothing happened.

Moral of the story: Don't feel bitter and twisted about FL girls like these. There are other fishes in the ocean. They do this to earn money. I do this as my pasttime. I tried to give some rep. points to u, nokia611o but could not.
Old 13-09-2010, 07:05 PM
nokia611o nokia611o is offline
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Re: People's Park Lau chio

cant catch the story, dont know wat is it.
if on that day she said only do young guy, maybe she is in a bad mood, i knoe she do many age group.
i am not going to assume any thing here, just leave her alone , if she cant make a deal.
thats all.

True , we past time here, they make money here, so we should feel ourselves lucky to be in this situation.
we educated up to degree level ma, got big pay packet every month.

let say we are the other way round, how u going to do it.
definitely a less educated worker, had to be more cautious ,u had to choose a trusted guy.
cheers, no hard feeling.
Old 13-09-2010, 07:20 PM
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Thumbs up Re: People's Park Lau chio

Originally Posted by joe87 View Post
Just had a session with Wendy, here to submit my FR for bros out here

Age: 30+ but body seems like 20+ maybe even 18+ (nicely maintained !)

Looks: 8/10 (quite cute, very cheerful self)

Boobs: very cute looking, not really big but not really small too, nipple are
delicious i can eat them up !

Height: hmmm never really notice but roughly 1.6

Weight: not sure, but like i said earlier, body seems like 20+

Massage: 9/10 (not 10/10 because i can never have enough of that )

BJ: No

FJ: No

HJ: i must say she's damn hardworking and really try her best to accommodate to your desire. (Please treat her with respect and not those hanky panky thingy)

Attitude: 10/10 (i must agree that she's very very hardworking and friendly. whole session are interesting as she can talks about anything!)

Damage: $100 (excluding hotel), but damn worth it because the whole session really can make me relax !

RTF: definitely i will, maybe will try out some other's massage sometime but she's really good, i can even go without the HJ haha

Overall, very good for bro who wants to really relax and have a great time together with her, more like GF. Bro who want to really get into something deep deep in the session, i recommend not.
thk bro for sharing
Old 13-09-2010, 07:23 PM
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Thumbs up Re: People's Park Lau chio

Originally Posted by junker View Post
tried wendy a couple of weeks ago... sharing my first FR here.
thanks bro CKL for providing the contact...

Looks: 6/10 but not bad for aunty aunty pattern
Age: think got 40 but she told me 35
Body: abit of fats, allows for roaming
Boobs: B
Massage: 7.5/10, she has this butt-pressing technique that was quite shiok
HJ: 8/10 with oil. takes her time until she gets too horny....

can finger but be careful not to make her too horny or she'll chop chop end the hj saying that she cannot tahan anymore

DMG: i think it was around 90 incl room
RTM: depends, might try others first
thk bro for sharing
Old 13-09-2010, 07:34 PM
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Re: People's Park Lau chio
this this out on other fr of wendy's massage , freelancing after left people park complex.
now at east area, house call massage to homes, and hotel outcall massage.
Old 16-09-2010, 12:01 PM
terrormania terrormania is offline
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Re: People's Park Lau chio

First must thank bro nokia for his contact.

This is the FR Wendy.

Yesterday afternoon feeling kind of needed a massage. I quickly make a call to wendy, asking wat time she available. OK time fixed, still got an hour to spare head down to gxxxxxd one of the hotel to see where is the location. Ok on the dot, proceed to the room given. Inside she was dress in a see through nite gown, can see the two spot light not very big but just nice for you to hold. Anyway, she ask wat type of massage i want, she said can give a good hard one follow by a sensual massage. Whao i think quite good where in the place give two types of massages for the price of one.

Quickly strip down and lay on the bed, than she proceed on to the massage. Whao to my surprise, her massage really up to standard. After the massage she grap my towel and throw on the floor slow used her hand start to play with my didi and ballz. Damn shiok straigth my rod steam hard hard.

I also start to auto roam her and strip her gown. Whao, (.) (.) can see her nipple also erected. I start to suck her and soft moaning sound start to come out from her. After 10mins or so cannot hold back, i explode my load on her ned ned. Then wash up paid her and out of the hotel in no time.

Looks: 6/10 auntie look (But veri chatty can talk everything under the sun)
Age: Think early 40
Body: Dunt mind got belly (overall still O.K)
Boobs: B
Massage: 8/10 really good hard massage
HJ: 8/10 veri accomodating to your request
Damage: 90 incl room

Sori to all bro if FR not that good cause not good in writing leh...
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