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Old 14-05-2017, 09:53 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by Hanazono View Post
Excellent thread!! More please
Tks for ur post.


Good evening to all bros,

I hv an outing to Central KTV for HH this Tuesday. Same owner as the now defunct TAM joints.

Expenses will be shared equally. Estimated expense per pax is around $60-75. One bottle of Martel $328 for a big medium room. Tips for mummy and waiters around $70-80.

Booking a girl is $200. I hv never been there. I'm going because this new mummy has promised to get the prettiest girls/women for us.

If you're interested, confirm asap by PM. leave your contact number.


Bro WB
Old 15-05-2017, 05:41 PM
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Cool Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Bump for warbird.

Also may as well do a small bit of sharing here.

Very recently I had the experience of "Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs". All thanks to a very experienced and helpful individual.

Was at a KTV joint with the afore mentioned individual, just walking around the place, not sitting down for KTV. Saw a dozen of girls standing around a hall but we were about to leave already.

The bro seeing that I was green and inexperienced, motivated and encouraged me to go ahead and talk to one of them and made it like a mission for me to get one of their contacts( just for practice and experience, just choose the prettiest one or anyone he said, doesnt have to be my type).

And somehow it got me going.

Honestly, i am scared like shit, of the usual stuff probably :fear of rejection, intimidation(because theres quite a few of them together), there were other staff around etc.

Walked around, took abit of time, observed abit, thinking whom should i approach. The fear made me hesitant to act and so I took 10 mins or so probably. But that bro had somehow triggered me in a sense.

I wanna get this mission done.

Thankfully, one girl just walked in and before taking a sit on a counter, she noticed me and I kept my gaze on her too. It couldnt have been more than 3 seconds before she sat down but I took the wager that she had looked at me slightly longer than what it averagely takes to just see another person before going back to your own business, perhaps an indication of slight interest.

So, also not to disappoint the bro that encouraged me. I gathered my courage and approached her. Remembering some of the ideas the bro talked about, I did not display any sign of fear ( actually it might be one of the things im good at haha, once it goes live ”豁出去了“), I also tried to sound confident.

All in all , the only things i said were the words to ask her for contact. She replied something like, have I seen her around before to which i only smirked. She smile back quite genuinely.

Boom. Contact gotten, mission accomplished. Got out of joint. ( she messaged very soon after).

Afterwards I felt like i was on fire! I had broke some barriers.

This is probably a small thing for many old timers but it was significant to me. And that individual who motivated me was none other than warbird. Many thanks!
Old 15-05-2017, 05:53 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Wow alot of great advice here. Thanks guys!
Old 16-05-2017, 10:46 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
Is external validation always wrong?

Gaining some validation from external sources isn’t all bad. Everyone wants to be liked or found attractive – that’s a normal human quality. If you never care about anyone else’s opinions, you may be a sociopath.

How often you seek external validation will change depending on who you’re dealing with.

It’s natural to seek some approval from people you have long-established connections with such as parents, close friends, or your significant other.

It’s not natural to seek constant approval from women you just met, have gone on a couple dates with, or haven’t even been intimate with. This includes your female friends you secretly desire.

And you especially shouldn’t seek approval from women who don’t invest in you.

I get weekly e-mails that say, “I really like this girl. But she barely responds to my texts, she’s cancelled on dates, and never commits to hanging out. How do I get her to like me without being needy?”

Every single time I want to reach through the screen and slap some sense into them. You are being the most needy motherfucker possible at that point.

This is how I’m going to start replying to those e-mails.

Again, what does that say about you when you chase someone who ignores you or doesn’t value your time?

99% of the time you’re not going to convince a girl who’s uninterested to suddenly be interested. Nor should you want to.

She’s not going to say, “I haven’t given this guy the time of day and it’s so attractive that he still keeps crawling back.”

The only way to be non-needy in those situations is to walk away. Find women who interest you and who are interested in you.

Yeah, just walk away. Behave as if 100 beautiful girls/women of your type are calling you everyday...


Bro WB
Bro WB

I fully agreed with you above especially The only way to be non-needy in those situations is to walk away. Find women who interest you and who are interested in you.

This is a good thread which I love very much.

Please help to post more to share with us.

Have a nice week ahead.

Old 16-05-2017, 11:11 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Bro WB

Never behave like a child and always true for guys, Always be a gentleman.

Please coach us more so that we knew what to do when approach gals.

Hope you can share more with us.

Have a nice day.

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
#1. – Don’t behave like a child

As a general rule, females like boys but love men. Women feel an addictive attraction to mature men, while the boys live trapped in the friend-zone. As long as you behave like a confident, powerful and adventurous man, women will be helplessly attracted to you.

Show them that you live on your own terms. You know what you want and you are going to take action to achieve your dreams. Men are creatures of action, while boys are passive individuals. Females want a guy who takes care of them, not a child they need to take care of.


Have a great day!

Bro WB
Old 16-05-2017, 12:54 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Got fish liao no more chiong ktv liao
Old 16-05-2017, 12:58 PM
GanAnnGao GanAnnGao is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Very good thread, support
Old 16-05-2017, 01:24 PM
angviet angviet is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Bro WB

Have learnt a lot from this thread.

Please share more of your experiences.

Have a nice day.
Old 17-05-2017, 01:50 PM
warbird warbird is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by Hanazono View Post
Excellent thread!! More please
Tks bro.

Originally Posted by folento View Post
Bump for warbird.

Also may as well do a small bit of sharing here.

Very recently I had the experience of "Picking up KTV gals outside KTVs". All thanks to a very experienced and helpful individual.

Was at a KTV joint with the afore mentioned individual, just walking around the place, not sitting down for KTV. Saw a dozen of girls standing around a hall but we were about to leave already.

The bro seeing that I was green and inexperienced, motivated and encouraged me to go ahead and talk to one of them.....................

And somehow it got me going.

Honestly, i am scared like shit, of the usual stuff probably :fear of rejection, intimidation(because theres quite a few of them together), there were other staff around etc..............................................

All in all , the only things i said were the words to ask her for contact. She replied something like, have I seen her around before to which i only smirked. She smile back quite genuinely.

Boom. Contact gotten, mission accomplished. Got out of joint. ( she messaged very soon after).

Afterwards I felt like i was on fire! I had broke some barriers.

This is probably a small thing for many old timers but it was significant to me. And that individual who motivated me was none other than warbird. Many thanks!

Tks so much for the detailed FR.

Congrats! You are improving by leaps and bounds.

Bro WB

Originally Posted by Ggordon1 View Post
Wow alot of great advice here. Thanks guys!
Originally Posted by catba View Post
Bro WB

I fully agreed with you above especially The only way to be non-needy in those situations is to walk away. Find women who interest you and who are interested in you.

This is a good thread which I love very much.
Originally Posted by Murthi View Post
Bro WB

Never behave like a child and always true for guys, Always be a gentleman.

Please coach us more so that we knew what to do when approach gals.

Hope you can share more with us.

Have a nice day.
Originally Posted by Eddie Tan View Post
Got fish liao no more chiong ktv liao
Originally Posted by GanAnnGao View Post
Very good thread, support
Originally Posted by angviet View Post
Bro WB

Have learnt a lot from this thread.

Please share more of your experiences.

Have a nice day.
Tks to all bros. Pls share detailed FR like bro folento.

.................................................. .....

Good morning!

All humans hv some degree of insecurity, fear n neediness. Some hv severe social shyness when interacting with attractive girls/women. How do we overcome it?

Here is a brief article on Dr Albert Ellis n how he overcame his fear n extreme shyness w/ women.

A Bronx Tale

by Kristen Tobias, M.A.

I’d like to re-tell a biographical story about Dr. Ellis. It starts in the Bronx Botanical Gardens…

During his early adolescence, Dr. Ellis spent much time reading books in this beautiful outdoor space. Sitting alone on park benches, he would notice females from afar and agonize about approaching them. To his great dismay, he never approached any of them! Turns out, Dr. Ellis experienced crippling social anxiety in the romantic realm. He feared rejection by females that he was interested in pursuing and had insight into the limitations this fear imposed on him. So…what’s a guy who fears rejection to do?

From a young age, Dr. Ellis read a great deal of philosophy and psychology. The ideas of rational self-talk and exposure to feared circumstances resonated with him. During the month of August before his senior year of college, Dr. Ellis set out to overcome his social anxiety. The task — visits to the Botanical Gardens where he would set out to approach females! Young, old, tall, short, all of them! No matter how anxious he was feeling, he would make himself talk to females in the garden.

This farcical task set him up to be looked at like he head 100 heads! The garden is a respite from city life and not the ideal pick-up scene. In other words, this is not typically the place where individuals come to when they want to socialize with romantic partners. But, that was the whole point! Face your fears head-on and deal with the consequences. And hopefully…get a date!

Dr. Ellis approached 130 women that summer! About 30 of them walked away at contact! He spoke in varied lengths to the remaining 100 about a number of diverse topics. Of the ones he spoke to, only one agreed to go out with him and she never showed up to their date! However, Dr. Ellis was freed from his crippling social anxiety. He experienced his feared consequence firsthand, which enabled him to realize that it wasn’t really awful. In fact, this experiment resulted in some very enjoyable conversations!

This story represents a technique that is now termed exposure therapy. It entailed the active confrontation of a feared consequence. His anxiety started very high (i.e., included palpitations, sweating, etc.) and he continued the exercise over that summer month until he was able to talk to a female without any anxiety. Is your life restricted by fear? What situation can you work on confronting to better your life? Create your own experiment to get rid of anxiety!

In Dr Ellis' own words:

Throughout my childhood and teens I had a real social phobia. I said nothing, literally nothing, about my feelings for the pretty young girls that I kept falling madly – in fact, obsessively-compulsively – in love with. As for approaching any of the young women I immoderately lusted after from the age of twelve onward, forget it! I heard and saw nothing but ‘evil and ‘horrible’ rejection – so I kept my big trap shut.

In spite of my deranged passion for everything in skirts, up to the age of twenty my dating amounted to zero. Yes, nothing, nil, none, zero. I knew I was scared witless and from reading and my observations of my more popular male friends, I even knew what to do about it—take risks. I didn’t. I decided to—and didn’t. I almost began to—and froze. Naturally, I beat myself for all this evasion. I knew what I wanted—and I knew that I was copping out.

During the summer of 1933, when I was on vacation from college about to go back for my final year, I gave myself a historic homework assignment that greatly changed my own life—and in some ways changed the history of psychotherapy.

My assignment to myself was simple. I would go to the Bronx Botanical Gardens every day when it wasn’t raining in the month of July; would look for women sitting alone on park benches; and, instead of sitting a bench away, as I always anxiously did, would sit on the same bench with them. Not in their lap—but on the same goddamned bench. I would then give myself one minute—one lousy minute!—to talk to each one of them. No debate, no caviling, no nonsense!! If they bit me, they bit me! One lousy minute!

That was a very wise homework assignment that I gave myself. For I was knowingly risking failure and rejection; and I was doing what was most uncomfortable for me to do. Moreover, I was giving myself no time to procrastinate about trying, no time to ruminate and thereby to build up my worrying.

Well, I forthrightly did it. I went to the park every day in July and found—count ‘em!—130 women sitting alone on the park bench: All manners, shapes and sizes.

Certainly enough to provide me with reasonable excuses—that they were too young, too old, too short, or too tall to talk to. But I allowed myself no excuse whatsoever—none! I sat next to all of them—the entire 130. I found that 30 of them immediately waltzed away. They rejected me before I even got going! But, I said to myself, strongly, ‘That’s okay. That leaves me a sample of an even hundred—good for research purposes! So I continued my research. I spoke to the entire hundred of these women, and within one lousy minute! About the birds, the bees, the flowers, the trees, their knitting, their reading—about anything and everything. Mind you, I had never done this a single time before. But I was determined! On to the fray!

But I found, empirically, that nothing terrible happened. No one took a butcher knife and cut my balls off. No one vomited and ran away. No one called a cop. In fact, I had a hundred pleasant conversations, and began to get quite good at talking to strange women in strange places. So good, in fact, that for my second hundred subjects I became more persuasive."

Albert Ellis

Go out there n approach 200 girls/women in the next 30 days. That would be a good start.

A man should be very comfortable in his own skin when interacting w/ girls/women and must remain nonreactive whatever happens...


Bro WB
Old 18-05-2017, 10:13 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
Go out there n approach 200 girls/women in the next 30 days. That would be a good start.

A man should be very comfortable in his own skin when interacting w/ girls/women and must remain nonreactive whatever happens...


Bro WB
Bro WB

After reading your posts above which is inspiring for me, I shall go out to approach at leats 100 girls.

Please share more here so that we can learn.

Have a nice weekend coming up.

Old 18-05-2017, 10:22 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Bro WB

I started reading your excellent thread 2 weeks ago.

I used to be shy and dare not to speak to girls. My friends were telling me I had to be daring to approach if I want to have gfs.

After reading your thread, I did the incredible and approached half a dozen girls who I am keen. The success was not really good but this gives me more inspiration to approach more girls.

I sincerely hope you can post smore so that more brothers will benefit.

I sincerely hope you have an excellent day.
Old 18-05-2017, 10:25 AM
lieusha lieusha is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Support excellent thread.
Old 18-05-2017, 11:01 AM
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Talking Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Is it really odd for a lady to be around during these outings?
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Old 18-05-2017, 02:00 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Very good thread, support!
Old 18-05-2017, 02:15 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by Murthi View Post
Bro WB

After reading your posts above which is inspiring for me, I shall go out to approach at leats 100 girls.

Please share more here so that we can learn.

Have a nice weekend coming up.


Approach 200 girls...

Originally Posted by kimgek View Post
Bro WB

I started reading your excellent thread 2 weeks ago.

I used to be shy and dare not to speak to girls. My friends were telling me I had to be daring to approach if I want to have gfs.

After reading your thread, I did the incredible and approached half a dozen girls who I am keen. The success was not really good but this gives me more inspiration to approach more girls.

I sincerely hope you can post smore so that more brothers will benefit.

I sincerely hope you have an excellent day.

Keep approaching more girls...

Originally Posted by lieusha View Post
Support excellent thread.
Tks bro.

Originally Posted by Ladyrain View Post
Is it really odd for a lady to be around during these outings?
Tks for the post.

Not at all.

I know of a 25 yo local woman who used to go to HFJ to hang flowers for a female singer, her lover.

Originally Posted by WelshSpy View Post
Very good thread, support!
Tks bro.


Good afternoon!

Just received this email related to approaching women:

Knock her off that pedestal!

Hey Bro WB,

I just got done straightening out yet another client who was totally blinded by some girls good looks.

I had to remind him, as gently as I could, to put his big boy pants on and stop putting this girl on a fucking pedestal just because God randomly endowed her with amazing genetics.

This is so, so hard for a lot of guys. We are visually stimulated and when girls got it, we lose our common sense and give away our power.


I used to have the exact same frustration.

...And there's only one way around it that I know:

Don't approach one woman and call it a day...

... Approach 10 so you get some practice.

Only with practice will you see improvement.

This is the reality that frustrates a lot of guys. If you want to approach women and have amazing interactions that lead to sex, expect it to take some repetition.

The first 3 don't count; it's just warm up.

(Kind of like when you're warming up to pitch nine innings. Your first several pitches probably suck. Perfectly natural.)

...So don't worry about the warm ups!

And be sure to approach hot girls, average girls, and in between- so you get more practice.

The problem that my client, Aidan, was having was that he was going out, finding the hottest girl, approaching, getting rejected, and giving up for the night.

That's not the way to do it.

You should still approach the hottest girl, but she should be approach #4 of 10, so you get warmed up first.

And here's a more advanced idea:

When you do this enough, you start to get immune to beauty.

You see beautiful girls so much that is just doesn't matter anymore.

It's the same way that you get used to anything after you've been exposed to it repeatedly.

And that's when you have all the power.

Talk soon,

Your Guru

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