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Old 09-06-2011, 02:34 PM
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Re: My auntie and I

At last it's inside the love hole
Old 09-06-2011, 04:01 PM
TewKowLeySam TewKowLeySam is offline
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Re: My auntie and I

Just join the camp. The forbidden fruit had been tasted. What's next?

Pls keep d story coming TS......
Old 10-06-2011, 10:52 AM
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Re: My auntie and I

You guys froze... we readers also froze to knw what will happen next. come on back bro.
Bros whom upz my rep. Pls pm me yr latest post so as I may return.
Old 10-06-2011, 11:09 AM
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Re: My auntie and I

BRO Grouchycabi,

Been following you story for a while now.
Please continue soon.

Old 10-06-2011, 12:30 PM
wildbeast wildbeast is offline
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Re: My auntie and I

TS, suddenly just recall this.

You mentioned your ex-wife use your sbf account to anyhow send till -ve rep pts.

This means she also know of you bonking your auntie in teens days.

She ok when she knows it? Will this dark secret be spreaded out worst to your uncle and cousins.........

Just a thot.
Many BIG THANK YOU to those who have UPPED my point ...

Let us continue to share in this forum to make it BETTER !!!
Old 10-06-2011, 03:02 PM
Shinso Shinso is offline
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Re: My auntie and I

fantastic story!! Jiayou, TS!
Old 10-06-2011, 05:46 PM
Aero66 Aero66 is offline
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Re: My auntie and I

Hi TS,

Great writing skill, looking forward for updates.
Old 10-06-2011, 06:50 PM
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Re: My auntie and I

Originally Posted by wildbeast View Post
TS, suddenly just recall this.

You mentioned your ex-wife use your sbf account to anyhow send till -ve rep pts.

This means she also know of you bonking your auntie in teens days.

She ok when she knows it? Will this dark secret be spreaded out worst to your uncle and cousins.........

Just a thot.
Actually I dun care if this is fiction anot, I am just merely enjoying the entire episode
Old 10-06-2011, 07:21 PM
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Re: My auntie and I

Originally Posted by wildbeast View Post
TS, suddenly just recall this.

You mentioned your ex-wife use your sbf account to anyhow send till -ve rep pts.

This means she also know of you bonking your auntie in teens days.

She ok when she knows it? Will this dark secret be spreaded out worst to your uncle and cousins.........

Just a thot.
I made the mistake of leaving my computer on and logged in to SBF and then went out to buy food for the family one day. She then read through my postings and also some of my FRs. She got angry and then created hell using my account. I also made the mistake of always using the same password for different emails and websites - she knew the password I used because it is a combination of our house number and pet cat's name.

Yes, she knew everything but the good thing is that she is not on good terms with my family. She hardly knew other relatives outside of our immediate family. Main reason? She is of a different race. She has no contacts with any of my other relatives. Anyway, we are no longer together and I believe she has decided to let and let live. In fact, sometimes, when I am lonely at night (and horny), I will miss her. She is wonderful in bed because she can do things that most wives and girlfriends won't do. She is extremely fair, has a wonderful figure and superb legs. When she cums, it is as if the world's biggest earthquake is erupting. But you are right. Perhaps to avoid any potential trouble, I shall stop my story here.

Before I go, I would like to thank the following brothers for their valuable Reputation points and support:

Old 10-06-2011, 08:33 PM
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Re: My auntie and I

Nooooooooo!!! Don stop!!
Old 10-06-2011, 11:02 PM
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Re: My auntie and I

Pls dont!! ur writing is awesome. really enjoy the stroy
Old 10-06-2011, 11:03 PM
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Re: My auntie and I

Deleted. Deleted.

Last edited by chanda; 01-04-2013 at 11:36 AM.
Old 11-06-2011, 12:11 AM
dbhh dbhh is offline
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Re: My auntie and I

Bro grouchycabi,

As much as I understand your reason for stopping your story, I would like to express my opinion here.

I think you are a very irrational person for your following actions:

1. You start this entire thread with the intention of sharing your story, without considering the consequences if your close relatives and loved ones find out.

2. Logging into SBF and leaving your PC without considering your account's open access.

3. Now, just because of one bro's reminder (no offence to bro wildbeast), you decide to stop the story. Every fan of this thread, including me ends up wasting their time and interest.

Based on the severe outcome of this story affecting your relationships with the people involved in the story, especially your auntie, uncle and cousins, I am willing to let the matter rest since the only losses for me are my time spent reading your excellently written story and false hopes of more hard-ons. I even upped your rep points for your work. However, I can't speak for all the other bros who have supported this thread since 2009. I only discovered this thread by chance last month, by the way.

Next time, please consider carefully the severity of revealing certain dark secrets before deciding to post them in a forum such as this. You have wasted your fans' time and the forum server's bandwidth. Treat this as a lesson, remember it for life and don't repeat this mistake ever again, for the consequences can be much more severe.
Old 11-06-2011, 12:46 AM
freedom1984 freedom1984 is offline
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Re: My auntie and I

Originally Posted by dbhh View Post
bro grouchycabi,

as much as i understand your reason for stopping your story, i would like to express my opinion here.

I think you are a very irrational person for your following actions:

1. You start this entire thread with the intention of sharing your story, without considering the consequences if your close relatives and loved ones find out.

2. Logging into sbf and leaving your pc without considering your account's open access.

3. Now, just because of one bro's reminder (no offence to bro wildbeast), you decide to stop the story. Every fan of this thread, including me ends up wasting their time and interest.

Based on the severe outcome of this story affecting your relationships with the people involved in the story, especially your auntie, uncle and cousins, i am willing to let the matter rest since the only losses for me are my time spent reading your excellently written story and false hopes of more hard-ons. I even upped your rep points for your work. However, i can't speak for all the other bros who have supported this thread since 2009. I only discovered this thread by chance last month, by the way.

Next time, please consider carefully the severity of revealing certain dark secrets before deciding to post them in a forum such as this. You have wasted your fans' time and the forum server's bandwidth. Treat this as a lesson, remember it for life and don't repeat this mistake ever again, for the consequences can be much more severe.
well said!! Up u!
Old 11-06-2011, 01:03 AM
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Re: My auntie and I

Bro dbhh, I totally agree with you. I'm definitely a fan of this thread, though like yourself, I only starting reading this thread about 2-3months back. But everytime I come to SBF, this is the 1st thread that I'll look for. Hoping for latest update.

I also feel it's not fair for many bros who have been following this thread for so many months or even years. Though I do not have the power to up bro Ts points, but so many other bros had shown their support by contributing reputation points to encourage Ts.

No more hard-on & unloading for me in this thread. Leaving as a real disappointed fan....
No offence towards anyone.
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