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Old 12-06-2006, 10:45 PM
SGPshanghai69 SGPshanghai69 is offline
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Re: Sexcapades in Shenzhen - SSHHA Exclusive Club - <Matured Audience Only> -

Originally Posted by Ronaldo
Wow.. Shangri-La is nice..
but i dont think its girl friendly..
spent a week there once..
Thanks bro Ronaldo for the compliments but it's my firm's arrangement.
Anyway, would greatly appreciate Bro Ronaldo yourself & perhaps some other bros to advise further on Shangri-la Hotel's vicinity for any good quality Massage / Sauna Ctrs perhaps, safe ones that is?
Heard from some HKG frens that around Shangri-la hotel area, being nearby Lowu area is pretty messy, with high crime rates......not safe for oneself to wander around alone....??

Many thanks.
Best regards from Shanghai,
SGP-SHA69, Another Simple Man
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Old 13-06-2006, 09:12 AM
smoothreptile smoothreptile is offline
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Re: Sexcapades in Shenzhen - SSHHA Exclusive Club - <Matured Audience Only> -

Queen Spa & Dining is a high quality/slightly high price but you do get a real Massage, Sauna and it is close to your hotel. Queen Spa is called 皇室假日 in Mandarin.

For BBS and Xiaojie that will short time you for 150 yuan you can visit Xiang Xi Cun 向西村. Look for places with pink/purple light coming out of a open door is the easiest way to find out where the Xiaojie are waiting for customers. These places are down alleys.

How to find Xiang Xi Cun 向西村?
With reference from the Luo Hu Customs, by taxi, it's only about less than RMB 15 to reach to Xiang Xi Cun via 春风路,Cun1 Feng1 Lu4, it'll be less than 7 minutes ride to reach there.

Originally Posted by SGPshanghai69
Thanks bro Ronaldo for the compliments but it's my firm's arrangement.
Anyway, would greatly appreciate Bro Ronaldo yourself & perhaps some other bros to advise further on Shangri-la Hotel's vicinity for any good quality Massage / Sauna Ctrs perhaps, safe ones that is?
Heard from some HKG frens that around Shangri-la hotel area, being nearby Lowu area is pretty messy, with high crime rates......not safe for oneself to wander around alone....??

Many thanks.
Best regards from Shanghai,
Old 14-06-2006, 12:16 PM
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Re: Sexcapades in Shenzhen - SSHHA Exclusive Club - <Matured Audience Only> -

Originally Posted by SGPshanghai69
Anyway, would greatly appreciate Bro Ronaldo yourself & perhaps some other bros to advise further on Shangri-la Hotel's vicinity for any good quality Massage / Sauna Ctrs perhaps, safe ones that is?
Heard from some HKG frens that around Shangri-la hotel area, being nearby Lowu area is pretty messy, with high crime rates......not safe for oneself to wander around alone....??

Sorry..wrong timing. I wont in SZ this next week.

SZ Shangri-la hotel is still nice....but the location next to train station make it vulnerable to many theives, conmen n pick pockets. In fact, this is the most "notorious" area in SZ.....

As for good clean massage there are many around within 5 min by cab... Queens Spa been one of them.... U shld try this if u hv the time. But pls dont get angry with the begging for "tips" by the service staff...the HKeys spoilt them.

But if u want those "serviced" massage or suana...those in the SZ esp in lowu
distict as the lower end one.... for good ones u hv to get out of the SZ "kwan" which i think u need someone to guide u there....

If u dont mind the "second" class type the nearest would be those around "ba ting" lu... There are reports on them. Those in the Shang Sha n Xiao Sha are even worse....not recommended for U...( i know yr style)

Hope to meet u some other time....hope it's soon.

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Old 14-06-2006, 03:20 PM
SGPshanghai69 SGPshanghai69 is offline
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Re: Sexcapades in Shenzhen - SSHHA Exclusive Club - <Matured Audience Only> -

Originally Posted by Sinoview
Sorry..wrong timing. I wont in SZ this next week.

SZ Shangri-la hotel is still nice....but the location next to train station make it vulnerable to many theives, conmen n pick pockets. In fact, this is the most "notorious" area in SZ.....
Hope to meet u some other time....hope it's soon.
Dear Sinoview big bro,
Many thanks for the kind advices & info herein. Time is always an essence to us all, most of all with regards to work. I fully understand, no worries about it bro. Really do look forward to meeting u up soon again......

You take care & keep in touch. Email me when u do come to Shanghai and I shall be most pleased to receive you in the most available hospitable ways.

Cheers bro......
SGP-SHA69, Another Simple Man
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Old 19-06-2006, 12:57 AM
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Re: Sexcapades in Shenzhen - SSHHA Exclusive Club - <Matured Audience Only> -

Hi Bro,

I will be in SZ from Tuesday till Friday..
And I will be staying in Nan San Area called 麒麟山 庄. Any bro here know the happening place nearby there?
Or it is far from town ?
Hope got chance to see some bro here...
Old 19-06-2006, 11:00 PM
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Re: Sexcapades in Shenzhen - SSHHA Exclusive Club - <Matured Audience Only> -

Hi, Moderator.

I'm Indonesian guy. Next week, will be in Shenzhen. Wonder if you are availaible to bring me to see Shenzhen. However, please understand that I can't speak Chinese. Will stay in Pang Lin Hotel.
Appreciate very much your information.
Old 20-06-2006, 12:23 AM
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Re: Sexcapades in Shenzhen - SSHHA Exclusive Club - <Matured Audience Only> -

Hi, Moderator,

Could you assist me? I'll be in Shenzhen next week and stay in Pang Lin Hotel.
Any time to browse together ?
Old 03-07-2006, 09:15 PM
ponkponk ponkponk is offline
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Re: Sexcapades in Shenzhen - SSHHA Exclusive Club - <Matured Audience Only> -

Hi Sperminator and all the shenzhen contributors,

Been reading through the topic on Shenzhen and has gathered more or less what I should do when I am there this friday to saturday. Example Queens spa and some bars/disco(but not sure which area to go as I only have one night in Shenzhen)

One thing not confirm yet is which hotel should I stay? I believe I only seen one recommendation of shenzhen guang shen hotel. I not book 1 yet so need your advise.
Another request is as I will be there alone, hoping to get some company for day walkwalk and bar/disco hop(anythin after is extra). Do you think I will be able to jio some babes during the daytime somewhere for this kind of activity? So the choice is either jio those working class or pay for service. I think I am a ok sweet talker so wonder if i b able to find a location to jio for company.

Thanks guys in advance for the advice
*I wanted to post this in this thread but found out I posted it to the other 1. oops. By the way, any guys who are also new in shenzhen can pm me. At least if the experts here don't have time to guide us, we don't have to explore alone. Safer that way to have company.
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Old 05-07-2006, 06:09 PM
fatone fatone is offline
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Re: Sexcapades in Shenzhen - SSHHA Exclusive Club - <Matured Audience Only> -

Bro PonkPonk, I am now in Shenzhen and will be here until Sunday. Try the Metropark Hotel in Dongmen (东门) area (formerly Metropole until last year when they rename). Good size room (4-star) cost RMB420-450 per night (no b/f) or RMB488 per night in deluxe room w/1 bf, clean and comfortable with cable internet access. For better room, try 999 丹凤白露, definitely the best 5 star value in Luo Hu area, cost about RMB600+ per night. Best room I have stayed.

Need help can pm me.
Old 06-07-2006, 12:59 AM
ponkponk ponkponk is offline
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Re: Sexcapades in Shenzhen - SSHHA Exclusive Club - <Matured Audience Only> -

Thanks man. I likely stay in Metropark Hotel as I look at the website pics. Looks ok. btw, would you happen to know any online map of shenzhen so that I can plan where to go and what to do? I try searching the internet but can't find 1.
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Old 26-11-2006, 11:36 PM
Swinger88 Swinger88 is offline
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Re: Sexcapades in Shenzhen - SSHHA Exclusive Club - <Matured Audience Only> -

Hi Brothers,

It has been 10 years since I last visited Shenzhen, I have a trip coming up in Dec. As I have migrated to UK, I have not been keeping up with the actions here in Asia.

I will be staying near Shennan Zhong Road since I have family with me, I wonder if any brother can recommend places that is within that area so I head out for a quick one.

Really appreciate any tips.

Old 28-11-2006, 08:25 AM
chanyboy chanyboy is offline
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Re: Sexcapades in Shenzhen - SSHHA Exclusive Club - <Matured Audience Only> -

Bros, who would be in SZ in the last 2 weeks of Dec? If it works out, have a gathering together..
Old 30-12-2006, 01:39 AM
gondola1188 gondola1188 is offline
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Re: Sexcapades in Shenzhen - SSHHA Exclusive Club - <Matured Audience Only> -

Wonder if anyone can help me ? I would like to know if there is any reasonable hc near Landmark hotel (Nanhu Road) ? I am only looking for good facilities and hj, not full course. does anyone know how long it takes by cab to Justco ? Is the facilities at Victoria(near Justco) ok ?
Old 06-01-2007, 03:27 AM
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Re: 2 days tour plan for ENGLISH SPEAKING PEOPLE ONLY

1st objective: Shopping Paradise of Shenzhen, DONG MEN, East Gate translated.

Take the local Metro at the Luo Wu Customs, it'll only cost you RMB 2 to travel from Luo Wu Metro Station to Lao Jie (Old Street translated) Station.

You can have a good time shopping for any items that you need there!

Move around there! get all the DVDs you want, it's going at RMB 5 per piece!

And remember to NEGOTIATE your wares, not the DVDs it's cheapest already, I'm talking about T-Shirts, Bags, Watches etc... don't be conned, but if you're not ready to buy, then shop around, get yourself orientated to Shenzhen!!!


1. Just want to check, at Dong Men can you purchase stuff at wholesale prices or is there another wholesale place???

2. Is it easy to get WLs for overnight in SZ???

3. Where is the most convenient place to stay in SZ for a first timer???

Old 29-08-2007, 09:33 AM
flipper01 flipper01 is offline
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Re: Sexcapades in Shenzhen - SSHHA Exclusive Club - <Matured Audience Only> -

i will be in shenzhen in sept 5.. anyone wanna party and have a good time??
im down for anything.. to each his own!
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