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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 13-01-2018, 10:14 AM
Sgnman Sgnman is offline
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Re: Bros, Dont spoil market

Originally Posted by BTech View Post
Are you MAD or living in a time capsule !!!!!

This rate was 30yrs ago ! Even then it's very limited !!!!
Standard for me is $30 with autoroam, but sucking nip a bit hard lah
Old 14-01-2018, 05:45 PM
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Re: Bros, Dont spoil market

if pretty,old milf is ok.
Can get ard $50﹑ per 30min with a hj.
If regular
Old 16-01-2018, 10:27 AM
Docow1000 Docow1000 is offline
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Re: Bros, Dont spoil market

the per-hour charge by the shop cannot run upfront already 40-50 per hour.

inside, recently got a $70 for top off, HJ but no sucking of nips or kissing..don't know too ex or not. didn't return since.
If you like my post, please up my points.

no post to up: reading (please PM me your latest post); mattjb (please PM me your latest post); DevilChan78 (please PM me your latest post)

need to up more before I can return to this list:

Old 16-01-2018, 02:31 PM
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Re: Bros, Dont spoil market

Originally Posted by NNKC View Post
Yes. Totally agree with your saying, thanks Bro.
We are paying for leisure/fun, they are earning from us. Money belongs to us, services provided by them. And the payment made by us must be happy and not due to their demand.
is a demand & supply game....the rate as per the rate stipulated...if u find that too expensive..can bargain and opt one force a gun at your head...
is all about whether u willing to pay to have fun....
cheers all bros.....
Old 16-01-2018, 04:30 PM
muthu_curry muthu_curry is offline
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Re: Bros, Dont spoil market

Originally Posted by NNKC View Post
Recently I went to a quite well-known MP. I always go to the same girl. As usual, after a proper massage, she gave me a handjob. But this time round is so much different compare to those previous times. She dont't allow me to touch her at all. Not to mention about touching her boobs from outside, hand also not allow(I tried many times to touch her hand/leg but all FAILED!!). According to her was saying that is due to the recent raid, so she afriad she will kena caught by her boss and get scold. So I was totally pissed off by this and became soft. But I still try my best to concentrate with her stroking and finally manage to burst out.
Here comes the moment. After everything done, I get changed and pay her before I leave the room. (I used to do this during my every visit) I took out 3pcs of $10 notes and pass it to her. She count the money ans said to me how come so little, say I used to pay her $50 everytime. I said "Yes, I used to pay $50, coz you always allow me to autoroam, even let me unbuckle your bra to play with your boobs, lick and suck them. But this time I can't even touch your skin." And I just walk out immediately after saying that.
Frankly speaking, until now I still feel bad for paying her $30. But I don't wanna "Spoil market". So I have such decision. Hope I'm making the right choice.
jin steady leh bro

well done

so after this did u RTM the same gal?

can pm me which 'well known' MP is this? is it start with L?
Old 16-01-2018, 05:36 PM
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Re: Bros, Dont spoil market

nowdays some ML are abit cautious yah..... but still depends on the ML...

anyone with big boobies to exchange??? can PM me...thanks

Originally Posted by muthu_curry View Post
jin steady leh bro

well done

so after this did u RTM the same gal?

can pm me which 'well known' MP is this? is it start with L?
Old 18-01-2018, 02:23 PM
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Re: Bros, Dont spoil market

Upz thread for awareness . Remember don't overpay . If you don't like the price you can reject politely.
Please take me back to Anfield
You Never Walk Alone
Long Live Liverpool

Discreetion is the best policy.

The storm is still on. Proceed with extra caution

Now only into clean massage.

Blacklist : Cheong2009 . Upped on 28/03/16 . PM 3 times no reply .
Old 18-01-2018, 05:12 PM
Sodomiser Sodomiser is offline
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Re: Bros, Dont spoil market

Agree bro. Don’t be a carrot head. The economy is already not that good. Save some of your vitamin M for a rainy day.
Old 23-01-2018, 01:44 PM
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Re: Bros, Dont spoil market

Upz thread for awareness . Remember don't overpay . If you don't like the price you can reject politely.
Please take me back to Anfield
You Never Walk Alone
Long Live Liverpool

Discreetion is the best policy.

The storm is still on. Proceed with extra caution

Now only into clean massage.

Blacklist : Cheong2009 . Upped on 28/03/16 . PM 3 times no reply .
Old 23-01-2018, 02:10 PM
NNKC NNKC is offline
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Re: Bros, Dont spoil market

Originally Posted by muthu_curry View Post
jin steady leh bro

well done

so after this did u RTM the same gal?

can pm me which 'well known' MP is this? is it start with L?
No lah, not say steady or not. I'm just more concern for money worth spending instead of being steady. Hahaha.... Anyway I didn't go back to that joint since such incident happened. And is not the one you mentioned. Also not going to reveal which playground/ML i'm referring to, sorry Bro.
Old 26-01-2018, 02:03 AM
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Re: Bros, Dont spoil market

Bump. Feel like giving some xin jiao here a big knuckle wack on the head. We put so much info here but still do the same shit.
Old 26-01-2018, 08:02 AM
ceeko ceeko is offline
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Re: Bros, Dont spoil market

Originally Posted by paymaster View Post
Bump. Feel like giving some xin jiao here a big knuckle wack on the head. We put so much info here but still do the same shit.
U can't, cause the MLs are holding on their smaller head demanding $80 for a 2min handjob (cause they cum so quickly).

Then come here as if they're the biggest stud in the world proclaiming they got a HJ for a ML and $80 was "worth it".

But inside crying "KNN i spent $80" now I must jiak porridge for 2 weeks.
Old 26-01-2018, 08:52 AM
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Re: Bros, Dont spoil market

There's a recent thread a TS paid $150 just for bbbj and intent to rtm for fj... which I think will cost at least $200...
Old 26-01-2018, 12:02 PM
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Re: Bros, Dont spoil market

Originally Posted by ceeko View Post
U can't, cause the MLs are holding on their smaller head demanding $80 for a 2min handjob (cause they cum so quickly).

Then come here as if they're the biggest stud in the world proclaiming they got a HJ for a ML and $80 was "worth it".

But inside crying "KNN i spent $80" now I must jiak porridge for 2 weeks.
Kena chop jialat jialat. Anyway, for the uninitiated, out there are certain joints that charge less for a slow mo hj. Some more by syts and not aunty types.
Old 05-02-2018, 10:09 AM
Kickinloud Kickinloud is offline
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Re: Bros, Dont spoil market

I went to a massage at an old mall in central area this one time. the one who massaged me was young and pretty. quite a good massage. then she popped the GQ. i told her that i was not interested and do not mind just hugging and cuddling. she lay down beside me and i cuddled her. she asked y i refused hj. and i said now my budget was bad and boss have not paid me any salary yet. then she told me the story of how guys would give her big tips and even showed me her iphone 7+ which was given by her customer. honestly, the way she told me the story, it sounded like those guys were not thinking straight. i apologized to her for not being able to do the same. then she said, she never asked me for those. in fact, she told me to come again the next day and SHE would give me $10 instead. i thought she was just kidding. then she showed me her photos on her phone etc and i told her how pretty and sexy she is. i commented on her body for being sexy and her boobs for looking quite firm. she even asked if i wanna see her nipple and she showed me for a few seconds. when my time was up, we got up and i got dressed. gave her a hug and ask if i could see her nipple again. she showed me again then not allowed to touch. again she reminded me to come over the next day and she will give me $10 for food.
i know some ppl might think this is BS but that was my experience. and from my experience, we do not have to pay big tips to get something. i have been offered hj and even fj for such a low price and even for free. the secret is.....make them like you.
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