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Old 15-02-2017, 04:12 PM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Yes should just send the ex-admiral and ex army generals to defend Singapore first .
How can you protect Singapore when you can't protect your own military hardware ?

Many thanks to 70% who voted for them .
Old 19-02-2017, 08:02 PM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

US-China relationship key to stability of APAC region: Ng Eng Hen

Posted 19 Feb 2017 12:02
Updated 19 Feb 2017 12:10

SINGAPORE: How the US and China engage with each other and Asian countries will be key to the stability of the Asia Pacific (APAC) region comprising East Asia, the Korean Peninsula and ASEAN, Singapore's Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen said on Sunday (Feb 19).

Speaking at the 53rd Munich Security Conference in Germany, Dr Ng said that with a new US administration at the helm, it was "particularly important" for both the US and China to articulate their foreign policy objectives towards Asia.

The minister said a pertinent question would be how the continued US presence and influence in the APAC region would be legitimised under current US president Donald Trump's “America first” policy, which pledges to make policy decisions to benefit American workers and American families.

"If US foreign policy, de facto is predominantly anti-China, I think it will be a frustrating decade for many of us in ASEAN and in Asia. Similarly for China, if its efforts are viewed as means to usurp US as the resident Pacific power. Countries will de facto have to choose sides and be put into lose-win situations," he said.

However, if both countries grounded their foreign policy on a "transactional basis" – with the US providing the security umbrella in exchange for trading privileges or commercial gains, and China bartering security considerations with countries that need access to Chinese markets – it could start trading and even security blocs, the minister said.

Dr Ng said it was not in doubt that the US would be able to continue its presence and influence in the Pacific as a military power.

continue reading here :

For someone who can't even protect the 9 Terrex sure talks a lot which the rest have already known .
A good government strives to make its citizens' lives better and not make it harder .

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Old 20-02-2017, 03:51 AM
chukeliang chukeliang is offline
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

off topic a bit, sori.
See channel news asia.
Nowaday need a uni professor to format verify harddisk,delete data in hdu.

Marine company throw away computer
With engineering drawing blueprint.
Embarass spore industry.

Last edited by chukeliang; 20-02-2017 at 08:49 PM.
Old 20-02-2017, 04:28 AM
sadfa sadfa is offline
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Originally Posted by chukeliang View Post
off topic a bit, sori.
See channel news asia.
Nowaday need a uni professor to verify harddisk
N busy body tell news reporter.
Embarass our country.
How much his salary??
Wat on earth are u talkin about.
And why on earth u watch such shit.
Cna is A disgraceful embarrassing channel
It's worse than fox news in USA n comparable to China's state controlled channels

Cna wants to b CNN of Asia not spore.
But because it only talk about garbagement in the best light, it actually portray the entire Asia as shit but spore ends up being portrayed as the best.

So all spore neighbours ugly side like drug taking, crime, murder, prostitution pollution, undemocratic actions, etc shown to the whole world, but spore is portrayed as Utopia n Paradise surrounded by hell.

I hope one day the entire ASEAN plus Asia powerhouse like India n Japan tell garbagement to stop such shit asap or they'll block all cna telecast n sue spore for trillions. Of course behind the scenes directed by China haha
Exchange points got portray ma

Last edited by sadfa; 20-02-2017 at 05:00 AM.
Old 20-02-2017, 11:27 AM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

I would rather watch CNN .
Don't just complain . Offer alternative solutions.

Singkies have NO MORE right to complain .

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Old 20-02-2017, 08:51 PM
chukeliang chukeliang is offline
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Thumbs up Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port
No garment control.
Old 20-02-2017, 10:13 PM
FreebiezWanker FreebiezWanker is offline
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Would love to see you spearhead a TV station that meets your standard....

Originally Posted by sadfa View Post
Wat on earth are u talkin about.
And why on earth u watch such shit.
Cna is A disgraceful embarrassing channel
It's worse than fox news in USA n comparable to China's state controlled channels

Cna wants to b CNN of Asia not spore.
But because it only talk about garbagement in the best light, it actually portray the entire Asia as shit but spore ends up being portrayed as the best.

So all spore neighbours ugly side like drug taking, crime, murder, prostitution pollution, undemocratic actions, etc shown to the whole world, but spore is portrayed as Utopia n Paradise surrounded by hell.

I hope one day the entire ASEAN plus Asia powerhouse like India n Japan tell garbagement to stop such shit asap or they'll block all cna telecast n sue spore for trillions. Of course behind the scenes directed by China haha
Exchange points got portray ma

Do PM me if I left you out. Thks!
Old 20-02-2017, 11:51 PM
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Originally Posted by FreebiezWanker View Post
Would love to see you spearhead a TV station that meets your standard....
Many stations are pitting themselves against Trump now. U can watch them.

They're risking their lives n livelihoods exposing Trump to the world.
Media In spore is shit.
Calling them journalists is an insult.
They're merely news workers.

Unlike pros being called sex workers, as a nice way to call them. News worker isn't a complimentary term so Calling spore reporters news workers is an appropriate description
Exchange points appropriate ma
Old 21-02-2017, 04:40 PM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Sadly the local press do NOT have the same standards as the Western press. In fact it takes a foreign press to expose some dark secrets which the local press did not even report in the first place . The press plays an important part in any society . By giving the people the correct and true information for the people to make the correct decisions for themselves . Love watching the show in the US .
How can you protect Singapore when you can't protect your own military hardware ?

Many thanks to 70% who voted for them .

Last edited by SiaSuay; 21-02-2017 at 10:14 PM. Reason: add word
Old 21-02-2017, 05:59 PM
chukeliang chukeliang is offline
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

see fox news
Now rumah puteh, worst than watergate scandal.
Now najeeb dare to use the word RUDE.
Now for this case,
Malaysia boleh
Old 21-02-2017, 08:17 PM
sadfa sadfa is offline
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Originally Posted by SiaSuay View Post
Sadly the local press do have the same standards as the Western press. In fact it takes a foreign press to expose some dark secrets which the local press did not even report in the first press. The press plays an important part in any society . By giving the people the correct and true information for the people to make the correct decisions for themselves . Love watching the show in the US .
U never check before posting Is it
How can same standards as Western press
Exchange points got check ma
Old 21-02-2017, 10:13 PM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Originally Posted by sadfa View Post
U never check before posting Is it
How can same standards as Western press
Exchange points got check ma
Sorry don't know why the word " NOT " did not appear .
How can you protect Singapore when you can't protect your own military hardware ?

Many thanks to 70% who voted for them .
Old 21-02-2017, 10:17 PM
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Originally Posted by chukeliang View Post
see fox news
Now rumah puteh, worst than watergate scandal.
Now najeeb dare to use the word RUDE.
Now for this case,
Malaysia boleh
Spore lucky fat bear kim wasn't assassinated in changi la. Just like they're lucky no sporeans on mh370

Firstly it'll expose spore as fucked up to the world when they hang the two Viet n indo killers who were duped to kill.

Secondly, North Korea won't dare touch Malaysia cos they're protected by China. But spore not protected.
China will tell North Korea go carry on!

I bet they'll send their submarine to kidnap albino n send him to their gulag for re education. Will his father write his letters for his release or send saf regiment to rescue n get massacred by North Koreans long range missiles
Exchange points lucky ma
Old 24-02-2017, 07:03 PM
chukeliang chukeliang is offline
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

really got intruder break into the morque,
touched kim body.?
how can that be.
jagars must be sleeping.
Old 24-02-2017, 07:52 PM
sadfa sadfa is offline
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Originally Posted by chukeliang View Post
really got intruder break into the morque,
touched kim body.?
how can that be.
jagars must be sleeping.
Don't have la. If they got access, they might as we'll burn or bomb the body. Now no point cos Malaysia already discover the vx le
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