Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan
So when i can expect to see you back in CA, expecting something more than a HJ?? hehe life too bored in SG... need some crazy & hot...... time man.
Looking for occasional fun ... 内疚是维系一段感情最好的灵药。。。。 |
Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan
because they afternoon one shot, at night after KTV one shot.
Why so green and lonely? (Thank you very much) |
Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan
No lah... It's because in Sgp normally it's own hand.. In CA it's a mm hand that's HJing for u mah..
別人笑我太瘋癲~我笑他人看不穿~ 不見五陵豪傑墓~無花無酒鋤作田~ ====================== 我不是随便的人,但我随便起来不是人 |
Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan
That's priceless ...... !!!!!
un R.E.T.I.R.E.D............ |
Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan
HJ u can cum meh?
非诚勿扰:人的一生很短暂,认识你是一个错误,就让我们将错就错吧! |
Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan
Ah hia u very hard core leh.... The mm there not so hiong one.. Normally if u guys in a room together they will not provide the service. So to cum together must make special request...
別人笑我太瘋癲~我笑他人看不穿~ 不見五陵豪傑墓~無花無酒鋤作田~ ====================== 我不是随便的人,但我随便起来不是人 |
Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan
DIY definitely cannot cum .. but meimei HJ, sure can cum .... |
Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan
1st day = 100cm 2nd day = 50cm 3rd day = 25cm 4th day = 13cm 5th day = 8cm 6th day = 4 cm 7th day = 2cm 8th day = 1cm 9th day = dripping out. 10th day = think blood also come out liaoz 11th day = 精尽人亡
. 本人相貌丑陋,三岁习武,七岁学文,上知天文地理,下知鸡毛蒜皮, 每外出行走,常引帅哥回头,美女跳楼,心地善良,和蔼可亲, 乐于助人,乐善好施不可枚舉,其优点多得有如滔滔江水 连绵不绝,又如黃河泛滥一发而不可收拾,实乃旷世奇才。 人在新加坡, 心在常平 中国美女那么多,可惜我人在新加坡
Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan
AFatt can't forget the first encounter at CA with 3 kakis... Nowadays not many kakis like that... |
Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan
keke, even BBBJ also cannot cum.....
Oh yes, really missed those days when we party like mad, everybody stalk naked and dancing, gals stoking bro kuku, and birdie naked in the toilet with his MM, WTF is hr doing.... kekeke
un R.E.T.I.R.E.D............ |
Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan
Onli you can stayed so long in CP. Me can onli Touch n Go.....
un R.E.T.I.R.E.D............ |
Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan
Most of the regulars of CA here should know Ms Wan formerly of LQD very well.
She asked for a favour and some free advertising for her lastest venture. Do call her@ 13480083086 if you want to stay at the below hotel in CA. You can also qq or email for your booking. 订房或咨询QQ1364762571。或发邮件至QQ邮箱:[email protected](收到必回 复) She is making some small $commission for your booking. Please note that I myself have not stay there before so cannot comments or recommend. It is on the same Road as LQD, but at the other end of the road. Distance is like about 1km away from LQD. http://guangfuhotel.com/books/GD0140RL/t971611154.htm Click on this link for more info about this hotel. Her rates are slightly cheaper than what available at the online site. 东豪酒店 东豪酒店位于东莞市长安镇镇中心(东莞市长安镇莲峰北路30号),是一家集客房、西餐、康乐于一体的标综合 性商务酒店。毗邻107国道,是往返香港、深圳、广州的必经重地,到深圳机场、码头需20分钟车程,,到厚 街展馆、虎门码头仅需20分钟,交通十分便捷。 酒店按照星级标准改造和装修;酒店主搂拥有108间典雅舒适的商务客房,各种商务设施一应俱全,豪门西餐厅 、休闲中心(包含沐足、推拿、按摩、健身\美容美发等设施),让您在商务之余尽享休闲。舒适的住房环境、丰 富的中西美食、安逸地休闲场所、加上细致周全的服务和人性化的关怀与呵护,为您的每次商旅精彩 演绎。 房间提供设备:单独淋浴室、洗手间、国际宽带网络、国际卫星电视系统(日本NHK、东森电影、东森新闻、凤 凰卫视、华娱卫视等)、独立办公台、保险箱、迷你吧、冰桶、桶装山泉水、布艺沙发、浴缸、蒸汽 房等 房价如下: 高级商务客房(3楼大床) 198 豪华商务客房(4楼大床) 218 精英商务客房(2.4米大床)268 高级商务套房(一房一厅) 388 豪华商务套房(二房一厅;一大床+两小床)418 优惠如下: 1、 国内/外的各大信用卡都可接收。 2、 每房均可免费送1-2份西式自助早餐 3、 客房内免费无限时宽频上网。 4、 凭房卡每天免费使用健身房。 5、入住期间每天免费湿洗衣两件(限衬衣或裤子) 6、凭房卡西餐9折,沐足8.8折,美容美发8.5折。 7、 提前预定可提供非吸烟楼或电脑房。 8、 多人一起入住可享受一间房延迟至18:00点退房,免加收房租。
無業游民 Last edited by coolmanks; 10-05-2011 at 10:36 AM. |
Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan
Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan
"Happy-Go-Lucky! Life is short~ Work Smart, PLAY HARD!" *SEMI RETIRED as of 01-01-2012. Anything, pm me... |
Re: Cheonging in ChangAn (CA), Dongguan
Playing field, I still say CA is better than CP. Join me in CA, sure. It's been a long time since..... Calling my taikor Chanyboy... when want to go arh.... must arrange a reunion party.... OK bo?
un R.E.T.I.R.E.D............ |
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