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Old 11-03-2004, 02:39 PM
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Re: AirAsia Promo

Originally posted by cheongkid
Now it's even cheaper to fly to BKK, S$23.99 only!
After so many postings on AirAsia you still don't know that it's almost impossible to get that price meh...... The price of S$23.99 are all bull-shit .... try to call them and book a ticket and see what's the price.....

Still Ozzzzzzzzing.........
Old 11-03-2004, 04:33 PM
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Re: Re: AirAsia Promo

Originally posted by Peter_North
The offer is meant for travel from BKK to SGP. I don't know how it works. The offer one way from BKK to SGP. What about SGP to BKK ? What can't they offer return tickets ?
they do offer to and fro at bht499 each flight but there's a surcharge for about bht1100 for their insurance and admin charges. i think on certain days only two way. check out the website.
Old 12-03-2004, 01:10 AM
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Re: Re: AirAsia Promo

Originally posted by Sinoview
After so many postings on AirAsia you still don't know that it's almost impossible to get that price meh...... The price of S$23.99 are all bull-shit .... try to call them and book a ticket and see what's the price.....Still Ozzzzzzzzing.........
I dun know about this promotion but not long ago, there is another promotion traveling within malaysia within a period of time for a very low price because of some anniversary or birthday of the president of the company, I think, can't remember which one liao, and I did get the promoted price. So I dun think airasia would just post promotions without having them. One have to realise the way airasia price its tickets though, ballooning system.
Old 12-03-2004, 02:56 AM
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Took airasia from Sing to BKK in Feb and paid $1800 baht. The flight was fast and smooth. The girls are very friendly, young and pretty.

I quite liked it and probably will fly more on it. The luggage limit is not an issue with me as I don't shop much.

Stay at Somerset hotel which is quite nice and reasonable priced. Never stay at Ambassdor, its service sucks!
Old 12-03-2004, 11:53 AM
Peter_North Peter_North is offline
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Originally posted by edkoh2000
Took airasia from Sing to BKK in Feb and paid $1800 baht. The flight was fast and smooth. The girls are very friendly, young and pretty.

I quite liked it and probably will fly more on it. The luggage limit is not an issue with me as I don't shop much.

Stay at Somerset hotel which is quite nice and reasonable priced. Never stay at Ambassdor, its service sucks!
Did you call the agent in SGP or book via Internet ? BHT1800 is one way or two-way ?
Old 13-03-2004, 02:11 AM
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Airasia is actually no tat cheap...

After some calculations, I will like to inform you bros that actually
Airasia is still not really tat cheap..If you don believe me, Just pick up the phone & check the flight rates..

For ur info the to & fro Flight for next mth, April 2004, will be S$200++..There is only promotion for this month..I guess its just to push the sales up to fill up those vacant seats

Another Info for u guys is tat AIRASIA is not even half full when it launched..It is only 1/3 full

Hopefully, they can consider bringing down their price again as
Tiger Airway & Valueair is coming up to challenge them

Old 13-03-2004, 02:36 AM
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On the website of AirAsia, click your travel details on the left. our need to select return or one way, departure & arrival city & the dates, no. of passengers.

Then click Search.
Old 13-03-2004, 03:02 AM
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Originally posted by Peter_North
Did you call the agent in SGP or book via Internet ? BHT1800 is one way or two-way ?
I call them in SGP and book after checking on the net about flight info and price. It is one way.

It is still the cheapest ticket I can find.
Old 13-03-2004, 12:39 PM
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Originally posted by edkoh2000
I call them in SGP and book after checking on the net about flight info and price. It is one way.

It is still the cheapest ticket I can find.
... and AirAsia doesn't serve drinks in cabin, you got to pay for your own drinks, maybe, this is some $$$ they cut down from the ticket. As you can see from Bro Yomun's booking, Ticket+Airport Tax+Insurance+Admin Fee (no food & beverage) rite .

Old 13-03-2004, 02:25 PM
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Re: Airasia is actually no tat cheap...

Originally posted by Mr.romance
After some calculations, I will like to inform you bros that actually
Airasia is still not really tat cheap..If you don believe me, Just pick up the phone & check the flight rates..

For ur info the to & fro Flight for next mth, April 2004, will be S$200++..There is only promotion for this month..I guess its just to push the sales up to fill up those vacant seats

Another Info for u guys is tat AIRASIA is not even half full when it launched..It is only 1/3 full

Hopefully, they can consider bringing down their price again as
Tiger Airway & Valueair is coming up to challenge them

To be fair to Air Asia, they cannot be selling all tickets at the below cost fares and survive.

TO enjoy those "ultra low" advertised fares, you need to book "way in advance" and be subject to quite a few restirctions e.g. cannot cancel, cannot change etc etc.

When you go to the website, you will see "how to get this fare" and if you click that URL, it will bring you to the promo page
which is

Based on today's (march 13th 2004) prices at that page, you need to book between March 8-23 and travel between March28 to Oct 30 2004.

The marketing model of Air Asia like many budget carriers is to advertise their lowest fare for the route e.g. from S$23.99 and attract you to their call in number or website and hopefully, you are persuaded to buy with them anyway if you don't qualify for the ultra low fares cos they are still 30% cheaper than regular low fares.

The other secret to their sucess is that they only offer ultra low fares for a limited number of seats. So, if you go to the site's promo url now and then decide to book Sin-Bkk-Sin, for travel in May 04, you may find that Sin-Bkk is Thb 499 and Bkk-Sin is Thb 1897 giving you a total cost of 2396 Thb a little over a 110 sin dollars. This because the return sector for the ultra low cheap fare is "sold out." Still, Definitely cheap but, can you plan your travel within such early booking requirements? Some people can.

You really need to study their fare structure, & tactics to see how and where you can benefit and buy those benefits to maximize on their offers.

Just like any supermarket. You go in because they advertised some "loss leaders" and you end up buying all sorts of other regular priced items. Air Asia & other low cost airlines do the same thing all the time.

Last edited by sassina2; 13-03-2004 at 02:44 PM.
Old 13-03-2004, 05:54 PM
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just for the fun of it

Having never booked nor travelled on Air Asia myself, I went and did a couple of real booking just to see if I would eventually be able to travel on those dates and enjoy the really ultra cheap fare.

After all, some bros here think that Air Asia is a con-job etc.

1) This itinerary to cover Bangkok and Phuket

Sun 18/7/04 Flight FD 701
11.35am Sin to Bangkok
Fare 499 bahts

Sun 25/7/04 Flight FD702
17.50 from Bangkok to Spore
Fare 499 bahts

Total Fare 998 bahts
Sin Airport taxes &
other insurances
etc 657 bahts

Final Total 1655 bahts

(this excludes airport tax ex Bangkok on return of 500 bahts.)

2) This extents my trip to Phuket from Bangkok.
Thurs 22/7/04 FD100
10.35 Bkk to Phuket
Fare 299 bahts

Sat 24/7/04
12.20 Phuket to Bkk
Fare 299 bahts

Total Fare 598 bahts

Taxes, Ins, etc 362.86 bahts

Final Total 960.86 bahts

When I add the Phuket and Bangkok sector together, its 2615.86 Thai bahts in total plus an additional 500 bahts for departure tax from Bangkok, (which you pay whatever airline you travel), its a grand total of 3115.86 Thai baths - less than 155 sing dollars and that brings me to Bangkok plus Phuket so it's cheap.

If its Bangkok alone, its obscenely cheap at a little over 2100 Thai bahts inclusive or Bangkok airport tax of 500 thai bahts.

You can do similarly for Chiang Mai (or Hatyai) if you sandwich the Chiang Mai (Or Hatyai) in between the Sin-Bkk Sectors and enjoy a stopover in Bangkok which is after all the capital of LOS.

Disadvantage of this is having to fly extra miles from Bangkok when you travel south to Phuket (or Hatyai for those who want to do that) but, its money saved for other expenses!

ITs not for business trips where your time is more valuable than your money.

As for the planning required in your diary and keeping to the schedule, I am not sure I can do it myself. Will have to wait and see when the time comes round. However, at these prices, the risk is minimal and the savings considerable.

This ultra low fare is only for bookings to be made on the internet and cannot be done on the telephone so I was told.

Once confirmed and paid (by credit card), you cannot change so thats your loss if it happens.

Lastly, you can change the name of the passenger in the days before travel. The charge is 50 RM for each name change if it finally comes down to the date and you cannot travel, so its not totally wasted. Its still cheaper than booking last minute.
Old 15-03-2004, 12:57 AM
edkoh2000 edkoh2000 is offline
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Originally posted by hng2000
... and AirAsia doesn't serve drinks in cabin, you got to pay for your own drinks, maybe, this is some $$$ they cut down from the ticket. As you can see from Bro Yomun's booking, Ticket+Airport Tax+Insurance+Admin Fee (no food & beverage) rite .

Yes...the food and drinks are not free but very affordable. Keep some baht ready on your return trip because they take baht only.
Old 15-03-2004, 12:59 AM
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I just check the website on Airasia again and yes for the month of April, lots of tickets on most dates are selling as high as $2300 baht one way. That is quite expensive but I guess maybe it is because of the Thai New Year and Good Friday.

If they sell too high, then people will just go back to Swiss Air and Thai Airways. I will only go to them if they are much cheaper than regular airlines. If about the same, I will not go to them.
Old 15-03-2004, 11:54 PM
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I just booked for my family of four for travel during the June school holidays.
Per person fares are 499Baht each way = 998 Baht return.
Taxes/insurance/admin/security charges per person totaled 637 Baht.
Add 500 Baht per person for the Bkk airport tax and the total will be 2155 Baht or approximately S$95/-.
Very substantial savings indeed (at least S$600/-) for a family of four.
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Old 16-03-2004, 01:39 AM
Peter_North Peter_North is offline
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Originally posted by phenom
I just booked for my family of four for travel during the June school holidays.
Per person fares are 499Baht each way = 998 Baht return.
Taxes/insurance/admin/security charges per person totaled 637 Baht.
Add 500 Baht per person for the Bkk airport tax and the total will be 2155 Baht or approximately S$95/-.
Very substantial savings indeed (at least S$600/-) for a family of four.
So you going to leave BKK at 7 in the morning ???
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