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Old 15-12-2004, 10:00 AM
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Re: Bangkok DIY...via BTS & Subway

Originally Posted by Bonker911
It's a ocean of choice there. Why stick to only one? The danger is you'll get `hooked' on the gal who may turn out to be a shark
u're funny, bonker .....
i dun mind shark ..... at least i can have shark fin ...

joke aside ..... u think one can get real serious with these gals ???
Old 15-12-2004, 10:35 AM
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Re: Bangkok DIY...via BTS & Subway

Originally Posted by chinaboy
u're funny, bonker .....
i dun mind shark ..... at least i can have shark fin ...

joke aside ..... u think one can get real serious with these gals ???
Never underestimate the powers of Tom Yam Kung!! These girls are really masters at what the do....Beware dun fall headlong into a KC trap.
Old 15-12-2004, 10:54 AM
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Re: Vary & Be Merry

Originally Posted by sex_maniac
Why cant stick to only one?
wanna play dont scared, scared dont play.
nope ... it's not about being scared ...
if u're gonna get it ... it doesn't matter whether it's one or ten ...

Originally Posted by cummings
Never underestimate the powers of Tom Yam Kung!! These girls are really masters at what the do....Beware dun fall headlong into a KC trap.
thanks for the advise, cummings .... will take special precautious of it ...
BTW .... what's a KC trap ???

Old 15-12-2004, 04:38 PM
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Re: Vary & Be Merry

Originally Posted by chinaboy
thanks for the advise, cummings .... will take special precautious of it ...
BTW .... what's a KC trap ???

Kc= Kum Cheng. Some of them are masters of playing with emotions. Normally you wont feel it there, only when you come back the withdrawal symptoms kicks in. Then must go cold turkey.
Old 16-12-2004, 12:11 PM
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Re: Vary & Be Merry

Originally Posted by Cummings
Kc= Kum Cheng. Some of them are masters of playing with emotions. Normally you wont feel it there, only when you come back the withdrawal symptoms kicks in. Then must go cold turkey.
Thanks bro cummings .....

i will be careful ..... but emotions is something not easy to control ...
Old 17-01-2005, 12:46 PM
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Re: Bangkok DIY...via BTS & Subway

Just to update on the MP sites. The MPs and its location are shown in the BTS/MRT maps and are self-explanatory, so I keep the description short and sharp.
At Huay Kwang MRT Stattion: Nataree, Mirage, Hi-Class, Emmanuelle
Caesars, Colonze2. Poseidon is within walking distance towards the next MRT Station,Merchant Court Had been renamed as Swissotel ?.
At Phra Ram 9 MRT Station: Champ Elysee, New Cleopatra
At Sukomvit MRT/ Asoke BTS Stations: This is one of a cross point where you can switch from BTS Station to MRT Station, must check out and walk down about, equivalent to 5 storey staircases. Darling is along Sukhumvit Road.

So with these Maps you can DIY for MPs in Bangkok with ease……………….
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Old 17-01-2005, 02:10 PM
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Re: Bangkok DIY...via BTS & Subway

Here is a list of Cards from Bangkok Massage Palour.
If you want to keep, save it in the picture format and not the threads.

Name Cards of MP in Bangkok

Emmauelle MP

Mirage MP

Caesar MP

Catherine MP

Biwa Turkish Bath

Juliana Health Centre

2000 Victoria’s Secret

Versailles MP

Galaxy MP

Monalisa MP

Bangkok Cozy MP

Riviera Turkish Bath

Osaka Turkish Bath

New Cleopatra

Chaophya 2 MP

Hope this will of better helps to newbies - cut these picture and show it to taxi driver to bring you there. Else follow the BTS/MRT maps (in previous post) and topo it yourself.

Old 17-01-2005, 04:31 PM
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Re: Bangkok DIY...via BTS & Subway

Just came back from BKK last night and i really would like to thank bro Vmtech and bro Naemlo for advising me on where to go for the bars, seafood and MPs.

Sad to say, didn't had the chance to visit a-go-go bars...our company got tied up with tour agents and my chiong colleagues are all too bz with the planned left with just me alone..hence didn't went there.

With so much seafood centres to choose from and didn't know which 1 to go to, we end up with this place in Ratchada called Kor Khoon Pao, as described by the waitress. atmosphere not too bad, not ex also, but service very slow. ask for khao, duno must wait for 1/2 hr then arrive...even want to ask for bill they also like to take their own sweet time...sigh... ...but good food has been compensated for all the flaws.

Wanted to go to Mirage, asked the taxi driver, he him the addy, still got no clue on where is it. then he drove past Poseidon, quickly ask him to stop...cant find mirage, so settle with Poseidon lor. But it's good enough also lah. Had 198 for myself....can't remember who the rest of my colleagues had cos i'm the 1st 1 to go up. Must say it's definitely worth it for 2000 THB.
Must give model club a try if i were to go back there again.

b.t.w, we went to Hollywood on the 1st night, super happening leh. lotsa chicks but didn't managed to hook ourselves with any of just mainly there for a drink, dance and enjoy the live concert shows. Really good entertainment.

And err...Was reading up this thread and somewhere, i think bro Sornporn said prices between mrt, bts and taxi not much diff. Ya, given the comfort in a the meter jumps so slow, some more got no midnite charges...still a relatively good deal. But when traffic flow starts to built up, dun think it's a good idea to take taxis..mrt/bts is always smoother for that case.

Think that's about it for my F.R.

Old 17-01-2005, 06:36 PM
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Re: Bangkok DIY...via BTS & Subway

If you go to Bangkok once in a blue moon or once year, rellied on taxi is alright. However if you been there too often and still depends on this mode of transport, you are going to miss a lot of nice places which you are unlikely to explore. Earlier I had also being too dependance on taxi, cheap,fast and comfort lor, but unless you can converse in their language else will sometimes still ended up at wong locations. Being non-Thai speaking visitor there, now I am able to travel freely to the location I want via their public, I can stretch my cashs to cover more exciting places perhaps...................hehehe.
Old 17-01-2005, 06:59 PM
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Re: Bangkok DIY...via BTS & Subway

Ya...pros and cons lor. Most of all that you'll miss definitely have to be all the thai beauties

did anybody visit bkk over last weekend? been to bkk for a couple of times and this time actually has the best weather of all. it was so cold walking on the streets. Temp think ranging from 18-20?
Old 17-01-2005, 07:04 PM
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Re: Bangkok DIY...via BTS & Subway

i was in bkk and went lopburi from 1st till 8th jan. weather is cold at night, one of the coldest night i have experience there. cause i stay in guesthouses in kao san, no hot shower, in the end got a cold.

btw, just saw on TV, there is a accident with the subway (MRT) in bkk

Old 17-01-2005, 07:16 PM
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Re: Bangkok DIY...via BTS & Subway

ya...just heard from my colleagues also. But dunno how serious is it.

Hope all my thai fellowmates are a-okay
Old 17-01-2005, 07:21 PM
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Re: Bangkok DIY...via BTS & Subway

I had heard of MRT (Subway) breakdowns during my last trip hence I cut short of exploring every stations of these sub-way lines.

2 years ago, I bought a RM270 unlimited BTS tickets lasted for 3 days to explore the 'interesting' place around the BTS stations. That time, I really got times so go on OMO mode and got familiarize with buidlings in the vicinity of these BTS stations.

As for MRT or subway exploration, I think I need the operation there to solve their teething problems before riding again, else I will find myself stranded in one of these underground stations liao...........hehehe..
Old 17-01-2005, 07:52 PM
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Re: Bangkok DIY...via BTS & Subway

Up to 200 hurt in Thai subway accident

BANGKOK - A subway train slammed into another one that stopped at a station during morning rush hour on Monday, injuring as many as 200 people, six months after the subway system opened in the Thai capital.

Rescue workers rush an injured passenger to a waiting ambulance. The accident occurred when a train slammed into another one that was preparing to leave the station. -- AP

Up to 200 hurt in Thai subway accident
Ex-Chinese Communist Party chief Zhao Ziyang dead
Some of the victims were bleeding as rescue workers carried them up the stairs of the Cultural Center station to ambulances.

Others, dazed and crying, were helped up the stairs to the street.

The badly injured driver of one of the trains was trapped in the wreckage until rescue workers pulled him out, said Ms Yupadee Srinak, spokeswoman for the underground train service.

An executive of the company managing the system said that an initial investigation found that the accident resulted from a computer problem.

'The signal from the computer that controls the trains was disappearing from time to time, and there was no computer signal at the time of the accident' said Mr Praphat Jongsanguan.

The number of people injured, initially reported to be in the dozens, climbed as hospitals reported new admissions.

In all, hospital officials reported that about 190 people had been hurt.

Thailand's transport and communication minister Suriya Jungrungreunkij has ruled out the possibility of sabotage by terrorists.

Soon after the accident, service was suspended at all 21 stations in the subway system.

The new subway system was opened to the public in July, linking at three stations with elevated rail lines launched in 1999 to alleviate Bangkok's notoriously heavy traffic. -- AP
.................................................. .................................................. ............................................
Old 17-01-2005, 11:57 PM
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Re: Bangkok DIY...via BTS & Subway

Just saw the accident in tonight TV News, a very serious one and very frightening inj more injuring more than 200 office commuters. Look like sky train is safer than underground MRT. I used to stop at Thai Cultural Centre and walk to Carrerforre and Robinson for my meals before proceed further up to Nataree and others MPs near Huay Kwang MRT station. For the time being better take taxi for this stretch of road.
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