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Old 25-05-2005, 11:35 PM
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Re: Mae Sai, Thailand

Dear Bro Lucifier,

thx u for everything. Really appreciate your advise.

Countdown - 9 days more... hehe

Bro TRick
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Old 26-05-2005, 08:13 AM
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Re: Mae Sai, Thailand

hmm bros, in that case how much do u all recommand bringing in cash ?
taking that i'll be going to chiangrai via bkk and den to maesai, after which i'll be going to kengtong
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Old 26-05-2005, 09:10 AM
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Re: Mae Sai, Thailand

As an aside, I was in Mae Sai more than 10 years ago on a drive around in my hired jeep.

Noticed that there were many pretty ladies crossing over on their honda motobikes carrying a small bag and they all head to one of the hotels on the Thai side and go up the elevators.

My feeling was that these were Burmese girls coming over to serve Thai clients who check into the hotel on the Mae Sai Thai side of the border. Anyone knows about this?

I spent most of my day in the Mai Sai Resort drinking beer and just lazing around as I was not much of a cheongster then.
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Old 26-05-2005, 01:08 PM
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Re: Mae Sai, Thailand

Originally Posted by vmtech
hmm bros, in that case how much do u all recommand bringing in cash ?
taking that i'll be going to chiangrai via bkk and den to maesai, after which i'll be going to kengtong
1. Air ticket : BKK - Chiangrai = 1500 B to 2200 B ( Orient Thai , Air Asia or Thai Air Way )
2. Car rental : ChiangRai Airport 1300 B plus car insurance 100 plus B = 1400 B.
3.Hotel Chiang Rai : 1600 B 1200 B 800 B or less or guesthouse.(400B to 700B)
4.Hotel Mae Sai Town : Wang Thong 900B to 1500B. Top North Hotel 300-600B. Guest House 120B to 500B.

Where is Kengtong ? Can not find in the map. Near Laos or Myanmar ?
Old 26-05-2005, 11:02 PM
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Re: Mae Sai, Thailand

Originally Posted by microstar
Where is Kengtong ? Can not find in the map. Near Laos or Myanmar ?
KengTung is somewhere north of Tachileik in Myanmar. How far away I do not know

Might be going up to MaeSai again in July (my leave is still pending for approval ) and from there will proceed to Yangoon to apply my GF passport.
Old 27-05-2005, 12:37 AM
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Re: Mae Sai, Thailand

Hi Bro VMTech,

when u going up to Tachielek? Me going on 4th. Wanna join in? I will be bring up $1.5k for 6 days. I am taking Thai airway that cost total $453 as of yesterday. Since it is my virgin trip going up and is alone, hence take no risk.

Bro Bikee,

Te passport cost $50 000 baht right? and take 1 week processing time.
My turn will come by this year too.. maybe need your advise again then.

Countdown 8 more days..... hehee

Bro TRick
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Old 27-05-2005, 01:32 PM
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Re: Mae Sai, Thailand

Originally Posted by trick
Hi Bro VMTech,

Te passport cost $50 000 baht right? and take 1 week processing time.
My turn will come by this year too.. maybe need your advise again then.

Countdown 8 more days..... hehee

Bro TRick
Latest news is that the passport will not cost more than $7000baht.

Will PM you tonite for the contact in Yangoon to do the passport. There are 2 company doing it and it take slightly more that a week to process.

My GF's friend just applied her passport there but due to no contact over there. Kena ketook RM$8000 to do 1 passport.

Old 27-05-2005, 02:40 PM
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Re: Mae Sai, Thailand

Originally Posted by bikee69
Latest news is that the passport will not cost more than $7000baht.

Will PM you tonite for the contact in Yangoon to do the passport. There are 2 company doing it and it take slightly more that a week to process.

My GF's friend just applied her passport there but due to no contact over there. Kena ketook RM$8000 to do 1 passport.


Can pm me as well on your contacts in Yangon to make passport? I should be going to KengTung next weekend and stay there for about a week.

Old 27-05-2005, 04:46 PM
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Re: Mae Sai, Thailand

Originally Posted by bikee69
Latest news is that the passport will not cost more than $7000baht.

Will PM you tonite for the contact in Yangoon to do the passport. There are 2 company doing it and it take slightly more that a week to process.

My GF's friend just applied her passport there but due to no contact over there. Kena ketook RM$8000 to do 1 passport.

Hi, interested in your Yangon contact for passport too, been trying to find out how to get one for my girl, do PM me if possible. Was in Hatyai last month, met a traditional massage girl, speak good mandarin, says she also from Tachilek, tell me passport can be done in Tachilek for about 10000 bahts, any brothers here can verify?

Old 27-05-2005, 07:56 PM
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Re: Mae Sai, Thailand

Originally Posted by microstar
1. Air ticket : BKK - Chiangrai = 1500 B to 2200 B ( Orient Thai , Air Asia or Thai Air Way )
2. Car rental : ChiangRai Airport 1300 B plus car insurance 100 plus B = 1400 B.
3.Hotel Chiang Rai : 1600 B 1200 B 800 B or less or guesthouse.(400B to 700B)
4.Hotel Mae Sai Town : Wang Thong 900B to 1500B. Top North Hotel 300-600B. Guest House 120B to 500B.

Where is Kengtong ? Can not find in the map. Near Laos or Myanmar ?

Kengtung should not be more than 200 km north of Tachiliek. It is around half-way between Tachiliek and Mong La. Mong La is a border town on the Myanmar side with China at the other side. Heard that Mong La is quite a sleazy town. Used to has gals and casino to attract the wealthy Chinese across the border to come over to gamble. But few year ago, there is a big crackdown. I dun know the status now. Any bros here who is going to Kengtung, and might want to visit Mong La, please update yours finding here. But take note, you might need to obtain permit at Kengtung if going to Mong La. And I heard that as it is not for international traveller. Only those Chinese and Burmaese can go through the custom here. Any bros here who can clarify on this ?
Old 27-05-2005, 08:05 PM
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Re: Mae Sai, Thailand

Bro Lucifier,

Waiting for your passport news. U are indeed a great help.
My main objective of going up is to know her better, the culture and etc...

The next time i go (most prob in Sept) will be the real thing.

Will need advise on how to bring her over to Sin and all the procedures..... maybe will throw a wedding dinner there soon... lolx. if all goes well

All this will take time... bros having gf there can share with me more on how to maintain good long distance relationship and i sincerely hope that my gf and i can be together at the end of the day.

Bro TRick
I am who I am, Just another POOR Cheongster
Old 28-05-2005, 12:17 AM
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Re: Mae Sai, Thailand

Yo bro Trick, i am not giong up that soon though.. my gf might be going to yangoon to study or sorts.. still trying to arrange with her.

btw, i heard from diff people the cost of making passports. some say 300-400USD, some say 5000SGD, and now some say a few thousand baht.
is there diff kind of passport? lol.

please enlighten me, afterall, we're kindda in a same situation.. would be great if in future we could all end up together with our gals in SG and maybe meet up and TCSS!

Regarding the contacts for making passport. is it fine if any of the bros with with legit information, PM me the contacts for making ?

Million thanks !
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Old 28-05-2005, 12:21 AM
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Re: Mae Sai, Thailand

Originally Posted by trick
My main objective of going up is to know her better, the culture and etc...

The next time i go (most prob in Sept) will be the real thing.

Will need advise on how to bring her over to Sin and all the procedures..... maybe will throw a wedding dinner there soon... lolx. if all goes well

same thing bro.
Wont be doing the real thing yet, need to know her place and her more.

may i ask which part of myanmar does ur gal stay in ?
mine's in the ULU Kengtong.. haiz, call her danm hard. internal dailing, call liao have to wait 30-40 mins for someone to get her in her home, b4 i can talk to her.

calling tehre also damn ex.
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Old 28-05-2005, 12:37 AM
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Re: Mae Sai, Thailand

Hi Bro VMTech,

My gal parents also stay in Kengtong (real parents). Now she stay in Tacheleik Town, 5min distance from border..hehe.. i call her everyday cause she using +66 (thai line and i think 018 is toll free..else.. i die). She will meet me at Mae Sai and she will send someone with a valid passport to Chiangrai airport to pick me. Everything arranged, now waiting for the big day.

Most prob will stay 3 days in Mae Sai and 2 days in Tacheleik Town.

I will be meeting the parents that she stay with this coming visit. (very complex thingy)

Any suggestion wat to buy for their parents and sibling?

Bro TRick
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Old 28-05-2005, 03:38 AM
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Re: Mae Sai, Thailand

Originally Posted by Suriyothai
passport can be done in Tachilek for about 10000 bahts, any brothers here can verify?
Originally Posted by vmtech
btw, i heard from diff people the cost of making passports. some say 300-400USD, some say 5000SGD, and now some say a few thousand baht.
is there diff kind of passport?
Just met up with my colleague's brother who stay in Yangon and ask him a few question about the above issue.

1. Passport can only apply at Yangon. Don't trust any body who said they can apply the passport else where unless you are brave enough to pass him your money.

2. As for the different in cost for applying the passport, it is due to the under table money and whether or not your GF holds Myanmar IC. He pay less then S$100 to get his passport. if you GF can speak and write burmese and hold Myanmar IC, that will be the cheapest. Otherwise you need pay some FINE to do the work.

Of cause if you got no lobang and don't speak Burmese. You will be paying the most
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