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Old 04-06-2007, 04:18 PM
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Re: Finally DirtyHairy Finds An Extremely Responsive Bonking Lady

Originally Posted by dirtyhairy View Post
Yo Bro TsingTao.
sollee me cannot read, as me Chinese "pu hao"
from wat I see, yr peotry pee wah hao
so how about translating it to English, hao pu Hao, yo Tsingtao?
Yo 大哥 Brudder Hairy

你的英语是very steady

看看瞄瞄一些性感的 PRC

要是打过力 就要看 “米斯“ (Nurse)
我国古代的原始啤酒可能也有4000至5000年的历史,但是市场消费的啤酒是到十九世纪末随帝国主义洋枪 洋炮一起进来的,在中国建立最早的啤酒厂是俄国人在哈尔滨八王子建立的乌卢布列夫斯基啤酒厂,此后五年时间 里,俄国、德国、捷克分别在哈尔滨建立另外三家啤酒厂而我国成了名符其实的啤酒大国。
Old 04-06-2007, 05:07 PM
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Re: Finally DirtyHairy Finds An Extremely Responsive Bonking Lady

damn we really have very talented bros here..........

both in sexual technics..... and in other aspects hahaha
Life's short so fuck hard
Old 04-06-2007, 05:11 PM
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Re: Finally DirtyHairy Finds An Extremely Responsive Bonking Lady

Originally Posted by hotdick69 View Post
damn we really have very talented bros here..........

both in sexual technics..... and in other aspects hahaha
yalor......shu, qin, shi, hua.....all can......
member of the kaypoh clan.......
Old 04-06-2007, 10:19 PM
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Re: Finally DirtyHairy Finds An Extremely Responsive Bonking Lady

Originally Posted by Tsingtao View Post
Yo 大哥 Brudder Hairy


Yo big big brudder Hairy
My England hor, no good and of no use
But me hor can tell you
Here in this Forum, many brudders sure lah can come to your rescue

While your England sure is very steady
My Huayu is oroso very pretty
Here in this Forum, though dirty
We two could become buddies

Please tell me when you’ll be free
Let’s go to Geylang limp kopi
Look look see see those sexy PRC
If there aren’t any
We can go home PCC

PCC ok, but not too excessively
Or we’ll end up having to see a “Missy”(Nurse)
Followed by two days of MC
And returning home feeling malu and wanting to mati
Old 04-06-2007, 11:03 PM
dirtyhairy dirtyhairy is offline
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Talking Re: Finally DirtyHairy Finds An Extremely Responsive Bonking Lady

Yo Bro Tsingtao thanks for the nice poem
and to Bro Lopo for your kind translation
also for the warm invitation to leem kopi
but the OC now she very suspicious of me
especially if I go to GL to meet frens and kakis
Me scared to upset her bcos her daddy
was former "lao-tah" with frens from gangs O8 or 24
if kenna caught tiko-ing PRCs, me aledi very small didi
sure kenna cut/chop up and reduced to one so tiny
that even Mickey Mouse's gal fren Minnie will laugh at me!:
Old 05-06-2007, 11:15 AM
dirtyhairy dirtyhairy is offline
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Talking Re: Finally DirtyHairy Finds An Extremely Responsive Bonking Lady

Yo Bro Tsingtao thanks for the nice poem
and to Bro Lopo for your kind translation
also for the warm invitation to leem kopi
but the OC now she very suspicious of me
especially if I go to GL to meet frens and kakis
Me scared to upset her bcos her daddy
was former "lao-tah" with frens from gangs kong peht 0(8) or ji si (24)
if kenna caught tiko-ing PRCs, me aledi very small didi
sure kenna cut/chop up and reduced to one so tiny
that even Mickey Mouse's gal fren Minnie will laugh at me.
Old 05-06-2007, 03:27 PM
laodi123456789 laodi123456789 is offline
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Re: Finally DirtyHairy Finds An Extremely Responsive Bonking Lady

I really like this thread
about this wonderful story from dirtyhairy
It makes me very excited to read
about how he met Hui Hui his book show fairy

I don't understand the spectacle trick
Do you need to see to go to the toilet?
Its good to see all the poets come out
heart stirring passions will surely cause a rout


Alone this line does not rhyme
Unless you have the time
Alone this line.......
does not rhyme
Old 05-06-2007, 05:09 PM
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Talking Re: Finally DirtyHairy Finds An Extremely Responsive Bonking Lady

Originally Posted by laodi123456789 View Post
I don't understand the spectacle trick
Do you need to see to go to the toilet?
Yo Bro Laodi, with the extended numeric
you ask about why the need to go toilet ala the spectacle trick
the loo is good excuse to strip/bare yourself (remember me got abs)
while the specs on table is to see how far will she go as a guage to tell
but some lucky ones dun even have think of anything, what the hell
they just clicked like the ONS, as some of you heroes aledi know so well
Old 06-06-2007, 09:59 AM
laodi123456789 laodi123456789 is offline
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Re: Finally DirtyHairy Finds An Extremely Responsive Bonking Lady

Originally Posted by dirtyhairy View Post
Yo Bro Laodi, with the extended numeric
you ask about why the need to go toilet ala the spectacle trick
the loo is good excuse to strip/bare yourself (remember me got abs)
while the specs on table is to see how far will she go as a guage to tell
but some lucky ones dun even have think of anything, what the hell
they just clicked like the ONS, as some of you heroes aledi know so well

Oh... dirtyhairy of the six pack
That's why there is no ONS to be found
My gut is like a camel's back
I dun have spectacles to leave around

Well there was one ONS
She was a poor lay
who slowly became a big pest
So now I must stay away awwwwwaayyyyyy awwwwwwwaayyyyyyyyy
Old 06-06-2007, 04:45 PM
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Re: Finally DirtyHairy Finds An Extremely Responsive Bonking Lady


These threads with all the poets are damn funny
Really make my day

Tiên học lễ, hậu học văn
Old 06-06-2007, 05:26 PM
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Re: Finally DirtyHairy Finds An Extremely Responsive Bonking Lady

Originally Posted by dirtyhairy View Post
It was sheer luck for me when I chanced upon a beautiful PRC lady visiting Singapore this week during the World Book Fair at SunTec City. There I was trying to look for some English-Chinese dictionary when I spotted her browsing books among the shelves.
Oh man!! some people just have all the luck

But great encounter no doubt. kudos for the great write up
Old 07-06-2007, 11:24 AM
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Talking Re: Finally DirtyHairy Finds An Extremely Responsive Bonking Lady

Originally Posted by laodi123456789 View Post
Oh... dirtyhairy of the six pack
That's why there is no ONS to be found
My gut is like a camel's back
I dun have spectacles to leave around
Well there was one ONS
She was a poor lay
who slowly became a big pest
So now I must stay away awwwwwaayyyyyy awwwwwwwaayyyyyyyyy
Yo Bro Laodi with the long numeric,
actually me abs only cum with a pack of 4 instead of six
but sumtimes when we sian chabo we should do it wth abit of wit
so even if no specs, you could try removing your dentuures
which should reduce her to a laughing seizure
but seriously wat I was trying to share
is to play it cool, dun be over eager but do show that for her you care
the rest is up to you
bcos good sex is ONLY possible between willing partners not one but two
Old 07-06-2007, 12:42 PM
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Re: Finally DirtyHairy Finds An Extremely Responsive Bonking Lady

Originally Posted by dirtyhairy View Post
Yo Bro Laodi with the long numeric,
actually me abs only cum with a pack of 4 instead of six
but sumtimes when we sian chabo we should do it wth abit of wit
so even if no specs, you could try removing your dentuures
which should reduce her to a laughing seizure
but seriously wat I was trying to share
is to play it cool, dun be over eager but do show that for her you care
the rest is up to you
bcos good sex is ONLY possible between willing partners not one but two

Some might call me a boor
thats why I service my own woody
Witty Dirtyhairy who only has a pack of four
Please share how you sculpt your body

We must be cool to get our dates
Don't let our jaw drop to the floor
Nose bleeding all over our faces
Denture removal is not possible some more

Sharing is caring
Good sex is is between a willing person and his partner
And the other 8 or 9 ladies watching
so long Dirtyhairy, the ultimate bonker!
Old 07-06-2007, 01:07 PM
dirtyhairy dirtyhairy is offline
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Talking Re: Finally DirtyHairy Finds An Extremely Responsive Bonking Lady

Originally Posted by laodi123456789 View Post
Some might call me a boor
thats why I service my own woody
Witty Dirtyhairy who only has a pack of four
Please share how you sculpt your body
We must be cool to get our dates
Don't let our jaw drop to the floor
Nose bleeding all over our faces
Denture removal is not possible some more
Sharing is caring
Good sex is is between a willing person and his partner
And the other 8 or 9 ladies watching
so long Dirtyhairy, the ultimate bonker!
Yo Bro Laodi,
woh such humility
You ask how a laobaby like me
who's 60 going 70 sculpt me body
me actually do 100 push-ups and 100 sit-ups daily
when sitting down, do stomach xcise whenever possible, inhaling freely
anyway me no ultimate bonker,
just a bluddy horny forum brudder
but seriously oso not a sex exhibitionist
as I cant do it being watched by 8/9 ladies!
Old 07-06-2007, 04:07 PM
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Re: Finally DirtyHairy Finds An Extremely Responsive Bonking Lady

Bro dirtyhairy who is 60 plus
you put me to shame with your physical tone
At most I can only do three pushups
then collapse like a piece of... it must rhyme... bone

I swill down the alcohol
that gives me ballooning gut and a fat face
suck up the cholesterol
because I chomp on the carbohydrates

Oh how I want have no lard
But I am too fucking lazy
Exercising is way to hard
Much easier to watch TV
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