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Old 21-04-2008, 02:30 PM
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Re: Sexcapades in Shenzhen - SSHHA Exclusive Club - <Matured Audience Only> -

Originally Posted by Sperminator View Post
As I do travel very often away from CHINA, Shenzhen, I am usually not in Shenzhen city for a good 6 months at a time...

I would certainly love to meet up with all of you guys in Shenzhen, for me to share with you some of the interesting stories that had happened in the past...

I have not regreted leaving Singapore for a better life, as indeed, life is much better when I am in Shenzhen...
so bro u around 25 Apr? me will be there for a night... on way to BJ joining pp like u getting employment in china.
Old 22-04-2008, 01:22 AM
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Re: Sexcapades in Shenzhen - SSHHA Exclusive Club - <Matured Audience Only> -

Hi all,
This DumbAss been in China for the last 10 years. Guangdong province for the past 2 years.
Get into Shenzhen once a month just to change the scenery a little.
Will be in SZ 3rd week of May. Anyone care to meet up?
Damn! I'm Dumb.
Old 22-04-2008, 01:39 AM
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Re: Sexcapades in Shenzhen - SSHHA Exclusive Club - <Matured Audience Only> -

Originally Posted by Risis View Post
Hello brother Sperm,

Wow okay seems like you suffered from the fallout in Singapore in the crisis period. Yeah I think Singapore has a bit more way to go before they can eventually rival HK or China. The government now know this for a fact.

Anyway on foreign talents, I guess you are right. I am a very strong Asian Expatriate supporter. The Gweilous whom think they are kings and bloody smart asses are now realising that the growth of the Asian Expatriates is a thin of reckoning to them. Singaporeans are sought after as we are dual language blessed and we understand the asian culture. Being a Singaporean, I am proud of that fact and frankly, a lot of so called foreign talents from Europe and US are 3rd rate at best. And for those that are called first class, all they know is how business is done in other continents and thinking that these culture and work practices would be the best. Plus the occasional reading up books or going to a university to read subjects on culture and attempt to measure and twist it.

I think these are not things in which you can learn no matter how many book one reads. It is this arrogance that gives us the ability to rise rapidly. I think in the next 5 years, more asian expatriates will take up senior roles and push these 3rd rate talents out.

One thing i do realise about singaporeans, in general, a lot of singaporeans are happy to stay at home and very few venture out of boundaries. Singaporeans have a lot to offer Asia. I think many do not realise this yet.
Dear Bro Risis,

You are absolutely right...

Approximately 9 years ago, during 1999, I was ready to persue the Singapore Dream, armed with a B.Eng degree, went into the work force... and realized that many jobs are dead end...

During 1999 till 2000s, these years were the toughest for any young graduates to find good jobs... mostly were deadend jobs.

From there, I begin to realize that the Singaporean dream is dead... no matter how hard one pushes themselves to do well, one would meet up with many deadends...

For example, even after studying ways of how to prosper yourself, I realized that in Singapore, many things are controlled.

One of the examples are Property, as in USA, it's possilble to buy properties with no downpayments, and everything could be leveraged by BANKS, and if you balance your act correctly, you could make a decent income... in Singapore, properties are highly regulated, and prices inflated... causing rentals to be too low to finance the housing.

In CHINA, there exist such opportunities, but anticipated that by end of this year, there would be a huge property slump in pricing... making some committing suicide.

Talking about foreign talents... first of all, if their own country is doing well, there is absolutely no need for them to travel half the globe to start a new life in Singapore right? But in my humble opinion, somehow, the people in white thinks that ANG MO = INTELLIGENCE

Not quite, I've travelled all across the globe to conclude that this is not the case.

The Chinese Economy does require talents, like Singaporean, because of our duality in language natures, and our culture, makes us ideal to be absorbed into the Chinese Economy...

Speaking English, and Chinese, reading two kinds of language does make Singaporean an advantageous asset...

But most importantly of all, followingly the communism management culture easily, because most of the men in Singapore been to the military does help alot....

From my experience, Singaporean Chinese will prosper alot in China, as they are considered as an asset in any Chinese Companies that are thinking of exportation worldwide...

Right now, International Marketing position are in huge demand in China, as they are beginning to form up their own International Marketing Division, and it's Singaporean that have the strongest advantage for such jobs, especially in developing the European, USA, and Latin American Markets...

ANG MOs are no longer required for such positions.

In fact in most Chinese companies, I don't see much ANG MOs holding senior positions...

It's also true that Singaporeans have the ability to hold senior positions in Chinese companies, as the culture is perfectly matching, and the advantage of daulity langauges... and best of all, Singaporeans have talents for learning new languages.

I can't comment much about brothers staying in Singapore, but really, it can be difficult for some brothers in Singapore to consider leaving Singapore, when they have huge liabilities, like Housing Loans (which may take a lifetime to finance), car loans which eats away most of their income away, home maintenance, family maintenance, all these sums up, leaving with nothing much to save...

But for those brothers who can afford to come to China to explore their careers... I believe they would be rewarded handsomely...

If you are not treasured in your homelands, it's time to leave, when you arrive to a place where you are treasured, you will be rewarded...

just some of my simple thoughts...

it's the time of SINGAPOREANS in China... the opportunities are NOW or never, as the young Chinese in China are getting fluent in English... the window of opportunity is only 10 years at maximum...

by order of priority ups from first in first up logic.

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Old 22-04-2008, 10:33 AM
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Re: Sexcapades in Shenzhen - SSHHA Exclusive Club - <Matured Audience Only> -

Originally Posted by Sperminator View Post
Dear Bro Risis,

You are absolutely right...

During 1999 till 2000s, these years were the toughest for any young graduates to find good jobs... mostly were deadend jobs.

it's the time of SINGAPOREANS in China... the opportunities are NOW or never, as the young Chinese in China are getting fluent in English... the window of opportunity is only 10 years at maximum...

hahah bro sperm, guess you feel the same way I do! Anyway 99-00 period, I came back to Singapore to start my career in the midst of asian financial crisis and ended up starting my career in london actually. but i see so many of my cohort came back to deadend jobs paying 6.50 an hour and a 2k per month job was like gold dust!... indeed at that time i started working for 6.5 an hour for 1 month and I can remember how i would think of the futile efforts and how even a 3-room flat was out of my reach!!! haha

I think China does have it's pros and cons. For people with engineering background like yourself, this is the skills needed in China and you are right - the window is more towards 15 years for the next generation now to rise up and join the workforce. This will increase the number of english speaking PRC and in turn reduce demand of foreign talents. Unlike Singapore, China has absolutely no wish for foreign talents at all, if they hired a singaporean or gweilous, it is because they want to learn the network and the logics behind it and then they remove you when the next chinese become available. Gweilous have very little value for the simple reason that every company internationally is trying to come to china, gone are the days when gweilous can be "culture experts" or business enablers. Singaporeans serve this EXACT purpose killing them as they can do direct via Alibaba or other international website!

So yeah fellow brothers here that go to China now would become the pioneers, but building an exit plan is essential as the chinese PRC cannot be trusted tho! just my 2 cents worth!
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Old 22-04-2008, 10:42 AM
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Re: Sexcapades in Shenzhen - SSHHA Exclusive Club - <Matured Audience Only> -

Originally Posted by Risis View Post
...So yeah fellow brothers here that go to China now would become the pioneers, but building an exit plan is essential as the chinese PRC cannot be trusted tho! just my 2 cents worth!
True true
Old 22-04-2008, 11:23 AM
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Re: Sexcapades in Shenzhen - SSHHA Exclusive Club - <Matured Audience Only> -

Originally Posted by Risis View Post
hahah bro sperm, guess you feel the same way I do! Anyway 99-00 period, I came back to Singapore to start my career in the midst of asian financial crisis and ended up starting my career in london actually. but i see so many of my cohort came back to deadend jobs paying 6.50 an hour and a 2k per month job was like gold dust!... indeed at that time i started working for 6.5 an hour for 1 month and I can remember how i would think of the futile efforts and how even a 3-room flat was out of my reach!!! haha

I think China does have it's pros and cons. For people with engineering background like yourself, this is the skills needed in China and you are right - the window is more towards 15 years for the next generation now to rise up and join the workforce. This will increase the number of english speaking PRC and in turn reduce demand of foreign talents. Unlike Singapore, China has absolutely no wish for foreign talents at all, if they hired a singaporean or gweilous, it is because they want to learn the network and the logics behind it and then they remove you when the next chinese become available. Gweilous have very little value for the simple reason that every company internationally is trying to come to china, gone are the days when gweilous can be "culture experts" or business enablers. Singaporeans serve this EXACT purpose killing them as they can do direct via Alibaba or other international website!

So yeah fellow brothers here that go to China now would become the pioneers, but building an exit plan is essential as the chinese PRC cannot be trusted tho! just my 2 cents worth!
Dear Risis brother,

I can't help but quote everything you say all over...

Your experience is what many young Singaporean Experienced.

Talking about CHAM, I even remembered having a SGD 1,000 pay job selling Specialty Printers... fuck, those were the miserable days... also working as a Telephone Operator in Starhub... KNN!!! CCB!!! Earning like SGD 7 per hour as a customer service operator... hearing all the cheebye excuses for not paying money, and complaints on "Eh, why you cut my line (when that fucker owe Starhub thousands of dollars)"

Talking about decent job, KNN, girlfriend also run away from me! CCB!

Then where got money, when thinking about marriage, KNN, balls shrink! (luckily girlfriend left... haha)

As for Engineering Degree or not, I have already forgotten what I've learnt in Uni, anyways, I'm in the Business Development Line, and it's this kind of job that enable you to go overseas. (Which sadly speaking, not too many of this kind of jobs in Singapore already, all taken by ELITES)

Yes, indeed true, the ANG MO's or KWAI LOUS, the chinese doesn't really like too much about them... Now alot of ANG MO's kenna alot of difficulties while trying to do business in China... haha... because China is awakening... and it didn't forget how the western culture bullied them... remember just a little over 100 years ago, about the 8 UNITED nations (western nations) invading China? China have never forgotten about that...

Talking about PRC not being able to be trusted... 100% right on the spot.

The PRC culture is highly political... just remember that when you are working in a Chinese company, there are many political situation that you have to be aware off...

simple logic... the Chinese have been too hungry for too long, and the top positions are limited... so, in order to climb, politics is part and parcel of the chinese company way of life... which relates to "GUAN XI"

So, building an EXIT PLAN is definitely a good idea. Haha... which I always have.

But if given a choice for the Chinese Company, to choose between a Singaporean or ANG MO, the chances are they will select a SINGAPOREAN!

In my 2 RMB cents worth, NEVER BE TOO TRUSTING to a PRC company... get what you need from the company, and then fuck off... if you do too well, you will incite envy and politics will come your way soon...
by order of priority ups from first in first up logic.

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Old 22-04-2008, 12:40 PM
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Re: Sexcapades in Shenzhen - SSHHA Exclusive Club - <Matured Audience Only> -

Originally Posted by Sperminator View Post
Talking about PRC not being able to be trusted... 100% right on the spot.

The PRC culture is highly political... just remember that when you are working in a Chinese company, there are many political situation that you have to be aware off...

simple logic... the Chinese have been too hungry for too long, and the top positions are limited... so, in order to climb, politics is part and parcel of the chinese company way of life... which relates to "GUAN XI"

So, building an EXIT PLAN is definitely a good idea. Haha... which I always have.

But if given a choice for the Chinese Company, to choose between a Singaporean or ANG MO, the chances are they will select a SINGAPOREAN!

In my 2 RMB cents worth, NEVER BE TOO TRUSTING to a PRC company... get what you need from the company, and then fuck off... if you do too well, you will incite envy and politics will come your way soon...
(basket just type one whole long reply then accidentally close browser...)

Looks like the thread is back alive!! Good to see discussions on work, social and politics in PRC. I myself have been working in Aust for the last 5 yrs, and have clients diverse in backgrounds from Angmos, European, PRC, Indians, and generally speaking the most difficult i have dealt with are those from PRC!! They do not believe in signed contracts, always want to change this change that, come time to pay always never pay full amount (rounding down). Indians would come a close second, and angmo's the easiest to deal with. As long as everything is written down in black and white, they wun try and twist this turn that.

Will be interested to meet any bros currently doing business in SZ/PRC, whatever line they may be in, for tcss.. Make $$, Cheong $$, Enjoy $$, thats what life is all about right??
Old 22-04-2008, 02:44 PM
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Re: Sexcapades in Shenzhen - SSHHA Exclusive Club - <Matured Audience Only> -

Originally Posted by Sperminator View Post
just some of my simple thoughts...

it's the time of SINGAPOREANS in China... the opportunities are NOW or never, as the young Chinese in China are getting fluent in English... the window of opportunity is only 10 years at maximum...

I do agreed with much of what you said but not all. As for the window of opportunities, I don't think is 10yrs max and should be longer like 15-20yrs or even longer. First, look at the current level of english, judging from my experience mixing with top of the cream of the chinese cahoot, I don't see alot of improvements over a gap of few years. I have yet to meet one that is fluent in English from those PhDs, MSc graduates in UK. There should be some in Cambridge, Oxford etc but those are godlike category with some unusual background.

Also not forgotting of the China Emperor attitude in the younger generations (Of course Singapore younger generation isn't very good too) and the legal framework that probably still need much improvement.

Honestly, I do want China to be a superpower (I know a number of Europrean wish for that too, so China can balance off USA) but wary as well. Just look into the history and the people now. They can be mindless and ruthless and is all boils down to the original fault of being suspicious, too much focus into self. Otherwise, China won't have too much internal conflicts throughout history.

Is good that the Tibet issue going on around made China realise that the Westerners don't regards them highly. So now they will worship less of the angmo or anyone white looking people.. lol
Old 22-04-2008, 04:27 PM
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Re: Sexcapades in Shenzhen - SSHHA Exclusive Club - <Matured Audience Only> -

any bro will be in SZ on 25 Apr? care to meet for a drink or two? do PM me. cheers
Old 22-04-2008, 10:43 PM
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Re: Sexcapades in Shenzhen - SSHHA Exclusive Club - <Matured Audience Only> -

Sperm, Junkass, Legend888 and soberguy

hiya bros! and yeah sounds like a good discussion away from chiong for a while but well, being in China, thats a GIVEN that pleasures a aplenty for brothers there without a doubt! haha, I think in general a lot of us are feeling the same way about chao angmoh. I have had my fair share of dealing with indians as well which are very caste driven.

The chinese PRCs are a new force, a new breed. Frankly I think it's cannot live with them... cannot live without them for us more than anything else.

Legend888 - yes bro definitely I would be happy to catch up anytime to botch and moan about life etc etc! hahahahah let organise a get together with the bros here for sure sometime!

Having said all these things abt PRC, Indians, GweiLous etc etc, We singaporeans are not without our own issues as well lah to be fair. Frankly, singaporeans can sometimes want to be angmohs or to be someone else too much. I remembered my life as a student in UK and some singaporeans damn KNNBCCB, try and adopt a slang which sounds ridiculous at best and some of them try and mix only wih angmohs etc etc. Frankly I think there's still a perception by some singaporeans that west is better. Knn i always laugh when i see these people.

If only they check recently the frigging USD exchange rate, and the oil prices shooting up. If only they start to read a bit more and realise that soverign wealth funds that dominates the global markets are actually middle eastern and asian wealth. I think we Asians have a lot to be proud of. And that it is time that we take back what the west plundered from our shores many moons ago! The rise of the Asians! HIP HIP HOORAY!!!!!!!!
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Old 23-04-2008, 04:54 PM
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Re: Sexcapades in Shenzhen - SSHHA Exclusive Club - <Matured Audience Only> -

Originally Posted by Risis View Post
Anyway on foreign talents, I guess you are right. I am a very strong Asian Expatriate supporter. The Gweilous whom think they are kings and bloody smart asses are now realising that the growth of the Asian Expatriates is a thin of reckoning to them. Singaporeans are sought after as we are dual language blessed and we understand the asian culture. Being a Singaporean, I am proud of that fact and frankly, a lot of so called foreign talents from Europe and US are 3rd rate at best. And for those that are called first class, all they know is how business is done in other continents and thinking that these culture and work practices would be the best. Plus the occasional reading up books or going to a university to read subjects on culture and attempt to measure and twist it.

I think these are not things in which you can learn no matter how many book one reads. It is this arrogance that gives us the ability to rise rapidly. I think in the next 5 years, more asian expatriates will take up senior roles and push these 3rd rate talents out.
I frankly don't see this as an Asia vs West issue. There are skilled people in all cultures, be it China, Singapore, Germany, USA or Canada. Successful companies are clear on what any given job requires and then hires the best person for the job regardless of nationality or culture. If being bilingual English/Mandarin is a requirement, then so be it - there are people out there from almost all nations who can fit that bill. As Asian economies develop, it is only natural that citizens of this region step up and assume increasing management responsibilities. The pie is growing bigger and bigger, so a bigger slice for Asia does not mean a loss for anyone else.

There is enough "us vs them" in this world right now (China vs Tibet, USA vs Islam and so on), so I hope we can keep this forum free from it and instead focus on a key Asian value: The love of learning (be it in business, in bed or in school).
Old 23-04-2008, 11:10 PM
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Re: Sexcapades in Shenzhen - SSHHA Exclusive Club - <Matured Audience Only> -

Hi ppl

Going to Dong guan this few days...

Any ktv in DG to rec?

i'm a newbie so hope the bros can help out...

Thanks alot.
Old 04-05-2008, 12:03 PM
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Re: Sexcapades in Shenzhen - SSHHA Exclusive Club - <Matured Audience Only> -

hello brothers, sorry been out of action for a while as I came back to Singapore to spend a bit of time here. Will be back in HK 18th may or so.

Good discussions here so just wanted to see if you guys will be in SZ and we can plan a coffee session or drinks somewhere there and to meet up!
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Old 05-05-2008, 11:36 PM
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Re: Sexcapades in Shenzhen - SSHHA Exclusive Club - <Matured Audience Only> -

Originally Posted by Risis View Post
hello brothers, sorry been out of action for a while as I came back to Singapore to spend a bit of time here. Will be back in HK 18th may or so.

Good discussions here so just wanted to see if you guys will be in SZ and we can plan a coffee session or drinks somewhere there and to meet up!
Bro, will be there maybe 2nd week of june, whats your schedule like?
Old 06-05-2008, 12:37 AM
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anywhere we can get prc young babes?
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