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Old 30-01-2014, 10:33 PM
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Re: Craigslist and other on-line Ladyboys

Originally Posted by g_rider View Post
I will say, in my own defense, that I have submitted FRs in the past:

Truth be told, I can count my "experiences" literally on one hand and most of them I have tried to contribute... in other words, what I want to say is simply that it's not like I am leeching FRs as a free rider, go and book these girls and keep all of these experiences to myself. Those that I have tried, I have shared my experiences. I just don't have that many as yet and I am trying to be more selective I guess...
Fair comments g_rider and I wasnt attacking, but I read you were looking at the three mentioned girls but then we did not hear anything.
Old 30-01-2014, 10:37 PM
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Re: Craigslist and other on-line Ladyboys

Originally Posted by ShanicaLopez View Post
I have to say that I normally dun get involved in these sort of discussions but your, g_rider, are really hilarious. Nice defence. Keep it up guys.

Shanica Lopez
Mistress of Pain & Pleasure
What sot of discussions are you referring to? It was an observation and he took it very well. He needed no defence. What should we keep up?
Old 30-01-2014, 10:42 PM
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Re: Craigslist and other on-line Ladyboys

Originally Posted by ShanicaLopez View Post
I have to say that I normally dun get involved in these sort of discussions but your, g_rider, are really hilarious. Nice defence. Keep it up guys.

Shanica Lopez
Mistress of Pain & Pleasure
This isnt any sort of discussion. An observation that is all.
Old 30-01-2014, 11:50 PM
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Re: Craigslist and other on-line Ladyboys

Originally Posted by sing007 View Post
FR - Isis

Just met Isis again.!D.html

I can only add to my previous reviews on her and some recent ones by a few other guys. She is exceptional.

Isis really gives a great experience that is hard to forget. She is as friendly as ever and really gets into the whole mood of the thing. For me I am not just buying a shag! I need a little more to make it more enjoyable and Isis gives that little bit more.

Isis just oozes sex appeal, and considering options are really thin out there right now I cannot recommend her highly enough.

Super sexy body, pretty face, great personality. She has the whole package.

You might not see her on Craigslist as she says she is being flagged each time she posts. Being popular has its drawbacks in their line of business I guess but I personally think its highly childish and immature to be flagging other girls all the time.

I met Isis todayy and I agree completely to the FR by Bro Sing007. Isis is an experience.
Old 31-01-2014, 01:07 AM
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Re: Craigslist and other on-line Ladyboys

Contemplating between isis and adriana for tomorrow lunch

Both looks super sexy but isis looks slimmer which is my cup of tea.
Will decides tomorrow after I text them and see which one meets my budget
Old 31-01-2014, 10:17 AM
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Re: Craigslist and other on-line Ladyboys

Originally Posted by sing007 View Post
Fair comments g_rider and I wasnt attacking, but I read you were looking at the three mentioned girls but then we did not hear anything.
I never accused you of attacking. As said, I have been vetting my next "adventure" the post you refer to I did indeed contemplate those three, but never ended up choosing.

Look, I appreciate your comments and your inputs. If I have to be completely honest, we are all here to do as we please, some lurk, some are more active, some here to self promote... We are presumably all adults and can make our own choices and conclusions.

I'm not sure why you felt the need to single me out, perhaps it's because I do point out newer LBs and am curious. But is there some crime against being curious?

You're accusation that I don't really contribute has been flatly refuted, as I have provided clear evidence that I have indeed contributed my own fair share of FRs (given my lack of experience).

I don't know why you feel compelled (or who appointed you) the "police" of this thread, but I will say that you come off as quite sanctimonious in your replies. No one forces anyone to contribute anything, and if you do, it does not entitle you to some kind of "virtual badge" to become an enforcer or bully.

Contribute or do not. Live and let live. This space should be one of open discussion (including contribution). You feel the need to try and single people out and place them against your own personal standard of what should be acceptable level of contribution, to which I would say: 1) at least get some of the facts straight and 2) who the heck appointed you lord of this thread?

The logic does not follow, is there some kind of unwritten formula that you would like to share with the rest of this community?: if you contribute 1-2 FRs, you can ask 2 questions, if you've never contributed then you should shut the hell up, if you've done more than 10 FRs you can act like a complete asshole to everyone? No. I totally reject this kind of thinking. Not least of which that this fast becomes a circle jerk and dilutes commentary to the lowest common denominator. We should encourage all kinds and levels of free discussion here. Nothing less, nothing more.

Well I've gotten that off of my chest. I really wanted to bite my tongue and let it pass, but there we have it. Trust me, I have PLENTY more to say on this topic but I will leave it at that.

Let's get on to enjoying this discussion.
Old 31-01-2014, 10:37 AM
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Re: Craigslist and other on-line Ladyboys

Originally Posted by g_rider View Post
I never accused you of attacking. As said, I have been vetting my next "adventure" the post you refer to I did indeed contemplate those three, but never ended up choosing.

Look, I appreciate your comments and your inputs. If I have to be completely honest, we are all here to do as we please, some lurk, some are more active, some here to self promote... We are presumably all adults and can make our own choices and conclusions.

I'm not sure why you felt the need to single me out, perhaps it's because I do point out newer LBs and am curious. But is there some crime against being curious?

You're accusation that I don't really contribute has been flatly refuted, as I have provided clear evidence that I have indeed contributed my own fair share of FRs (given my lack of experience).

I don't know why you feel compelled (or who appointed you) the "police" of this thread, but I will say that you come off as quite sanctimonious in your replies. No one forces anyone to contribute anything, and if you do, it does not entitle you to some kind of "virtual badge" to become an enforcer or bully.

Contribute or do not. Live and let live. This space should be one of open discussion (including contribution). You feel the need to try and single people out and place them against your own personal standard of what should be acceptable level of contribution, to which I would say: 1) at least get some of the facts straight and 2) who the heck appointed you lord of this thread?

The logic does not follow, is there some kind of unwritten formula that you would like to share with the rest of this community?: if you contribute 1-2 FRs, you can ask 2 questions, if you've never contributed then you should shut the hell up, if you've done more than 10 FRs you can act like a complete asshole to everyone? No. I totally reject this kind of thinking. Not least of which that this fast becomes a circle jerk and dilutes commentary to the lowest common denominator. We should encourage all kinds and levels of free discussion here. Nothing less, nothing more.

Well I've gotten that off of my chest. I really wanted to bite my tongue and let it pass, but there we have it. Trust me, I have PLENTY more to say on this topic but I will leave it at that.

Let's get on to enjoying this discussion.

Whilst highly tempted I won't bother. Clearly someone has worked you up in to a frenzy (maybe a few PM's). Your first reply was the right one. Now you have just come off as a douche!

As I said I look forward to more detailed reviews from you actually visiting the girls.
Old 31-01-2014, 10:39 AM
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Re: Craigslist and other on-line Ladyboys

Originally Posted by deathnotee View Post
Contemplating between isis and adriana for tomorrow lunch

Both looks super sexy but isis looks slimmer which is my cup of tea.
Will decides tomorrow after I text them and see which one meets my budget

I suspect the other will be cheaper but value for money would be Isis
Old 31-01-2014, 10:50 AM
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Re: Craigslist and other on-line Ladyboys

Originally Posted by sing007 View Post
Whilst highly tempted I won't bother. Clearly someone has worked you up in to a frenzy (maybe a few PM's). Your first reply was the right one. Now you have just come off as a douche!

As I said I look forward to more detailed reviews from you actually visiting the girls.
No one has worked me up. I am quite calm. I am simply stating the truth. If anyone has come off looking bad it is you.

I would advise you to cut your loses, but it's likely to go unheeded. There isn't any need for me to do anything but state the painfully obvious and which is simply that you are an asshole. Nothing I can say can be any worse, you are your own worst enemy. Sure you've contributed, but so have many other bros without pulling their out their "holier than thou shithead" card.

No one likes a bully. Who needs that? What are we in the 5th grade?

Let's get back to the topics at hand, we've wasted enough time getting sidetracked.
Old 31-01-2014, 11:07 AM
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Re: Craigslist and other on-line Ladyboys

Originally Posted by g_rider View Post
No one has worked me up. I am quite calm. I am simply stating the truth. If anyone has come off looking bad it is you.

I would advise you to cut your loses, but it's likely to go unheeded. There isn't any need for me to do anything but state the painfully obvious and which is simply that you are an asshole. Nothing I can say can be any worse, you are your own worst enemy. Sure you've contributed, but so have many other bros without pulling their out their "holier than thou shithead" card.

No one likes a bully. Who needs that? What are we in the 5th grade?

Let's get back to the topics at hand, we've wasted enough time getting sidetracked.

Well now that you have put me in my place and I am suitably scolded...............

I repeat, I look forward very much to your FR's.
Old 31-01-2014, 11:09 AM
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Re: Craigslist and other on-line Ladyboys

Originally Posted by deathnotee View Post
Thanks for the fr bro! Was all excited to meet her but after reading your fr I think I will give it a miss.
personal preference for slim type too i like tall slim girls
Old 31-01-2014, 11:15 AM
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Re: Craigslist and other on-line Ladyboys

FR - Ariana!D.html

As I believe Ariana is back in town, although keeping fairly low key I wanted to share my experience with her a short while back.

Ariana is exactly like her pictures. She has more of a cute doll like face. Super sexy body and gets hard and stays hard.

Outcall as always as I find that more comfortable. She is very energetic in bed and can hold a decent conversation too.

Decent size down below and nice looking too.

Probably one of the sexiest girls I have come across.

Would definitely see her again. Performance was solid.
Old 31-01-2014, 11:25 AM
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Re: Craigslist and other on-line Ladyboys

Originally Posted by sing007 View Post
FR - Ariana!D.html

As I believe Ariana is back in town, although keeping fairly low key I wanted to share my experience with her a short while back.

Ariana is exactly like her pictures. She has more of a cute doll like face. Super sexy body and gets hard and stays hard.

Outcall as always as I find that more comfortable. She is very energetic in bed and can hold a decent conversation too.

Decent size down below and nice looking too.

Probably one of the sexiest girls I have come across.

Would definitely see her again. Performance was solid.
Thanks for the FR (you big jerk!) ha ha. I hope there aren't any hard feelings, I look forward to contributing more as well.

Out of curiosity (yes, I am a curious one) your FR is quite different than another previous one which claimed that she doesn't look quite like her photos...? Also she doesn't post anything below her waist so I assumed she may have a bit of a tummy?

At any rate, thanks again for your FR.
Old 31-01-2014, 12:09 PM
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Re: Craigslist and other on-line Ladyboys

Originally Posted by g_rider View Post
Thanks for the FR (you big jerk!) ha ha. I hope there aren't any hard feelings, I look forward to contributing more as well.

Out of curiosity (yes, I am a curious one) your FR is quite different than another previous one which claimed that she doesn't look quite like her photos...? Also she doesn't post anything below her waist so I assumed she may have a bit of a tummy?

At any rate, thanks again for your FR.
No hard feelings at all g_rider. It's all part of forum life.

Some people have posted FR's on Ariana with a double 'n' (Arianna). The other one spelt the correct way was by 'flitzicon' where he thought she was better than her pics.

For me I thought she looked the same.

No belly at all, she was very slender. Previously her Vice sisters page had her showing everything. She has taken that photo down recently.

This visit has been really covert though so I am not sure if she has been here as a guest of someone so less advertising.
Old 31-01-2014, 02:02 PM
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Re: Craigslist and other on-line Ladyboys

Originally Posted by sing007 View Post
No hard feelings at all g_rider. It's all part of forum life.

Some people have posted FR's on Ariana with a double 'n' (Arianna). The other one spelt the correct way was by 'flitzicon' where he thought she was better than her pics.

For me I thought she looked the same.

No belly at all, she was very slender. Previously her Vice sisters page had her showing everything. She has taken that photo down recently.

This visit has been really covert though so I am not sure if she has been here as a guest of someone so less advertising.
Cheers. Thanks for the reply.
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