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Old 28-12-2004, 03:49 PM
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Re: Maid for Sex

Bro Proprimate

Thks for you contact on the maid,tried her last nite he is the FR

Receive PM frm bro proprimate yesterday morning on her number,sms her in the afternoon whether she is free in the nite half and hr later she reply '8pm can anot' i straight away sms bk and say ok,ask me to book room at Bright Star hotel and sms rm no to her.

Reach geylang lor 17 at abt 1745hr check in Bright star hotel and sms rm number to her she reply saying on the way,while waiting for her check out the rm is indead mush bigger then hotel 81 at least you can walk ard swinging ur hand without hitting the wall,haha!

Ard 2030hr there is knock!knock! on the door she is half n hr late lucky i book the room for 3 hr,open the door saw the gal with long hair face not bad quite nice ask her to come in to the rm while waiting for me to finish my cirgi TCSS abit and told me that she work part time maid she work from morining 8
am to 10am and so on...

After finish my cirgi ask me 'you want to shower' why not again coz i had my shower at hm when i came out,she start stripping and i also take off my cloth see her in red colour bra and red g-string i guess she like red,hehehe!read frm the FR that some bro had tried her also wear red undies,proceed to the bathrm and she also shower with me wah!shiok man!cover me with soap all over my body me also cover her with soap all over her body espescially her breast and playing with her nipple and her nipple became hard man and she playing with my didi after risinig me clean she proceed to catbath me in the bathrm starting frm my nipple all the way to my groin inmeditaely my didi stand up and she proceed to BBBJ me with warm water wah!damm shiok man and licking my boss and AR me also,after abt 5min of bbbj in the bathrm we proceed to the bed.

she ask me to lie dwn on the bed and she start licking my ear,neck,nipple all the way to my didi and bbbj me i mean deep throat bbbj wif powerful suction dun need to say my figer is insde her pussy finger f**K her you bet she is wet man! after 15min of bbbj and fingering she ask me "you fuck me or i fuck
you' those bros that tried will know she alsway say that,haha!i reply you f**k me after putting the cd she prceed to ride me when i trust her when she is riding on me she cried out 'oh shit' and 'oh my god'like the angmo av movies,i caress her breast and lick her nipple while she ride me after abt 5min i came cannot tahan her moaning so come very fast,hehe!after cleaning me up,ask me whether i want coffee i say yes she proceed to boil water wif the air port provide my the rm and me lying on the havin my cirgi and looking at her making coffe and aslo her body.

after coffe she ask me do i want a massage and i say yes,i will say her massage skill is not bad for a FL and she even say her frd and FL is very gd at massage the massage she proceed to AR me and turn me ard and bbbj me again slow and deep at tis time my didi cannot tahan liao!marikita again and tis time she ask me to f**k her in doggie position wat the hack!that my favorite position'i proceed and putting my didi in her pussy and trust her slow and increase speed when her moanong become louder and louder and me feel her pussy gripping my didi and i pump her fast and she came and me continue to pump her in doggie position for 15min and i came in her doggie and she turn ard and fren kisss me and i put my hand in her pussy and she is wet!!!and i put my finger in her pussy to finger f**k her,hehe!she ask me "you want another time,i told her cannot tahan already me come 2 times liao!after cleaning me up in the bathrm we TCSS for awhile and she dress up me also dress up and ask her to do dwn first and i went off after her.

me 1st time writing fr so dun flame if is no gd

Anaylsis report
Damage:S$100/-(2 time within 2 hrs)+S$10/- (tip)+S$30/-(3hrs room)
Body:7/10 (B cup not bad)
FJ:8.5/10 (acomadating varies position)
BBBJ:9/10 (deep throat and power suction)
Massage:9/10 (massage and fj together)
RTFf coz if i had the time
Old 29-12-2004, 09:29 AM
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Re: Maid for Sex

Originally Posted by hthderrick
me 1st time writing fr so dun flame if is no gd

Anaylsis report
Damage:S$100/-(2 time within 2 hrs)+S$10/- (tip)+S$30/-(3hrs room)
Body:7/10 (B cup not bad)
FJ:8.5/10 (acomadating varies position)
BBBJ:9/10 (deep throat and power suction)
Massage:9/10 (massage and fj together)
RTFf coz if i had the time

FR was good enough. Glad that u enjoyed the session. Cheers!
Peopel have been asking what my nick means.....
PRO means prostitutes
PRI means prick
MATE means Prostitutes & Pricks mate

BTW, the avatar is the rear view of JULIA, the FL.
Link to her pics (with compliments to Bro Tallman):
Old 30-12-2004, 07:49 AM
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Got a request, those bros who took rika aka schoolgirl, wans those who took her b4 to giv her a call or sms for appt. Pls she dun wan any new ones. Sorry. Cheers!
Peopel have been asking what my nick means.....
PRO means prostitutes
PRI means prick
MATE means Prostitutes & Pricks mate

BTW, the avatar is the rear view of JULIA, the FL.
Link to her pics (with compliments to Bro Tallman):
Old 30-12-2004, 01:37 PM
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Re: Maid for Sex

This maid sounds interesting i wd like to try can somebody kind enogh to share contact
Old 30-12-2004, 03:28 PM
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Re: Maid for Sex

Hello Bro Proprimate.
In regarda with this maid that was advert in ya thread, i was hoping that you could set an appointment for me. Today, 31/12/2004 around 5pm..hotel 81 at chinatown. Thanks a lot. appreciate it.
Old 30-12-2004, 07:52 PM
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Talking Re: RIka

Originally Posted by proprimate

Got a request, those bros who took rika aka schoolgirl, wans those who took her b4 to giv her a call or sms for appt. Pls she dun wan any new ones. Sorry. Cheers!
Well,what about an old buddy like me.Am I qualified?....
No's in the Blood.........
Old 01-01-2005, 08:53 AM
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Re: Maid for Sex

Happy New Year to all bros. cheers!
Peopel have been asking what my nick means.....
PRO means prostitutes
PRI means prick
MATE means Prostitutes & Pricks mate

BTW, the avatar is the rear view of JULIA, the FL.
Link to her pics (with compliments to Bro Tallman):
Old 02-01-2005, 12:01 AM
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Re: Massage girl


Dun PM for Effah's number as she has gone home today. Cheers!
Peopel have been asking what my nick means.....
PRO means prostitutes
PRI means prick
MATE means Prostitutes & Pricks mate

BTW, the avatar is the rear view of JULIA, the FL.
Link to her pics (with compliments to Bro Tallman):
Old 03-01-2005, 04:28 PM
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Re: Massage girl

Originally Posted by proprimate

Dun PM for Effah's number as she has gone home today. Cheers!
Bro, u know when she comin bac here again?? tks
Old 03-01-2005, 09:14 PM
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Re: Massage girl

Originally Posted by jay69
Bro, u know when she comin bac here again?? tks
Dun worry bro, when she's back, I'll announce it. Cheers!
Peopel have been asking what my nick means.....
PRO means prostitutes
PRI means prick
MATE means Prostitutes & Pricks mate

BTW, the avatar is the rear view of JULIA, the FL.
Link to her pics (with compliments to Bro Tallman):
Old 03-01-2005, 09:21 PM
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Re: Maid for Sex


Well I must commend on the number of readership, it has just past the 100,000 mark. I guess that's how popular this thread is.

Bros who had tried her, I've yet to see any FRs especially recent ones. I guess it's the only way to keep this thread alive and not gone in oblivion.

Saw her today for lunch, can see she is tired servicing everybody. Just note, there are some who requested to look at the merchandise first b4 going in. In FL world, there is no such thing as u get a choice but the ger dun, not even a taxi fare plus time wasted. Her credentials are definitely good, if not it would not come this far. To view glimpses of her, there is a bro who had posted some photos of her in semi nude and partial view. Just search thru this thread for more information. Cheers!
Peopel have been asking what my nick means.....
PRO means prostitutes
PRI means prick
MATE means Prostitutes & Pricks mate

BTW, the avatar is the rear view of JULIA, the FL.
Link to her pics (with compliments to Bro Tallman):
Old 04-01-2005, 01:38 AM
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Re: Maid for Sex

ok brothers
i kick start field report of 2005!
i had effah the massage gal from indonesia
sms her in the morning, arrange a session with her in the afternoon
checked in bright star hotel
ding dong! here she comes!
as she comes in i scanned all over her
she really afraid of AV like most brothers said here
actually i didnt tell her there is a police van just parked below the hotel
i dont know what happen but i saw some guys and some china chicks gets
bundled inside the van with handcuffs
i thought it should be safe since we are inside the room already
ok the interesting part
she is something just like the maid
i mean not the look or characteristic but the warmth in them
she makes you feel very comfortable
for body and looks i prefered the maid who are younger and a better figure
here is my point of view after my session with effah
looks - old sexy looks
complexion - i much fairer than her ( i am fair )
body - i hope she can tone up her body, she really need it
breasts - sagging, actually i dont mind sagging breasts but not out of shape
massage - very good, you must try it, bonking her is secondary
french kiss - i didnt try because i really dont like her face, no offence to her
blow job - so so, i think she need to learn more about this
full job - very obedient, you call the shots here
service - very good, i am tempted to give her excellent because she keeps
telling me i am handsome
return for her? - i think i go for her massage but i scare i will hurt her
feelings if i reject her for bonking
Old 04-01-2005, 02:40 AM
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First of all thank bro proprimate for the contact of H*****ti.

I had just tried her service.

Unlike most bro, I checked into the room in Bright Star and she appears within 5 mins before my door. Maybe she was nearby, I'm not sure. Managed to strike some conversation with my pathetic bahasa indonesia, got her laughing though.

As for the action, we went straight to bath. No action inside the toilet. Then on bed, she starts to catbath me and shortly after she BBBJ me. Suction powerful but I guess because I have tried a Cat 80 gem in geyland before so I feel she's far behind. Soon, she cap me and ride me and as usual the "oh my god, Oh Shit" words start to babble out of her mouth. Then I couldn't come. She said because my foreskin too skin must cut it. Anyway, I rub myself on her and managed to squirt quite a fair bit on her pubic area. Then wash up then massage.

Massage was ok. Not one that I would pay for anyway. After that come second round. Start to wake my little brother up then bbbj again. Unlike other brothers I didn't have any 15 - 20 mins more like 5 mins of bbbj and move on to f job. This time still cannot come. I rub on her back and squirt on her back.

Overall, I actually DIY myself. I would say she's not bad. Rather blame it on my unforgettable experience with a Cat 80. Thus constantly measuring it against my past experience.

however for the thrill of making out with a maid, I would really recommend her.

Looks: I believe she's much better looking than many maids you see. 6.5/10
BBBJ: 7.5/10
body: 7.5/10

Basically since I was able to survive with minimum bahasa, she was actually talking or chatting to me, from her kampong to her husband to her job to her disappointment in marriage etc.

Well, I would still say it's a good experience though not one that I would try again. It's is like you must have this "BEEN THERE DONE THAT" attitube then you'll enjoy each conquest!

And it is precisely spirit like proprimate that will keep this forum going! Kudos to you!
Old 04-01-2005, 08:54 PM
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Re: Maid for Sex

Thanks to bro Proprimate for passing me her contact.

Book her last Thursday. Arrange for 8:30 at Bright Star and she only appear at 9:15. Opened the door and at first sight, looks quite attractive leh. Came in asked if I bathed, I said yes and I asked her she also bathed. So probably some samster just bonked her in other room.

She undressed and lie beside me... looked at me and ask: "You police?" I guessed my crew cut hair makes her think I am one.. I assured her me not police...

The she start BBBJ on me. lasted quite some time. shiok. Then she ask the standard question: "I fuck you? You fuck me?" I said "You fuck me" and she laugh. Cap me and rode me. Upon entering her pussy, her standard sentences come out: "Oh... Yes!!! Good!!" Wah knn... less then 30 thrust I came... Fastest one I've ever had. She also shock.

Then she proceed to bathe and after that she massages me. Massage was quite good. Not bad for a FL. Lasted almost 15 minutes. Then it's round 2! She told me: "You no bathe, no ice cream." I dashed to the toilet and bathed and wash my dick and came out. She make herself coffee and was drinking. Wah... sian... don't like to french her coffee tasted lips leh... Then same BBBJ process as round 1. But a while, she sip a mouth full of coffee and do hot BBBJ!!! wah lan eh... don't know to feel shiok and sian... but something new for me... it's ok.

Then this time is "I fuck you". So I started off missonary, the then end with doggy. She came once during the doggy position, but don't know real or not.

Overall, quite a good experience.

Looks: 7.5/10 (sexy and abit CFM face)
Body: 7.5/10 (not thin, not to meaty. bums a bit flat though)
Boobs: 6.5/10 (around B)
Frenching: Yes
BBBJ: 8/10
FJ: 8.5/10
GF Feel: 8.5/10
Damage: $100+$20
RTF: Yes!
Old 04-01-2005, 09:07 PM
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Re: RIka

Originally Posted by proprimate

Got a request, those bros who took rika aka schoolgirl, wans those who took her b4 to giv her a call or sms for appt. Pls she dun wan any new ones. Sorry. Cheers!

tried rika before. been trying to call he at 9052**** but could not get through. is rika still in s'pore? or did she still use that no.?

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