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Part of the fun is the wait for the soup to be ready. |
Re: The house in Bukit Timah
Awesome story, thanks for sharing bro TS
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah
anyway, for those old time fans of bro ILOCK
I suggest we re-read the whole series to make this Stayhome covid more passable i reliase that there too many link and easter eggs around after i re-read BTILT |
Re: The house in Bukit Timah
Holy fuck! I was reading the last chapter with the (requiem for a dream) soundtrack, feels like watching a movie directly sia. Keep up your stories ILOCK!!! Power la!!!
Re: The house in Bukit Timah
Bump for my favourite while killing the CCB!
Re: The house in Bukit Timah
I don’t know how long I was out for but the next thing I saw when I opened my eyes was lights moving and people talking to me.
There were a lot of commotion and shouting but I was not a critical case. I heard a someone ask someone else to dress my wound and put me on a drip. Then I passed out again. The next time I woke up, I could see someone taking my blood pressure. I tried to see where I am and I realised I was parked along a corridor on a gurney. I was no longer in my own clothes, someone had changed me into a hospital gown. I have never felt exhaustion like this before. It’s like I just finished a 72km road march and instead of having only the pain of abrasion all over my balls, I have it all over my body. I don’t even know which part of my body is aching. The pain this time round hurts more than the 1st round of injury I suffered at the nursing home. The pain this time rounds cuts deeper into my heart. My eyes were closed as I felt the warmth of a tear roll down the sides, once it started, it didn’t stop. Once the waterworks start, I could no longer turn it off. I wished everything was just a bad dream but it isn’t. I wanted to call out for my grandfather, I want to know where he is. Yes he may have passed on but where is his body? There is still so much to do. My mind is going into overdrive but my body is not reacting. It’s like you know you are having a nightmare yet you can’t wake your body up to get out of that terrible dream. I blacked out again and when I woke, I was finally in a room. Not exactly a hospital ward, it’s an office. I could see computers and tables hastily shifted to a side. On the wall I saw photos and awards given to Rajah Healthcare for their outstanding contribution to the medical industry. I pulled myself up with much difficulty and removed the needle from my hand. Walking barefoot out of the office, I realised I was in a small private hospital owned by Rajah Holdings that caters mainly to medical tourist from neighbouring countries. My grandfather. I need to find my grandfather. I asked the first nurse I saw where is my grandfather and she says she don’t know. Nurse : I’m sorry…. I can’t help you now…. She walked briskly down the corridor, struggling with the medical supplies she was holding. I grabbed another hospital staff and asked him where is my grandfather but he took a look at me and asked sit down and rest. Staff : You need to sit down and rest Sir…. Someone’s head popped out from a door and shouted for the guy to go back and help. He ran back after throwing the coffee in his hand into the bin. I heard an anguish shout from the other end of the corridor before the crashing sound of things being thrown around reached my ears. Holding onto the walls for support, I shuffled towards the commotion at the end of the corridor. Someone was shouting and throwing stuff around in frustration. As I got closer, I realised the voice belonged to Henry. Looking into the room, I saw Henry smashing a fire extinguisher onto a cabinet before kicking the door in. His eyes were bloodshot and he looked like a man out for blood. Henry : aRGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!AHHHH!!!!!! He kept pacing around the room, screaming and kicking stuff over before collapsing into a heap on the floor. Henry : aRGHHHH!!!..!!! aRHHH!!!! He hammered the floor tile as if it was his greatest enemy until his knuckles bleed. Rachel was slumped over a desk and she didn’t move despite the din Henry was making. I shuffled into the room and went over to Rachel. Touching her gently on her shoulder, I dragged a chair to sit beside her. Rachel’s eyes were bloodshot too and exhaustion was written all over her face. Jackson : What happened…. I’m…I’m sorry… I must have blacked out…. Rachel : what do you remember… ? I took a while to recollect my memory before saying I remember seeing 2 mysterious man dressed in black before passing out. Jackson : where…. Where is my grandfather….. what happened after I passed out…. Who are the 2 men ?? Rachel wiped tears from her swollen eyes. Rachel : one thing at a time….. your grandfather….. we…. We brought him back…. Jackson : Where…. ? where… I want to see him… Rachel : I’ll bring you… Rachel stood up and almost collapsed but I held onto her. Taking a moment to compose herself, Rachel nodded her head and told me she is ok and can manage on her own. We walked silently towards the lift because taking it to the basement. That’s where the morgue is. Rachel : The…. The morgue is full…. A lot of Rajahs died…. Jackson : I’m…. I’m sorry…. There are several Rajahs outside the morgue, many of them just looking dazed and tired. We entered the morgue and I could see the small space is filled with gurneys with white cloths covering them. There was a staff in white coat inside. He came over to tell Rachel that the truck is on it’s way back and they will be transferring the next batch of bodies shortly. Rachel nodded before turning to face me. Tears streaked down her cheeks and I could see the fire seething in her eyes. Rachel : We…. We have no space….for our dead….. that we needed to use….. a meat distribution freezer…….for the time being….. I gently reached for Rachel and she hugged onto me before screaming into my chest. She screamed her muffled cries of anguish and frustration and I could feel her fingers rip and crumple the hospital gown I was wearing…. I gave Rachel a while to calm down and when she did, she wiped tears and snot from her face with the back of her hand before saying that the news is reporting that there was an industrial accident. Jabbing her finger angrily in mid air with her index finger. Rachel : The news !!!! is calling it an industrial ACCIDENT !!!! Jackson : That’s not true….. Rachel : They are calling Rajah Holdings out for unsafe manufacturing practices ….. illegal storage of highly flammable chemicals….and non compliance work place safety for our workers…. !!! Rachel sucked in a deep breath before screaming that the building is a part warehouse for shoes and handbags and part administrative building. Rachel : there are no chemicals there….just leather goods….. Jackson : How could they do that…. This is impossible…. Rachel : Just turn on the TV Jackson …. It’s all over the news…. Rajah Holdings’s unsafe practices….. caused industrial accident…. More than 30 dead with plenty more injured…. Rachel told me that the internet is abuzz with discussion about the incident. Rachel : People are calling for a boycott of Rajah holding’s business…. Jackson : The authorities did nothing… ? what about the foreigners …? All those crazy men that are high on drugs…. Those people are proof that we were attacked….. Rachel : When the ambulances finally came…. They prioritised removing the bodies and the injured of those people….Rajahs are not a priority…. Jackson : This is fucked up…. Rachel : we pulled contacts and connections…. Bringing our own people out…. |
Re: The house in Bukit Timah
Jackson : They cannot do this…. We should go report this !!! The public need to know !!
Rachel : Report to who ? The public believes what the news tells them…. You control the media… you control the population…. Wiping her tears again, Rachel took a deep breath and turned away. She pointed to a trolley in the corner. Rachel : I’ll… I’ll give you come time alone…. I recognised my grandfather’s hand even before I removed the white sheet covering him. I touched his face and I broke when I felt the cold and lifeless body in front of me. The man that raised me single handed when I was dump with him is gone. His skin felt hard, the tenderness is long gone. Jackson : Ah gong….. can you hear me….? sobzzz… I blinked a few times in attempt to hold back my tears and I looked at the lonely light tube in the ceiling illuminating the whole morgue. Jackson : Ah Gong….. please…. We still have a lot of places to go together….there is still so many countries we have yet to see together…. I knew he was gone, logic tells me he cannot hear anything I say but I still said it. Everyone has difference way of dealing with grief. I cried silently for a while before sinking down to my knees. I rest my head against the trolley as the image of Guo killing my grandfather flashed back in my head. And the grief started to get displaced slowly by anger. The door to the morgue opened abruptly and I could hear the click of high heels pause at the entrance. I could hear Hong calling out to me. Hong : Jack…. Jackson…. I didn’t turn around. I had no energy to turn around. I heard running footsteps approaching and I heard Kamal’s voice too. Kamal : Where is he… ? Then silence. The click of the heels came closer and I felt a hand on my shoulder. Yiling : Jackson …. I pushed her hand away. Looking at Yiling, I snapped at her when I know I shouldn’t. Jackson : it’s your fault…. IT’S ALL YOUR FAULT !!!! Yiling reared back and stood back up. Jackson : None of this would have happened if you didn’t offer me a job !!!! Turning back to Hong and Kamal, I shouted at them in between screams of agony that none of this would have happened if they didn’t ask me to work for them Jackson : IT’S ALL YOUR FAULT !!! ALL OF YOU !!!arGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! I collapsed onto the floor of the morgue as I sobbed and held onto the let of the trolley. Yiling didn’t say anything, neither did my Kamal nor Hong. Quietly, they removed themselves from the room and they left me alone. The door opened again and several staff helped me on my feet, saying that they need to move the bodies and make way for more. There are still some coming in, people are still dying. I was left on a bench in some corridor, I don’t even know which floor. I saw Seven appear in front of me, his eyes red and swollen from crying. He tapped his heart several times. Seven : erghhh!!... erghhhhh!!!! Errghhhhhhh!!!!! Arghhh!!! Arghhhhh!!! I don’t know what he meant but I could warrant a guess. Many of his old buddies died in that attack. Seven sank onto the seat beside me and took out his phone. With trembling hands, he showed me a group photo. There’s 8 of them in that photo. All Rajahs in their prime, topless and well built. Seven gripped onto the phone and sobbed as he shook his hand, signally that they were gone. All of them. The men, or rather the brothers, he joined Rajah with. Cindy’s arrival blotted out the dim light of the corridor. She didn’t say anything but she held 2 coffee in hand. She took Seven’s hand and put one in his before doing the same for me. Then she walked away. I took a sip of the instant coffee, my body needed a hit of caffeine. When the remaining of the coffee in my hand grew cold, Seven’s phone buzzed. He read the message , tapped me on my shoulder and he walked away. I watched him walked purposefully down the corridor with his fist clenched. Without warning, he jumped and deliver a spinning kick to a vending machine, putting a huge dent on it’s side. I threw away the coffee and I got up on unsteady feet. Teng. Guo may be dead, but Teng, Russell, Elmo, the Malus. They are responsible for my grandfather’s death. I found my way back to the room I saw Rachel and Henry in earlier. They were reviewing the camera footage from their building. Jackson : what… what is this…. Rachel answered without turning. Rachel : the roof….where we were at…. They wiped the disk at the security office but we have a copy of it backed up in the cloud. The 40 inch tv was split into 4 squares, offering multiple angles of the roof top. Henry : who are they…. Rachel : Nobody knows…. Jackson : what happened after I passed out… ? Rachel : the 2 men…..They took care of the Malus… Jackson : How… ? Rachel : watch…. Jackson : what the fuck…. I could hardly believe what I’m seeing on the screen. The 2 men held their ground against all the Malus. I almost felt my heart skip a beat when I saw how close the 2 men were to getting their head smashed in or their face slit by the Malus only to see them disembowelling their attackers. The Malus may have all charged at once but all it took was for the swords to sever a few arms and fingers for the rest to quickly take a step back. Those brave enough to test their resolve again tested it with muscles and flesh against the hardened steel. In less than a minute, the 2 man put 6 Malus out of the game with the rest too afraid to venture forward. At least 2 are dead from what I could see on the screen and the 2 men barely broke a sweat. They didn’t attack the Malus either, remaining on a invisible line on the ground, putting themselves in between the Malus and us. From out of nowhere I saw on the screen a crazed CF appearing. Bloodied and still high, he charged at the gathering of men. The Malus jostled and pushed the CF away from them, one of them even throwing a punch in his face to direct him towards the 2 sword wielding men. The CF charged head first, he fell but got up and picked a metal rod before going straight at the 2 man looking at him. When the CF’s arm was detached from his body with a well practised swing, the fingers were still clutching onto the weapon he took from the ground. He tried to stand up again but the other man separated his head from his torso with such speed and precision that I could still see the face twitching after its cut off. There were still quite a few Malus left but none of them dared to challenge the mysterious man again. Even Elmo was reduced to pointing and throwing threats from a distance away. Several of the Malus ran away despite Elmo pointing and shouting at them. All it took was for one of the masked man to make a mock charge with his sword held up and it sent the rest of the Malus scurrying away. Even Elmo stumbled and fell face first onto a dead CF before he picked himself up and ran into the staircase. Jackson : who… who are they… Rachel : I don’t know…. they mentioned something about Bella…. Jackson : I remember hearing that too…. Rachel : Might be related to your boss…. Yes, I remembered clearly they said something about Bella. Something about Bella’s promise to introduce them to someone. Jackson : What happened after that….. how did I get here… ? Rachel : The roads are still blocked by the accident…. We had to resort to evacuating our injured by bikes for those that can still move…. |
Re: The house in Bukit Timah
Those that can’t, they were carried via stretcher 2 streets away into waiting vehicles.
Rachel : It appears Teng is more powerful that he lets on…. My sources tell me he is going to head the defence ministry in the line up of the new minister’s cabinet…. Jackson : My grandfather…..he was a Rajah… My abrupt comment silenced the room. Rachel didn’t say anything so Henry did. Henry : Is…..he will always be a Rajah…. Jackson : Why didn’t you tell me… ? Henry let on that they didn’t know initially. They have many members, and a lot have decided to move on. They found out about my grandfather after they started digging up about me. Henry : He quit his job…. Didn’t even get the rest of the pay due to him….but he still takes the colleague’s calls these years when they need to ask him something…. Jackson : He… he was in Malaysia….. I asked him to come back for his treatment… Henry : How do you think he made his way back all the way from Kedah… ? Jackson : He said a friend…. I paused. Of course. It should have hit me earlier. What friend ? My grandfather has a small social circle, and I can’t think of anyone who can make the drive all the way back. Jackson : You…. You all brought him back…. Henry : it was meant to be a surprise…. we already lined up a specialist to… Rachel : Enough….. Rachel shook her head at her brother, and Henry nodded, acknowledging that there is no point going into this right now. My grandfather is no longer around. Rachel got up and told me I should go. Rachel : There’s a lot of things to do….. you should go get some rest……and… make arrangements with a undertaker…. For the wake…. I went back to the room I woke up in and I saw my belongings in a ziplock bag waiting for me. There’s also a fresh set of clothes. My wallet and phone still have dried streaks of blood on them. I changed with much difficulty before making my way home. Opening my grandfather’s wardrobe, I could feel my heart shattering into so many pieces. It broke so badly that I doubt it would ever be the same again. The large wardrobe only contained less than 15 pieces of his clothing. He always re wear the same few pieces of tops and bottoms anyway. One for formal occasions like weddings, a couple of polo t for casual days. 2 shirts that he used to wear for work. Then a couple of old t-shirts that are badly stretched, some with permanent stains. A couple of singlets and sleep pants. He didn’t have much possessions. The winter clothing when we travelled were all vacuum packed and stow away. I sucked in a deep breath as I picked out the last set of clothes that he will be wearing on his final journey. I tried not to look, I forced myself not too look but I can’t I knew if I looked I would cry even harder but I could not resist. It’s like my brain wanted my heart to bleed further, to feel the ache and pain, to experience the burn on my raw wound. I broke down again as my fingers touched the set of clothes I last wore then I was 6. My kindergarden uniform, neatly pressed and hung beside my grandfather’s own clothes. Right next to it, my primary school uniform with my name tag badly frayed on the sides. My fingers touched the pen stains on the sleeve which I remember my grandfather spending hours trying to get rid off while scolding me and I literally wet the floor I was standing on. Then came my secondary school uniforms. And right next to it, my camouflage uniforms with the badges and the chevrons on my arm. One set of clothes for every milestone in my life. There was no empty hanger in my grandfather’s wardrobe except one. The very last one beside my military uniform. It was labelled in his handwriting ; “ Jackson’s wedding suit “ I knelt down in front of the big wardrobe and I died in a literal sense. I may be breathing, my heat may still be beating but I knew Jackson has died. The old Jackson that everyone knew is gone, along with my grandfather. What remained is just a shell, a soulless carcass. The next few weeks came and past in a blur. A simple wake was held for my grandfather. Everyone came but didn’t lingered for long. Some old neighbours dropped by for a chat before commenting that my grandfather is lucky to have me as his grandson. Jackson : No… it is me, who is lucky to have him as my grandfather …. Neighbour : He told me before…. Long time ago…. You’re like the son he never had…. Jackson : And he…. The father I wish I had… After the cremation, I scattered his ashes into the sea. That’s what he wanted. I remember his exact words to me when we had this conversation even though I chided him for bringing it up. We were taking a ferry ride in Hong Kong when he suddenly said he wanted his ashes to be scattered into the sea Ah Gong : sea… sea… just scatter into the sea….. don’t waste money on a space in the temple…. Every year must pay money…. Pay and pay….. Jackson : I don’t care about the money….don’t talk about shit like this… you’re going to live for a long long time…. After a brief pause, he revealed the true reason behind his wishes. I could tell from his tone he’s not saying it just to patronise me or to help me save money. He meant it. Every word of it. Ah Gong : The world is so big…. I don’t want to stay in an urn after I die…. I want to travel….. with you….. you go Australia…. I can follow… you go America, Europe…. Iceland…. Anywhere…. Anywhere….. I can follow… I was on the verge of tears on the ferry but then and I put my arm around his shoulder and I just kept quiet. As if knowing he struck a raw nerve, my grandfather recovered nicely just as the ferry was about to dock. Ah Gong : No need ticket somemore… free one… ahhaha… I laughed as I recalled the fond memories of us together. I went back to the castle and the farmhouse after settling my grandfather’s affair. Yiling came to the farmhouse and asked me to go back. Yiling : Take a break Jackson… you need it… I apologised to her about my outburst back at the Rajah’s hospital. Jackson : I’m sorry….i… I didn’t… Yiling gave me a playful slap on my cheek. Yiling : Don’t be silly…. Go back…. I don’t want to see you back here until October…. This is an order…. Jackson : the… the men… the help you sent….. who are they… ? Yiling smiled and shook her head. Yiling : I can’t answer that question. Jackson : why not…. She just shook her head. Jackson : what kind of deal did you make…. ? … that you can have people like them….. helping you… ? She smiled and shook her head again, refusing to say another word. Jackson : Why… Yiling… why are you doing these…? Why are you doing what you do…..? is it for the money…. ? why ? She exhaled and shook her head for the 3rd time. She looked down at her heels, hesitated for a moment before replying me with a smile. Yiling : because…. She looked around and gestured to the estate before walking away. Yiling : …. this is my home… I walked around the garden and went to the smoking point. Hong was there puffing away. I apologised to him too, I didn’t have a chance to properly talk to the guys after all these happened. Jackson : I’m sorry Hong…. About those things I said… Hong puffed away with the cigarette hanging from the side of his lips. Hong : Aiyah…. CB la… ( curse ) don’t day things like that la…. KNN ( curse ) …. Bo tai ji… bo tai ji ( it’s ok…we’re cool ) …. He snubbed out his cigarette and popped in another one. |
Re: The house in Bukit Timah
Hong offered one to me.
Jackson : I don’t smoke… you should stop…. Every stick takes away 5 minutes of your life…. Hong lit up and exhaled before replying. Hong : Of course… I take 5 minutes to smoke…. Of course it takes away 5 minutes of my life… you think I fail maths ah…. Hahahah… I laughed and he shoved the cigarette closer to my mouth. I accepted it and he lit it for me. The moment I sucked in a puff, I started coughing and I almost gagged. Jackson : cough… coughhh.. blerghhh.. cough!! What the fuck is this shit… Hong : aiyah… you will slowly appreciate… I spat out that awful taste in my mouth and Kamal appeared right about then. Kamal : CCB Hong ( curse ) why are you teaching Jackson how to smoke… ??! Hong : I never teach hor !!.. don’t anyhow say…. I give and he take ok !! Kamal lit one up and spoke at me while pointing with the same 2 fingers holding the cigarette. Kamal : Doctor’s advice…. Don’t…. serious… don’t….. Hong : you very CB ( curse ) you know or not Kamal… hahaha… I threw the horrible cigarette away and Declan came to the smoking area. Declan : How are you doing Jackson…. ? Jackson : I’m ok…. He must have heard our conversation and he pulled out a cigar from his vest, cut off the end before proceeding to light it with a windproof lighter. Declan : You all don’t know Jackson la…. hahha…. He’s not a cigarette person…. Checking to make sure the cigar is lit properly, Declan offered it to me. Declan : Davidoff……… Winston Churchill….. Hong rolled his eye before waving his box of cigarettes at me. Hong : Mar bo lo ….. Menthol Light…. Hahahah… I took the Cigar and my senses took note of the fragrance and aroma of it for the first time. I’ve seen Declan smoke it before but I’ve never paid much notice to it. Declan : don’t inhale it…. Feel the smoke in your mouth…. Relish the aroma… Jackson : cough… cough… cough… ok fuck….this taste better cough.. Yiling burst into the smoking area and everyone tensed up immediately. She saw what was happening and immediately started screaming at Declan and Hong and everyone scattered in all directions. Yiling : ARGHHHH!!! Why the fuck are you all teaching him how to smoke !!!! ARGHHH !!! Yiling chased everyone with her hands raised in search of a target but everyone was gone. Before Yiling came at me, I ran off too, holding onto the cigar Declan gave me. I bumped into Aaron and Seven as I walked to my car. They just returned from somewhere. Aaron : The Malus are gone… cleared out their usual haunts and street… Jackson : What do you mean gone… ? Aaron : disappeared… gone underground…. We couldn’t find any of them…. He tapped me a couple of times on my shoulder before walking away. I went back home and I spent a couple of weeks doing nothing. I worked out, went for a run , I slept. September 2016 I followed the news closely and watched the TV as Welly Chin swore himself in on live tv. Our Prime Minster. Shortly after taking up the new position, Welly revealed his cabinet and true enough Teng was given the portfolio of the defence minister. I tightened the grip on my hand rest as I looked at Teng smiling and issuing a press conference on TV. October 2016 I alternated my days at the castle, tending to the garden and training with Candy and Xiaoyu. Digging up the axes I found on my first day in the farmhouse, I grinded and sharpened the edges. I sanded the wooden handle down a little before applying a fresh layer of lacquer. I went to a sports shop and bought textured tapes athlete use for better grips on handles of rackets. I asked for recommendation from the uncle what is good for wet hands. Uncle : all these are good…. Jackson : I mean really wet hands…. Uncle : no one perspires that much…. You doing Tennis….? Or squash… ? Jackson : neither… I put an axe on the glass countertop and he backed away immediately. Jackson : competitive axe throwing…. Overseas…. Uncle : Ah…. I see…. He picked something up from the shelf and pushed it across to me. Uncle : Mob grip tape…. Commonly used in skateboards…. Provides a good grip…water proof…. Tear proof…. High strength and easy to clean…..silicon carbide grit binding manufacturing process, it won’t peel off even in extreme heat or cold….. I looked at the uncle and repeated my question. Jackson : what about wet hands… He rang me up at the cash register and waited for his payment. Uncle : Assuming you accidentally cut yourself…. You are bleeding…and you accidentally get a lot of blood on it…….you…… you will still have a very good grip …. I nodded and handed over the cash. Jackson : Thank you…. Uncle : Good luck on the competition. I started throwing the axes everyday. I could do 3 times a minute. That’s 180 times an hour. I did it for 2 hours every day, that’s 360. And with every throw, it cut deeper and deeper into a large trunk of wood I pulled from the wooded areas en route to the cookhouse. One day, I know one day, I will be throwing it at the people responsible for my grandfather’s death. The Malus are gone. No one knows where the rest of them are hiding. It’s like they just vanished. They’ve gone into hiding. The Rajahs are faced with several lawsuits, the media is on a smear campaign, many of their men are arrested. Yiling revealed to us that Rajah holding’s business empire will survive. Businesses staff by regular employees that is, not their triad arm. As for the men who could still fight and pose a threat , their numbers has dwindled to less than 20. Almost 2 dozen were thrown into jail. Many had to flee overseas to avoid persecution. The Rajahs are done and one thing is clear, La Bella vita is next in line. Yiling did not sit idle this couple of months. She buffed up security around the castle, we have more cameras than ever covering all angles. She went on a buying spree, snapping up more houses near the estate whenever one came on sale. I was also given the task of being the main liaison with the Rajahs. We exchanged information about the Malus. Everyone is looking for them. They cannot hide forever. We will eventually find them. And our break finally came when Henry caught one. The Rajahs caught a lone Malu trying to engage a whore in Geylang. I was in the gym with Cindy and she had just thrown me onto the floor. I landed flat on my back and before Candy could straddle and put me into a lock, I escape the submission and pinned her down in the missionary position. She could have escaped but after 2 hours of play, Candy let me pressed her wrist against the mat and she bit her lips and she relaxed her legs, trying to pull a rape victim act. Xiaoyu : Oh come on you slut….Candy…. Cindy : Jackson …. Phone… I got off Candy and caught my phone that was flying across the gym, courtesy of Cindy’s throw. Jackson : yes… ? It was Rachel. Rachel : We found one…. We have him…. One of the Malus at the rooftop that day…. There is this burn you feel when you work out. When you push your body to it’s limits, and I’m feeling it as I breathed and sucked in gasps of cool air in the gym. That Malu the Rajahs’ caught will be the small tinder that will start a great fire. A fire that will burn bright and long. Knowing how impulsive Rajahs can be, I immediately told Rachel not to kill him. He is going to be a valuable source of information. Jackson : don’t kill him….. please… Rachel was about to speak when her reply is interrupted by a long agonising scream of raw pain and suffering in the background. “arGHHHHH…!! aRGHHHH!!!!...ARGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! “ Rachel waited for the scream to die down a little into a sob pleading for his life before replying. Rachel : Don’t be silly Jackson……We are Rajahs………. not savages…. Another loud scream of pain and gagging rang out in the background. Rachel : And….. There is absolutely no reason why……… we cannot be civil about this…. …………………………………. |
Re: The house in Bukit Timah
Nice updates TS, thanks!!
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah
always good to have update from BRO ILOCK
Re: The house in Bukit Timah
What a surprise, I wasn’t expecting an update on a Saturday night.
My Stories Turning Tables Am I crazy or falling in love? My Army bro's Niece Perfection at its very finest My Collection of Short School Experiences Please upz if you like my posts. |
Re: The house in Bukit Timah
Waaaaaaaa love the update circuit breaker reread the series a few times love the story more and more
Re: The house in Bukit Timah
For a moment, my heart sank. I thought you were about to say "I don’t know how long before I can post the next part ...this story also will have a circuit breaker period.."
![]() Thankfully, it was a freaking update. A freaking good one!
I have a PhD - Perpetually hard Dick. |
What a bloody updates here, revenge is a must.
More please, cheers! |
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any health centre bukit timah bukit batok area | 335i | Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos | 0 | 27-03-2010 01:44 PM |