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Old 21-05-2007, 09:59 AM
SGPshanghai69 SGPshanghai69 is offline
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation - Apologies

bro, sorry to hear about your problems, thank you for "entertaining" my call and sms last weekend while I was in Shanghai. Though we didn't get to meet this time round, I am sure there will always be another time.

Anyway I did have a go there, visiting a massage place call Ji Yuan, which was located at the junction of Ji Zhou Road/Yi Yao Road. Once again, take care! Cheers![/QUOTE]

Dear Bro Willie,
My utmost apologies to you for not able to meet up while you will here last week......too many domestic problems to handle lately....sigh...

Glad to hear that you've made a trip to HC and had fun! Sorry again.....let's meet up next time round!
SGP-SHA69, Another Simple Man
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Old 21-05-2007, 10:07 AM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation

Originally Posted by junior_cannibal View Post
There is no such thing a perfect match in life, its about making compromise, sacrifice and many more. For a relationship to work, it takes alot of patience as well. Sometimes, we got to ask ourselves, why our women are so spoilt, could it be that we spoilt them, to begin with? For example, I know of a guy who bought flowers fairly frequently for the gf, at one point of time, he kinda stopped, the gf asked, do you not love me anymore? The guy complained the gf was too spoilt, but he didn't question himself, he was the one who started pampering her first. In a relationship, be it bgf or friends, we should be true and be yourself, don't try to woo the person by doing something that is not something we normally do. Empress may have flaws, for she is human too. So, give it some thoughts. Think of her good points, are they good enough for you to stay, or are the bad points enough to drive you out of the relationship.

Let me know when I next visit SH, hope things will work well for you.

Dearest Bro Junior Cannibal,
Many many utmost thanks for the concerned words herein.
Indeed and true enough on what you have said here bro.....

I guessed it's not a matter of expectations anymore when it comes to a relationship but rather more inclined towards accepting the other for what she is.....
Despite all said,I still do believed that a little gesture of appreciation & a simple word of thank you is always needed for both parties at any one time, by saying you are wonderful and appreciated, and not taken for granted.

To her my empress, being with me in this relationship is already the greatest appreciation towards me, so NO need to say any further thank you in all major or trivial and all other daily little chores or errands done for her. It's all a matter of her being with me, so I should be contented.
Let's catch up the next time bro when you're back here, call me. Cheers.
SGP-SHA69, Another Simple Man
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Old 21-05-2007, 11:19 AM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation

Originally Posted by SGPshanghai69 View Post
Let's catch up the next time bro when you're back here, call me. Cheers.
Bro, remember that nothing is perfect in this world, you either work on it or work around it. And this also goes for the other side.

The most important thing is WHAT you want, and I think we are all mature enough to know how we want to live our lives, does not matter if its perfect or not.

Talk to me if needed, you know where to find me, I bet half or more of the Shanghai SBF residents are willing to lend an ear or two when you want to complain.

Cheers, there is always a good way to look at things

Shanghai is a funny place, people make money, make friends, play, eat, meet up, get girlfriends, find boyfriends, sing a song, sip a beer, down a vodka shot, among other things......

But never i heard someone thinking of settling down permanently here..............
Old 21-05-2007, 12:15 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation

Aiyo... Bro SGP,

U so lao jiao also got hooked by gers there, i go , i lagi die in millione pieces.

Hope everything is well and solved soon.

Take care ya
Another another simple man.
Old 21-05-2007, 03:21 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation

just gotten back from Shanghai and visited a new joint (if posted, my apology):

博多会所 - 斜土路645号4楼, next to 世纪联华超市。

Went there late noon, about 4pm and got out by 6pm+, damage rmb600. place considered quite decent and clean. but during that hours, a little pack with customers. u can choose your ladies (wearing bikini in parade) via a single-sided mirror.

just my 2 cents of contribution
Old 21-05-2007, 05:37 PM
SGPshanghai69 SGPshanghai69 is offline
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation

Originally Posted by Niceman View Post
Aiyo... Bro SGP,

U so lao jiao also got hooked by gers there, i go , i lagi die in millione pieces.
Take care ya
Aiyo Bro Niceman,
Dun suan me lah! I'm merely dwelling here longer than the norms....
I am still human whom all humans are borned to err......sad but true bro!
SGP-SHA69, Another Simple Man
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Old 21-05-2007, 08:54 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation

Originally Posted by SGPshanghai69 View Post
To her my empress, being with me in this relationship is already the greatest appreciation towards me, so NO need to say any further thank you in all major or trivial and all other daily little chores or errands done for her. It's all a matter of her being with me, so I should be contented.
Let's catch up the next time bro when you're back here, call me. Cheers.

Bro SGPshanghai69,

I am sure many bros here has been there and done that i.e. it's all a matter of being with the lady of desire, to be her slave, do cow do horse (read in your dialect) and be very very contended. Happiness is thus defined.

I have been there and done that too. And I have been at the same end as you are in. Not a single word of appreciation. On the contrary, my effort could be deemed as "zhor tang" when the timing is not right

Not that I or folks who have experienced such are "chee hong". But really was contended to be the slave to the lady of desire. Not that we lack the dignity to be our own. Just that can't control the feeling and joy of being so. Looking back, I am glad I came to my senses then. Coz I think I would get fed up one day to be somebody's slave with so much effort put in yet not a wee bit of appreciation.

Still, I have seen some of my friends who are really so deeply in love and be so dedicated to their COs that even up to these days, they are very contended being slave - literally. And they are happy!! And they have been doing that far longer than 4 years. Their COs make no qualm about telling the world their lobsided relationship - even mocking them openly. Still they are happy!! Very - from their reactions and expression on their faces.

Will you? Can you? How much more can you stomach without the expected gratification? Will you get burn out as you are now again in the future? Today is the 6th day? How about extending it to more days? Go for a long boring & unexcited holiday with zero contact. To cool off your bottled up anger and to see if you really missed your Empress. Burying yourself with work is escapism. This could be the acid test.

Nothing wrong with crawling back to the Empress when you figured that you really cannot made do without her. Nothing wrong with feeling great walking out when you realised that life is just wonderful without her. It is about your choice, your happiness, your emotion, your feelings, your mental makeup and what you can handle.

Wish you happiness in whatever you so decided. May you be blessed with the wisdom to make the right choice.

Take care. Call me when ever you feel like chatting.

Old 21-05-2007, 09:00 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation

deleted - double posting

my sincere apologies
Old 22-05-2007, 12:03 AM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation

Originally Posted by SGPshanghai69 View Post
To her my empress, being with me in this relationship is already the greatest appreciation towards me, so NO need to say any further thank you in all major or trivial and all other daily little chores or errands done for her. It's all a matter of her being with me, so I should be contented.
Let's catch up the next time bro when you're back here, call me. Cheers.
Bro SGP, knowing that you were just letting go some gas you got choked inside. Anyway, be true to yourself. In a relationship when you start to consider who is nicer who is not, who gives more and who takes more, its time to review the relationship. Empress may not be perfect, neither are you nor me. Hence, give and take, and you sure be alright.

Will call you when I next visit SH.


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Old 22-05-2007, 02:14 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation

Just returned from wkend in Shanghai, FR's as follows:
1) Massage joint across the street from Hilton on Hua Shen Lu.
Large rooms subdivided by solid partitions (~1.5m) so you can hear/be heard by others. Good massage, no FJ, only HJ offered. I was there late and the place was virtually empty, so that may be the policy. Damage RMB180/1hr., she asked for RMB500 for HJ, but she accepted RMB200 as I didn't cum. No auto-roam, french, or touching the girl allowed. My first and last time there so that may/may not be house policy.
2) Spa behind the Sofitel Pudong (I think it's called 'Dreams'). Typical Spa arrangement enter/shower/pool/steam/shower, then chill in a private room until the girls are ready, then go to the massage area and choose from 5 or 6 ladies. Sex first, then massage. Girl #881, fairly SOP, very hygenic - BJ only, no frenching allowed. Checked condom to make sure I came. Back in the private room, foot massage girls playful Damage unknown (my friend pay), may be difficult for Ang Mo - not much English spoken.
3) FL around the Hilton - you will hear the familiar 'Hallo - massagie'. If it's late they will bring you in via the rear entrance under the atrium (construction area). Damage varies (RMB700 and up), don't forget taxi money for the lady if it's late, and RMB100 for her to give to the hotel security officer to insure no problems.
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Old 22-05-2007, 06:00 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation

Originally Posted by Mike_R View Post
may be difficult for Ang Mo - not much English spoken.
pretty good FR from an Ang Moh !! Thanks, mate !
How is it ?
Old 24-05-2007, 07:08 PM
KingP KingP is offline
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation

Newbie here on Shanghai thread, just to share short FR for bros here...

Venue: 鼎盛源 - 大田路上夾北京西路
Time: Visited at 2pm
Gal: Number 75, 21-year-old Nanjing chick
Face: 7/10 - Pretty face, CFM SYT combi
Body: 7/10 - 1.65m, slim sexy bod, smooth white skin, only downside is small boobies
BBBJ: 8/10 - Hot!
FJ: 8/10 - Reactive, GFE
Costs: 650RMB
Old 24-05-2007, 07:13 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation

Another short FR for bros here...

Venue: Shanghai Hotel HC
Time: Visited at 12midnight
Gal: Number 829, Harbin chick
Face: 6/10 - Have seen much prettier Northeast chicks
Body: 7/10 - 1.65m, slim toned bod
BBBJ: 6/10 - Good suction, but keeps on spitting which is quite disturbing
FJ: 7/10 - Good reactive fuck, fast rider
Costs: 750RMB

Any recommendations from bros on this place? The standard seems to be keep on going down... maybe won't RTF here anymore, or maybe I have not been lucky there...
Old 25-05-2007, 12:43 AM
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Angry Re: ShangHai Recommendation

My account got some problem posting ans doing search.. so ended up creating a new account..

Well, got some really really bad experience happened just now. Just want to post and warn brothers. No want to blame but myself man.

Went out of the hotel and walk along Nan Jing Lu... Intended to go so some massage place recommended by this thread .Approach by a pimp. Telling me got a massage joint. $200 rmb massage ..with HJ...can take a look first if not happy go off.

Ended up....
Old 25-05-2007, 01:02 AM
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Angry Re: ShangHai Recommendation

Walk abt 10 mins to a KTV. Went into a KTV building. Was lead to a KTV room. Girls flock in.. and I ask where it the massage place. He told me massage in the room. If not happy, can leave any time. Spot a SYT, she just sit beside me after a brief eye contact.. sigh...

Well, then I thought, try out new joints. Once the girl sit down. Fruits, drinks start pouring in.

In the room, was talking to the girl, wanted to ask the price of bring back to hotel as since it is a KTV, should be safer than FL. But she keeps avoiding the price factor and went on chatting . Very friendly , I must agree. However, something very fishy, drinks are coming in after the girl press a button new the Karaoke system. every time she press, 2 glass of whiskey came in, within less than an hour, 14 glasses. And the drink is mixed with water.

I ask for the bill after sensing something is wrong but it was too late. I ask for the bill. Before the bill come. the bloody waiter ask for tips. I give 20 rmb. But he said 100rmb. The girl ask for tip, I give 200 since waiter 100, but she friendly attitude change, at that moment I just want to get out of there. So i just give another 100rmb.

Then come the bomb, waiter came in , the bill is $6000 plus dollars..
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