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Old 23-11-2008, 05:01 PM
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Re: Happily Married with an ex WL(VN)

Originally Posted by ekemono View Post
Yes. and the message itself also carries a refereshing change, for we have read of our humble local men being hurt by scheming, cold-hearted working gals but the message speaks of that "stupid gal" being hurt by the men instead.

Probably because poking too much public toilet, trash...etc.. blah blah and wat's worst that was mentioned, they became one themselves.
Who is stupid and who is scheming... it depends on which side you look at.
Old 23-11-2008, 09:55 PM
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Re: Happily Married with an ex WL(VN)

Originally Posted by jackbl View Post
He said that there no stupid gal.... even there is 1, she will be educated by old bird and then become cleverer...
Hahaha...wonder why bro colins didn't say anything... hehe
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Old 24-11-2008, 11:58 AM
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Re: Happily Married with an ex WL(VN)

I see i i know lah...VN gal dunno how to come SBF la...hahaha...the 1 stupid one will most probably be crying somewhere and taking care of her baby while her husband is in jail for some kind of drug related offences or other crimes la....hahah
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Vietnamese songs/lyrics for your heart

~Vi wa yeu a nen e chap nhan la nguoi thu 3.Nhung co ai hieu duoc noi kho va noi dau cua nguoi thu 3 vi nguoi ta chi nghi nguoi thu 3 la nguoi co toi.minh bun vi minh la nguoi da roi vao hoan canh nay,suy nghi rat nhieu,moi dem k the ngu!~
Old 25-11-2008, 12:28 PM
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Re: Happily Married with an ex WL(VN)


Getting-To-Know-You Stage

Of all the time spent together, i must say this stage is the most important of them all! so how did it??
I must say mine was quite special cos i doubt many bros are willing to do the same...but i felt it was thru this period of time that i start to know my wife better as a person....

....During this period of time, after my break-up with my ex gf, i was having a turbulent relationship with my mom. Cos of my frequent late coming home. Thus i had almost daily clashes with my mom...It has been some time since i moved out and chose to stay in in my camp... Well, dunno whether it was a mistake or what cos i decided to bring my wife home to meet my parents for dinner. My dad kept asking me to come home but i knew i could not get aong with my mom so i finally relented for a dinner. During the dinner, my mom asked a lot of questions but i could see that she had her doubts....

...after that dinner, she interrogated me and i blew my top ...if you dun like is your problem. Then she blew her top too and took a chopper and went after me!!!! that was it!!! I moved out permanantly!!

I stayed with my wife from a rented apartment somewhere, with her cousins and friends. I was the only male in the apartment!! During this time, I had ORD and was starting my studies in the Uni so sad to say, i had little income. My wife didn't mind and said she would pay the rental till i found a part time job in between my this point she was still working cos i could not help her with what she wants...

We had a frank and open discussion about our own expectation of each other. She told me what she wants and i told her what i want. We agreed! She wants to continue working till she has saved up enough for her dream house and she made it known that once that was achieved , she will stop working. I make known to her that i can put up with her working but i cannot accept if she were to go upstairs...then when i said this, she scolded me...."you want me to die is it? you forgot what the doctor say ah?? hahaha...i really have forgotten...maybe it was a blessing in disguise cos somehow, her problem disallows her to be engaged in sexual acts.... which is why i am sure she has not done so(before knoe me dun need to say la but also dun need to ask)....

It is also during this time that i start to understand these girls better...i mean when you are staying in the same apartment with them and sending them to work and fetching them home everyday, you get to know their habits, their behind the scene KC-ing of chai taos and all their tricks and moves!! haha...I tell you you want what moves have what moves...sometimes i wonder if their communist schools taught them Tsu Zi art of war as a compulsory lesson!!!!

During this period, i start to understand my wife better She was better than i expected her to be. She dun drink, dun smoke ,dun gamble(RARE!!!) and most importantly dun "shake head". So this actually gave me a better image of her and i sort of liked her more!

The one thing she did that convinced me completely that she love me also occured during this period of time. At that time, my backside itchy as i gambled on soccer matches...I lost....and the thing is i have no money to pay...Lost 2000 over dollars( It was a hell lot to me at that time cos i was still unemployed). I din dare to tell her but i knew i was in deep shit!!! when my friend called me to asked for payment, i will always go one corner and listen and talk in hushed tones. She thought i was talking to another gal!!! haha!! So one day she confronted me and asked me about all the hush hush phone calls. I admitted to her that i had lost on soccer bets and was in deep shit. But like a MAN(have to la!!!) i told her i wil settle myself...maybe lan lan go back borrow money from dad first...but she was very afraid of my safety ....without a word, she went to her suitcase and took out her savings wallet and pulled out two $1000 notes and pass to me!
Knn!! So embarrasing!! stay also never pay liao now still teke char bor money pay socccer debt...wa lan eh...i tell you at that time i really feel I 'lau ka kui nia kor' sibei paiseh.. But it reinforces my love for her...

i mean lets be frank....she cannot go only can work by taking the table tips and this 2000 will take her between 1 week to 2 weeks to means a lot to her!! but now she's asking me to settle first...Fucking touched!!...really, as i am writing this part, i still feel the sudden flash of warm feeling in my heart...the type of touched feeling...dunno how to describe.... very nice feeling!

I think that this was the iconic event that happened during my stay with her that i fell totally in love with her so much so that my friend's and family's opinion doesn't matter to me anymore...I was willing to go the lonely path and to face the challenges.......with her

Lesson: I seriously think that two persons can only know one another that much even if you meet everyday. But living together is a different ball shows out who you really are...your bad habits and your real pattern. I must admit that it is thru this 'living together period' that she get to know me more and vice-versa. It actually multiplies the 'knowing you' process by ten times....So i think that before any of you guys want to get married to any viet gal, try living together for some time will allow you to know what kind of a person she really is...not the facade that she puts on whenever she meets you will be a good experience and will accelarate your relationship curve!
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Vietnamese songs/lyrics for your heart

~Vi wa yeu a nen e chap nhan la nguoi thu 3.Nhung co ai hieu duoc noi kho va noi dau cua nguoi thu 3 vi nguoi ta chi nghi nguoi thu 3 la nguoi co toi.minh bun vi minh la nguoi da roi vao hoan canh nay,suy nghi rat nhieu,moi dem k the ngu!~
Old 26-11-2008, 05:54 PM
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Re: Happily Married with an ex WL(VN)

really warms to heart to know bros here who are able to get happily married with ex WL.. esp VN gals.. got a soft spot for them myself..

bro casannova03, wishing u a continued Happy marriage!
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Old 26-11-2008, 09:49 PM
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Re: Happily Married with an ex WL(VN)

casannova03, your wife got any frens as good as her to intro to other bros here.... at least for a start ....
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Old 26-11-2008, 11:28 PM
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Re: Happily Married with an ex WL(VN)

very touching experiences you had bro casanova03. I am happy for you
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Old 26-11-2008, 11:58 PM
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Re: Happily Married with an ex WL(VN)

Marrying a WL, taking her out of that dreadful but sometime necessary trade... there's honour in there.

Marrying a decent girl then forcing or conning her to be a WL, that's lower than the lowest scoundrel.

Unfortunately, I knew of several such sad cases and worse still some of these girls did it willingly

So bro Casanova, I wish for you a long and happy union. You deserve our admiration for the courage to go down this road.
Men are like Snowstorms ...You never know when they're coming, how many inches you'll get or how long it will last.

Last edited by tokkon1; 27-11-2008 at 12:10 AM.
Old 27-11-2008, 12:54 AM
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Re: Happily Married with an ex WL(VN)


really touching. hope you will stay happily ever after with your wife.
Old 27-11-2008, 01:03 PM
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Re: Happily Married with an ex WL(VN)

Like you said bro... it takes alot.

Trust, understanding and fate...

Congrats that you found what makes you happy.
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Old 27-11-2008, 02:46 PM
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Re: Happily Married with an ex WL(VN)

Originally Posted by jackbl View Post
casannova03, your wife got any frens as good as her to intro to other bros here.... at least for a start ....

My wife sister wanna get married to Singapore lei....Anyone interested??? hahahaaa
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Vietnamese songs/lyrics for your heart

~Vi wa yeu a nen e chap nhan la nguoi thu 3.Nhung co ai hieu duoc noi kho va noi dau cua nguoi thu 3 vi nguoi ta chi nghi nguoi thu 3 la nguoi co toi.minh bun vi minh la nguoi da roi vao hoan canh nay,suy nghi rat nhieu,moi dem k the ngu!~
Old 27-11-2008, 02:48 PM
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Re: Happily Married with an ex WL(VN)

Originally Posted by ekemono View Post
very touching experiences you had bro casanova03. I am happy for you
Dun be happy for me la...hahaha...make yourself happy!!! I thought you getting married soon right?
<My Threads>

Vietnamese songs/lyrics for your heart

~Vi wa yeu a nen e chap nhan la nguoi thu 3.Nhung co ai hieu duoc noi kho va noi dau cua nguoi thu 3 vi nguoi ta chi nghi nguoi thu 3 la nguoi co toi.minh bun vi minh la nguoi da roi vao hoan canh nay,suy nghi rat nhieu,moi dem k the ngu!~
Old 27-11-2008, 02:58 PM
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Re: Happily Married with an ex WL(VN)

Then as Brother-in-law u must help her Arrange some dinner session for her to get to know those potential suitors...

Originally Posted by casannova03 View Post
My wife sister wanna get married to Singapore lei....Anyone interested??? hahahaaa
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Old 27-11-2008, 03:00 PM
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Re: Happily Married with an ex WL(VN)

Originally Posted by jackbl View Post
Then as Brother-in-law u must help her Arrange some dinner session for her to get to know those potential suitors...
Wah!! like that i more like pimp lei...hahahaha
<My Threads>

Vietnamese songs/lyrics for your heart

~Vi wa yeu a nen e chap nhan la nguoi thu 3.Nhung co ai hieu duoc noi kho va noi dau cua nguoi thu 3 vi nguoi ta chi nghi nguoi thu 3 la nguoi co toi.minh bun vi minh la nguoi da roi vao hoan canh nay,suy nghi rat nhieu,moi dem k the ngu!~
Old 27-11-2008, 03:12 PM
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Re: Happily Married with an ex WL(VN)

U say lidat not correct liao la... u mean all match-making agencies are pimp la..j/k..

Just go for simple dinner.. with u and wife around... chat and exchange tel no... if interested then can continue further...

Originally Posted by casannova03 View Post
Wah!! like that i more like pimp lei...hahahaha
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