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Old 21-01-2011, 09:54 AM
pcc01 pcc01 is offline
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Re: thai amulet-khun paen

most thai eat beef, praying gods in thai style i doubt there is a pantang of eating beef, praying Buddha oso, Buddha did not advocate against beef eating and never restrict His disciple to a vegeterian diet...
Old 21-01-2011, 10:02 AM
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Re: thai amulet-khun paen

Originally Posted by Taker View Post
Did you eat beef or chicken during those day where you wear ur K.P?
Beef I know, but chicken??? You mean eat chicken or call chicken???
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Old 22-01-2011, 12:00 AM
Taker Taker is offline
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Cool Re: thai amulet-khun paen

bro pcc01

Believe it or not up to you. As for a buddhism if can vegeterian is the best but if want to eat meat should not eat beef unless u really dont know that beef and you order. Most thai eat beef but do you know not all thai understand buddhism.

You sound like an expert then i ask you this question why thai ppl those who really into buddhism like elephant?

Bro et911

The reason of not eat chicken is because most K.P you can see them carrying one or there is one in the amulet somewhere. It is kind of the animal belong to K.P.

By the way believe it or not up to you
Old 22-01-2011, 01:35 AM
Incongnito Incongnito is offline
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Re: thai amulet-khun paen

Everythin on earth happened for a cause. Whether eating beef chicken or duck doesnt matter, as long as u don rob, cheat, kill or do any evil sure life for u will be bright n clean!

For wad i believe, if one conscience is clear, no harm no bad karma will happen on u.
1 thing for sure, im not a christian nor buddhist, but whenever i hear the gong bell ring from a heart will sink n filled with sins... Don know y!
A dash of black will be good
Old 22-01-2011, 02:59 AM
chunkymunky chunkymunky is offline
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Re: thai amulet-khun paen

Originally Posted by Taker View Post
bro pcc01

Believe it or not up to you. As for a buddhism if can vegeterian is the best but if want to eat meat should not eat beef unless u really dont know that beef and you order. Most thai eat beef but do you know not all thai understand buddhism.

You sound like an expert then i ask you this question why thai ppl those who really into buddhism like elephant?

Bro et911

The reason of not eat chicken is because most K.P you can see them carrying one or there is one in the amulet somewhere. It is kind of the animal belong to K.P.

By the way believe it or not up to you
for the beef part.. it is actually originated from hinduism.. where human grow up drinking the milk of the cow.. and even in the famine, the cow eat the grass and can produce milk for the human.. in this way we are indebted to the cow because it can even provide for us when in famine etc.. so thats why hindu dont eat beef...

and KP carry a chicken because to represent that KP likes to engage in chicken fights last time.. he carry a chicken to represent that he has good luck and fortune in winning his chicken fights.. it is not so much that he rear a pet chicken etc...
Old 22-01-2011, 10:08 AM
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Re: thai amulet-khun paen

Originally Posted by chunkymunky View Post
KP carry a chicken because to represent that KP likes to engage in chicken fights last time.. he carry a chicken to represent that he has good luck and fortune in winning his chicken fights.. it is not so much that he rear a pet chicken etc...
This is really news to me. I have seen KP carrying chicken, but didnt know at all we shouldnt be eating chicken while wearing them. Kind of weird really.
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Old 23-01-2011, 06:32 AM
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Re: thai amulet-khun paen

Originally Posted by pcc01 View Post
imho no need to get those worth thousand dollars range to wear the prcie is high as it is of collectiable value, plus if u are new to amulets u won know if its real or fake...even old birds will kena fake items at times.

unless u are really into amulets if not the $$$$ u buy prada or lv for the cai will score more point ba

Last week,I visited Wat SanKaew situated almost @the end of the road between Chiang Mai to Mai Sui. I didn't manage to see the revered KB Ah LI Ah Chai as he was away to Mai Sai in Chiang Rai. Instead of getting his famous stuff, I got a KP from the amulet counter which is 100 Bahts as a form of "Tam Boon' or donation. The following day, I went to Wat Chia Yat Sir Tan in CM as there was an inauguration of the newly built prayer hall on the early evening. We offered our respect to revered LP Income & he blessed us with good blessing. He invited my friend to sponsor a certain quantity of bricks to build a small yard behind his chamber, in return he will gave a historic KP as a appreciation to my friend.

As it was a big event of the night, many devotees attended as well as distinguished guests like KB Ah Li Ah Chai, & 2 other famous revered KB & Lp ( I forgot their name) were invited to chant for the evening. I saw an old couple with their pick-up vehicle selling religious stuffs & amulets since in the late noon within the premises of the temple. I noticed he had a few KP made by a local "Loo Shi", I can't recall his name. As the price is reasonable (100 Bahts), i got one piece from him, according to my local friend, this old man stuffs are genuine. I will upload the photo when I have the time. Cheers.
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Old 23-01-2011, 11:57 PM
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Re: thai amulet-khun paen

Hi bro.. Any ideal where to get a good / best real Pk and what is the prices normally is.. ??
Old 24-01-2011, 12:11 AM
chunkymunky chunkymunky is offline
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Re: thai amulet-khun paen

Originally Posted by et911 View Post
This is really news to me. I have seen KP carrying chicken, but didnt know at all we shouldnt be eating chicken while wearing them. Kind of weird really.
to be honest i wear KP but i dont know that we shouldn't eat chicken too.. and i checked with some monks but they say that this is not true.. so im not too sure about this...
Old 24-01-2011, 09:49 AM
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Re: thai amulet-khun paen

Originally Posted by chunkymunky View Post
to be honest i wear KP but i dont know that we shouldn't eat chicken too.. and i checked with some monks but they say that this is not true.. so im not too sure about this...
I wear KP too but I have never been told not to eat chicken. Beef yes (and some other stuffs), but chicken is definitely news.
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Old 24-01-2011, 10:10 AM
pcc01 pcc01 is offline
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Re: thai amulet-khun paen

Buddhism is never against beef eating! Monks could eat beef too! thai monks who go on pindabat(alms round) not suppose to chose their food so they get to eat anything offered, of course there are still monks who chose to be strict vegeterian(i am refering to non-mahayana, myhayana chinese/jap monks are vegeterian, they cant eat meat at all)

there is 0 reference at all that Buddha taught not to eat beef!!! not in any sutras not in vinaya... pls do not pass wrong info to mislead others....

layman precepts that was given to Buddhist:
-not to kill
-not to steal
-not to lie
-not to commit sexual misconduct
-not to consume intoxicants(mainly refering to alcohol but i suppose drugs should be in this too...basically something that makes your thinking slow or different when sober)

those in doubt pls consult some senoir monks rather then reading online and get the wrong info!

KP carrys chicken should be because of cock(not the cock below u) fighting,so why cant eat chicken??? when chicken fight they might even die esp if they tie knives to the leg... in which part of the thai texts mentioned KP himself don eat beef??

its only recent time that KP have those hugging chicken holding kmt with many naked girls around him...if u take a look at traditional moulds its just a Buddha in samadhi position..... those new patterns is just to cater to your needs....hold chicken- good for gambling luck etc, alot of girls for opp. sex attraction, holding sword for protection etc....

Buddha taught to know and investigate yourself, so hope bros here can do like wise don listen to others easily(of course including me!)
Old 24-01-2011, 10:15 AM
pcc01 pcc01 is offline
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Re: thai amulet-khun paen

Originally Posted by Bushnell 1918cb View Post

Last week,I visited Wat SanKaew situated almost @the end of the road between Chiang Mai to Mai Sui. I didn't manage to see the revered KB Ah LI Ah Chai as he was away to Mai Sai in Chiang Rai. Instead of getting his famous stuff, I got a KP from the amulet counter which is 100 Bahts as a form of "Tam Boon' or donation. The following day, I went to Wat Chia Yat Sir Tan in CM as there was an inauguration of the newly built prayer hall on the early evening. We offered our respect to revered LP Income & he blessed us with good blessing. He invited my friend to sponsor a certain quantity of bricks to build a small yard behind his chamber, in return he will gave a historic KP as a appreciation to my friend.

As it was a big event of the night, many devotees attended as well as distinguished guests like KB Ah Li Ah Chai, & 2 other famous revered KB & Lp ( I forgot their name) were invited to chant for the evening. I saw an old couple with their pick-up vehicle selling religious stuffs & amulets since in the late noon within the premises of the temple. I noticed he had a few KP made by a local "Loo Shi", I can't recall his name. As the price is reasonable (100 Bahts), i got one piece from him, according to my local friend, this old man stuffs are genuine. I will upload the photo when I have the time. Cheers.
nice 100baht hope i could go to Chiangmai soon too! actually alot of very ex amulets nowadays also cost no more than a donation in the past...just that over time now they rake up to millions!

u should get more for bros here u sell 200baht its still a very good price compared to outside market!
Old 24-01-2011, 10:18 AM
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Re: thai amulet-khun paen

Originally Posted by pcc01 View Post
Buddha taught to know and investigate yourself, so hope bros here can do like wise don listen to others easily(of course including me!)
But you do sound more logical than most.
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Old 24-01-2011, 10:20 AM
pcc01 pcc01 is offline
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Re: thai amulet-khun paen

Originally Posted by Taker View Post
bro pcc01

Believe it or not up to you. As for a buddhism if can vegeterian is the best but if want to eat meat should not eat beef unless u really dont know that beef and you order. Most thai eat beef but do you know not all thai understand buddhism.

You sound like an expert then i ask you this question why thai ppl those who really into buddhism like elephant?

Bro et911

The reason of not eat chicken is because most K.P you can see them carrying one or there is one in the amulet somewhere. It is kind of the animal belong to K.P.

By the way believe it or not up to you
sorry i don know any link between elephant and Buddhism, perhaps u can share more...

thai do love elephant but that to me is a seperate issues, if not wrong when in war during the past elephant were used as vehicles too...

oh btw sorry i am no "expert" just sharing wad i know so others can view and decide for themselves....
Old 24-01-2011, 10:28 AM
pcc01 pcc01 is offline
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Re: thai amulet-khun paen

Originally Posted by et911 View Post
But you do sound more logical than most.
Thank you Buddhism is logic to me alot have been misleaded esp when amulets are involve as many traders just want the consumer to buy the more superstitious they are the better which is contary to Buddism if really follow strictly good luck charms are dis-courage by Buddha(but of course as human we are greedy hehe) fortune-telling is also a no no, but nv heard eating beef is wrong(beef eating is ban mainly from Hinduism, Toaism and some who pray to Guan Yin, for thais some who pray to devas may not take cause its a vehical of one of the gods)

if all lives are equal why only protect the cow...
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