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Old 15-08-2015, 12:54 AM
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Re: Imaginary Celebrity Fantasy [NSFL]

I managed to find more pics. Again PM if you want.
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Old 15-08-2015, 03:17 AM
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Re: Imaginary Celebrity Fantasy [NSFL]

Its a Hoax! This is the fake one

This is the real one!
PM me for exchange pics / contacts
Email me at [email protected]

How I saw my mom had sex:
Old 15-08-2015, 05:52 AM
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Re: Imaginary Celebrity Fantasy [NSFL]

An Open Letter To Whom It May Concern

First of all, I sincerely apologise for the discomforts and confusions caused by my recent article.

It is to my dismay, despite making sure that I have watermarked each individual pieces of my articles prominently, we still have people thinking, guessing and wondering the authenticity of the article.

What concerns me is that Singaporeans might have trust issues. Despite stating “Fake” in my watermark, some people choose to believe it is real, vice versa in other instances.

Secondly, the “nipple slip” article that raised many eyebrows. I would like to know, What is so wrong about showing nipples? Where men are allowed and women aren’t. Are we trying to promote gender inequality here? While nobody give two hoots seeing a man’s nipple, a woman will be remarked as lewd, indecent, disgusting, an embarrassing mistake.

Sadly, the society that I know and lives in has always been bias and filled with gender inequality. It saddens me even more to see people actively advocates sexism in a already broken society as it is now.

Some of my other articles with the inclusion of more body parts are deemed by other people as “Highly indecent”. I have never understood why are some body parts or the act of making love deemed as indecent.

We are born without clothes on, the world accepts our entrance with our parts exposed. If exposure is indecent, does that makes you born indecent? Why is it deemed as indecent to show the parts that we are born with?

On the other hand, to the people who thinks that seeing another person’s body parts is bad, wrong, disgusting etc. You are no different than those who laugh at the granny with a hunchback, or those throwing stones at the little girl with birthmark on her face. You get offended, disgusted by the mere appearance of another being.

I believe that one day, an idiot and some clown monkeys had decided that not wearing clothes is embarrassing, wrong and indecent. This rule was carried on blindly till what we see today as an encumbered society, with questionable rules and restrictions.

Personally, i believe that clothing should be made optional, we should be proud of our body and dress ourselves in which ever way we like.

Finally, as stated in my website (which you people had wrote in to have it removed), these articles are fantasies created from my imagination, it is intended as a parody and does not represents any person or entity other than the mere depiction of my imagination.

Do i not have my own rights and space to imagine and depict my imaginations? It is a “parallel virtual world" that I chill out at after a long day, which is merely filled with just pixels and bytes. I seek no intentions or pursue any course of action towards any person or entity in the real physical world.

Sincerely, DarkkDarren

P.S. To Tumblr,
For love sake and the rights of all mankind, could you please stop bullying and return me my tumblr blog @

And Noww.... Thanks for listening


SG Magazines Nude Fakes

Fake Nude Fantasy Club

Old 15-08-2015, 12:02 PM
JohnsonLim JohnsonLim is offline
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Re: Imaginary Celebrity Fantasy [NSFL]

Please create a new website asap really appreciate your work
Old 15-08-2015, 12:06 PM
JohnsonLim JohnsonLim is offline
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Re: Imaginary Celebrity Fantasy [NSFL]

Please create a new web asap I really appreciate your work
Old 16-08-2015, 01:26 AM
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Re: Imaginary Celebrity Fantasy [NSFL]

Originally Posted by DarkkDarren View Post
An Open Letter To Whom It May Concern

First of all, I sincerely apologise for the discomforts and confusions caused by my recent article.

It is to my dismay, despite making sure that I have watermarked each individual pieces of my articles prominently, we still have people thinking, guessing and wondering the authenticity of the article.

What concerns me is that Singaporeans might have trust issues. Despite stating “Fake” in my watermark, some people choose to believe it is real, vice versa in other instances.

Secondly, the “nipple slip” article that raised many eyebrows. I would like to know, What is so wrong about showing nipples? Where men are allowed and women aren’t. Are we trying to promote gender inequality here? While nobody give two hoots seeing a man’s nipple, a woman will be remarked as lewd, indecent, disgusting, an embarrassing mistake.

Sadly, the society that I know and lives in has always been bias and filled with gender inequality. It saddens me even more to see people actively advocates sexism in a already broken society as it is now.

Some of my other articles with the inclusion of more body parts are deemed by other people as “Highly indecent”. I have never understood why are some body parts or the act of making love deemed as indecent.

We are born without clothes on, the world accepts our entrance with our parts exposed. If exposure is indecent, does that makes you born indecent? Why is it deemed as indecent to show the parts that we are born with?

On the other hand, to the people who thinks that seeing another person’s body parts is bad, wrong, disgusting etc. You are no different than those who laugh at the granny with a hunchback, or those throwing stones at the little girl with birthmark on her face. You get offended, disgusted by the mere appearance of another being.

I believe that one day, an idiot and some clown monkeys had decided that not wearing clothes is embarrassing, wrong and indecent. This rule was carried on blindly till what we see today as an encumbered society, with questionable rules and restrictions.

Personally, i believe that clothing should be made optional, we should be proud of our body and dress ourselves in which ever way we like.

Finally, as stated in my website (which you people had wrote in to have it removed), these articles are fantasies created from my imagination, it is intended as a parody and does not represents any person or entity other than the mere depiction of my imagination.

Do i not have my own rights and space to imagine and depict my imaginations? It is a “parallel virtual world" that I chill out at after a long day, which is merely filled with just pixels and bytes. I seek no intentions or pursue any course of action towards any person or entity in the real physical world.

Sincerely, DarkkDarren

P.S. To Tumblr,
For love sake and the rights of all mankind, could you please stop bullying and return me my tumblr blog @

And Noww.... Thanks for listening


Tbh, I don't understand why people hate on those who fantasise about making love with their idols, or those who simply have the "sex is disgusting" mindset. First and foremost you would not exist if not for sex, unless you're telling me you are a robot or a Frankenstein. And to some of us, sex is our way of expressing love to others, and we love our idols as much as you do. Yes, I may think of screwing Ivana all day long, but I do listen to her music and watch her shows too, and because of her I was inspired to pursue my passion for singing.

Haters gonna hate. We just gotta shake it off.
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Old 16-08-2015, 03:33 AM
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Big fan of yours! Keep up the good work and hopefully we'll see a site back!!
Old 16-08-2015, 09:47 PM
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Re: Imaginary Celebrity Fantasy [NSFL]

Can you do a fake of her?

Damn those big tits *drool*
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Old 16-08-2015, 10:12 PM
Nadal18 Nadal18 is offline
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Re: Imaginary Celebrity Fantasy [NSFL]

Originally Posted by LoveIvanaWong View Post
Can you do a fake of her?

Damn those big tits *drool*
OMG if Darren could do something about that
Old 16-08-2015, 11:21 PM
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Re: Imaginary Celebrity Fantasy [NSFL]

Originally Posted by Nadal18 View Post
OMG if Darren could do something about that

Her name is Harriet Yeung, she's a HK actress. 40 this year but she looks so cute and has a great figure, especially her boobs!
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Old 16-08-2015, 11:26 PM
WayangQueen WayangQueen is offline
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Re: Imaginary Celebrity Fantasy [NSFL]

Originally Posted by LoveIvanaWong View Post
Her name is Harriet Yeung, she's a HK actress. 40 this year but she looks so cute and has a great figure, especially her boobs!
Doesn't look like 40
Old 17-08-2015, 12:17 AM
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Re: Imaginary Celebrity Fantasy [NSFL]

Originally Posted by WayangQueen View Post
Doesn't look like 40楊詩敏

She really looks very young though.
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Old 17-08-2015, 11:57 PM
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Re: Imaginary Celebrity Fantasy [NSFL]

HAHAHAHAHA omg read this
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Old 18-08-2015, 09:03 AM
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Re: Imaginary Celebrity Fantasy [NSFL]

Ridiculous fellow.

Harrietschubbycheeks is me. By cheeks I mean buttcheeks. Jkjk.

Harriet isn't as chubby as she used to be though. Sian.
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Old 18-08-2015, 12:37 PM
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Re: Imaginary Celebrity Fantasy [NSFL]

lol for the effort u deserve some pts
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