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Old 29-09-2006, 10:48 AM
imkaa imkaa is offline
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Re: chiong Bangkok on shoestring budget

Originally Posted by rocketscientist
Guys please stop taking digs at this poor bro, opps...sorrie exuse the pun.

Seriously I think it is impossible to cheong BKK decently with 1000 dollars. Even 1000 cash for spending for 5 days trip is not enough much less you need to pay for air ticket and hotel room. I suggest you cheong Batam instead if Indo not your cup of tea then stay in Singapore go GL houses book overnight, your 1000 can last you 7-8 nights of booking.

The experience is not the same, the quality is better and the services also, with careful planning and as he stating that accomodation and food second priority, with one 1K S he certainly can make it for the 5 nights.

Well for a start if go to MP place like Nataree and even Mirage (not exactly the cheapest) have good cost 1800-2000 baht for a 2hr experiences...5 night that would total only 9,000 - 10,000 Baht (tip is subjective..and up to him...tip when you can afford it.... so with 15,000 Baht as what he planned excluding all his other cost...there should be enough for him to get some trying out a-go-go, or going for ball massages..or..2 MP on the same day.....or maybe have one night dining at some good eating places.....well at least once ...after all going to another country one should try out some of the best food they got to offer, if doing enough research he should be able to find some decent place that can get good thai food and not too expensive...BKK got many options available..and is still alot cheaper than Singapore, it also a good idea to get out of Singapore and travel to other country and try new things....

Make the most of the trip!

Old 29-09-2006, 07:03 PM
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Re: chiong Bangkok on shoestring budget

Agree with u bro. U may think before the trip to bkk how much u going to save and spend but when u r really there, the situation will be different. U will tend to spend more than what u plan due to many hidden cost. For 5 days with only 1k, I think u will not enjoy much.

Originally Posted by rocketscientist
Guys please stop taking digs at this poor bro, opps...sorrie exuse the pun.

Seriously I think it is impossible to cheong BKK decently with 1000 dollars. Even 1000 cash for spending for 5 days trip is not enough much less you need to pay for air ticket and hotel room. I suggest you cheong Batam instead if Indo not your cup of tea then stay in Singapore go GL houses book overnight, your 1000 can last you 7-8 nights of booking.
Old 29-09-2006, 09:36 PM
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Re: chiong Bangkok on shoestring budget

I think he can have a good time. His calculations show he has Baht 15,000 for entertainment - if he can get a hotel in budget then I think he can manage this assuming he walks or takes buses and eats thai food.

If it was me I would try to economise on the first 2 nights and then plan for spending all remaining cash on the last 2 nights.

A freelancer bar may be a good bet, first point is the girls not too pushy for drinks, the price for ON can be lower if negotiated and if interested in GFE then a trip to movies the next afternoon only Baht 300 include soft drink.
Old 30-09-2006, 12:05 AM
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Re: chiong Bangkok on shoestring budget

If let's say have shoestring budget of 15,000baht, the best advise I give is to do 'fishing'. Not those P4P.

Let's be honest, want to P4P long time for 4 nights, 15,000 enough meh?

So the best is to strike early on the 1st night and go to those pubs mingle around. Even don't know how to speak thai, just remember Thailand is Land of Smiles. Just give a smile to your target, buy her a drink, talk to her. If she is cold and not forthcoming, move on to next one.

1st night no target, then go 2nd night do same thing. If 2 nights nothing also, then the balls sure heavy liao.

First 2 nights no action, the money for 1st 2 nights are accumulated over to the 3rd and 4th night. By then this money is enough for 2 nights of P4P.

If 1st night succeed, then the subsequent nights will have someone as company. the 15K will come in handy for food, drinks, fun, and condom all packed in one. If have spare cash, just pass to the girl when the 4 nights end.


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Old 30-09-2006, 02:11 AM
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Re: chiong Bangkok on shoestring budget

Originally Posted by siamcutey
If let's say have shoestring budget of 15,000baht, the best advise I give is to do 'fishing'. Not those P4P. ...........

If 1st night succeed, then the subsequent nights will have someone as company. the 15K will come in handy for food, drinks, fun, and condom all packed in one. If have spare cash, just pass to the girl when the 4 nights end.

If go do fishing can get those girls ( I am assuming you are talking about non WL here), still have to "pass" money to the girl after the 4 nights? Won't the girl feel insulted?
Old 30-09-2006, 02:21 AM
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Re: chiong Bangkok on shoestring budget

Originally Posted by WorldSexGuide
If go do fishing can get those girls ( I am assuming you are talking about non WL here), still have to "pass" money to the girl after the 4 nights? Won't the girl feel insulted?
When I say give money to girl, I don't mean outright give like dat lah.

I meant you can give it to her in a subtle manner where you can say got some spare thai baht and since SG not using, let her use lor. Or you can say give her some money go shopping, buy some gifts for herself or for her parents mah.

In a way, when you say like dat, make her feel good, also make yourself look good in front of other people.


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Old 30-09-2006, 09:59 AM
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Re: chiong Bangkok on shoestring budget

Bro if we dont speak thai I think very diffcult to sianz them leh.
Also quite dangerous in pub or disco because u dont know if she come with any bfs then u will not end up balls heavy but 1 black eye. haha

Originally Posted by siamcutey
If let's say have shoestring budget of 15,000baht, the best advise I give is to do 'fishing'. Not those P4P.

Let's be honest, want to P4P long time for 4 nights, 15,000 enough meh?

So the best is to strike early on the 1st night and go to those pubs mingle around. Even don't know how to speak thai, just remember Thailand is Land of Smiles. Just give a smile to your target, buy her a drink, talk to her. If she is cold and not forthcoming, move on to next one.

1st night no target, then go 2nd night do same thing. If 2 nights nothing also, then the balls sure heavy liao.

First 2 nights no action, the money for 1st 2 nights are accumulated over to the 3rd and 4th night. By then this money is enough for 2 nights of P4P.

If 1st night succeed, then the subsequent nights will have someone as company. the 15K will come in handy for food, drinks, fun, and condom all packed in one. If have spare cash, just pass to the girl when the 4 nights end.

Old 30-09-2006, 10:34 AM
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Re: chiong Bangkok on shoestring budget

Originally Posted by siamcutey
If 1st night succeed, then the subsequent nights will have someone as company. the 15K will come in handy for food, drinks, fun, and condom all packed in one. If have spare cash, just pass to the girl when the 4 nights end.

Maybe can stay in girl's place save on accommodations too

Originally Posted by logiteck
Bro if we dont speak thai I think very diffcult to sianz them leh.
Also quite dangerous in pub or disco because u dont know if she come with any bfs then u will not end up balls heavy but 1 black eye. haha

Then 15k come in handy when checking into Bumrumgrad
Old 30-09-2006, 10:41 AM
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Re: chiong Bangkok on shoestring budget

hi bros,

tink i will be there on coy trip and staying in silom.... any good recommendation? i meant cheap ones.... thks
Old 30-09-2006, 11:27 AM
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Re: chiong Bangkok on shoestring budget

Malaysian Datuk I like your hospital fee suggestion..

As for giving non-WL money I remember a good method that worked for me before. I told the girl I wanted to buy her a present to remember me by, but I said I wasn't so used to shopping for a girl so what would she like. She said she would like a nice pair of shoes. I told her that that would be good as I was sure the shoes would always make her think of me, but unfortunately I am in a bit of a hurry and no time for shopping so could she please accept the cash and go shopping with friend later.... Seemed to work out ok.
Old 30-09-2006, 12:19 PM
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Re: chiong Bangkok on shoestring budget

Originally Posted by logiteck
Bro if we dont speak thai I think very diffcult to sianz them leh.
Also quite dangerous in pub or disco because u dont know if she come with any bfs then u will not end up balls heavy but 1 black eye. haha

Speaking thai helps but doesn't mean sure can sianz tio too. And sometimes don't know how to speak can be an aid rather than a handicap.

Of course when want go fishing, must also see the situation too. And nowadays where got buy drinks for girls kenna black eye one? If after buying a drink and her bf appear, just smile smile and back off lor. Move on to other target and continue again.


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Old 30-09-2006, 09:00 PM
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Re: chiong Bangkok on shoestring budget

Originally Posted by siamcutey
Speaking thai helps but doesn't mean sure can sianz tio too. And sometimes don't know how to speak can be an aid rather than a handicap.
What about one who can speak like a Thai? Phood Thai chart meung Khon Thai?
Originally Posted by siamcutey
Of course when want go fishing, must also see the situation too. And nowadays where got buy drinks for girls kenna black eye one? If after buying a drink and her bf appear, just smile smile and back off lor. Move on to other target and continue again.
Well, its not impossible bfs get jealous over gfs talking to other men.... and they do get into fight after influenced by alcohol... so most dangerous time is after midnight... but then again, its also best time to talk to the ladies if u know wat I mean. hehehe
Happened to me once in Escudo I talked to a TG... chatted in english... then found out she used to have S'pore bf (what a coincidence!) and after a while a group of Thai men came and one of them smiley came to me and said in Thai, "kui dai dtae hum jeep!". (can chat but cannot "sian"). I jus smiled and raised my glass and cheers with him then walked away.... Face is important to Thai... normally a smile and backing off will solve everything.
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Old 30-09-2006, 10:15 PM
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Re: chiong Bangkok on shoestring budget

1k how to chiong few days? One night in Carribean also not enough
Old 30-09-2006, 11:47 PM
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Chiong Bangkok on shoestring budget

Originally Posted by siamcutey
Of course when want go fishing, must also see the situation too. And nowadays where got buy drinks for girls kenna black eye one? If after buying a drink and her bf appear, just smile smile and back off lor. Move on to other target and continue again.

If after buying the girl a drink and bf appear, just smile at him and buy him a drink also !

You think so easy to get 'black eye' meh ? ......... like in Bruce Lee movie ???
Old 01-10-2006, 02:02 AM
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Re: chiong Bangkok on shoestring budget

Originally Posted by singrakthai

Well, its not impossible bfs get jealous over gfs talking to other men.... and they do get into fight after influenced by alcohol... so most dangerous time is after midnight... but then again, its also best time to talk to the ladies if u know wat I mean. hehehe
Happened to me once in Escudo I talked to a TG... chatted in english... then found out she used to have S'pore bf (what a coincidence!) and after a while a group of Thai men came and one of them smiley came to me and said in Thai, "kui dai dtae hum jeep!". (can chat but cannot "sian"). I jus smiled and raised my glass and cheers with him then walked away.... Face is important to Thai... normally a smile and backing off will solve everything.
Then u never ask him, "mai jeep gor dai, there waa kor ber dai mai krup?"

So u think he will smile at you or throw his bottle at you.

That Thai man buey gan. Girl never say anything, he so many words.


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