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Old 16-09-2022, 11:04 PM
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Re: Great Bonks (STRICTLY for sponsored gal only)

Alice - XOXO (1s/45min, Night, visit past 1-2 day)

Disclaimers, Info + My Prefrence & Bias about my FR
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Cover as much detail as I can to be useful as possible, everyone looks for different things. hope it help make more inform choice
but keep in mind ultimately it is still through my own experience & view. I try my best to keep netural, state fact & detail
Can't provide info on EVERYTHING (sometime never notice or will forget some details)
Given score, if any, is rough guide. Everyone have own way in measure ratings. Especially thing like how chio or sexiness. I write more description for reader to judge
no cover up, no sugar coat, no exaggarate. but apologize for any lapse in judgement.
While I try provide accurate detail, I have to enjoy my session too, end of day, I am there as a bonker, not a recce personel
Please note location, area may or may not change any time, any day, or even within the same day. It is hard to predict. More experience bro will know this fact well

My Prefrence & Bias (to help you get a feel & to gauge my FR)
-Season Foot solider (can't comment on parking), 15min walk to me is acceptable
-Natural lover, size don't matter. Dislike enhanced
-I DO NOT know how to judge boob size accurately. I don't bring measuring tape to bonk stated boob size is what it FEEL LIKE TO ME
-lenient with body hotness/sexiness. Average is enough to turn me on. Generally am slim lover but open to different types, even meaty or abit of tummy I ok
-non smoker, sensitive to smoke breath
-I am not long laster. Each round of actions roughly 10-15min for me
-BJ not my thing, usually skip, even CBJ
-Not into AR, anal or anything related to the pangsai hole
-generally not very adventureous, my need are very basic
-3 Most Important criteria for me: GFE/FE/Attitude/Engagement, FJ/Passion, Cuddle - Everything else can be below average I will still rate good session
-I really really dislike it when girl immediately push me out upon cumming. That ruins the whole FJ. I need at least some time stay inside to savor the moment & enjoy the after-cum feeling
-My cuddle expection is high. For me equally important as FJ
-beside these 3 I quite chin chye, not demanding. so some might find me abit lenient on things

Full Detail Version
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OKT & Location
Booking/At location: Feels solid, very organized & efficient. Friendly, easy going & approacable. Pleasant booking process 👍
Location/Distance: G, 10-15min walk from MRT
Discreet: Have to pass recep but I walk in without problem
Room: Not new, average vibe. on smaller side though not squeezy Aircon: Working
Shower: Private, Heater. Space/vibe same as room
Other Places to Fuck On: None
Mirror: One mirror at counter area, possible to standing doggy
Bed: Queen
Towel: Thin type GM towel
Thai Tan: Some, her's more towards a golden-brown type tone
Skin (Body): For Look: look good, smooth, no blemish. For Touch: average to smooth
Boob: A natural 👍. She's tall so it looks abit small when standing up straight. but some positions (mostly her on top)
it does have some volume, quite sexy when she press them onto me.
Body: Slim & tall. she looks 'big' (in the tall sense) as her bone structure is big. Ad state 171, she feel taller than that.
Not model level slender but slim. this height not common, felt good to bonk a 'long' type body, gave me an extra 'kick' 👍
Hair: Long till lower back, black. Chio
Tattoo: None I noticed
Below Shave: No
Hygiene: Clean
Fragrance: neutral, no smell

Looks/Pic Accuracy: (now everyone look like model. All pics must auto discount, especially the perfect complexions)
Accuracy: Not as pretty as photo, discount complexion. As usual discount away sharp chin which everyone have nowdays
Another way she look different during my session she let her hair down instead of tying up like the pic. In pic look more cute
When she let down she look more chio. Her long hair suit her well, make her look prettier
Real Life: Average GND but the looks will grow on you. After that can say is somewhat above average.
Her whole package of height, long hair & overall feel can be quite attractive, just not to level of chiobu

Normal GND, Friendly & outgoing though not the explosive loud chatty kind
She is expert in conversation in a more reserved GND way
Shower Together: Yes, will wash me. Her converse skill so natural we even got so distracted halfway
during shower. Off the water & just stood in the toilet chatting. Then continue to shower
Foreplay: Intense & quite passionate 👍
French: All out french. Neutral breath 👍
Smoker: No
BJ: Didn't try, she offered
Paint: Didn't try
Below Wet: Somewhat, but did have to KY during once position change. Maybe is my skill not good
Finger: Only tried rubbing, she respond by rocking her hip against my fingers & moan. I loved that reaction 👍
AR/CIM/COB: Didn't try didn't ask
PSE: Did have slight hint of this. The way she react, moan & perform bed, the intensity had light PSE flavor

FJ (8.5/10) Quite intense fucking 👍
Doggy 👍: The scene of doggy is memorable one for me. Her golden smooth looking skin glisten on the light,
with long arms, legs & body infront of me while holding to the curve of her waist. The sight it self make it feel extra good.
She also has quite a full butt to hold on to & to piak against

Ride : She did a ride where both leg were spread almost 180 for maximum angle
then her whole pelvis area kept smashing onto mine while she fuck me intensely. Very shiok 👍👍

Passion: Yes for some moment but it mostly was on the wild side
Wildness/Intensity: 8.5/10 👍
Responsive: Yes, nice moans & body reactions. She make it felt quite intense
Pussy: Adequately tight
During Orgasm: Continue the flow of already intense bonking, I finish ontop so I was in control, she just took it
After Orgasm: Allow me stay inside long to fully enjoy 👍

Cuddle: ?/10 Note My cuddle expection is sky high. To me equally important as FJ
Koala Standard: Didn't get to cuddle long as the actions took most of the time. the little we had was decent
Tease/Touch: -
Initmate/Pillow Talk: Not reach GF feel yet, but have potential
Massage: Never ask, never try
Language/Comms: Seem quite good Eng level, speak with a bit angmoh slang. Maybe picked up her english from farang
Last Week: No 2nd day
Lighting: first she switch off all, requested to on & she gladly did. We did in full lighting as bright as room light can go (8/10)
Play Handphone: Even if she did I did not notice. All the way she was totally engaged talking to me 👍👍
I'm ok with play handphone, More important is if the attention is still on me, or totally distratced

Service/attitude (I generaly remain quiet, passive, don't initiate or engage, step back see where the girl brings me)
Commercial: No
Service: Green but possible Service Queen in the making.
Service queen refer to that specific style of girl who will take care of you in full detail every step from open door till you leave. Help you remove hang clothes, put on shoes,
translate app already prepared (if needed), ask for your preferences. Very polite, alway make you feel welcome, serve you water.
For my defination Service Queens can be commercial too, or reject things they are not comfortable with (Eg french). It is more of a style & attitude

Attitude: Friendly & outgoing
This is her expertise. It was so natural & engaging even during shower we got distracted turn off water just stood there & chat
She knows how to fill in all the gaps & silences, even with a passive person like me.
Never one moment where the engagement pace drop to any silence nor awkwardness (9/10) 👍👍

GFE: Not yet, but have potential. Now is FE
Note I separate service/attitude & GFE. No GFE doesn't mean bad service or attitude. Can also have great service but no GF feeling

Shorter Version
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OKT & Location
Pleasant booking process 👍 OKT very organized & efficient, friendly & approacable. G, 10-15min walk from MRT
Have to pass recep but I walk in without problem. Room+shower not new, average vibe. on smaller side though not squeezy
Aircon, heater all working. Queen bed. Provided towels were thin GM.

Some tan her's more towards golden-brown tone. Look smooth, average to smooth for touch.
Boobs A natural look abit small on her due to height if she stand up straight, but in some position it still look sexy with some volume
She's tall & slim. looks 'big' (in the tall sense) as her bone structure is on the bigger side, Ad state 171, she feels taller than that.
Not model level slender but slim. this height not common, felt good bonk a 'long' type body, gave me an extra 'kick' 👍
Not as pretty as photo, discount complexion. Also as usual discount away the sharp chin which everyone seem to have nowdays
During my session she let down her hair instead. In pic look more cute. When let down look more chio. Her long hair suit her well
Average GND but looks will grow on you. Her whole package of height, hair & overall feel can be quite attractive, just not to chiobu level
Personality/vibe is normal GND, Friendly & outgoing though not the explosive loud chatty kind

Action 8.5/10 👍 Generally a pretty wild & intense fuck, the whole mood, the way she perform & react
Intense & quite passionate foreplay, she does all out french 👍 When I rub her downstairs, she rock her hip against
my finger & moan.I loved that reaction 👍 In general the way moan, perform & react, intensity had light PSE flavor

Position Doggy 👍: The scene of doggy is memorable one for me. Her golden smooth looking skin glisten on the light,
with long arms, legs & body infront of me while holding to the curve of her waist. The sight it self make it feel extra good.
She also has quite a full butt to hold on to & to piak against

Riding : She did a ride where both leg were spread almost 180 for maximum angle
then her whole pelvis area kept smashing onto mine while she fuck me intensely. Very shiok 👍👍

After Action/Cuddle: Didn't get to cuddle long with her as the actions took most time. the little we had it was decent

Quite good Eng level, speak with a bit angmoh slang
Even if she did play handphone I did not notice. All the way she was totally engaged talking to me 👍👍
Svc/Attitude Not commercial, green but potential service queen in making. Friendly & outgoing
Engagement is her expertise. She know how to fill in all the gap & silences, even with a passive person like me.
Excellent conversation pace throghout. Never one moment where the engagement drop to silence nor awkwardness (9/10) 👍👍
GFE Not yet but have potential, now still FE

Highlights: Pleasant booking, friendly approacable OKT, very organized & effcient
For bro into tall girl, she will be a turn on. This height not common so felt extra kick bonking her 'long' body
Intense actions all way from foreplay to FJ. All out french. Even light hint of PSE flavor at times. Great responsiveness
The scene of doggying her was a memorable one for me, as wel as that one special way she ride
Excellent conversation & engagement, even with passive guy like me she manage to talk with me all the way through
Good: Good service level
Not Bad: Average boobs but can be sexy at certain position/angles
Acceptable: She's passably attractive if you are not strictly looking for chiobu
Improvements: Better room vibe would have enhanced the mood mroe
GM towel is ok, but can get the thicker version will be better
Photos need discount, maybe some live pics will be good
Lowlights: -

Personally for me thoroughly enjoyed the way she engage me & the sex was good too. Overall very good session

Last edited by semj; 16-09-2022 at 11:25 PM.
Old 16-09-2022, 11:06 PM
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Re: Great Bonks (STRICTLY for sponsored gal only)

Nice recommendations
Old 16-09-2022, 11:18 PM
Loafofbread Loafofbread is offline
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Re: Great Bonks (STRICTLY for sponsored gal only)

FR - MINA XOXO (16/09)
TLDR: very good service, Horny babe who enjoys sex and I felt raped. Cheeky too. YMMV

OKT: first time trying this stable, okt fast and accommodating to my last min request for a destress fuck

Looks: not as fair as her pics, thai tan, not the prettiest, service makes up for it.
Body: b cup natural boobs, full back tattoo, slim and fit

Bbbj: very good effort, started in the shower and continued on the bed. Lots of slurping and includes licking on balls.

FJ: she caps on and rode for a while, she enjoys it and squeeze my ass when doing her in missionary. Doggy is the best view cos of tattoo and she will pull my butt towards her

GFE: more commercial but has very good service, smiling all the way and washing up tgt in shower

RtF: maybe, got others to try but if last min need a good fuck, I’ll find her
Old 16-09-2022, 11:24 PM
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Re: Great Bonks (STRICTLY for sponsored gal only)

Originally Posted by demonez View Post
Good morning towels are really a pain to use but understand hotel operating model is hard to use good towels.
I too understand & agree this point, sometime is really bopian. that's why I close one eye to GM towel. But the thin type is really not easy to use at all. Problem being you are still abit moist after multiple round of drying, & the moisture can transfer onto the bedsheet

PSA there is actually another version of GM towel, also small size same white & blue design but at least thicker & more absorbant. If any stable reading this really bopian need to use GM type towel hope can look into this & get the 'better version'. It is at least 2-3X more efficient to use & actually dries the body
Old 16-09-2022, 11:28 PM
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Talking Re: Great Bonks (STRICTLY for sponsored gal only)

Jas - Loveaffair

OKT 10/10 friendly prompt response

Location 6/10 south location, no registration needed

Looks 9/10 legit syt, pretty faced

Boobs 8/10 nice handful B cup, soft to grab and suckle

BbbJ 9/10 very hardworking, slow, deep and can suck for a long time

FJ 10/10 tight and wet, loves to be painted and good for doggy

RTF YES for sure!
Old 16-09-2022, 11:53 PM
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Re: Great Bonks (STRICTLY for sponsored gal only)

Originally Posted by escobar43535 View Post
Enjoy From Galaxyxcorts

Conclusion Funnily enough, even with all her restrictions and 0 Gfe, i would still say Enjoy is just about value for money based on her chio syt looks; smoking hot swimsuit/lingerie model boobs/body and cim (without paying extra). But be prepared for ice cold Gfe. Then again you never know, she might pleasantly surprise you but take this as a bonus should this happen.
There's candy from poseidon, summer and kammy from Casanova. All 3 pretty young things with locations outside of g area. Decent gfe and worth 160-180 price. Candy leaving soon and summer and kammy probably end of next week. Catch them while you still can!
"We accept the love we think we deserve" - Stephen Chbosky

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Old 17-09-2022, 12:20 AM
brunjoe9000 brunjoe9000 is offline
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Re: Great Bonks (STRICTLY for sponsored gal only)

FR for Linda from Galaxy



OKT 10/10 friendly prompt response, clear instructions.

Location: 10/10 ; 10min from MRT, no registration needed

Looks: Discount 30% from pics, pictures enhanced.

Boobs: small B cup but cute

BBBJ: Slow with deep throat and lots of focus on the head

Painting: Allowed, did mention to be gentle with any finger work on the pussy.

FJ 10/10 tight and wet, open to different positions without complaints. Took a good pounding

RTF: Yes! Service overall was excellent. 2 shot was worth it.

Linda was a horny milf with excellent service. Provided a good and long AR as advertised. DFK provided with an amazing ass for doggy. Tried multiple positions and was accommodating throughout. Enhanced pictures made up for in service! Recommended bonk especially for the price.
Old 17-09-2022, 12:28 AM
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Talking Re: Great Bonks (STRICTLY for sponsored gal only)

Aor from empire6969

looks similar to the photos posted. Of course please discount a bit from the filters.
She is milf not xmm so she know man needs.

Her body is also very similar to the photos, Tall, above 170 I guess. hourglass, not the slim type but curvy and firm in a very good way.

BBBJ:Great. Good take care of my cock. Love to rim and suck my balls also. She looks enjoying a delicious stick. Take very long time to taste it.

Great fuckjob. Flexible and can tahan a heavy fucking. She looks no fuck life for sometime,
Let me fuck her harder and harder, cannot stop. Try many positions and she more enjoying it than me��. She was most responsive during doggy! Super awesome to pound her from behind and slap her round ass at same time.

To sum it up, nice fuck. She is a nice person and speak good English. Have Professional massage skill especially when massage your DD.
Old 17-09-2022, 12:31 AM
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Re: Great Bonks (STRICTLY for sponsored gal only)

Seriously glad to see more and more bros over here not willing to pay/bend over to heavily photoshopped ads.

Want to find bonk over weekend also need to PM several bros who I know have tastes similar to me so won't step on landmine. Do research like more than write thesis. Kills the mode entirely.

$160-$180 range for 2s also not considered cheapest (also not premium la), so if that range still kena landmine sure damn sian. I kena a few, and so far, really galaxy/empire have been consistent with their pictures, so really kudos to them.

Would like to try Silver/Black from XOXO and Kammy/Summer from Casanova, but like very scared to make a move liao. Sigh.
Tier list getting too long.... lol pls see my FRs to get latest tier list.

my preference: slutty petite xmm syt! CIM/DT/DFK/sloppy!
Old 17-09-2022, 12:52 AM
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Re: Great Bonks (STRICTLY for sponsored gal only)

My 1st time trying this new stable since I'm feeling adventurous.

Stable: C88
Location: East Condo
Room: Clean room w/o attached toilet, queen mattress on floor
Shower: Common area small standing shower with a deep ledge
Towel: Good Morning towel, weak game here bro

Lady: Kammy

Looks: Fair like Chinese, look like a pretty GND and SYT, no noticeable blemishes
For looks, I'll put her in the same category as Pat(SilkStockings) who was here in May2022.One of the most blemish free lady I've seen so far, clear skin on face and no tattoos. Confident enough that she left the lights on during the deed, she scores points for this in my book.
Difference with Pat is that Kammy did put on some light makeup, Pat left a bare face and dimmed the lights.

Body: Slim with nice ass, smooth and youthful skin. Another fr mentioned she has nice hip to waist ratio, I confirmed that.

Boobs: Handful and soft B, natural which I very much prefer

Pussy: Looks trimmed and low mileage, no smell. She says she likes being painted and responsive to it. No fingering.

French: N/A. We communicated our preferences, she's open to it if I wanted, but I didn't cared too much for it.

BBBJ: Slow and steady which I like/prefer, didn't felt teeth. She suck and lick as if worshipping my dick with eye contact with me while I watched
Her BBBJ style is very different from almost all others I've experienced, she did it slow with CFM eye contact with me.
She didn't blow for very long, but I'm pretty sure she'd obliged if I asked her to continue. I didn't since I didn't care very much on BBBJ.
But if I had to compare, Pop(SexAmazon) who was here in June2022 would be my preference.

FJ: Unfortunately, I wasn't on form today.
1st short released too fast, 2nd shot couldn't unload and took too long until both our stamina depleted from missionary->doggy->plank->cowgirl->missionary.

GFE: One of her best selling point aside from looks and body, treats you like her bf, makes sure you're comfortable and feeling good.
Speaks decent English, she scores points in my books for this, although not exactly at GCE 'O' level standard, but enough to hold decent conversations and communicate preferences.
No awkward silences, no chicken and duck talk, not even google translate. No phone playing or watching.

RTF: Yes, I want to rtf and regain my honor when I get back on form, or maybe after I've tried Summer?

Location is quite inaccessible, but very discreet. I love it and hate it at the same time.
By comparison, I'd consider the current SilkStockings' location(which I also like, discreet walkup apartment) to be fairly inaccessible for Bus/MRT, but at least it is near certain landmarks with eateries around and a bus stop in a stone throw. There's also a parking area for drivers.
This location, you'd have to pickup and throw the same stone many times for the nearest eatery and bus stop, limited roadside parking which I doubt you can get any by late evening.
Cons aside, it is discreet. This area is so ulu and atas, I doubt you'd be suspected for monkey business. Nice long stretch of PCN and nice landed and condos/apartments around.

My personal favourite for location would be the pre-covid Seduction68's walk up apartment above shophouses, near MRT right outside CBD and very close to amenities/eateries.
So far I avoided RLD and some "hotels", although I liked the "hotel" used by the previous SA before the change in management.

I'd say Kammy has set my expectation very high for this new stable so far, I hope the stable/OKT to keep up the standard of girls and also improve on the towel game yo.

Last edited by cuntester; 17-09-2022 at 01:29 AM.
Old 17-09-2022, 02:03 AM
nickkkwww nickkkwww is offline
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Re: Great Bonks (STRICTLY for sponsored gal only)

Fr for Jenny from Galaxy

Location: check with okt

Young and bubbly girl, can speak some english so no problem with communication. Chubby but not fat, more like having curves at the right places. Tried 69 with her but she said it was ticklish so i stood up and let her continue blowing until cim. The way she play with the balls while bj is really not for the faint hearted. Wash up and chat with her about food and partying while we rested, soon we started touching each other again and 2nd round she initiated with bj and hj before asking, caps on? After that she jumped onto me with a cheeky smile and i let her ride me in cowgirl until i surrender. The view of her boobs jiggling in front of me while she moan jav style really exceeded my expectations.

Promised her to write fr so here it is. Finally found a gem after a series of landmine recently, will rtf as soon as vitamins are replenished
Old 17-09-2022, 02:03 AM
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Old 17-09-2022, 02:08 AM
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Old 17-09-2022, 02:18 AM
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Rose @ ThaiConcept

Same slim young lady in Okt Telegram video, smooth thai tan skin, face with blemish, smiles, fun willing to please, nice man-C Boobs, good hug, paint, french, hump tight pussy, BBJ can improved, Overall enjoyable session

Last edited by srodeeps; 17-09-2022 at 03:09 AM.
Old 17-09-2022, 06:09 AM
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Re: Great Bonks (STRICTLY for sponsored gal only)

Originally Posted by kristie009 View Post

Received more photos from Julie. Sharing is caring naa!

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Good bonks FR(💎ONLY FOR SPONSORED GALS in DOME 2) Please put sponsored link GimliTheBigD FL Dome 2 - The Middle Kingdom Spreads its Wings 375 20-03-2023 01:53 PM
Great bonks, Bad bonks iphone1s FL Dome L - Fine Dining with a Local Flavor 0 08-05-2014 03:32 PM

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