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Old 14-11-2019, 12:38 PM
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Re: How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type

Great replies by bro WB, hope to learn more from you.

Old 15-11-2019, 01:18 PM
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Re: How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
Bro, tks for your post.

I always tell the girl, whoever she is, that I'm married with kids. The girl will like me more. In fact, I'll also tell her I hv a young mistress. She will be intrigued.

They shun you when you tell them you're married? Maybe they are hoping to marry you. Who are these girls?

A married man w/ kids and having one or more young mistresses strongly suggests that he is a very healthy, virile, and testosterone filled man.

Perhaps the girl shuns you for other reasons. She may be uncomfortable w/ you body language or voice quality. Or your behaviour is too needy and insecure. There are many other possible reasons. One not uncommon one is that your body scent signals to her subconscious mind that you two are quite close genetically. Amazing but true.

"Women prefer male partners with differing MHC genes from themselves."


Bro WB

Applause!!!!!!!! Bro WB the man!!!!!
Njoy Milf and Ladies with Tua Nehs!
Old 17-11-2019, 02:31 AM
HelplessGal HelplessGal is offline
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Re: How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type

Originally Posted by repairman View Post
Bro, thanks for your detailed post. The girls that shun me reply along this line when I asked them to be my 情人 or girlfriend, with them knowing I am married: 我可不要被打/女人何必为难女人/你有家庭,好好过日子吧

Probably you are right that sometimes I might behave needy or insecure. Will learn from you to be frank with them irregardless.

Regarding the body scent, that is something interesting.
Married men, pls be honest with women from start that you are married instead of declaring to them that you are single and a prize to them. Otherwise you will have unforeseen drama and end up like this guy :

Women shun married men for various reasons like they don’t want to be confronted or beaten up by their furious wives or break up married men’s families
Old 17-11-2019, 02:38 AM
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Re: How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
Bro, tks for your post.

I always tell the girl, whoever she is, that I'm married with kids. The girl will like me more. In fact, I'll also tell her I hv a young mistress. She will be intrigued.

They shun you when you tell them you're married? Maybe they are hoping to marry you. Who are these girls?

A married man w/ kids and having one or more young mistresses strongly suggests that he is a very healthy, virile, and testosterone filled man.

Perhaps the girl shuns you for other reasons. She may be uncomfortable w/ you body language or voice quality. Or your behaviour is too needy and insecure. There are many other possible reasons. One not uncommon one is that your body scent signals to her subconscious mind that you two are quite close genetically. Amazing but true.

"Women prefer male partners with differing MHC genes from themselves."


Bro WB
Warbird, what do you think of this case :
Guess this guy thought that he is a prize to SYT gal.

It is good that you always tell every gal from start that you are married with kids as honesty is the best policy to avoid terrible disasters caused by the dishonesty on martial status.
Old 18-11-2019, 03:21 PM
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Re: How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type

Originally Posted by draftform View Post

Let me share my life experience. Hope you don't mind me writing in brief.

1. When I was 17 to 20 yo - what happened was girls will initiate most of the time. At that young age very inexperience but curious. No financial capability.

2. Age 21 to 30 yo, climbing corporate ladder and no time. Every weekend lie flat out after a week of virtually 80 hrs in office. Then girls will keep calling asking me to go out or come in to visit.

3. Age 31 to 40 yo, still climbing corporate and achieving wealth. More financial stability. Girls no longer calling and we have more time. End up going to spend more money looking for fun.

4. Age 41 to 50 yo, more financial stability and hair started to thin. More experience but find that time is important. Keen to pursue younger girls but found not so easy. Spend more money dating.

5. Age 51 to 60 yo, have more time and need to spend more money getting girls. No shortage of girls as long as willing to pay. Then found that sex drive decline rapidly. Still love to hug girls.

Anyway, above my short briefs.

Anyone care to comment.
Bro, tks for sharing your sexual history.

My own experience is very different.

I couldn't get any chio gals of my type when I was 17-20. Partly because I had mild social phobia n partly because I treated my type of gals as grand prizes.

I'm an ah pek now but my libido is as strong as when I was 20.

Originally Posted by qana View Post
Same experience here as well.

Thanks bro WB for an excellent thread.
Bro, tks.

Originally Posted by hoseiboh88 View Post
Applause!!!!!!!! Bro WB the man!!!!!
Bro, tks. You have made my day!

Originally Posted by CarelessPussy View Post
Great replies by bro WB, hope to learn more from you.

Tks, bro.

Originally Posted by HelplessGal View Post
Warbird, what do you think of this case :
Guess this guy thought that he is a prize to SYT gal.

It is good that you always tell every gal from start that you are married with kids as honesty is the best policy to avoid terrible disasters caused by the dishonesty on martial status.
Tks for your post.

The man had the right mental frame but, unfortunately, he chose the wrong girl. She is a psychopath.

The girl knew he was married. She even harassed his wife.

Cheers to all samsters,

Bro WB
Old 19-11-2019, 12:11 PM
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Re: How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type

Originally Posted by HelplessGal View Post
It is good that you always tell every gal from start that you are married with kids as honesty is the best policy to avoid terrible disasters caused by the dishonesty on martial status.
Dun bother to lie and just tell the ger the truth. You will be surprised the ger still agree to be with you even she knew the truth.

Even you tell her not married she also may not believe you.

Originally Posted by warbird View Post

The man had the right mental frame but, unfortunately, he chose the wrong girl. She is a psychopath.

The girl knew he was married. She even harassed his wife.

Cheers to all samsters,

Bro WB
bro WB

Tragedy happened once you chose wrong ger. I will not bother to let ger know too much about yourself if one was married. Best play in different country and not the same city. Just be responsible and don;t bother to lie.

Tell the ger take it or leave it.

Best is to the ger she can still fall in love and marry others if she wished. I had never worry any ger leave me.
Old 19-11-2019, 12:46 PM
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Re: How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type

Originally Posted by ussr088 View Post
Dun bother to lie and just tell the ger the truth. You will be surprised the ger still agree to be with you even she knew the truth.

Even you tell her not married she also may not believe you.
Fully agreed, do not lie.
Old 19-11-2019, 06:01 PM
jiachitstory jiachitstory is offline
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Re: How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type

Great thread here by bro WB, support x3
Old 19-11-2019, 10:30 PM
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Re: How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type

Originally Posted by ussr088 View Post
bro WB

Tragedy happened once you chose wrong ger. I will not bother to let ger know too much about yourself if one was married. Best play in different country and not the same city. Just be responsible and don;t bother to lie.

Tell the ger take it or leave it.

Best is to the ger she can still fall in love and marry others if she wished. I had never worry any ger leave me.
That's right, take it or leave it!
Old 20-11-2019, 12:28 PM
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Re: How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
Well said.

"Behind every beautiful woman, there is a guy sick of sleeping with her."

On the flip side, there may be another guy who is madly in love with her.
I fully agreed with Bro WB on this.

When a girl sleeping beside a guy and not fully satisfied, she will definitely seek satisfaction with other guys.

When I was cheonging in my middle age flying around regions, i get to see many different girls.

Once I was in Thailand and met a girl who later had the best sex in my life. She was definitely horny and deprived of orgasms. She had a bf but said her bf always ignored her request. So she seek pleasure elsewhere. Of course I don't mind and each time I flew in she will come over to my room.

Those days plenty of such incidents if you knew how to made yoruself as the PRIZE.

Cheers and thanks to your thread.
Old 20-11-2019, 01:55 PM
fowlmouth fowlmouth is offline
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Re: How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type

Originally Posted by linebacker View Post
I fully agreed with Bro WB on this.

When a girl sleeping beside a guy and not fully satisfied, she will definitely seek satisfaction with other guys.

When I was cheonging in my middle age flying around regions, i get to see many different girls.

Once I was in Thailand and met a girl who later had the best sex in my life. She was definitely horny and deprived of orgasms. She had a bf but said her bf always ignored her request. So she seek pleasure elsewhere. Of course I don't mind and each time I flew in she will come over to my room.

Those days plenty of such incidents if you knew how to made yoruself as the PRIZE.

Cheers and thanks to your thread.
Cannot disagree with the above.

I was in Vietnam and met 2 super chio girls. Asked them to tarma and they agreed. Both had bf but not sextisfied, gave them the best sex they ever had.

Thanks bro WB for a great thread.
Old 22-11-2019, 12:10 PM
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Re: How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type

Originally Posted by ussr088 View Post
Dun bother to lie and just tell the ger the truth. You will be surprised the ger still agree to be with you even she knew the truth.

Even you tell her not married she also may not believe you.​

bro WB​

Tragedy happened once you chose wrong ger. I will not bother to let ger know too much about yourself if one was married. Best play in different country and not the same city. Just be responsible and don;t bother to lie.​

Tell the ger take it or leave it.​

Best is to the ger she can still fall in love and marry others if she wished. I had never worry any ger leave me.

Bro, tks.

You have the right mental frames.

A man should never be afraid to lose a girl or woman. It's her big loss.

Originally Posted by wowkonnichi View Post
Fully agreed, do not lie.

Originally Posted by jiachitstory View Post
Great thread here by bro WB, support x3

Bro, tks so much.

Originally Posted by FollowAss View Post
That's right, take it or leave it!


Originally Posted by linebacker View Post
I fully agreed with Bro WB on this.​

When a girl sleeping beside a guy and not fully satisfied, she will definitely seek satisfaction with other guys.​

When I was cheonging in my middle age flying around regions, i get to see many different girls. ​

Once I was in Thailand and met a girl who later had the best sex in my life. She was definitely horny and deprived of orgasms. She had a bf but said her bf always ignored her request. So she seek pleasure elsewhere. Of course I don't mind and each time I flew in she will come over to my room.​

Those days plenty of such incidents if you knew how to made yoruself as the PRIZE.​

Cheers and thanks to your thread.

Bro, tks for sharing

Originally Posted by fowlmouth View Post
Cannot disagree with the above.​

I was in Vietnam and met 2 super chio girls. Asked them to tarma and they agreed. Both had bf but not sextisfied, gave them the best sex they ever had.​

Thanks bro WB for a great thread.

Bro, tks.

You're doing very well.

Cheers to all samsters.

Bro WB


Good morning!

The irony is that if a man starts to care too much for a girl or be fearful of losing her, the girl will gradually come to despise him. She is often confused n frustrated because she should like or love him more, but she can't. Put it in another way, she consciously very much wants to like or love him more, but subconsciously she despises him and finds him repulsive. The outcome is always misery for both parties.

I received the following from guru Carlos Xuma 2-3 days ago:

3 Ways To Avoid The Friend Zone

Carlos Xuma
Nov 20, 2019, 4:22 AM (2 days ago)

to me

I've got a little guest article for
you today. My good friend Marni Kynris
from the Wing Girl Method wants to tell
you about 3 Ways To Avoid The Friend

AND I've got something special when you
get to the very end...

Here's Marni: *** I am sure you have
experienced "The Friend Zone" at least
once in your life and understand that it
is a very difficult place to maneuver
your way out of.

The Friend Zone occurs when a person you
want to be intimate with, has labeled
you as Just A Friend. Awful right?

First let's talk about the WHY you are
in the Friend Zone or have a habit of
being placed there. Reasons may include:

1. Being too nice, too sweet, too
accommodating and constantly agreeing
"Oh, yeah, exactly, totally, I
completely agree."

2. Over complimenting

3. Being too eager

4. She has a boyfriend

5. Not all people are going to be
attracted to you

6. You have not set up boundaries for
what you will/will not accept

But the most common reason you are going
to get put in the Friend Zone is because
you are not demanding to be in any other

I am going to tell you exactly what you
need to not only avoid the friend zone
but also get out of it if you are
currently stuck!

You Need To Have:

1. Self Respect - The belief that you
are worthy of great things 2. Confidence
- The belief you will get what you want
3. Ability To Be Direct

1. Self Respect

Those with little to no self-respect for
themselves typically end up in the
Friend Zone for nearly all of their
lives. This is because they are unable
to believe that they are worthy of great

Until they are able to believe that they
deserve great things they will not be
able to ask for anything.

Try listing 5 awesome things about
yourself. Don't be shy be honest.

These 5 things are reasons that you
deserve respect, especially from
yourself. Once you respect yourself
others will follow.

2. Confidence

Once you can understand and BELIEVE that
you are worthy of great things the next
step is to believe that you can get what
you want. That means if you see a woman
you want to be with you, there needs to
be a belief that you will get her.

Again, if you don't believe it how is
she going to believe it?

3. Ability To Be Direct

This is the physical part of the
process. Once you believe that you are
awesome and that others will think you
are awesome as well, you have to figure
out how to approach them to ask for what
you want.

What you want is not the Friend Zone but
intimacy, love, sex, relationship,
dating. So ask for it, believe you're
worthy of getting it and be okay if you

No more beating around the bush and
waiting for the perfect moment. That is
putting your wants in someone else's
control. Take control, be direct and ask
for what you want.

For example, instead of asking "What are
you up to this weekend?" say "I want to
take you out this weekend." Direct. Yes
or No. Then you know and you can choose
how you want to move forward.

Once you work on the 3 things that I've
listed and you're able to own these
attributes and put them to practice, I
guarantee you will never find yourself
remotely close to the friend zone ever

*** Thanks, Marni! Great stuff...

Carlos Xuma
Old 22-11-2019, 08:56 PM
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Re: How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type

Great share bro WB. Have a good weekend!
Old 23-11-2019, 03:05 PM
loandbehold loandbehold is offline
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Re: How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type

Originally Posted by warbird View Post

I received the following from guru Carlos Xuma 2-3 days ago:

3 Ways To Avoid The Friend Zone

The Friend Zone occurs when a person you want to be intimate with, has labeled you as Just A Friend. Awful right?

First let's talk about the WHY you are in the Friend Zone or have a habit of being placed there. Reasons may include:

1. Being too nice, too sweet, too accommodating and constantly agreeing
"Oh, yeah, exactly, totally, I completely agree."

2. Over complimenting

3. Being too eager

4. She has a boyfriend

5. Not all people are going to be attracted to you

6. You have not set up boundaries for what you will/will not accept

But the most common reason you are going to get put in the Friend Zone is because you are not demanding to be in any other zone.
Bro WB

The above happened all the time. All the above 6 points were common mistakes...if you made any of the above already a mistake.

If she has a bf, doesn't mean to say she is not available. She may be waiting to dump her bf to look for other option.

Her bf may not satisfied her sexually and she was going to find alternatives. Never be afraid to keep in view such girl.

The rest of the points were obvious.

Thank you for sharing.
Old 23-11-2019, 03:12 PM
DuckPresco DuckPresco is offline
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Re: How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type

Originally Posted by loandbehold View Post
Bro WB

The above happened all the time. All the above 6 points were common mistakes...if you made any of the above already a mistake.

If she has a bf, doesn't mean to say she is not available. She may be waiting to dump her bf to look for other option.

Her bf may not satisfied her sexually and she was going to find alternatives. Never be afraid to keep in view such girl.

The rest of the points were obvious.

Thank you for sharing.
Agreed, very common mistakes.

Hope to learn more from bro WB.

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