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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 06-12-2011, 08:34 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Anybody out for an adventure tonight, I could use some company
Old 07-12-2011, 11:07 AM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by OsamaBinLaden View Post

wwaahhh... agree agree...!!! effort and money spent leh... LOTS OF EFFORT... and EVEN MORE $$$$$$...!!!

trial and error... until find a good one... the one nite wif bro inluv07 already try and error few places...

and yet some bros expect to join juz like dat...?!?!

this world already got no free lunches... free services even harder to find woh...
Maybe we can release the list by area with nominal fee to support more recce? Wad say u?
Old 07-12-2011, 11:31 AM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by ilovejuagen View Post
Maybe we can release the list by area with nominal fee to support more recce? Wad say u?

good idea indeed... some bros especially newbies are so lazy to recce and expect other bros to recce and spoon feed them wif good info...

well... if u r lazy... at least support those who wanna recce by giving us a nominal fee... at least to cover our own beers... and maybe a bit of the LDs as well...
I am Osama Bin Laden... and I HATE NEWBIES WHO JUZ ASKIN CONTACTS..!! Do I have to say more..?!?!

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Old 07-12-2011, 02:51 PM
ibiza79 ibiza79 is offline
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Agreed with the feedback given. Shall post more frs from recee.

Recee viet pub yesterday but all the viet pubs were damn packed. So went down to psc for some good ole pinay action. Went in a small pub with only 2 cust hidding beside entrance, the ladies all sitting near entrance. Straight away got 2 ladies flank me and sat me down. Waved one away and chose the slimmer chio-er one, the other got bigger headlights though.

Action started once the lds are bought. Rubba rubba, tune radio, then the previous gal with the big headlights came and sit beside. Best is she order a plate of sandwich then gesture to me ask me to pay. ,€*%?{+€*¥@&$. At first though offer me to eat. Haha. Call me cheapo. Thereafter the rubba more hiong so bought a 2nd ld and even got a hj. Then she try to get me 2 buy lds for the big boobs gal and another lady by saying she need cover. Rejected her and continued to rubba with the first one. Happy times pass fast and soon she finished her ld and im out of dough. Took their numbers and 'promised' them i'll be back soon for them to make me cum.

Update on PSC. Asked the 2gals i'm with and they said they'll be shifting next yr to OT, at least for this pub i went 2. Was walking roxy sq the other day. Seems to have some pubs on the grd flr oso. It may be a potential psc backup. Can the more lau jiao bros advise?
Old 07-12-2011, 03:30 PM
limborock limborock is offline
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by ibiza79 View Post
Agreed with the feedback given. Shall post more frs from recee.

Recee viet pub yesterday but all the viet pubs were damn packed. So went down to psc for some good ole pinay action. Went in a small pub with only 2 cust hidding beside entrance, the ladies all sitting near entrance. Straight away got 2 ladies flank me and sat me down. Waved one away and chose the slimmer chio-er one, the other got bigger headlights though.

Action started once the lds are bought. Rubba rubba, tune radio, then the previous gal with the big headlights came and sit beside. Best is she order a plate of sandwich then gesture to me ask me to pay. ,€*%?{+€*¥@&$. At first though offer me to eat. Haha. Call me cheapo. Thereafter the rubba more hiong so bought a 2nd ld and even got a hj. Then she try to get me 2 buy lds for the big boobs gal and another lady by saying she need cover. Rejected her and continued to rubba with the first one. Happy times pass fast and soon she finished her ld and im out of dough. Took their numbers and 'promised' them i'll be back soon for them to make me cum.

Update on PSC. Asked the 2gals i'm with and they said they'll be shifting next yr to OT, at least for this pub i went 2. Was walking roxy sq the other day. Seems to have some pubs on the grd flr oso. It may be a potential psc backup. Can the more lau jiao bros advise?
u wont get anything like PSC in RS.. only 4 pinay pubs in RS and nothing compared to PSC. a bit tone down and more like companionship pubs.

and abt PSC closing down, it has been a long time since this was 1st mentioned. The place has been en bloc, however actual date, no one knows yet. Many specualtions but im guessing really soon. As long as the hotel is still in service, so will the remaining pubs there.

This pub u went to, either S****Z*** or S***** ? since u mentioned the gerls will be shifting to OT..
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Old 07-12-2011, 04:27 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by limborock View Post
u wont get anything like PSC in RS.. only 4 pinay pubs in RS and nothing compared to PSC. a bit tone down and more like companionship pubs.

and abt PSC closing down, it has been a long time since this was 1st mentioned. The place has been en bloc, however actual date, no one knows yet. Many specualtions but im guessing really soon. As long as the hotel is still in service, so will the remaining pubs there.

This pub u went to, either S****Z*** or S***** ? since u mentioned the gerls will be shifting to OT..

wah bro... u really know your stuff... even know which pub is heading to where...

yeah... RS is way toned down as compared to PSC... personally i like to hang out at RS juz to drink karaoke and shoot some pool... plus get close to some pinays and get action outside of their work...

PSC used to frequent one pub where "anything goes"... too bad closed down liao... long ago... theres no better pub than this one... got a BBBJ CIM in dat one... while my fren managed to do a full FJ... all happening in the pub itself...

now in PSC also i tend to go to the more toned down ones... aiyah... getting old liao lah... in fact i am at either one of these two almost every nite... any bros who r around the area drop me an sms... hehee...

about the en bloc... yeah... latest i heard is the delivery of vacant possession is end-january 2012... for bros who not sure of real estate terminology... dat means the owners have to hand over the units to the developer...
I am Osama Bin Laden... and I HATE NEWBIES WHO JUZ ASKIN CONTACTS..!! Do I have to say more..?!?!

To all bros who up me... THANKS...!!! I will up you as soon as I can... (please tell me your latest posting)
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Old 07-12-2011, 04:58 PM
ibiza79 ibiza79 is offline
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by limborock View Post
u wont get anything like PSC in RS.. only 4 pinay pubs in RS and nothing compared to PSC. a bit tone down and more like companionship pubs.

and abt PSC closing down, it has been a long time since this was 1st mentioned. The place has been en bloc, however actual date, no one knows yet. Many specualtions but im guessing really soon. As long as the hotel is still in service, so will the remaining pubs there.

This pub u went to, either S****Z*** or S***** ? since u mentioned the gerls will be shifting to OT..
If my memories serve me well, shld be s*****. L shaped bar counter inside. Agree with osama u really power. Liddat also can remember.

Bro osama, i been to one pub in bq area think u may like. Low action but they off every sun
Old 08-12-2011, 12:07 AM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Hey all,

I went to visit psc after a long time almost over nine months, was amazed that the place is still open and all the pubs (j******, s****z****) still in operation. Anyways, on my way in outside J*******, I found a familiar face, a girl who I sat twice with long back. So she also recognized me and I called her using the nick name that i used to call her, and she was surprised that I still remember that name. Then I spent the entire evening with her till 12.30 AM disscussing her vacation stories.

I felt that the playability these days are very much reduced, also most of the places have aged girls compared to the old times. I don't know if it is just me or for everyone. The girls in sz did not look good very good, when I checked them on my way to get my cig pack.

On a side note, she mentioned that one of the boutique shops there got the official letter to vacate the place, so I guess its just going to be a matter of time.

Miss those old days, spring bar , classmates in tpj
Old 08-12-2011, 12:09 AM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by OsamaBinLaden View Post

now in PSC also i tend to go to the more toned down ones... aiyah... getting old liao lah... in fact i am at either one of these two almost every nite... any bros who r around the area drop me an sms... hehee...

there is a very good chance that you were there in psc when i was there . sigh
Old 08-12-2011, 12:12 AM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

btw, any bro gone to e***s at bq area recently, i used to go there when i was actively going out, is this place still wild as before ?
Old 08-12-2011, 12:59 AM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Hey Bros,

AM A big Pinoy Lover here!
Used to go to PSC, but now all like cannot play?

Where are all the new places to go?
same rules apply?

Will appreciate of any bro could pm me, or we can go together?
Old 08-12-2011, 04:28 AM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by butters View Post
Hey all,

I went to visit psc after a long time almost over nine months, was amazed that the place is still open and all the pubs (j******, s****z****) still in operation. Anyways, on my way in outside J*******, I found a familiar face, a girl who I sat twice with long back. So she also recognized me and I called her using the nick name that i used to call her, and she was surprised that I still remember that name. Then I spent the entire evening with her till 12.30 AM disscussing her vacation stories.

I felt that the playability these days are very much reduced, also most of the places have aged girls compared to the old times. I don't know if it is just me or for everyone. The girls in sz did not look good very good, when I checked them on my way to get my cig pack.

On a side note, she mentioned that one of the boutique shops there got the official letter to vacate the place, so I guess its just going to be a matter of time.

Miss those old days, spring bar , classmates in tpj
J****** is a 3 unit pub and agree that it used to be much better in terms of quality of the babes. Iirc, used to have live band too. Anyway, homeground was the wildest there IMO last time.

Originally Posted by ibiza79 View Post
If my memories serve me well, shld be s*****. L shaped bar counter inside. Agree with osama u really power. Liddat also can remember.

Bro osama, i been to one pub in bq area think u may like. Low action but they off every sun
There is one particular babe who i think is really pretty there. On weekends, after the pub closes, all gerls will proceed to P***** P**** at OT to carry on work there. Same mgmt. So if its a bit too late to go PSC, then u can always proceed to OT if u wanna catch yr gerl.

BQ area which pub we talking abt here?

Originally Posted by butters View Post
btw, any bro gone to e***s at bq area recently, i used to go there when i was actively going out, is this place still wild as before ?
Yes it is still as wild as ever. Better still, proceed to either of the 4 vip rooms on the 2nd lvl for better action. Since u been there b4, im sure u know LDs there starts at 50 and normally u will spend to 100-150 b4 u cum. But its definitely thrilling there.
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Old 08-12-2011, 04:47 AM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by butters View Post

Miss those old days, spring bar , classmates in tpj
Originally Posted by butters View Post
btw, any bro gone to e***s at bq area recently, i used to go there when i was actively going out, is this place still wild as before ?
Nothing important, but for knowledge sake, the old Spring bar at TP and e**** at BQ same mgmt... So if u got a long lost gerl or fb from spring, then can try look at e****.

Originally Posted by Scout View Post
Hey Bros,

AM A big Pinoy Lover here!
Used to go to PSC, but now all like cannot play?

Where are all the new places to go?
same rules apply?

Will appreciate of any bro could pm me, or we can go together?
What kind of action and what rules u refering to?

If u have the dough, there are many places that u can play and have a happy ending.
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Old 08-12-2011, 12:06 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by limborock View Post
J****** is a 3 unit pub and agree that it used to be much better in terms of quality of the babes. Iirc, used to have live band too. Anyway, homeground was the wildest there IMO last time.

There is one particular babe who i think is really pretty there. On weekends, after the pub closes, all gerls will proceed to P***** P**** at OT to carry on work there. Same mgmt. So if its a bit too late to go PSC, then u can always proceed to OT if u wanna catch yr gerl.

BQ area which pub we talking abt here?
There is this P*** P*** which i been to a few times. Got pool, karaoke and 1-2 gers tat i heard the voice damn powerz. I sat with one a few times that worked in jap last time, and another one that went back ph le. Action low to medium. Went there just for the pool and pinay company. Some of their pool skills quite steady also. Otherwise is me lousy. Haha.
Old 08-12-2011, 12:52 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

back to old days, every trip to psc, never miss Ab__.
Its closed now n forever, I think. Its hardcore type.
The most I got to was to shoot in the panties while
circling around the clit. Did not manage to get in.
hahaha. Felt bad as she got to rush to clean up.
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